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Deplorable Conditions
August 14, 1951 Dear Linda, I sure hope you and Bobby are ok. What we call Tent City is already full--and more peoplearrive every day. The early comers are the lucky ones.They have government issue tents. The rest of us havewhatever we can scavenge from the garbage dump amile away. I'm living with two other guys in a shackmade out of tar people, some half rotten siding,candboard to plug the holes. Plus there aren't enoughlatrines, we're on short rations, and people are startingto get dysentery. Don't tell anyone... Not even bobby. Take care hon,and I'll see you soon! Love, Bill
August 14, 1951 Dear Linda, I sure hope you and Bobby are ok. What we call Tent City is already full--and more peoplearrive every day. The early comers are the lucky ones.They have government issue tents. The rest of us havewhatever we can scavenge from the garbage dump amile away. I'm living with two other guys in a shackmade out of tar people, some half rotten siding,candboard to plug the holes. Plus there aren't enoughlatrines, we're on short rations, and people are startingto get dysentery. But, here's the good news! Remember the guide I toldyou about? The one who smuggles people into yourProtection Camp? Well, he agreed to take me in! Itwon't be cheap but who cares? Apparently, there's an old storm drain that can beaccessed from a nearby creek--and leads straight intothe camp. Once I'm inside I'll blend in, find you, andwe'll be together again! Don't tell anyone... Not even bobby. Take care hon,and I'll see you soon! Love, Bill