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Matthew Murdock (Earth-1010)
For a "normal" human, Matt has demonstrated remarkable physical strength. Daredevil is an Olympic-level weightlifter and possesses the normal human strength of a man of his age, height, and build that exercises intensively and regularly. Matt has demonstrated that he can lift and handle a 400 lbs. barbell as though it were fifty pounds, has overturned a limo full of people, and has picked up and used a mail drop-box as a blunt instrument. At his peak, Daredevil possesses sufficient strength to press lift approximately 450 lbs.
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Hell's Kitchen, New York City, New York
Early Life Matt Murdock lived with his father, a washed-up boxer named Jack Murdock. Jack consistently urged his young son to study hard and make something of himself, so Matt would not end up like him. When Jack returned from boxing matches, Matt would stitch his injuries. During one of these sessions, Jack allowed Matthew to have a drink of scotch, to keep a steady hand. He stayed awake at night listening to sirens, trying to know what they were, creating stories for them. Blinded When he was nine years old, Murdock saved an elderly man from being hit by a RAND Oil & Chemicals truck, causing an accident. Hazardous chemicals from the flipped truck splashed on his face and as they were absorbed into his eyes, Murdock was blinded. The last sight he had was of his father trying to comfort him during the multiple car accident. He screamed in pain and fear when he realized he would never see again. He woke up in the hospital where he found he could hear every sound in the nearby area, causing him pain. His father tried desperately to comfort him. He let his son touch his face so he could recognize that it was him, which seemed to calm him down. Over the next few months, Murdock learned to read Braille and began to control his heightened senses. His father continued to work as a boxer despite losing almost all his fights. One day he returned home while Murdock was reading in Braille with severe bruises on his face. He let Matt touch his face and made him promise not to be a boxer like him. One day, while Matt was reading in Fogwell's Gym, he overheard his father being offered money to lose his upcoming fight with Carl Creel. Matt listened to his father's fight with Carl Creel on the television and cheered when his father overcame the odds and won the match. He waited at home for his father's return but became worried when he did not arrive. Murdock ran to Fogwell's Gym and was stopped by a police officer. Murdock managed to push his way past the officer and found his father lying on the street having been murdered by local mobsters. Murdock fell to his knees and begged his father to wake up before crying over his father's lifeless body. Trained by Stick When his mother failed to take care of him after his father's death, Murdock was moved to Saint Agnes Orphanage. While there he continued to suffer with his enhanced senses. While at the Orphanage, Murdock was visited by an old blind man named Stick. Stick knew that Murdock's other senses had been heightened and took him outside for ice cream. While they sat together, Stick asked Murdock what he could understand about nearby people just from listening to them. Stick promised to train Murdock to control and master his "gift". Murdock kept the wrapper from his ice cream, planning on giving it to Stick as a present. Stick began a harsh training regime with Murdock, often pushing an emotional response from him to teach him to control his anger. Over the next few months and years, Murdock became a powerful fighter with almost complete control of his blindness. During one of their training sessions, Murdock gave Stick the wrapper from his ice cream, having made it into a bracelet. Stick crushed it in his hand and told him he could no longer train him. Stick left and Murdock would not see him again for many years. Law School In his early twenties, Murdock gained a place at Columbia University Law School. He arrived in his room and introduced himself to his new roommate Foggy Nelson. Nelson had heard of Murdock, as he remembered what had happened to him as a child. Murdock and Nelson immediately made a strong relationship and Nelson often joked about his blindness while Murdock would tease Nelson about many of his poor life choices, such as he decision to join a course studying Punjabi simply to get close to a girl. Escapades with Elektra Nelson and Murdock decided to crash a debutant's ball, through the kitchen, where they were welcomed by the disgruntled waiters. Later, Murdock decided to check out the living quarters of the party, where he sensed a very attractive woman. Before he could meet her, he was approached by one of the bodyguards, who discovered that he was a crasher. However, before he could kick Murdock out, the woman, Elektra Natchios, declared that he was with her. During their conversation, Natchios assumed Murdock to be weak and foolish, by judging his wing-tipped shoes, where as Murdock countered her assumptions by detecting that she was a bored, rich girl who wanted excitement, all by perceiving why she stopped the bodyguard from kicking him out. Natchios stole an expensive car and Murdock left the party with her. In the following days, Natchios and Murdock broke into Fogwell's Gym where Natchios jokingly fought him to figure out that Murdock was not exactly blind, and they had first a small fight and then a sexual intercourse. As they strengthened their relationship, Natchios took Murdock to a mansion that she claimed belonged to an associate of her father. However, it was a setup by Natchios to make Murdock confront Roscoe Sweeney, the man responsible for his father's death. Murdock beat Sweeeney up, but he then refused Natchios proposal to kill Sweeney. Natchios expressed her disappointment in Murdock and, while Murdock called the police to report Sweeney as a wanted felon, Natchios vanished, leaving Murdock and not seeing each other for ten years. Avocados of Law After a beer run, Murdock and Foggy Nelson swore to work together for many years. Nelson asked about the Greek girl named Elektra, but Murdock declared that their relationship ended because "it did not work out". When Matt revealed to Foggy that he had his first alcoholic drink when he was eleven, because he had to stitch his dad up after a fight, Foggy comforted him, saying that if he could see him now, he would be proud. Landman and Zack Both Murdock and Foggy Nelson were able to work as interns at the large lawyer firm, Landman and Zack, during which time they found themselves being forced to defend large corporations against innocent people whose lives were being destroyed. Eventually the pair were both offered permanent jobs at the firm which Nelson showed great enthusiasm about, but believing that working for such a soulless company was not the right direction for them to go in, Murdock managed to convince the skeptical Nelson not to take the job offer and instead start up their own law firm where they could really help innocent people and make a difference to their city. No Sleep for the Devil The night after he and Foggy quit Landman and Zack, Murdock would have trouble sleeping because he kept hearing his next door neighbor's daughter crying at night as her father was abusing her. Murdock contacted the police to have him arrested; however, the man was able to get away with the crime as his wife claimed he would never do the crime and his daughter would not reveal the truth. Seeing that the man would not face justice, Murdock donned a black eyeless mask and went after him, cornering him at a train yard where he worked and severely beating him up and threatening that if he ever touched his daughter again, he would find him and possibly kill him. He slept better ever since. The Mask Years later, Murdock chose to take his vigilante career to the next level. He bought a black outfit online, including a mask which covered the top half of his face, and wore it when fighting crime. Later, Murdock went to confession, claiming he was not there to seek forgiveness for what he had done, but instead he was asking forgiveness for what he was about to do. He would not tell the priest his intentions however. The same night, Murdock tracked down a group of gangsters led by Turk Barrett who were engaged in kidnapping and sex trafficking. They planned on transporting a group of young women in a shipping container, but Murdock snuck up behind them and attacked, knocking down many of the guards and avoiding Barrett as he attempted to shot him. Murdock quickly subdued the gangsters and freed the women before dodging out of the way of Barrett's gunshot and beating him senseless. In the morning, Murdock was awoken by a phonecall from Foggy Nelson who ordered him to get out of bed so they could view the new offices for their law practice Nelson and Murdock, while teasing him about having possibly spent the night with a woman. Before they went Nelson joked that he was going to bribe Officer Brett Mahoney. The pair teased real estate agent Susan Harris about which one of them would get the room with a view. Murdock made her an offer on the office which was accepted and they both