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This script and work was based on Cobootstrap for Debian. The following procedure assumes you have a running Ubuntu/Debian system to create the image. Access to the internet to download the base system install packages is required. From your Ubuntu/Debian system: Install the debootstrap utility sudo apt-get install debootstrap Save the above script into /tmp/cobootstrap, edit the UBUNTU_VERSION and CO_SIZE to your needs. You will get an image.gz that you can decompress and use with colinux. NOTE: The eth0 is setup to DCHP assuming you will be using slirp for the eth0 network.
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This script and work was based on Cobootstrap for Debian. The following procedure assumes you have a running Ubuntu/Debian system to create the image. Access to the internet to download the base system install packages is required. From your Ubuntu/Debian system: Install the debootstrap utility sudo apt-get install debootstrap Save the above script into /tmp/cobootstrap, edit the UBUNTU_VERSION and CO_SIZE to your needs. #!/bin/sh # Build a colinux-ubuntu image. Works on top of debootstrap # (c) Thomas Fritzsche # Adapted to Ubuntu by Joao Pinto # # The size must be enough to download all the packages into the apt cache # and install them UBUNTU_VERSION=feisty CO_SIZE=1000000 CO_WD=`pwd` cd `dirname $0` CO_ROOT=`pwd` cd $CO_ROOT CO_IMAGE=./image CO_LOG=$CO_ROOT/log cp /dev/null $CO_LOG >> $CO_LOG 2>&1 CO_MOUNT=$CO_ROOT/mnt echo "Creating the empty image file (may take a while)" dd bs=1k count=$CO_SIZE if=/dev/zero of=$CO_IMAGE echo Done mkfs.ext3 -J size=4 -F -m 0 $CO_IMAGE if ! test -f $CO_MOUNT ; then mkdir -p $CO_MOUNT fi mount -o loop -t ext3 $CO_IMAGE $CO_MOUNT mkdir -p /tmp/apt_cache mkdir -p $CO_MOUNT/var/cache/apt/archives/partial mount --bind /tmp/apt_cache $CO_MOUNT/var/cache/apt/archives/ debootstrap --verbose --include=ssh --exclude=pcmcia-cs \ --arch i386 $UBUNTU_VERSION $CO_MOUNT for i in 0 1 2 3 4 do if ! test -f $CO_MOUNT/dev/cobd$i ; then mknod $CO_MOUNT/dev/cobd$i b 117 $i >> $CO_LOG 2>&1 fi done CO_APT=$CO_MOUNT/etc/apt/sources.list echo "deb ${UBUNTU_VERSION} main restricted uni verse multiverse" \ > $CO_APT echo "deb ${UBUNTU_VERSION}-updates main restri cted universe multiverse" \ >> $CO_APT CO_HOSTS=$CO_MOUNT/etc/hosts echo " localhost colinux" > $CO_HOSTS CO_HOSTNAME=$CO_MOUNT/etc/hostname echo "colinux" > $CO_HOSTNAME CO_INTERFACES=$CO_MOUNT/etc/network/interfaces echo "auto lo " > $CO_INTERFACES echo "iface lo inet loopback" >> $CO_INTERFACES echo "auto eth0" >> $CO_INTERFACES echo "iface eth0 inet dhcp" >> $CO_INTERFACES CO_FSTAB=$CO_MOUNT/etc/fstab echo "/dev/cobd0 / ext3 defaults 0 1" > $CO_FSTAB #echo "/dev/cobd1 none swap sw 0 0" >> $CO_FSTAB echo "proc /proc proc defaults 0 0" >> $CO_FSTAB chroot $CO_MOUNT apt-get update chroot $CO_MOUNT apt-get autoclean chroot $CO_MOUNT passwd -d root umount $CO_MOUNT/var/cache/apt/archives umount $CO_MOUNT echo Compressing image gzip image ls -la image.gz exit 0 Then run: cd /tmp sudo sh cobootstrap You will get an image.gz that you can decompress and use with colinux. NOTE: The eth0 is setup to DCHP assuming you will be using slirp for the eth0 network.