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Pollution Pollution Pollution
Pollution in P2P file-sharing Pollution is dirtying of the environment. * Air pollution: Cigarette smoke, vehicle smoke, factory smoke * Water pollution: sewage, Industrial waste * Land Pollution: landfills, garbage dumps Pollution is an episode of SpongeBob SquarePants. The United States drops a nucelar bomb on Bikini Atoll. Later people get mad at Sandy Cheeks for being an American. Pollution is the release of chemical, physical, biological or radioactive contaminals of the enviroment. The most important forms of pollution are the air pollution, so the release of chemicals and particulars into the athosphere and the water pollution. The most important source of air pollution is motor vehicle emission. The leading countries in air pollution emissions are the US, Russia, China and Japan. A side effect of the air pollution is the Greenhouse Effect, first discovered by Joseph Fourrier in 1824. Pollution was the insertion toxic or otherwise non-native materials into an ecosystem. Spock was able to confirm the arrival of the HMS Bounty in the late 20th century due to the high pollution content of the atmosphere. (Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home) The Tagrans of Tagra IV requested assistance from the United Federation of Planets to help repair the ecological damage to their homeworld caused by pollution. (TNG: "True Q" ) The technologically-advanced race of Ledos was found to be polluting the area of a more primitive species that was their genetic ancestors, the Ventu. (VOY: "Natural Law") Pollution was the contamination of the environment by harmful substances, usually caused by industrial activity. Earth's Industrial Revolution prompted the pollution of the planet by humanity. Chemical and industrial waste had a detrimental effect on the air and the rivers. (TV: Invasion of the Dinosaurs) In 2137, the corporations successfully lobbied for the repeal of anti‐​pollution laws. (PROSE: Lucifer Rising) In the 25th century, Earth was heavily polluted. (TV: Colony in Space) In the 52nd century, Earth no longer had winters, due to pollution. (PROSE: The Frozen) Pollution has the ability to sink large structures and even citizens of Isle Defino. Also, if Mario stands in the pollution for too long, then he will start slowly lose HP. Mario can wash away the pollution using FLUDD. There is actually different types of pollution: Just as in real-life cities of today, Pollution becomes a problem to advanced cities in civilization games. Certain buildings and nuclear weapons, or just excessive production, will make pollution. When pollution overflows in a city, it can create a pool of pollution, making one square of resources less productive until the mess is cleaned up by a worker. Air pollution is caused by dirty and manufacturing industries, certain power plants (such as coal and oil), traffic, and airports. It makes it hard for the Sims to breathe and deters them from developing in polluted zones. Pollution is defined as "an undesirable state of the natural environment being contaminated with harmful substances as a consequence of human activities." These activities sometimes vary greatly from each other. They include: pooping, jizzing, littering, burning things (including cigarettes), spitting, farting, and most of all, being fat. Doctor Pelagian was an eco-terrorist who was in fierce combat against pollution. He targeted three corporations: the Fenwick Corporation, Hutchinson Oil and the Caraway energy-generating plant. Those three companies were subject to such an assault due to the fact that Pelagian realized that they were not interested in sitting down with him and talking about what to do to solve the problem of pollution. And furthermore, they were contributing to the problem, as their factories were polluting the Earth, particularly the water in the oceans. Pelagian referred to humans as "the plague," the very cause of pollution, and he felt they must be stopped. In September, 2006, Pennsylvania is getting closer to adopting new, more strict pollution standards for cars. The new requirements would put the state close to those adopted by California. Governor Rendell says he supports measures that would make cars cleaner. Pollution is bad. Pollution in Water kills plants, fishes and other wildlife. Water pollution also damages the health of people who drink the water or who eat crops, fish or animals which have been exposed to polluted water. Poor Third World people sometimes only have polluted water to drink. Air pollution harms humans and animals which breath polluted air and may even affect plants. Soil pollution affects crops grown in the soil, animals eating plants like grass in polluted fields and any Human who eats the crops or meat and milk products affected by polluted soil. Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into the natural environment that cause adverse change. Pollution can take the form of chemical substances or energy, such as noise, heat or light. Pollutants, the components of pollution, can be either foreign substances/energies or naturally occurring contaminants. Pollution is often classed as point source or nonpoint source pollution. Pollution is the ultimate result of human civilization. Since we discovered fire in the stone age, we have been polluting the environment. But how far will this go? Pollution occurs when a nation's Air Quality dips below 30%. Pollution lowers the average Lifespan of citizens in the nation by 24% to 30%, which can reduce Productivity and the nation's GDP. In addition, pollution can hurt a president's chances of getting re-elected, as it simultaneously reduces environmentalist relations by up to 40% and encourages others to join their ranks. Smoke and smog are terrible things. Smoke is a cloud of burning objects or the factory that uses fire and makes certain materials. Anyway the point is that too much of that can mix with the air and with the precipitation it may cause acid rain and holes in the ozone layer. If that ever happens then the sun's U.V. rays will burn us all. Pollution is the addition of something to an ecosystem that damages the living organisms in it. Pollution is a harmful by-product of industrial buildings and residential housing. The longer a building is in place, the more pollution it releases into the environment. Pollution is the release of harmful environmental contaminants, or the substances so released. Generally the process needs to result from human activity to be regarded as pollution. Even relatively benign products of human activity are liable to be regarded as pollution, if they precipitate negative effects later on. The nitrogen oxides produced by industry are often referred to as pollution, for example, although the substances themselves are not harmful. In fact, it is solar energy (sunlight) that converts these compounds to smog.
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None under Despotism; under other governments, pollution builds up if the number of material resources being extracted is greater than the population number.
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Pollution is an episode of SpongeBob SquarePants. The United States drops a nucelar bomb on Bikini Atoll. Later people get mad at Sandy Cheeks for being an American. Pollution in P2P file-sharing Just as in real-life cities of today, Pollution becomes a problem to advanced cities in civilization games. Certain buildings and nuclear weapons, or just excessive production, will make pollution. When pollution overflows in a city, it can create a pool of pollution, making one square of resources less productive until the mess is cleaned up by a worker. Pollution is bad. Pollution in Water kills plants, fishes and other wildlife. Water pollution also damages the health of people who drink the water or who eat crops, fish or animals which have been exposed to polluted water. Poor Third World people sometimes only have polluted water to drink. Air pollution harms humans and animals which breath polluted air and may even affect plants. Soil pollution affects crops grown in the soil, animals eating plants like grass in polluted fields and any Human who eats the crops or meat and milk products affected by polluted soil. Also if you can avoid it, don't buy from companies like Monsanto that pollute the Earth in any way. Doctor Pelagian was an eco-terrorist who was in fierce combat against pollution. He targeted three corporations: the Fenwick Corporation, Hutchinson Oil and the Caraway energy-generating plant. Those three companies were subject to such an assault due to the fact that Pelagian realized that they were not interested in sitting down with him and talking about what to do to solve the problem of pollution. And furthermore, they were contributing to the problem, as their factories were polluting the Earth, particularly the water in the oceans. Pelagian referred to humans as "the plague," the very cause of pollution, and he felt they must be stopped. The planet Solar Terrarium was dropping in temperature due to pollution. The Super Friends traveled to the planet and did a quick but massive clean-up. The Krim family was a family of Balunians that had to leave their homeworld Balunia behind, because its' atmosphere had became polluted. They took their small spacecraft and headed for Earth, making it a new home for themselves. Pollution is dirtying of the environment. * Air pollution: Cigarette smoke, vehicle smoke, factory smoke * Water pollution: sewage, Industrial waste * Land Pollution: landfills, garbage dumps Pollution is a harmful by-product of industrial buildings and residential housing. The longer a building is in place, the more pollution it releases into the environment. Pollution is the release of chemical, physical, biological or radioactive contaminals of the enviroment. The most important forms of pollution are the air pollution, so the release of chemicals and particulars into the athosphere and the water pollution. The most important source of air pollution is motor vehicle emission. The leading countries in air pollution emissions are the US, Russia, China and Japan. A side effect of the air pollution is the Greenhouse Effect, first discovered by Joseph Fourrier in 1824. The Greenhouse Effect is the process by which an atmosphere