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Last time on Fandemonium... Locke left the forcefield off and let Booberry into the fray and Steel and Hark went on an errand for Locke to find the "Super Hound". ML: (Hits self on the head with bar) God how boring! Everyone then stares at him. ML: What? All: The challenge? ML: Oh yes ofcourse! ML: Todays mini challenge is to- Locke then stops. His back up computer then takes over. ML: (Deep metallic voice) ERROR 404 ML: (Deep metallic voice) SPEECH NOT FOUND ML: (Deep metallic voice) CHALLENGE TO COMMENCE IN 5 SECONDS. ML: (Deep metallic voice)(Super fast)THE CHALLENGE INVOLVES YOU ALL TRYING TO FIX ME.
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Last time on Fandemonium... Locke left the forcefield off and let Booberry into the fray and Steel and Hark went on an errand for Locke to find the "Super Hound". ML: (Hits self on the head with bar) God how boring! Everyone then stares at him. ML: What? All: The challenge? ML: Oh yes ofcourse! ML: Todays mini challenge is to- Locke then stops. His back up computer then takes over. ML: (Deep metallic voice) ERROR 404 ML: (Deep metallic voice) SPEECH NOT FOUND ML: (Deep metallic voice) CHALLENGE TO COMMENCE IN 5 SECONDS. ML: (Deep metallic voice)(Super fast)THE CHALLENGE INVOLVES YOU ALL TRYING TO FIX ME. Pesh: You serious? ML: (Deep metallic voice)AFFIMATIVE. As everyone gathers around Locke with tools and manuals in robotics. Flame, Xero and Chaos 12 slink away. Flame: Is that sheild still up? Chaos 12: No why? Flame: I'm bloody hungry. Chaos 12: So? Flame: I am going for a curry. Xero: What about us? Flame: Come if you want. Xero: What are they cooking? Flame: Let's see, I think they also do grilled- Chaos 12: PEOPLE?! Flame: Sure why not? ML: (Yawns) What happened? McBoo: You died. ML: Uhh, again?! ML: Oh wait what's this? Locke then sees Moyan, Nightwolf and Ybrik asleep. ML: What have I told you guys about sleeping during the day? Bloop: Not to do it? Tulip: They didn't even do anything, they were there the whole damn time! ML: Oooh, I'll see you all at the elimination round guys. Find out next time on Fandemonium/Eps.19