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"Questions" is a Sesame Street song performed by Tracy Chapman. Tracey sings about the importance of asking questions, encouraging Elmo, Rosita, Prairie Dawn, Telly and Herry to ask her some questions. She then asks them some questions, with Oscar appearing to answer what makes Grouches grouchy. This article lists outstanding questions related to soap bubbles. If you have done experiments related to any of these questions, please either update this page, add your notes in the comments, or contact us. If you are looking for experiments to try, please take a look at this list -- perhaps, you can experiment and share your results via the wiki! See also: In-progress Investigations Q: Why do green mountains look purple in the distance? A: The same reason the sky looks blue. Q: What does the Roman Catholic Church do with pregnant nuns? Q: Did State College native Jeff Haas (?), owner of Pennsylvania Pizza, invent the back-lit canvas (?) business sign, as seen on the State College Hooters restaurant? Did he patent it? Did he get rich? Q: What's the opposite of "victim"? Why are there 50 synonyms for "victim" and hardly any for, um, victimizer? Q: What's the real "ability" behind IQ? Memory and connection-making? Q: What was the Class Gift of Penn State's Class of 1986? -Hi Russ (or whoever reads this), I just returned from an ecovillage educators gathering in Hungary and I took on the task of creating a Wiki to consolidate and maintain the resources and information generated by this group. I was excited to find this Ecovillage Wiki that was created after the Hollyhock event. Do you have any concerns and/or suggestions about us building on the foundation you created? I'm fairly new to the whole concept of Wikis, but it looks pretty easy. Take care and I look forward to hearing from you. In community, - Daniel Greenberg ( Hi Daniel, Russ Here are questions and answers about Virtual World of Kaneva! Information:Q-question, A-answer Q-Is Kaneva free?A-Yes it is free! Thank you kaneva for being so supportive! Slipstream comes into the science facility to see what is going on since she last poked her head in here. She hmms, "Wow, looks nice." referring to the time machine. Starscream is marveling at the completed device. He turns to see Slipstream poking her head into the room. "Indeed, it is a marvel of Decepticon Engineering, if I do say so myself," he says, "And now that it is complete, the doom of the Autobots is at hand." Slipstream enters further, "We shall see. Have you tested this thing yet? I haven't seen any reports about what's been going on with it.. like your hiding it all." Use this place to ask questions, and hopefully someone will come and answer them! If you're providing an answer, put the information on the appropriate page or create a new page, then post the link here. Here is a place to post your questions about Amateur Astronomy. I can't promise you will get an answer or how long it will take, honestly that depends on how popular this wiki becomes. My experience is that as a group Amateur Astronomers are about as friendly a community as you can find. If they know an answer, they will be happy to share it with you. --Starseeker 20:41, 6 October 2007 (UTC) This movie was created for Beginning Filmmaking in the spring of 2007. 1. The Buddha. Is/Was the Buddha an atheist? When is he an atheist? When is he not an atheist? How does the historical Buddha differ from the mythical Buddha? 2. Confucius. Is Confucius an atheist? When is he an atheist? When is he not an atheist? 3. Socrates. Is/Was Socrates an atheist? When is he an atheist? When is he not an atheist? 4. Einstein. Is/Was Einstein an atheist? When is he an atheist? When is he not an atheist? Нажмите здесь, чтобы редактировать эту страницу. Добавьте свои вопросы и сохраните страницу. Можете указать свой e-mail адрес, чтобы получить (не автоматическое) уведомление об ответе. Для этого в MapIt через меню File/Set Geo Info указываются координаты выделенного на карте прямоугольника. То есть нужно иметь карту (mpr-файл) в точном масштабе, сориентированную по сторонам света, и знать координаты нескольких точек на ней. В самом HandMap этого, имхо, сделать нельзя. How do u do a backbend This page is for any questions or confusion regarding the story or setup of the website. Remember to create a new page on which to post your comment. Thanks! Back to Discussion:Main. how do we: * fight slash and burn? * most effectively provide aid to refugees? * encourage international peace? * encourage people to spend less time watching TV and playing Video Games? * create mechanisms which protect the environment and sustainability? * increase literacy? * combat aids? * combat poverty? * combat malaria? * choose which of these problems to fight? * raise awareness to these topics? * motivate corporations to operate for the greater social good? else: create an economic system which limits corporate power There are three kinds of question: those that can be answered with a simple "yes" or "no", those that present a range of options to choose from, and those that ask for a particular piece of information. Additionally, questions can be direct ("Where are we going?") or indirect ("I asked you where we are going", "I don't know who I am"). Direct questions end in a question mark (?). σελ. 412 Kandel * Νόμος ειδικής ενεργειας νέυρωνων Modality είναι ιδιότητα του αισθητηριακού νευρικού καλωδίου. Κάθε αισθητηριακό νευρικό καλώδιο ενεργοποιείται αρχικά από ένα συγκεκριένο τύπο ερεθίσματος και κάθε καλώδιο συνδέεται με συγκεκριμένες δομές του Κ.Ν.Σ., του οποίου η δραστηριότητα δίνει το αποτέλεσμα σε συγκεκριμένες αισθήσεις. * Αποδείξτε η ταχύτητα μετάδοσης σήματος σε αμύελους άξονες είναι ανάλογη της τετραγωνικής ρίζας της διαμέτρου του άξονα. * Τα 4 χαρακτηριστικα των αισθησεων Modality, Intensity, timing, location Any question is welcome
n16: n21: n29: n32: n33: n38: n40: n51: n55: n58: n59: n63: n64: n66: n68: n70: n71: n72: n75: n83: n84: n98: n101: n102: n106: n107: n111:
n10: n13: n26: n49: n50: n56: n62: n69: n74: n76: n77: n82: n93: n110:
Sonya Blade, '''Heather Monroe
Dominican, Irish n41: n44:
Other Relatives
former Waitress Warwick, RI
n7: n39: n57:
Nationality/Race: Powers/Abilities
Unidentified mother n81: n97:
Occupation Hometown:
Heather Calauro Grullon-Monroe Alive
Formal Name Status:
n53: n91: n30: n100:
n35: n87:
n23: n65:
n37: n80:
Splotched Animal Music Co.