warms a planet. The earth receives an enormous amount of solar radiation. Allmost all solar radiation is reflected by the atmosphere and leaves the planet again. The rest of the solar radiation gets trough the atmosphere. Because of the air pollution the solar radiation can't get outside the atmosphere again. In response,Earth's surface warms up. And this is a very big problem, because it changes not only the temperature but also the wather and other things that are important for our live, like melting the Polar ice. This would initiate, that many islands would be razed from the map (?). Smoke and smog are terrible things. Smoke is a cloud of burning objects or the factory that uses fire and makes certain materials. Anyway the point is that too much of that can mix with the air and with the precipitation it may cause acid rain and holes in the ozone layer. If that ever happens then the sun's U.V. rays will burn us all. Pollution has the ability to sink large structures and even citizens of Isle Defino. Also, if Mario stands in the pollution for too long, then he will start slowly lose HP. Mario can wash away the pollution using FLUDD. There is actually different types of pollution: * Regular: The most common goop. It is usually brown, orange, and black in color. * Fire: Goop that only appears in Pianta Village. Mario gets burned if he touches this goop. * Electric: Goop that only appears in Serina Beach. It is yellow and green in color and must be sprayed or avoided. * Water Pollution: Pollution that appears on a few levels mainly in Noki Bay. This pollution is very dangerous as Mario quickly loses HP the more he stays in it. * Letter Graffiti: This is a special type of pollution that is usually found on the walls on levels.There is three kinds of them: "M," "X," and "O". The 'M" is mainly red in color and after Mario sprays away this graffiti, he earns a Blue Coin. After spraying the "O" or "X" letters, then he has a certain time to get to the location of the other letter to earn a Blue Coin. Pollution is the release of harmful environmental contaminants, or the substances so released. Generally the process needs to result from human activity to be regarded as pollution. Even relatively benign products of human activity are liable to be regarded as pollution, if they precipitate negative effects later on. The nitrogen oxides produced by industry are often referred to as pollution, for example, although the substances themselves are not harmful. In fact, it is solar energy (sunlight) that converts these compounds to smog. Pollution can take two major forms: local pollution and global pollution. In the past, only local pollution was thought to be a problem. For example, coal burning produces smoke, which in sufficient concentrations can be a health hazard. One slogan, taught in schools, was "The solution to pollution is dilution". The theory was that sufficiently diluted pollution could cause no damage. In recent decades, awareness has been rising that some forms of pollution pose a global problem. For example, human activity (primarily nuclear testing) has significantly raised the levels of background radiation all over the world, which may lead to human health problems. Awareness of both kinds of pollution, among other things, has led to the environmentalism movement, which seeks to limit the human impact on the environment. Whether something is pollution can depend on context. Blooms of algae and the resultant eutrophication of lakes and coastal ocean is considered pollution when it is fueled by nutrients from industrial, agricultural, or residential runoff. Carbon dioxide emissions are sometimes referred to as pollution, on the basis that these emissions have led, or are leading, to raised levels of the gas in the atmosphere and, furthermore, to harmful changes in the Earth's climate. Such claims are strongly disputed, particularly by political conservatives in Western countries and most strongly in the United States. Due to this controversy, in many contexts carbon dioxide from such sources are labelled neutrally as "emissions." See global warming for a very extensive discussion of this topic. Traditional forms of pollution include air pollution, water pollution, and radioactive contamination while a broader interpretation of the word has led to the ideas of ship pollution, light pollution and noise pollution. Serious pollution sources include chemical plants, oil refineries, nuclear waste dumps, regular garbage dumps (many toxic substances are illegally dumped there), incinerators, PVC factories, car factories, plastics factories, corporate animal farms creating huge amounts of animal waste. Some sources of pollution, such as nuclear power plants or oil tankers, can release very severe pollution when accidents occur. Some of the more common contaminants are: chlorinated hydrocarbons (CFH), heavy metals like lead (in lead paint and until recently in gasoline), cadmium (in rechargeable batteries), chromium, zinc, arsenic and benzene. Pollutants are thought to play a part in a variety of maladies, including: cancer, lupus, immune diseases, allergies, and asthma. Some illnesses are named in relation with