moved in, despite Nelson's protests. Defending Karen Page Shortly after moving into their new offices, Nelson received a call from a policeman that a young woman called Karen Page had been found in her apartment having seemingly murdered a workmate with a knife. Murdock and Nelson met Page and offered to represent her; when she asked how long the pair had been practicing law, Murdock told her it had been seven hours. Murdock listened to her heartbeat while she told them what had occurred; knowing that her heartbeat was not changing, Murdock knew she was telling the truth and convinced Nelson that they should take on her case. Later that night, they learned that Page was almost assassinated in her prison cell, so they managed to have her freed. Back in their offices, they began to question Page about who would try to kill her and why; she revealed that she had discovered a money laundering scheme inside the company she worked for. As it was clear that she should not stay in her apartment, Murdock allowed her to stay at his place. Once there he gave her new clothes and asked her more questions. When he asked if she had a copy of the hard-drive, she lied and told him she did not. During the night, Page sneaked out of Murdock's apartment; Murdock followed her and found her inside her home after collecting the hard-drive. He discovered her moments before she was attacked by an assassin. Murdock engaged the assassin in a fight, throwing himself and his enemy out the window. Murdock eventually used his strength and determination to defeat the assassin. After the fight, Murdock took the assassin to the police along with the hard-drive. This caused Page to be set free. She was quickly hired to work as a secretary for Nelson and Murdock. Meeting Claire Temple Murdock heard a young boy had been kidnapped by Russian gangsters so he went out to try to rescue him. However he soon discovered that it was a trap and he was attacked. Barely escaping with severe injuries, he hid inside a skip until he was found by Santino and Claire Temple. Temple took him upstairs into her apartment and treated his injuries; she quickly discovered that he was blind. Murdock woke up and tried to leave but Temple insisted that he had to stay as his wounds were too severe. As Murdock refused to give her his name, she began calling him "Mike". After a while, Murdock smelt a Russian mobster wearing strong aftershave coming up the stairs looking for him. Temple answered the door while Murdock hid and the man claimed to be an NYPD officer looking for the suspect of a robbery; Temple told the man that she had not seen anything. The mobster left but Murdock heard him on the phone and knew that he had not believed her, so he chased him down and dropped a fire extinguisher on his head, knocking him out. Murdock noticed that Santino had witnessed the attack and ran away. Together, Murdock and Temple dragged the unconscious mobster up to the roof. Once on the roof, Murdock began questioning the mobster on the location of the missing boy, telling him that he would hurt him every time he lied. Temple suggested that Murdock should stab him just above the eye, causing the man incredible pain. When that still did not work, Murdock threatened to throw him off the roof; this made the mobster tell him exactly where the boy was. Murdock still threw him off the roof, letting him fall into the same dumpster he had been pulled from earlier. When Temple asked if he was alive, Murdock assured her he was. Murdock gave Temple a phone so they could contact each other and told her that it would be wise for her to relocate. Murdock then went to the place where the boy was being held hostage. He arrived and immediately began fighting the mobsters. After a prolonged fight during which many of the mobsters were thrown through doors, Murdock came out as the winner with all the mobsters lying unconscious on the floor or in too much pain to move. Murdock then removed his mask and freed the boy, telling him that he was now safe. Murdock carried him from the house and later returned him to his family. Defending John Healy The next morning Murdock visited his church and spoke to Father Lantom. Lantom told him that he was aware he was Jack Murdock's son but assured him that through the seal of confession he could not tell anyone what they had spoken about. He asked if Murdock was there for confession, but he told him he was not, he then suggested that Murdock should join him for a cup of coffee but Murdock said they will do it another time. Back at the office, Murdock and Nelson were visited by James Wesley, who asked them to represent his client John Healy, who had just brutally murdered a gangster called Prohaszka. When Wesley left the office, having insulted Karen Page, Murdock followed him, tracking him by the tick of his watch. Murdock heard Wesley enter in limo and be driven away, before he considered following, Murdock felt a pain in his side and felt blood running from an open wound. Although he showed initial uncertainty towards the case, Murdock decided to take the case in an attempt to learn who was behind the criminal activity in Hell's Kitchen. Murdock and Nelson cross-examined Healy, who clearly was experienced in court proceedings. They began working out a strategy to get Healy off by claiming self defense. During the trial, Murdock noticed one of the women in the juries' heart begin to raise when Wesley entered, Murdock tracked down the man threatening her and forced him to leave her alone. Murdock later gave a speech during the trial claiming that there was not enough evidence to convict Healy. As the result was being read out, Murdock noticed that another juryman's heart raced as Wesley entered; the jury announced a hung jury, resulting to Healy's freedom. Murdock later tracked down and confronted Healy. The pair began to fight, Healy using objects around him to attack Murdock, after an exhausting fight Murdock came out as the victor and began questioning Healy on who his employer was. Eventually Healy claimed it was Wilson Fisk. Healy told Murdock that now he had revealed Fisk's name, he, his family and his friends would all become targets. Seeing no alternative, Healy slammed his face into an iron spike, killing him instantly. Murdock could only listen in horror. Pursuing the Russians Murdock later attacked Russian Gangster, Anatoly Ranskahov and his men, although Ranskahov escaped with only minor injuries, Murdock was able to throw one of his men out of a window and onto his car. After escaping, Murdock went to Claire Temple to treat his injuries. Later, he received a phonecall from Temple just as she was being kidnapped by Russian mobsters. Murdock ran to her aid but was too late, he spoke to her neighbor Santino who was able to reveal that she had been taken away in a taxi driven by the Russians. Murdock arrived at the taxi's firm where he found Temple being tortured by the Russians, Murdock switched off the lights in the room and managed to fight of the Russians in the dark and rescued Temple. He took her back to his apartment and tried to comfort her. Temple asked him to feel her heart and tell her how she was feeling; Murdock knew then that she was terribly afraid for her life. However, Temple assured him that he could do something about that fear. Murdock then revealed to her his real first name. The next night, Murdock followed a taxi carrying a blind man to a warehouse. Once there he attacked the Russian gangsters guarding the man, although the blind man was killed after being shot in the cross-fire, Murdock was able to catch one of the gangsters. Murdock tried to learn the location of Vladimir Ranskahov but the gangster begged him not to cut off his head, when Murdock asked what he meant the gangster told him that everyone believed the masked man had cut off the head of Ranskahov's brother Anatoly. Before he could learn anymore, the police arrived and Murdock made his escape, leaving the mobster to be arrested. Back at the office, Murdock began to ask Foggy Nelson and Karen Page about whether or not they had heard about a Russian gangster having his head cut off before they were interrupted by the arrival of Elena Cardenas. Mrs Cardenas explained that she needed legal help as her landlords her attempting to kick her out of her property and demolish her home after failing to finish building work to the property. They agreed to take the case and Murdock told Mrs. Cardenas that Nelson would speak to her landlord's lawyer which he went to the NYPD, Nelson complained knowing that the landlord's was represented by their former employers Landman and Zack. Murdock arrived at the police department and spoke to Brett Mahoney, Murdock explained the situation to Mahoney and asked to see the complain files against Armand Tully, who owned Cardenas' home. Mahoney agreed and asked Murdock to wait. While he was waiting, Murdock overheard the questioning of one of the Russians he had attacked the night before, he heard the Russian ask for a deal in exchange for information on his employer Wilson Fisk. The two officers questioning him, Christian Blake and Carl Hoffman, turned out to also be under Fisk's pay. They pretended to be attacked by the Russian and shot him before Murdock could do anything. Knowing that they detectives were working