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A promise of aid (2015 Caspar Plot)
Citizens of the Caspian Democratic Union, The Empire does not doubt that Ambassador Delgard is well known to you - how else, but by planting this viper in the garden at the outset, could the treaty which was to secure your safety and neutrality in their war of terror been so thoroughly undermined for so long? It is telling that the voice which appeals to you is not that of your own government, but a treacherous agent of the Rebel Alliance who has induced them to act in the interests of her zealotry and against those of an independent, sovereign Caspia. Duke Aldus Thel
Kelona, 24 ABY
Promise of Aid
HIMS Nemesis, above Caspar
Citizens of the Caspian Democratic Union, The Empire does not doubt that Ambassador Delgard is well known to you - how else, but by planting this viper in the garden at the outset, could the treaty which was to secure your safety and neutrality in their war of terror been so thoroughly undermined for so long? It is telling that the voice which appeals to you is not that of your own government, but a treacherous agent of the Rebel Alliance who has induced them to act in the interests of her zealotry and against those of an independent, sovereign Caspia. This rebel spy would have you cast your eyes upon the Empire, and asks you to question the veracity of our assurances. I welcome this scrutiny, for the Empire has nothing to hide. The Corporate Sector, thirty-thousand star systems strong, has been independently governed since the earliest years of the founding of our glorious Empire. A founding that was the express will of the Old Republic these rebels claim to love so dearly. A unanimous vote by the democratically elected representatives of the galaxy to create from the smoldering ruins of a corrupt and broken government a beacon of order and prosperity. Is she so keen to have the actions of her fellow terrorists inspected? It was not his Imperial Majesty who violated this treaty, but members of your own government who so corrupted by her influence came to value their personal enrichment over your safety. So long as rebel spies speak for and control your government, there is no Caspar. The humanitarian crisis growing across the Caspian system is of grave concern to his Imperial Majesty. The widespread cessation of trade is the result of association with the Rebel Alliance - an association for which the Caspian government must accept responsibility and bring to an end. The Galactic Empire is not responsible for this state of affairs, we cannot force commerce to take place. Neither, however, are you. The Empire does not hold the Caspian people accountable for the criminal actions of its government. I shall not see you suffer for their wrong-doing. At my command the Empire has purchased large quantities of the perishable foodstuffs in demand. Beginning tomorrow morning, local time, any Caspian citizen may present themselves to the Imperial Embassy in Plaxton City and receive an entitlement chit. Subject to guarantees of safe passage, Imperial transports will be dispatched to starports across the Caspian system. Citizens in possession of a chit may exchange it for supplies of essential foodstuffs. Imperial medical staff will be on hand to assess and treat minor ailments, to reduce the pressure on Caspian medical facilities. The cost of these services are born by the subjects of his Imperial Majesty, who have great sympathy for the position you have been placed in. Given by our hand, aboard His Imperial Majesty's Starship 'Nemesis'. Duke Aldus Thel