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Naruto/Characters/Hidden Cloud Village
Host of the Eight-Tailed Ox and brother of the Raikage. A dark-skinned, light-haired muscular man with a penchant for rapping. Sasuke's Team Hawk, sent to capture his tailed beast, engaged him in battle, but he easily kicks their asses and beats the ever-loving shit out of Sasuke. He then transformed into his full Ox form, but Sasuke subdued it with Amaterasu -- or so it seemed. Turns out Bee pulled a fast one on him, making them all look like idiots. He then goes off to take a vacation. The Raikage was pretty pissed about that. Now he's hanging out (actually on exile for security reasons) on an island with Naruto, whose attempts to get Bee to train him have thus far have them working well together, BY THE POWER OF RAP! (though it had to involve a Big Damn Heroes moment for the both of the
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Host of the Eight-Tailed Ox and brother of the Raikage. A dark-skinned, light-haired muscular man with a penchant for rapping. Sasuke's Team Hawk, sent to capture his tailed beast, engaged him in battle, but he easily kicks their asses and beats the ever-loving shit out of Sasuke. He then transformed into his full Ox form, but Sasuke subdued it with Amaterasu -- or so it seemed. Turns out Bee pulled a fast one on him, making them all look like idiots. He then goes off to take a vacation. The Raikage was pretty pissed about that. Now he's hanging out (actually on exile for security reasons) on an island with Naruto, whose attempts to get Bee to train him have thus far have them working well together, BY THE POWER OF RAP! (though it had to involve a Big Damn Heroes moment for the both of them with some old wounds of Bee's having to mend). For tropes associated with the Eight-Tails, go to the Tailed-Beasts page. * The Ace: Arguably, given that each of the chapters he appears in without fail has had him doing something awesome, funny, or both. * And is therefore one of the best examples of this trope done right, since he's a Fan-Favorite instead of a Scrappy despite being The Ace. * Adult Child: In the middle of a serious meeting on military matters, he's seen not paying any attention and scrawling down song lyrics -- looking absurdly similar to a bored high school kid scribbling and not paying attention to class. * All of the Other Reindeer: Averted. He's about as well-liked as they come. the previous sentence only applies after he's grown up. Played straight when he was a kid, though. * Animal Battle Aura: Which is a Bull with Combat Tentacles of course. * Badass: And HOLY SHIT HOW. In fact, he's so badass, that he became A's Brother by being able to perform a perfect Double Lariat with him when he was a kid. And he even overpowered him in a clash. * Badass Beard * Bash Brothers: With A. Even though they aren't bros by blood. * Beyond the Impossible: He uses seven blades, without his hands. He can transform into his biju without going nuts. As in, the full on eight tailed giant monster version and stay conscious. * Boisterous Bruiser: * Bunny Ears Lawyer: A Cloudcuckoolander rapper who aspires to be an enka singer. He also happens to be one the strongest characters introduced in the series. * Child Prodigy * Cloudcuckoolander: If you have an extremely powerful demonic entity inside of you, and it is significantly more rational and sane than you are, you qualify for this trope. * Cool Shades * Cool Sword: Has seven! Later 8 when he receives the Samehada * Implausible Fencing Powers * Multi Wielding: He uses seven swords at once, and hold them in such places as in his armpits and between his legs, but not in his hands. He needs those to write down lyrics should he think of them. * Spell Blade: He is able to use the lightning element chakra flow on his sword to make a Vibroweapon. * Throwing Your Sword Always Works: He's fairly good at throwing his swords (or for that matter a pencil) like daggers. * Darkskinned Blonde: White in the manga, but tinted yellow in the Anime. * Everything's Better with Spinning: One of his maneuvers while using all swords at once is to spin like a top. * Excuse Me While I Multitask: Frequently battles while in the middle of rapping, and sometimes even pauses to write down lyrics. * Flight, Strength, Heart: In addition to standard tailed