for Fisk, Murdock tracked down and attacked detective Christian Blake, Blake tried to stick to his story that the Russian had attacked his partner, until Murdock began breaking his arm. Murdock asked him why Fisk had had Prohaszka murdered; he refused to answer, so Murdock knocked him out and stole his phone. Murdock later called Claire Temple and had her help him look at the phone, she told him the phone had a list of four locations sent to it, all of which listed where the Russians were. Murdock went to go after the locations, but Temple told him that she could not fall in love with someone who was so willing to put his life in danger. Final Days of the Russians Murdock traveled to the location from the phone and found a pair of Russian guards standing by the door. Murdock began fighting the men, during the fight he overheard panic inside the building and knew a bomb was about to be set off, Murdock used his opponent as a shield as the door was blown off towards them as the building exploded, killing the Russians inside. When he awoke, Murdock caught Vladimir Ranskahov attempting to escape the wreckage, he attacked him and knocked him out, but before he could gain any information, the police arrived and attempted to arrest him. Murdock was able to fight off the police, but was unable to spot Ranskahov from being shot in the side, he then escaped with Ranskahov's unconscious body. Murdock took carried Ranskahov to an abandoned building and began questioning him. Ranskahov claimed that Murdock was responsible for the murder of his brother Anatoly Ranskahov and that he had been working with Wilson Fisk, Murdock told him that he had been played by Fisk, who was responsible for Anatoly's murder and the destruction of his warehouses. Murdock offered to help him escape from Fisk's men, in exchange for information that would help him make Fisk pay for everything he had done, Ranskahov crudely refused before losing consciousness. Knowing that Vladimir Ranskahov would die without medical attention, which he could not get to him, Murdock phoned Claire Temple for assistance. He explained the situation to her and asked her to walk him through saving his life, but when he explained who it was they were helping, Temple was furious. She agreed to help however and asked Murdock to look for something to help, Murdock used his heightened senses to detect a flare in the warehouse. Under Temple's instruction, Murdock lit the flare and used it to burn Ranskahov's open wound, sealing it, Ranskahov screamed in agony until he lost consciousness again. Murdock heard a police officer arriving in the warehouse, after hearing Ranskahov's screams, Murdock attacked the man and began questioning him. The police officer told him that he was not corrupt and was a new cop who had not been paid off by Fisk yet. Murdock ordered the man to call off backup, but instead he told them that he had been taken hostage, Murdock was unable to knock him out in time to stop him. Murdock tied up the officer before pulling the officer's gun apart and throwing it away. Murdock began questioning Ranskahov again, who asked him about his morals on not killing people but being willing to let people die. Murdock reminded Ranskahov that Fisk had taken down his operation and had enough police in his pocket to ensure that Ranskahov was killed before he could leak information. Ranskahov agreed and told the man about his first encounter with Fisk and how their operation first came about, Murdock learned that Fisk was working with the Chinese. Ranskahov told him there was one name he needed to know, Fisk's moneyman, when Murdock leant in to hear it, Ranskahov attacked him, causing them to fall through the floorboards. The pair survived the fall and Murdock told him that it was not a smart thing to do. Ranskahov then lost consciousness again, this time stopping his heart, Murdock performed CPR and saved his life. Afterward Murdock began to look for a way out, finding a sewage manhole cover but finding it was too hard to lift alone. He was interrupted when Wilson Fisk used Sullivan's radio to contact them, Murdock picked up the radio and spoke to his enemy for the first time. Fisk told him that they had a lot in common but Murdock assured him that they did not and he would bring him down. Fisk then offered Murdock the choice to kill Vladimir Ranskahov and go free, when Murdock refused, Fisk ordered his men to open fire at the police and release footage of Murdock attacking police, Fisk then hung up. Believing he'd be killed in the night, Murdock called Claire Temple to say goodbye and began searching for a way out, this time however, Ranskahov helped and they made their way through the sewer. Once in the sewer, they were attacked by a small team of S.W.A.T. officers, Murdock was able to beat them but found the wounded Ranskahov had taken one of their guns and was aiming it at him. Ranskahov told him that he blamed on staying behind and fighting to the death, as his testimony would not lead to Fisk's arrest and only death would stop Fisk, Murdock insisted that he was not a killer. Ranskahov told him that Fisk would destroy his life and his family, he then told him that Fisk's money man's name was Leland Owlsley. Murdock then escaped as Vladimir Ranskahov fought until his death. Reunion with Stick In the offices of Nelson and Murdock, Murdock, Foggy Nelson and Karen Page discussed the recent events in Hell's Kitchen, including the footage of the masked man attacking the police. Nelson had become convinced that the masked man was a terrorist while Page insisted he was not. Murdock later tracked down and attacked Leland Owlsley and asked him for whom he worked; when Owlsley lied, Murdock punched him. Before he could get anymore information from him however, he was distracted by the sound of a man with a stick approaching; Owlsley used this moment to stun him with a taser before escaping. As Murdock lay on the ground, his own mentor Stick arrived and berated him for being beaten by an old man. Murdock brought Stick back to his apartment, where Stick began to immediately insult him, claiming that he should not be living such a comfortable lifestyle. Murdock argued that Stick was just pissed off that he had made something of his life without his help. Stick told him that he should abandon his work, life and friends and live as a warrior. When Stick insulted Jack Murdock's legacy, Murdock attacked him but was only able to break his hold. Stick revealed he was there to continue his war by fighting the Japanese and wanted the weapon Nobu was transporting, known as Black Sky. Murdock agreed to help him as long as Stick promised not to kill anyone. The pair arrived at the dock and found Nobu moving a large container from a cargo ship. Stick sent Murdock down to fight off Nobu's soldiers; he went down and silently knocked out a few of the guards without raising the alarm. When the container was opened, Murdock realized that Black Sky was in fact a young child. Sensing that Stick was preparing to shoot the child with an arrow, Murdock leapt into action and deflected the arrow, alerting the guards to his presence. Nobu escaped with Black Sky and Murdock fought off the guards. When the guards were defeated, Murdock realized that Stick had disappeared. Back in his apartment, Murdock found Stick waiting for him. Stick revealed that he had indeed hunted down and murdered Black Sky. Furious at the realization, Murdock attacked Stick; during the fight most of Murdock's apartment was damaged or destroyed. Stick was able to maintain the upper hand during the majority of the fight but in the end, Murdock managed to defeat his former mentor. Murdock threw Stick's bag at him and demanded that he leave his home. After Stick had gone, Murdock was cleaning up his apartment when he found the bracelet he had made for Stick as a child, which he believed Stick had destroyed when he left him as a child. Exposing Fisk The next morning, Murdock awoke in his wrecked apartment and went to work. Arriving, Murdock overheard Foggy Nelson and Karen Page discussing their secret investigation of Union Allied Construction. Murdock tried to convince them to leave it alone for their own good, but Page was insistent. They told him they were working with Ben Urich, who would break the story for them. Murdock agreed to help them, as long as they promised they would bring down Union Allied through the legal system. While they investigated the case, Page told them Detective Christian Blake had just woken up in hospital after being shot. When Murdock arrived at Blake's hospital ward, he found Carl Hoffman injecting him with poison. Murdock put Hoffman in a chokehold and knocked him out before turning his attention to Blake. He locked the door and informed Blake the poison had already reached his heart; there was nothing anyone could do to save his life. The vigilante told Blake to tell him everything he knew about Wilson Fisk. Once Blake had given him the information he needed, Murdock escaped the room moments before the police kicked down the door and found Blake lying dead. Murdock later tracked down Ben Urich, the journalist Karen Page had been speaking to. Murdock insisted he was not the one responsible for the explosions in Hell's Kitchen. Instead, he wanted Urich to expose the man