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Hello with love and other meditations
by Ven. Visuddhacara The three most important things in life are love, kindness and wisdom. If we have made these three values the priorities of our life, then our life will have been well-lived. When we die we can only have happiness when we look back and not regrets. Wealth, fame, power, status, worldly success and pleasures — these are insignificant compared to love, kindness and wisdom. Cultivate the latter. If we spend our life cultivating this trio, our birth and life will have been worthwhile; it will not have been in vain. In this booklet, Ven. Visuddhàcàra shares his understanding of this practice of mindfulness and loving-kindness with a view to encourage all of us to walk the path.
by Ven. Visuddhacara The three most important things in life are love, kindness and wisdom. If we have made these three values the priorities of our life, then our life will have been well-lived. When we die we can only have happiness when we look back and not regrets. Wealth, fame, power, status, worldly success and pleasures — these are insignificant compared to love, kindness and wisdom. Cultivate the latter. If we spend our life cultivating this trio, our birth and life will have been worthwhile; it will not have been in vain. In this booklet, Ven. Visuddhàcàra shares his understanding of this practice of mindfulness and loving-kindness with a view to encourage all of us to walk the path.