beast host powers, his special power is salivating ink. * Friend to All Living Things: On the island of giant beasts, he starts by fist-bumping with a giant Gorilla and goes from there. Taken to its extreme when Killer Bee tries to comfort freaking Samehada after it forces Kisame to separate from it because Kisame had been forcing it to go against its will. Remember that Samehada is generally regarded to be at least partially demonic. * Ignore the Fanservice: Naruto's Sexy No Jutsu had knocked out even the third hokage and never let him down before...but when he tries to use it to convince Bee to help him out, Bee just shuts the door. * Later on, he is distracted by the sexiness of Tsunade's giant cans. And the fact that she doesn't wear a bra. * Even later he is distracted by Yugito's (who is now an animated corpse puppet controlled by Tobi) exposed chest and doesn't notice the chakra receivers implanted there. * Image Song: Well, not exactly an official image song per se, but the Shippuden UNS Generations comes with an exclusive song for Killer Bee sung by the voice actor himself (both English and Japanese VA's) And. It. Is. Awesome. (and Hilarious, depending on your opinion) * Intergenerational Friendship: With Naruto. * Leeroy Jenkins : Invoked in-universe and the Alliance actively tried to Defy it, but ultimately failed. * Let's Get Dangerous: There's no way this rapping ninja could be danger... HOLY SHIT! Did he just gut Sasuke like a fish? * Lightning Bruiser * Made of Iron: The guy pretty much shrugs off, in order, a flying kick to the head, electrocution, and a jet-propelled, superhumanly strong fist to the face which left a dust cloud in which he was able to escape without noticeably slowing down. Heck, even his seal-acting tattoo says 'tetsu', which means 'iron'! * No Sell: Twice against Sasuke, first played straight, then subverted: when Sasuke uses his apparently unblockable Chidori Sword on him, he happily blocks it, much to Sasuke and his teammates' surprise. Later Sasuke cast a Tsukiyomi on him, and falls to the ground, unconscious...only to almost kill Sasuke in one hit after letting his guard down. * The Obi-Wan: Now serving this role to Naruto, and is actually more balanced and powerful than him in many ways to avoid Mentor Occupational Hazard. Although he has none of the gravitas. * Painful Rhyme: Played for Laughs as it is frequently pointed out in-universe that his rapping skills don't quite match his fighting ones. Although some of his rhymes or puns are surprisingly well-thought (the translators do a rather good job with it too). * Partial Transformation * Punny Name: He's probably called "Killer Bee" because the Japanese words for "bee" and "eight" are homophones. In addition, his brother the Raikage is named A. * Additionally, "Killa Beez" is a term used to reference the affiliates of The Wu Tang Clan. That a Crazy Awesome Rapper-cum-Ninja has a name associated with the world's nerdiest hardcore rap groups can't be a coincidence. * Scarf of Asskicking * Scary Black Man * Sealed Evil in a Can: Although the Eight Tails is fairly benevolent now. * Sealed in A Person Shaped Can * Shock and Awe: Can channel electricity into his swords. * Shout-Out: To Jero, the unlikely African-American enka singer. When you think of Japanese postwar love ballads, you usually don't think of dudes wearing hip hop clothing (or rapping ninjas, for that matter.) * Spanner in the Works: He ends up massively throwing Akatsuki and Sasuke's plans out of whack. It's rather hilarious. * Superpower Lottery: Becomes more apparent with each chapter; Bee is one of only four characters in the entire series that has the ability to control the Tailed Beast, (he's also one of the only two that is currently living). Also, being a Jinchuuriki at that, it allows him him to control the 8-Tail's chakra perfectly. Due to this, he's also completely immune to Genjutsu, not to mention he's also a Lightning Bruiser. * Symbiotic Possession: One of the few to actually get along with his Tailed Beast. * Uncle Tomfoolery: Subverted in that even when his antics are played for humor, he's far from incompetent. * Verbal Tic: Tends to finish most of his lines of speech with "baby" and/or "Oh Yeah!" * Vibroweapon: Can turn any weapon into this by using that electricity to vibrate it at a high frequency. Even pencils.