who was--Fisk. Urich was initially unsure about this claim. When he pressed Murdock for proof, the vigilante was unable to provide any. However, Murdock did reveal to Urich the details of Fisk's operation, including Leland Owlsley's involvement and Fisk's part in the murder of Detective Blake. Urich ultimately agreed to write the article. However, not long afterwards, Fisk made a public announcement which contradicted everything Urich would have said. Questioning Morality Considering the recent events, Murdock went to Father Lantom for council and accepted his offer for a latte. Once Lantom had poured his coffee, Murdock asked him if he believed in the Devil and if the Devil walked among them. Lantom chose to tell Murdock the tale of a holy man he had met while working overseas; Lantom had witnessed the man and his family murdered by a military commander. Lantom claimed that he had seen the Devil in the eyes of the man who had murdered his friend. Murdock arrived back at the offices of Nelson and Murdock to discover Ben Urich was having a meeting with Karen Page and Foggy Nelson about what to do about bringing down Fisk. Murdock joined the debate, agreeing with most of Urich's points as they both wanted to keep everyone as safe as possible; they discussed tracking down Armand Tully who was responsible for moving tenants from their homes under Fisk's orders. When Page commented on how "bad ass" the man in the mask was, Murdock could not help but smile, despite Nelson still claiming that the man was a terrorist. As their leads proved more and more fruitless, they were visited by Elena Cardenas, who revealed that Wilson Fisk had doubled the offer to get the tenants to move from their homes. They agreed to refuse the offer and to continue to fight back. After she had gone however, Murdock argued that it was too dangerous to fight Fisk this way as he was sure to win. He told them to continue digging as he believed they would find something in a lost document somewhere. Murdock then went out to look for the woman who appeared with Fisk at his press event as he appeared to be close to her; Page confirmed which art gallery she worked and Murdock left. Meeting Wilson Fisk Murdock arrived at the Scene Contempo Gallery where he was soon approached by Vanessa Marianna. Murdock jokingly explained the reasons for a blind man looking to purchase art as he claimed his guests would often state his home was a bit stark and he wished to warm it up. Marianna began describing some of the pieces of artwork for Murdock to imagine. He then asked her if she was seeing anyone, claiming to wish to know what a man who won her heart appreciated. Wilson Fisk then arrived in the building; although he had to control his anger, Murdock greeted him warmly. Fisk claimed that if he wished to purchase art he should buy whatever Marianna suggested; Murdock however reminded him that they should not be speaking as they were on opposing sides of a law case. Murdock then left claiming he needed to consider the cost of the art work. Seeking moral guidance, Murdock went to visit Father Lantom again. Murdock told Lantom that he had been to visit someone close to the devil and had only learned that Fisk did indeed have someone he loved, who loved him in return. Lantom tried to convince him to leave the judgement and punishment to God, as he did not wish for Murdock to commit murder. Murdock and Lantom discussed if it was better to commit murder or allow someone to continue to cause grave crimes without being stopped. Lantom then posed the question if Murdock was struggling with the thought that he had to kill the Devil but did not want to, or that he did not have to but wanted to. Back in the office, Foggy Nelson presented Murdock with an official sign for Nelson and Murdock. While they were celebrating however, Karen Page received a phonecall that Elena Cardenas had been murdered in her home. They went together to identify the body and Brett Mahoney revealed that a junkie had stabbed her while stealing her purse. The group went to Josie's Bar to drown their sorrows with alcohol; there they discussed the idea that Cardenas' death was not a random act of violence but a planned assassination. While they were talking, Wilson Fisk appeared on the TV claiming to be mourning Mrs. Cardenas' death. Murdock and Page then discussed religion where Murdock revealed his Catholic beliefs. Murdock then claimed to have had enough and left. Encounter with Wilson Fisk Putting on his black suit, Murdock hunted down the junkie who had killed Elena Cardenas; he questioned the man violently, throwing him into broken glass. The junkie claimed not to know the names of the men who hired him, stating he had been taken to a warehouse and given his orders. Murdock ordered the man to surrender himself to Brett Mahoney at the police station. Arriving at the warehouse, Murdock was confronted by Nobu, who was wearing an all red ninja suit. Murdock complimented Nobu on his ability to slow his heartbeat to ensure the encounter was a surprise. As the two fought, Murdock was vastly outmatched and was cut and stabbed repeatedly by Nobu's Kyoketsu-shoge. Managing to rip off Nobu's mask, the ninja commented that Murdock was a worthy opponent and he considered it to be an honor to claim his life. Eventually Murdock, barely able to stand, managed to kick Nobu into fuel which was lit on fire by an electrical spark, causing Nobu to burn to death. Before he could escape, Murdock was confronted by Wilson Fisk, who was accompanied by James Wesley and one of his guards. Fisk claimed he had used Murdock to kill Nobu, although he had wished that they had killed each other and admitted to organizing the death of Elena Cardenas. Murdock told him he would kill him and the two began fighting, but the wounded Murdock was no match for Fisk and was brutally beaten. During the fight he tried to cut Fisk and learned he was wearing body armor in his suit. As Murdock lay wounded, Fisk ordered Wesley to shoot him, but Murdock managed to leap from the window and swim to safety. He eventually made it back to his apartment where he collapsed and was found by Foggy Nelson. Nelson vs Murdock Nelson called Claire Temple who arrived and treated Murdock's injuries, when he regained consciousness, he found Nelson still in his apartment, furious about having been lied to for all the years of their friendship. Nelson questioned if Murdock was the one responsible for the bombing and the killings of cops, Murdock told him that Fisk was responsible for everything. When Karen Page tried to phone, Nelson turned the phone off, when Page called Nelson, he answered and told her that Murdock was in a car accident. He then demanded that Murdock tell him everything about his abilities and his history. Murdock told him how he was trained by Stick and how he had been taught to use his blindness as an advantage. Later Nelson received a call from Brett Mahoney informing him that the junkie who killed Elena Cardenas had seemingly committed suicide by jumping off a roof. Murdock told Nelson that he had never killed anyone but wanted to after Cardenas' death, telling him how he had gone to the warehouse with the intention of killing Wilson Fisk. Murdock then told Nelson how his abilities actually developed as he was a child and how he tried not to become a fighter to make his father proud but was left with no choice when he heard about a little girl being abused by her father, leading him to attack the father, putting him on the path to wearing the mask. During their continued arguments Nelson compared Murdock to Fisk and told him he would not have kept this a secret from him before storming out. Mental and Physical Recovery Karen Page arrived the next morning to check on Murdock, believing him to have been in a car accident. Murdock opened a bottle of beer for himself and skirted around the questions Page threw at him. Page started to suspect there was not a car accident and Murdock had endangered himself against Wilson Fisk after meeting Vanessa Marianna, she asked him if someone had broken in and beaten him up and Murdock said nothing. Page then told him that they had discovered that Fisk's mother was still alive and living under the name Marlene Vistain and Fisk had murdered his father as a young boy. Murdock reminded skeptical as he did not believe it would make a difference, Page left after giving Murdock a balloon. When Murdock tried to move too much he pulled out his stitches, so he called Claire Temple who returned to stitch up is wounds again. They spoke about how Murdock used meditation to help heal his wounds, Temple suggested that Murdock should invest in body armor to protect himself, he told her how he had seen that Wilson Fisk wore a special light body armor. Temple then announced that she was planning on leaving the city for a few months, she told him that she believed he had been killed the night the Russians were blown up and they knew that they could only be together if Murdock stopped wearing the mask, which he never would. She left after telling him she would always be there to patch him up and comparing him to a martyr. With little confidence, Murdock returned to church to seek guidance from Father Lantom. Murdock told him that he did not kill the man he had told him about, but that he