σελ. 412 Kandel * Νόμος ειδικής ενεργειας νέυρωνων Modality είναι ιδιότητα του αισθητηριακού νευρικού καλωδίου. Κάθε αισθητηριακό νευρικό καλώδιο ενεργοποιείται αρχικά από ένα συγκεκριένο τύπο ερεθίσματος και κάθε καλώδιο συνδέεται με συγκεκριμένες δομές του Κ.Ν.Σ., του οποίου η δραστηριότητα δίνει το αποτέλεσμα σε συγκεκριμένες αισθήσεις. * Αποδείξτε η ταχύτητα μετάδοσης σήματος σε αμύελους άξονες είναι ανάλογη της τετραγωνικής ρίζας της διαμέτρου του άξονα. * Τα 4 χαρακτηριστικα των αισθησεων Modality, Intensity, timing, location * Kωδικας συχνοτητας, κωδικας πληθυσμου, κωδικας σεσημασμένης γραμμής Κώδικας συχνότητας είναι η συχνότητα πυροδότησης, δηλαδή ο αριθμός των δυναμικών ενεργείας στη μονάδα του χρόνου. Αυξάνεται ανάλογα με την ένταση του ερεθίσματος. Κώδικας πληθυσμού, αναφέρεται στον αριθμό των υποδοχέων που πυροδοτούνται ως απόκριση σε κάποιο ερέθισμα. Όσο αυξάνεται η συχνότητα πυροδότησης ενός νευρώνα, το ισχυρότερο ερέθισμα κωδικοποιεί μεγαλύτερο αριθμό υποδοχέων. Κώδικας σεσημασμένης γραμμής, Ο κώδικας Σ.Γ είναι η εξειδίκευση του υποδοχέα, καθορίζει το είδος ολόκληρης της αισθητικ. Οδού από τον υποδοχέα μέχρι το φλοιό. Νόμος του Muller (ειδική ενέργεια) η νευρική οδός καθορίζει το modality που μεταφέρεται. Σήμερα γνωρίζουμε ότι το modality καθορίζεται από την περιοχή του εγκεφάλου στην οποία καταλήγει. * Τι είναι ο νόμος της ειδικής ενέργειας των νεύρων και πως πρέπει να τροποποιηθεί υπό το φως των νέων γνώσεων για το νευρικό σύστημα Ο κώδικας Σ.Γ είναι η εξειδίκευση του υποδοχέα, καθορίζει το είδος ολόκληρης της αισθητικ. Οδού από τον υποδοχέα μέχρι το φλοιό. Νόμος του Muller (ειδική ενέργεια) η νευρική οδός καθορίζει το modality που μεταφέρεται. Σήμερα γνωρίζουμε ότι το modality καθορίζεται από την περιοχή του εγκεφάλου στην οποία καταλήγει. * Τι είναι η γρήγορη και η αργή εξοικείωση (rapidly/slowly adapting κύτταρα); Αντιπροσωπεύουν το βασικό χαρακτηριστικό της διάρκειας σε μία αίσθηση. Χωρίζονται σε φασικούς (rapidly) και τονικούς (slowly) υποδοχείς. Οι φασικοί αντιλαμβάνονται μεταβολές του ερεθίσματος και πυροδοτούνται κατα την εφαρμογή και την απομάκρυνση του ερεθίσματος. Οι τονικοί εκπολώνονται καθ όλη τη διάρκεια εφαρμογής του ερεθίσματος. 1. The Buddha. Is/Was the Buddha an atheist? When is he an atheist? When is he not an atheist? How does the historical Buddha differ from the mythical Buddha? 2. Confucius. Is Confucius an atheist? When is he an atheist? When is he not an atheist? 3. Socrates. Is/Was Socrates an atheist? When is he an atheist? When is he not an atheist? 4. Einstein. Is/Was Einstein an atheist? When is he an atheist? When is he not an atheist? Use this place to ask questions, and hopefully someone will come and answer them! If you're providing an answer, put the information on the appropriate page or create a new page, then post the link here. There are three kinds of question: those that can be answered with a simple "yes" or "no", those that present a range of options to choose from, and those that ask for a particular piece of information. Additionally, questions can be direct ("Where are we going?") or indirect ("I asked you where we are going", "I don't know who I am"). Direct questions end in a question mark (?). This movie was created for Beginning Filmmaking in the spring of 2007. This article lists outstanding questions related to soap bubbles. If you have done experiments related to any of these questions, please either update this page, add your notes in the comments, or contact us. If you are looking for experiments to try, please take a look at this list -- perhaps, you can experiment and share your results via the wiki! See also: In-progress Investigations 1. * pH: Baking powder vs. baking sod/citric acid. There have been mixed reports from the field as to what works best for people. A study should be made comparing the behavior of bubble juice with the pH lowered via baking powder, baking soda+citric acid, citric acid alone, vinegar. The juice should have the pH adjusted to particular pH and other than the pH adjusters, the juices should be identical. An 18:1 or 20:1 guar-based juice would be a good juice to use although any basic juice base would be acceptable. 