certain pollutants: for example, Minamata disease caused by mercury compounds. Pollution was the insertion toxic or otherwise non-native materials into an ecosystem. Spock was able to confirm the arrival of the HMS Bounty in the late 20th century due to the high pollution content of the atmosphere. (Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home) The Tagrans of Tagra IV requested assistance from the United Federation of Planets to help repair the ecological damage to their homeworld caused by pollution. (TNG: "True Q" ) The technologically-advanced race of Ledos was found to be polluting the area of a more primitive species that was their genetic ancestors, the Ventu. (VOY: "Natural Law") The Malons built an entire industry devoted to the disposal of industrial byproducts such as antimatter waste. This hazardous waste was dumped into open space. (VOY: "Night") Pollution is the addition of something to an ecosystem that damages the living organisms in it. In September, 2006, Pennsylvania is getting closer to adopting new, more strict pollution standards for cars. The new requirements would put the state close to those adopted by California. Governor Rendell says he supports measures that would make cars cleaner. Pollution occurs when a nation's Air Quality dips below 30%. Pollution lowers the average Lifespan of citizens in the nation by 24% to 30%, which can reduce Productivity and the nation's GDP. In addition, pollution can hurt a president's chances of getting re-elected, as it simultaneously reduces environmentalist relations by up to 40% and encourages others to join their ranks. Pollution was the contamination of the environment by harmful substances, usually caused by industrial activity. Earth's Industrial Revolution prompted the pollution of the planet by humanity. Chemical and industrial waste had a detrimental effect on the air and the rivers. (TV: Invasion of the Dinosaurs) In the 1970s, a rise in ecological consciousness produced several anti-pollution activists. Clifford Jones protested the opening of the Global Chemicals oil refinery in Llanfairfach, which was later found to be dumping lethal toxic waste into the abandoned coal mine and was shut down. (TV: The Green Death) Sir Charles Grover formed Operation Golden Age to return Earth to its pre-industrial state. (TV: Invasion of the Dinosaurs) Professor J. P. Kettlewell developed pollution-free technologies such as a solar battery and a metal virus that would break down metal waste into easily recyclable form. (TV: Robot) In the early 21st century, industrial pollution was so severe that the planet was reaching the point of no return. The Butler Institute planned to save humanity from the environmental collapse by uploading copies of their minds into computers. The Seventh Doctor and Ace put a stop to this, forcing the world's business corporations to instead fund a massive environmental clean-up program. (PROSE: Cat's Cradle: Warhead) By 2050, pollution had made Britain on average three degrees warmer that it had been in the Middle Ages, and all the oak trees and birches had been cut down or died out. (TV: The Last Oak Tree) That year, Inspector Drake polluted the River Thames with chenium, but this was cleaned up by the Medes. (TV: Alien Avatar) In 2137, the corporations successfully lobbied for the repeal of anti‐​pollution laws. (PROSE: Lucifer Rising) In the 25th century, Earth was heavily polluted. (TV: Colony in Space) By the 26th century, the oceans had been polluted, irradiated, set on fire and boiled off into a thick sludge. (PROSE: Ship of Fools) In the 30th century, Earth was heavily polluted, with most of the population living in Overcities. (TV: The Mutants, PROSE: Original Sin) In the 52nd century, Earth no longer had winters, due to pollution. (PROSE: The Frozen) In the year 500000, Earth was so polluted that its surface was just a chemical slime. (TV: The Curse of Fenric) In the far future, the planet Endpoint was heavily polluted due to being used as a waste dumping ground by the inhabitants of its system. (PROSE: Hope) Air pollution is caused by dirty and manufacturing industries, certain power plants (such as coal and oil), traffic, and airports. It makes it hard for the Sims to breathe and deters them from developing in polluted zones. Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into the natural environment that cause adverse change. Pollution can take the form of chemical substances or energy, such as noise, heat or light. Pollutants, the components of pollution, can be either foreign substances/energies or naturally occurring contaminants. Pollution is often classed as point source or nonpoint source pollution. Pollution is the ultimate result of human civilization. Since we discovered fire in the stone age, we have been polluting the environment. But how far will this go? Pollution is defined as "an undesirable state of the natural environment being contaminated with harmful substances as a consequence of human activities." These activities sometimes vary greatly from each other. They include: pooping, jizzing, littering, burning things (including cigarettes), spitting, farting, and most of all, being fat.