had wanted to, he explained how Claire Temple had told him if he continued what he was doing he would end up bloody and alone. Lantom revealed that he knew that Murdock was indeed the man in the mask who was attacking criminals at night, although he did not know how he did it. Murdock asked why God had put the Devil within him and they discussed what the Devil actually represented. Designing the Red Suit Murdock returned home and tried to meditate to calm his mind and recover his body, but he continued to suffer from the memories of his violent fights with Nobu and Wilson Fisk. Putting his suit back on, he tracked down and chased Turk Barrett and disarmed him. He threatened that if he went for any of his backup weapons, he would throw him off the roof. Murdock demanded to know where Fisk got his armored suits from, Barrett initially claimed to not know but quickly revealed that it was Melvin Potter when Murdock nearly threw him off the roof. Arriving at Melvin Potter's Workshop, Murdock explored the Workshop and looked at designs and blueprints on the tables. He was soon interrupted by the arrival of Melvin Potter. When Murdock revealed his presence, Potter appeared confused and frightened, claiming that no one should be there, he then attacked Murdock with items around the workshop including chains and buzzsaws. Eventually Murdock managed to overpower Potter and spoke to him, Murdock quickly realized that Potter was a mentally unstable man who was being forced to work for Wilson Fisk under the threat that his friend and carer Betsy Beatty would be killed. Murdock promised he would protect Potter and Beatty if he designed an armored suit for him. Murdock arrived back at the Nelson and Murdock Law Office and found Foggy Nelson and Karen Page speaking to each other, after an awkward encounter with Nelson as he was leaving in which neither said a word, Murdock spoke to Page. Page told him that Nelson believed that he had taken responsibility for the death of Elena Cardenas, she tried to convince him to repair his relationship with his friend. Murdock suspected that Page was hiding something, when he asked if something had happened she told him that the world had fallen apart. Bringing down the Drug Trade Murdock met with Ben Urich outside his offices and asked him for information regarding the heroin he had taken from the junkie who had killed Elena Cardenas. He told Urich that he believed since the Russians had been wiped out, Wilson Fisk would have likely taken over distribution of the heroin and he wanted to disrupt that trade to throw Fisk off balance. When Urich revealed he was working on something he believed could help, Murdock told him to keep his head down, using Anatoly Ranskahov's death as an example. Urich told him it was a woman running the Chinese drug trade and they were using blind men and women to deliver the heroin. Urich jokingly told Murdock he needed a new outfit and Murdock assured him he was working on it. Waiting in the street Ben Urich told him he had seen the blind men delivering the drugs, Murdock used his heightened hearing, he waited to hear the taps of a stick. Murdock followed the woman until she was picked up by a car, Murdock followed the car using the classical music it was playing to keep track of it's location, running over rooftops until it stopped outside a warehouse. Murdock listened and memorized the secret knock to gain entry. Murdock returned home, while stitching up his wounds again he called Karen Page to tell her he would not be coming into the office as he claimed he was working on something that could help the case. Murdock used the secret knock to gain entry into the Chinese drugs den, once inside he took out the guards before looking at all the blind workers making the heroin, who had seemingly all been blinded with burns. He was spotted by the woman in charge, Madame Gao, who ordered the workers to attack him. Murdock survived the attack however and confronted Gao, she revealed that all her workers had blinded themselves rather than her blinding them because they had faith in her. When Murdock tried to ask her about Wilson Fisk, she hit him in the chest and sent him flying across the room, when he looked up he found she had escaped. With the building burning down, Murdock ordered one of the guards to allow the blind workers to escape. As Murdock was leaving he was confronted by Brett Mahoney who attempted to arrest him, Murdock knocked him down and told him that Christian Blake and Carl Hoffman were dirty cops before escaping. Murdock returned to the office to find Karen Page had locked the door, Page asked him if the company had become three people who never speak to each other, in response Murdock quoted Stick's speech that he should push the people he cared about away, and although he had tried to ignore it he clearly had listened to those words and taken them onboard. He told Page that he had had a terrible night in which he had seen the worst of humanity and learned that he could not do what he did alone anymore. As he broke down crying, Page took him in her arms and comforted him telling him he was not alone and he never was. While training at Fogwell's Gym, Murdock was visited by Foggy Nelson, when Nelson asked how he had found him, Nelson told him he had always known about the gym but assumed it was something to do with Murdock's father so he had never questioned it. Nelson revealed he had been working with Marci Stahl who had been copying files concerning Landman and Zack's dealings with Wilson Fisk and Leland Owlsley, Murdock told him to leave it alone. Nelson desperately tried to convince him not to go after Fisk in the mask again to use the law and they agreed to work together again. Bringing down Fisk The pair met with Brett Mahoney who spoke about the warehouse fire at Madame Gao's base, he told them about his encounter with the masked man and how he was starting to believe that Wilson Fisk was the enemy. During their conversation Murdock overheard two officers talking about hunting down Carl Hoffman, they continued their research back at the Nelson and Murdock offices where Karen Page commented on how nice it was to be back together. They looked through the files given to them by Marci Stahl to try and find anything in the money movements that could led them to where Leland Owlsley could be keeping Carl Hoffman. Eventually Page worked out there was a property missing from the record and there was no profit from selling it, meaning it was being hidden from the records. Murdock went down to the building and found a team of corrupt police officers had killed Owlsley's guards and were preparing to shot Carl Hoffman, Murdock was able to save Hoffman and take out the corrupt officers. He sat opposite Hoffman and convinced him to give evidence against Wilson Fisk rather than sit and wait for someone to kill him. He told him to give himself into Brett Mahoney and use Nelson and Murdock as his lawyers. Murdock followed him to ensure he did as instructed and watched as Hoffman arrived at the precinct and gave himself up to Mahoney. Nelson and Murdock were hired as his lawyers and sat with him as he gave evidence against Fisk, exposing his entire operation and leading to the arrests of Turk Barrett, the corrupt cops, Senator Randolph Cherryh and Wilson Fisk. With Fisk being taken to prison, Murdock celebrated with Foggy Nelson and Karen Page. They raised their glasses in tribute to everyone Fisk had hurt, including Elena Cardenas. However during their celebrations, a news report came on the television showing that the armored van carrying Wilson Fisk was being hijacked, they decided to get home quickly before they became endangered but Murdock decided to leave them and get his own taxi, Nelson tried to convince him not to endanger himself but Murdock convinced him he knew what he was doing. He took a cab to Melvin Potter's Workshop where he collected his new red and black armored suit. Standing on a rooftop, Murdock listened to the police sirens to try and locate Fisk. Showdown with Wilson Fisk Finding the van transporting Fisk, Murdock threw one of his batons at the window, causing the driver to crash. Murdock confronted Wilson Fisk and told him that not everyone deserved a happy ending. While Murdock fought his guards, Fisk attempted to escape on foot. After knocking out the guard with the use of his batons, Murdock cornered his enemy, Fisk roared at Daredevil, telling him he was going to kill him, Murdock repeated what Fisk had told him after his fight with Nobu and told him to take his shot. The pair engaged in a fierce and brutal fight, with Fisk's brute strength and determination was equally matched with Murdock's speed and agility. Although his new armored suit offered extra protection, Fisk was still able to beat Murdock nearly to death by throwing him at walls and hard onto the ground before beating with with a metal pole repeatedly, all while ranting about how the city did not deserve heroes but deserved people like himself and his father. Determined to bring Fisk down, Murdock disarmed Fisk and used his own batons to beat him into submission. Barely able to stand, Fisk mocked Murdock's attempts to make a difference to the city while wearing a costume, but with a final hard punch to the face, Daredevil knocked out