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[3P - third-person pronoun, LP - letter pronoun (refers to last referent that begins with the same letter), NE - name ending, PAP - progressive aspect particle, RP - reversal particle (switches place of subject and object), RSP - reverse separation particle, SP - separation particle] do paba, snoy pweri gi pawja hu via tori. at-time-of some-past-thing young girl PAP foot-go RSP according-to street Once a young girl was walking along a street. da ten hoq sa har, kay begarm cinzo. 3P have red SP hair, and RP-clothing Chinese She had red hair and was wearing Chinese clothing.
[3P - third-person pronoun, LP - letter pronoun (refers to last referent that begins with the same letter), NE - name ending, PAP - progressive aspect particle, RP - reversal particle (switches place of subject and object), RSP - reverse separation particle, SP - separation particle] do paba, snoy pweri gi pawja hu via tori. at-time-of some-past-thing young girl PAP foot-go RSP according-to street Once a young girl was walking along a street. da ten hoq sa har, kay begarm cinzo. 3P have red SP hair, and RP-clothing Chinese She had red hair and was wearing Chinese clothing. baran hay, kay to pweri bu xayn froy — rain exist, and the girl not seem happy — It was raining, and the girl didn't seem happy — peu dyar, kay befalo gaga sa xoqmaw! LP wet, and RP-follow very-big SP panda! She was wet, and was followed by an enormous panda! gi bli, xoqmaw pelho to pweri! jiqkay peu bu beharm — during instant, panda fight-start the girl, surprise-and LP not RP-harm — Suddenly, the panda attacked the girl, but she wasn't harmed — poke peu fanpelho to di, opposite-that LP return-fight-start the animal, On the contrary, she counterattacked the animal, kay da kuldu pel kay pel, poynku kay pawku. and 3P all-two fight and fight, fist-hit and foot-hit and both fought and fought, punching and kicking. fu pocaq taym, da stoy pel, kay gen sa pawjaho.... after opposite-long time, 3P stop fight, and again SP foot-go-start.... After a short time, they stopped fighting, and again started walking. * Ligamines, Links, Ligoj. * Ceqli wiki * Ceqli discussion group