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Billy Bob Thorton
Billy Joe Horton Lucky old Bastard (Genus/Species: Slingbladeus Hammeredjolieous) was a close and personal friend to Einstein. During a binge drinking contest between Albert Einstein, Henry Rutherford, and Billy Bob, Einstein came up with the theory of quantum mullets where as the mass of a hair cut is directionly proportional to the height of the dew, magnetic lines of thrust will cut perpendicular to the time space continuum resulting matter being in two places at once.
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Billy Joe Horton Lucky old Bastard (Genus/Species: Slingbladeus Hammeredjolieous) was a close and personal friend to Einstein. During a binge drinking contest between Albert Einstein, Henry Rutherford, and Billy Bob, Einstein came up with the theory of quantum mullets where as the mass of a hair cut is directionly proportional to the height of the dew, magnetic lines of thrust will cut perpendicular to the time space continuum resulting matter being in two places at once. After a week of trying to prove this theory, Einstein realized that the night they came up with the theory they were way blasted out of there minds resulting in Billy Bob's brain damage, and still laugh about it to this day. The U.S. government used Billy Bobs head for further experimenting in the late 50s and named the project "operation mullet". Certain scientists still believed in Einsteins theory of quanum mullets and carried on to prove it. Although many small villages in Uganda were decimated by the amount of energy released from Billy Bobs head, atomic replication just is not possible.