Fisk. Brett Mahoney arrived on the scene and arrested Fisk. Daredevil The next morning, Karen Page read the newspaper article regarding Fisk's arrest at the hands of Daredevil and joked about the name and the costume. Foggy Nelson finished attaching a sign to the outside of the Nelson and Murdock offices. They discussed how long it could take for Wilson Fisk to go to trial considering the size of the case. Murdock spoke to Page, commenting that there was still something in her voice that told him she was still frightened; she told him that putting Fisk behind bars would not bring back Elena Cardenas or erase the trauma they had been through. He told her all they could do was move forward. That same night, Murdock put on his new red armored suit once more and stood on a rooftop overlooking his beloved city, now free from the clutches of Wilson Fisk and his deadly plans, but still in need of a lone hero willing to protect its people from any dangers and new enemies that came its way. Upon hearing the screams of some women in danger nearby, Daredevil readied his batons and ran off the roof to save them, ready to forever protect the good and the innocent people of Hell's Kitchen from whatever threat that came their way, now or in the future. Though some of his early enemies were considered laughable, , Daredevil gathered an impressive and dangerous rogues gallery. Also, in one of his first encounters, he clashed with his long-time nemesis the Owl. In his first team-up with another superhero, he assisted Spider-Man in defeating the Circus of Crime. His next opponent, the Purple Man was a spy for a foreign country. When he was accidentally doused with experimental chemicals, they turned his skin purple and gave him the power to control people's minds. His power wasn't very effective against Daredevil since it worked best when people could see him. Mister Fear seemed like a natural enemy for a "Man Without Fear". He was a wax museum curator obsessed with bringing his statues to life. Instead, he discovered a gas that filled people with terror. He used this gas as Mister Fear to commit daring crimes. He also faced the Sub-Mariner during his early days as a hero. Even though he could not defeat the Atlantean, Daredevil refused to give up, which greatly impressed Namor. Upon discovering Turk Barrett has escaped jail, yet again, Daredevil tracked down and ambushed him while he was trying to collect money from one of his clients. Daredevil fought and defeated not just Barrett, but the gangsters there who were having an illegal card game. The brawl brought Barrett to the hospital, having been almost beaten to death by Murdock, which was brought to the attention of high-school student Jessica Jones who was conducting her own investigation into Barrett. In his civilian identity, Murdock was very successful as a lawyer. Amongst his more prominent clients were the Fantastic Four, whom he also aided as Daredevil in their fight against Doctor Doom when they temporarily lost their powers. He was also present at the wedding of Reed Richards and Susan Storm, both as Matt Murdock and Daredevil. Murdock moved to San Francisco with Natasha Romanoff, the Black Widow. Although their relationship later ended, they remained friends. But sometimes Natasha wished they were more. While living in San Francisco, Matt worked for another law firm. He left when he realized his bosses were more concerned with their careers than with their clients. Bullseye was the world's deadliest assassin. He had perfect aim, a backbone made of unbreakable metal, and the uncanny gift to turn anything into a weapon. His hatred for Daredevil stemmed from his many defeats. Matt was reunited with Elektra under the worst circumstances. After college, Elektra became an assassin. She had trained with the evil ninja cult The Hand. Although she left The Hand, she had become cold and violent. Elektra was killed by Bullseye. Fortunately, ninja magic and Murdock's love brought her back to life and "cleansed her spirit". She moved to a remote mountain retreat to live with The Chaste, the Hand's heroic counterpart. Heather Glenn, Matt's one-time fiance, was the heiress to Glenn industries. After Elektra's death, Matt proposed to Heather. He then went to work proving Glenn Industries' board of directors were involved in illegal dealings. He found enough proof to ruin the company, and leave Heather with no choice but to marry him. Foggy saw what Matt was doing was wrong. With the Black Widow's help, he broke up Matt and Heather. Years later, a drunken Heather called Matt for help. When he learned she was lying, he angrily left and ignored her. Days later, she hanged herself. Karen pursued an acting career in L.A., but ended up a porn star hooked on heroin. She sold out Daredevil's secret identity; information that eventually reached the Kingpin. The Kingpin of crime, took a piece of every illegal deal on the East Coast. It was Fisk who systematically destroyed every piece of Matt Murdock's life; who was indirectly responsible for the deaths of Elektra and Jack Murdock; who knew Murdock is Daredevil, but never told anyone, just to play power games with the hero. Matt took Karen back and they built a life together. Typhoid Mary was the living embodiment of the Madonna/whore complex. Mary was a sweet but frightened woman who had been a successful actress. Typhoid was the trashy, cruel killer with telekinetic and pyrokinetic powers. The Kingpin hired her to make Matt Murdock fall in love with her, and then drive him crazy. Typhoid Mary succeeded in getting Matt to cheat on Karen Page and nearly beat him to death. Glorianna O'Breen was an Irish photojournalist who met Matt when he fought an IRA terrorist. But Matt's decent into poverty and madness, brought about by the Kingpin, pushed her away. She later moved in with Foggy Nelson. Years later, Glorianna was killed by Victor "Kruel" Krueller, a madman trying to remember his past by beating witnesses to his attempted murder. Matt created an imaginary twin brother, Mike Murdock, to protect his secret identity. He would often pretend to be "Mike" to act like the confident, cocky Daredevil for his friends. "Mike" would die in a fight, allowing Matt to become the "new" Daredevil. The Kingpin destroyed Matt's life, taking away his home and livelihood. But Matt put his life back together. He opened a free law clinic in Hell's Kitchen where he lived with the newly returned Karen Page. Matt's secret identity was threatened by a New York tabloid. Though he protected himself, he still faked his death. Even Foggy and Karen were fooled. Matt now lived as a street hustler named Jack Batlin. He kept fighting crime as Daredevil, this time with an armored costume and a meaner attitude. This led to an identity crisis, although he eventually overcame this and cleared up rumors of his identity, subsequently beginning work at a law firm run by Nelson's estranged mother. Guardian Devil, Identity revealed and eventual Breakdown Quentin Beck was one of Spider-Man's most persistent haters. But when he was diagnosed with inoperable cancer, he conceived an elaborate "final performance". Although he initially planned to target Spider-Man, he dismissed him as a target. Recalling a prior confrontation with Matt Murdock , he decided to turn his attention to Daredevil after paying the Kingpin for information, seeing in Daredevil a kindred spirit as both were 'second stringers' with little reputation outside their homes. With Fisk's information, Beck devised an elaborate plot to pretend that the Second Coming was taking place, leaving Daredevil in the custody of an infant who had been reportedly identified as both the new Christ and the Antichrist, Daredevil also being tricked into coming in contact with an associate-suggestive toxin that would make him violent if anyone suggested that the child was innocent with the toxin being both odorless and tasteless so Daredevil could not tell he was drugged. At the same time, Foggy Nelson was framed for murder and Karen Page was tricked into believing that she had AIDS due to her old porn star career. Despite having been pushed to breaking point, with Dr. Strange's help, the toxin was removed, and Murdock overcame Beck's traps and illusions, bluntly informing the man that his entire plot was nothing more than B-movie cliches and old tricks. With nothing left to live for, Beck seemingly committed suicide. Although still shaken by Karen's death, a conversation with Spider-Man helped Matt see that the baby he had saved represented something positive that had come from this whole mess, inspiring him to use Karen's life insurance- which she had asked him to use on something that would benefit him rather than give it to charity- to restart Nelson & Murdock. Maya Lopez was born deaf. She also had the gift to recreate any physical motion she sees. The Kingpin used her in another plot to destroy Matt Murdock. First, he arranged Matt to meet her, knowing Matt was lonely after the recent death of Karen Page. Then he tricked Maya into thinking Daredevil killed her father. Maya created the identity of Echo and fought Daredevil. She didn't know he was Matt and he didn't know why she now hated him. Matt soon explained himself and Maya attacked the Kingpin. She left him blinded for many months. Murdock was