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The Gunslinger Born/Chapter Four
Roland enquires about the number of horses in the Barony, discovering he has been lied to with Susan revealing the true extent of their numbers in the Barony. Roland calls Fran Lengyll a liar due to this realization, with Susan questioning her father's death, as Fran told her it was a freak accident. Roland asks to meet her at Citgo two days from now and they share a passionate kiss. Susan is in her room awaiting the completion of her Reaptide Festival gown. Mayor Thorin appears and dry-humps her.
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Roland enquires about the number of horses in the Barony, discovering he has been lied to with Susan revealing the true extent of their numbers in the Barony. Roland calls Fran Lengyll a liar due to this realization, with Susan questioning her father's death, as Fran told her it was a freak accident. Roland asks to meet her at Citgo two days from now and they share a passionate kiss. Returning to Cuthbert Allgood and Alain Johns at the Bar K, they worry about Roland's feelings towards Susan, Roland returns and they receive a message informing them of Farson's movements in the east. They report back saying there is nothing that needs reporting at this time. Roy Depape backtracks the route the three men used to come to Hambry, ultimately arriving at Ritzy. Entering the saloon he orders a drink, insulting the bar woman who asys she will gladly give sex if he pays her. A weed addicted man talks to him and through it, he discovers that Roland and the men he was with are Gunslingers. He thanks the man paying him for his service with lead, killing him. Turning to Marten Broadcloak we find him near a refinery in End-World, he is stopped by a man demanding his identity. He changes his appearance to Walter O'Dim and demands to be taken to his lieutenant, George Latigo. Latigo is using Slow Mutants in his operations. One dies and Marten asks the remains to be bagged so he can study them. Marten informs him of the three gunslinger men whom the Crimson King wishes dead and that Farson wishes him to oversee the oil shipments from Citgo. Roland, Cuthbert and Alain scout Eyebolt Canyon and the thinny within it. They realize they could lure their enemies into the thinny as the canyon is a chokepoint. They eventually reach Hanging Rock, discovering the hidden oil tankers. Susan is in her room awaiting the completion of her Reaptide Festival gown. Mayor Thorin appears and dry-humps her.