outed by the press as Daredevil. He publicly denied this and sued the paper. The latest woman in Matt's life was Milla Donovan. Like Matt, Donovan was blind. Matt saved her life and a year later they were married. Milla eventually learned their marriage may have be part of Matt's mental breakdown. She filed for an annulment. Murdock continued to fight crime, ultimately defeating Wilson Fisk and claiming the title of "Kingpin of Hell's Kitchen", preventing any crime from being committed in the area, although Matt's own mental state was rapidly going downhill after the death of his true love, his lies to the public, and assuming the alias of his greatest enemy. Matt was eventually captured by the FBI and sent to prison for his actions. Foggy Nelson was believed to have been killed and a Daredevil impostor was sighted. Matt learned the Kingpin, Bullseye, and Punisher were also serving time. An attempt at a breakout was made by Black Tarantula. Matt was able to stop Fisk and Bullseye and saved the warden. He and Punisher then escaped. The impostor was confronted, revealing himself as Iron Fist and that he had been hired to do so. The two and Ben Urich searched for information. The employer seemed to be an injured but very much alive Foggy Nelson. Daredevil then set out to Europe to trace the figure who had had Foggy killed and employed a fake Daredevil. Much to his surprise, this was the Kingpin's wife Vanessa Fisk, who was dying after she killed her son and wanted revenge on Daredevil, who, along with Kingpin, she blamed for her situation. She offered to solve his secret identity problems once and for all if Matt would corrupt himself by fighting as a lawyer to free Kingpin from prison. Matt refused, but Vanessa had already set her plan in motion, having the FBI director who imprisoned Daredevil killed, leaving a suicide note saying he had framed Matt. Matt was able to return to his life in New York City, reunited with Foggy and Milla. Matt decided to honor Vanessa's last wish out of respect for the person she used to be before the Kingpin's influence corrupted her and had the charges against the Kingpin revoked, although he lost his U.S. citizenship and left the country. Vanessa died of her terminal illness. Hell to Pay With the charges against him for being Daredevil cleared, Matt decided to move his office to a new location due to constant threats from his enemies and resumed his life as a lawyer with Foggy and Becky Blake where their law firm would not be listed in the phone book and take referrals only to help avoid being easily located. Matt also moved to a different apartment as well. Disaster struck when he went up against the new crime boss The Hood. Mister Fear who was working with him at the time, poisoned Milla with a psychedelic drug which he did with the help of Lily Lucca, a young woman in love with Matt whom he met while in Europe. This put Milla into a mental institution with Matt accepting the fact that he ruined Milla's life when Mr. Fear told him there was no cure for her. Out of grief for what happened, Murdock accidentally had sex with Dakota North while drunk and recently he went up against Lady Bullseye and The Hand, where in her civilian disguise as a Lawyer, Lady Bullseye showed the pictures of Matt and Dakota together to Milla's parents, resulting in them being granted full custody of their daughter with Matt regretting that he had betrayed his wife. Matt decided to sign for divorce. The Devil's Hand A drunken, blind and immortal sensei Master Izo targeted Murdock in his war against The Hand - and Murdock was forced to team up with his old enemy; the Kingpin to take the Hand down. However, the price that was paid for this, is that this agreement combined with his ever-growing irrational behavior resulted in Foggy firing Matt from the firm when he found out about the arrangement. The Kingpin attempted to betray him, but Murdock beat him and his assassin, Bullseye, and seized control of the Hand, with Izo's help on the condition that they are to never be involved with either Bullseye or the Kingpin again. However, the two left the Hand, and Kingpin took this as an advantage to seize control of it again. Eventually Nick Fury recruited S.H.I.E.L.D. and Elektra, who had recently redeemed herself. Personality Matt Murdock, for lack of a better term, is complicated. As a child, he felt immense guilt and loss; blaming himself for the death of his father as well as feeling lost after losing his sight. He was both heroic and selfless even as a child, shown best when he saved an elderly man from being hit by a truck, at the cost of his own vision. Murdock has "daddy issues" with both his actual father Jack and his subsequent father figure Stick, having lost both either to death or from being abandoned. Stick tried to raise him to be coldblooded but suddenly abandoned him when Matt started expressing filial affection; this abandonment and rejection has left Matt with difficulty forging real emotional connections, despite his determination to not let Stick define him. Matt has a high desire for justice and doing the right thing. He convinced his friend Foggy to quit their work for a firm and work for the common man. During the start of their firm he aimed to help only innocent people. Unable to allow injustice, he got frustrated when the police or judge failed to help. He decided to work as a vigilante to save people and help where the justice system could not. During this he demonstrated extreme selflessness as he kept risking his life for others, even after he barely made it out of dangerous situations and ended up badly wounded multiple times. While fighting crime he can be very brutal and heavily injures criminals. However he has avoided killing anyone so far and limits himself to hand to hand combat and sticks to not inflict lethal injuries, even if this results in himself getting injured during fights. He usually attempts to avoid killing anyone, however on occasion he has thrown away his concern for the well-being of his opponents, such as when he threw Semyon off of a rooftop and only checked to see if he was still alive after being asked by Claire Temple. He has also threatened to kill Kingpin, and has acknowledged that he meant it at the time. So far he has been lucky that during these lapses in his sense of morality he has failed to follow through on his intent, however even his temporary willingness to kill still feeds his sense of guilt when he reflects on it. As a Catholic, Murdock experiences a lot of guilt and soul-searching over his actions when he allows his anger and contempt for violent criminals to cause him to enjoy beating them bloody, and he frequently wonders whether he is doing the right thing in the eyes of God or whether he is allowing evil into his heart. When he feels this way, he approaches his local priest, Father Lantom, for spiritual guidance and advice, however he asks his questions in a roundabout way to conceal his identity as Daredevil, though Lantom has managed to figure out the truth. Either way, Lantom is bound by the seal of confession not to divulge what they discuss. As Matt met his mentor Stick again he started to doubt his ways and even considered killing Kingpin as he doubted he could stop him any other way. This created an internal struggle as his best friend and others did not want him to act as a vigilante. In the final confrontation against Fisk, he kept true to his vow and ultimately did not kill Fisk. Protecting the Kitchen Sometime after Fisk's imprisonment, Zuly Almeida, a woman who was being abused by her husband, came to Nelson and Murdock. While they were unable to help her legally, Foggy suggested Almeida stay at a home for woman suffering domestic abuse. However, Almedia's husband found out and under the influence of alcohol followed her with the intention to kill her with a knife. Matt, however, as Daredevil found out about this and interupted him before he could harm Almeida. Daredevil brutally assaulted him which resulted in Almeida sustaining two broken arms and waking up in Metro General with a restraining ordered safety pinned to his chest by Murdock himself. Murdock did not tell Foggy about this incident until later on. Guardian Devil Daredevil chased down four robbers in Hell's Kitchen. He subdued the first one who was about to kill a police officer. The second one, he cornered and brutally beat in the kitchen of a restaurant; the third one, who was interupted by a man who nearly drove him over and whose car he was about to steal, he knocked out and told the driver to call 9-1-1. The final one took a teenage girl hostage and held himself up in a church. Daredevil tracked him down and cornered him where after a brief stand off, he managed to subdue to robber and secure the girl's safety as officers arrived. As he watched from above, more officers arrived to the scene. Murdock smiled happily, having now fully immersed himself in his vigilante life.
n12: n21: n44:
Stan Lee; Bill Everett
Milla Donovan ; unnamed grandmother; Karen Page Elektra Natchios Margaret Grace Murdock ; Natasha Romanoff (Black Widow) Heather Glenn n58:
Became Daredevil when he got his powers by losing his sight at the age of 9, and because a criminal had his father Jack Murdock murdered because he wouldn't throw a boxing match.
; formerly Hand leader, S.H.I.E.L.D., Landman and Zack, former partner of Black Widow (Natasha Romanoff)
Undergraduate at Columbia University, Law School at Harvard
* Daredevil usually travels by foot across city rooftops through the art of parkour , and by the grappling hook and cable in his billy club.
*Master Martial Artist: Despite being blind, Murdock was trained in martial arts by Stick at a young age, and excelled in it. He continued training himself, despite Stick giving up on him, and Murdock eventually used his skills to fight crime as the vigilante Daredevil. By the time he met Stick again, Murdock rivalled his former mentor in skill, managing to keep up with him in an intense one-on-one duel and ultimately overpowering him, earning Stick's praise. Even Nobu acknowledged Daredevil as a worthy opponent, and was only able to gain the upper hand against the latter by repeatedly cutting him with his shoge hook. Though with some difficulty, Murdock was ultimately able to also overpower Wilson Fisk, a man of immense brute strength. Daredevil's fight style incorporates boxing, Muay Thai, grounding-and-pounding, Kung Fu, Judo, Aikido, Capoeira, Taekwondo, tricking, and pro-wrestling. *Master Acrobat: Murdock incorporates gymnastics and acrobatics into his fighting style as he battles opponents, and could already do several agile flips as a child. He is able to quickly move over rooftops and climb buildings, managing to keep up with a car this way. *Expert Marksman: Because of his enhanced senses, Murdock has an increased awareness of where objects are, allowing him impressive marksmanship with both firearms and throwing weapons. *Staff Mastery: Taught by Stick, Murdock is highly skilled in using both a pair of eskrima sticks, or a single staff in combat. *Multilingualism: Murdock speaks fluent English and Spanish, having studied the latter at college. However, he cannot speak or understand Russian. *Master Lawyer: Murdock is a persuasive and trained lawyer, having graduated summa cum laude from Columbia University. *Meditation: Murdock uses meditating to improve his abilities and heal his injuries faster. This greatly impressed Claire Temple with the immense amount of punishment that he could take and recover quickly from.
Matt, Matty, Kingpin of Crime, Scarlet Swashbuckler, Nameless One, Kingpin of Hell's Kitchen, The Man Without Fear, The Guardian Devil, DD, Red, The Daredevil, Horned, Black Mask, The Man In Black, The Devil of Hell's Kitchen, Mike
*Billy Club: When Murdock asked Melvin Potter to create an armored suit for him, Potter also created a special Billy Club. It can be used as a short staff and be split in two individual short sticks for close quarters combat joined by a high tensile wire for grappling. It is kept in a holster on the suit's left thigh. *Wooden Sticks: At young age, Murdock was trained to be an expert stick fighter by Stick, but he stopped using the weapons after Stick left, preferring to fight unarmed. He began using them again at Stick's insistence when the mentor returned to New York City.
New York City, New York State
Blindness: Daredevil is conventionally blind. While his senses help him overcome this, it becomes a problem for him to navigate and fight when his heightened senses are scrambled or can't detect anything. *Sense Precision: Daredevil's extent to discern pictures or video images are limited, and he can only guess at colors based on the amount of heat they are absorbing or reflecting. If nothing is being emitted that would trigger his heightened senses Daredevil wouldn't be able to detect it, like when a sniper bullet fired outside the range of his sense of hearing was able to badly injure him. *Sound and/or Smell Peak: Daredevil's superhuman senses render him extraordinarily vulnerable to odors and/or excessive noise, which can temporarily weaken his Radar Sense. Under extreme circumstances he can be easily immobilized, suffer great pain and/or left disorientated. Once the disruptive effects wear off, Daredevil's Radar Sense is able to return to its normal calibration. Radar Sense Disruption: Though uncommon-- in unique situations Daredevil's Radar has been known to fail leaving him to rely on his other senses. Non-Superhuman Physical Conditioning: As Daredevil's powers do not give him any kind of superhuman physical ability, Daredevil is as susceptible to physical injury and disease as any other normal human, often having to rely more on strategy than strength when up against a superhuman opponent. Anger: When provoked or under extreme stress, Daredevil can lose control of his inner rage, making him act reckless and stop thinking clearly. Because of this, when angered, he is far more susceptible to falling into traps.
*Superhuman Senses: Murdock possesses four senses on a superhuman level. He claims to constantly feel numerous things, including balance, direction, minuscule changes in air density, vibrations, and blankets of temperature variations. That, combined with his acute hearing and olfactory senses, allows Murdock to see what he describes as an "Impressionistic painting" of the world around him, which, according to him, looks like "the world on fire." **Superhuman Hearing: Murdock's hearing is so acute, that he can clearly hear people converse at great distances away, hear people's heartbeats, and hear Claire's bones shifting as she breathed. Murdock can focus on what he hears; in a crowded courtroom with the judge speaking, Murdock heard a juror's heartbeat accelerate when James Wesley entered the room. Hearing the changes in people's heartbeats allows Murdock to predict how they feel and what actions they'll take, such as attack or run. He was also able to memorize the pattern of Wesley's watch so he could follow the latter. ***Lie Detection: Murdock's hearing is so acute, that he can tell whether people are lying or not, based on the rate of their heartbeats. **Superhuman Smell: His olfactory senses are so good, that he can smell a man's scent of stale cigarettes and cheap cologne three floors above him and through several walls. When he was a boy, his sense was already so acute, that he could smell that an old man sitting at a bench across from him had cancer. By smelling an old cigarette, Murdock could tell that whoever smoked it previously had rotten teeth. He was even able to smell that Foggy Nelson had onions in his lunch, at the time, two days ago. **Superhuman Taste: Murdock was able to tell that Claire Temple had ripped open some of the stitches on her back, due to tasting copper in the air from the blood of her open wound. Stick taught him how to train this sense, allowing him to pick out every individual ingredient of the ice cream he was eating, including that the milk used came from three different dairy farms, and that the man who served him used a certain type of soil in his garden. **Superhuman Touch: Murdock can feel the presence of those around him through vibrations, air currents and body temperatures. He can dodge attacks and even bullets by feeling them cut through the air, creating ripples of currents only detectable by him. He locates enemies through walls and from different floors by feeling the vibrations they make from moving, such as their footsteps. Murdock could even feel the heat generated from the blood spilling from the gunshot wound on Vladimir Ranskahov; to one-half of a degree, he was able to distinguish the difference in temperature. **Superhuman Balance: Murdock's sense of balance is superhuman, giving him perfect equilibrium, greatly increasing his agility and refining his movements.
Adventurer, vigilante, Attorney at Law
*Armored Suit: In their first fight, after being severely injured by Nobu, Murdock noticed Kingpin's impermeable armored suit and decided to take Claire Temple's advice to get some body armor of his own. He located Melvin Potter, who made Fisk's suit, and persuaded him to make a red and black suit with a facemark and helmet resembling a devil, leading to his new name. *Vigilante Suit: Murdock bought a black suit with red stiching online to wear in his vigilante activities. He also wore a black mask over his head, eyes and nose, leaving only his mouth uncovered. He also had padding which he wore underneath the suit, so that the beatings would not hurt as much, but they did not stop him from being seriously injured.
Matthew Michael Murdock
Lot of decisions I'd give anything to go back and change. But I can't. None of us can. It's like I told Foggy; all we can do is... move forward. Together.
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