2. * pH: Baking soda/citric acid vs. sodium citrate. Can we do some experiments that demonstrates that adding sodium citrate has the same effect as adding baking soda and citric acid separately. While there would be no difference if the bs/ca were added to distilled water, the question remains whether baking soda and/or citric acid might be reacting on their own with minerals in the water or ingredients of the detergent. While it seems likely that the two methods are equivalent, it is not certain as their have been some reports about solutions being different depending on when the baking soda and citric acid are added. DECEMBER 2013: There is evidence (at least with Charmy) that Sodium Citrate is not as helpful as baking powder or baking soda/citric acid. Edward found (see blog entries) that there was no benefit to adding sodium citrate in cases where the juice improved noticeably with amendments that lowered the pH. 3. * pH/storage/concentrates. Would a concentrate such as eGoo be harmed if it were acidified enough so that the diluted juice were in an ideal pH range. Edward notes that about 0.6 grams of citric acid added to 1 gallon of diluted eGoo juice yielded a pH of about 7.6. That would amount to about 0.6 grams citric acid per 236 grams of concentrate. 0.75 grams would probably be ok for a 15:1 water:concentrate ratio. 4. * pH. Do different detergents demonstrate different bubbling potentials at different pHs? 5. * pH. What are the best methods for raising/lowering/buffering the pHs of bubble juice? 6. * Charmy/Japanese Laundry Starch. Adding baking powder to Hisao Oono's Charmy/PVA Laundry Starch recipe yielded poor results . Is the problem the baking powder or the pH? Try using citric acid or baking soda+citric acid to lower th pH and use half the amount of detergent called for in Mr. Oono's Recipe . 7. * Glycerine/Dilution. Re-evaluate influence of glycerine when present in large amounts. Look at solutions with 10%/20%/30% glycerine by weight. Compare to solutions with no glycerine. Use color profile to compare 20:1 water:detergent with glycerine added to make up 25% of weight to a solution that 20:1 water+glycerine:detergent with the amount of glycerine and detergent held constant. 8. * Glycerine/pH. Why is there such a large discrepancy in the quoted pH values of glycerine (values quote range from 5.5 to 7.0 to 10.0)? Edward Spiegel's testing indicates that glycerine has a pH of about 5.6. [UPDATE SEPT 2010: Edward has measured and received reports about several different brands of glycerine all falling in the range 5.6 to 7.3] 9. * Aging solutions. When does aging solutions for a day or more benefit them? 10. * Aging solutions. Is it important to age solutions in an open container to evaporate volatiles in the detergent? 11. * J-Lube. Is the optimal amount of J-Lube related to the amount of water in the final bubble juice or the amount of detergent or something else? 12. * Surgilube/KY-Jelly. How do these amendments differ in their impact on a water/detergent mix? [ AN ANONYMOUS POSTER WROTE: UPDATE DEC 2012: Both in cold humid NY and hot dry LA I found KY to be a positive addition testing 2oz of it in a 12 cup water and 1 cup ultra dawn mix with bubble thing slide wands, verses the same mix with no KY. It always performed better with the KY (if mixed right with hot water) making the bubbles more self healing (aka wobbly). The optimal amount? I do not know.] [EDWARD REPLIES 12/9/2012: I apologize if the question wasn't clear. The question isn't whether KY Jelly makes a difference. As noted elsewhere on the wiki, KY is an effective ingredient-- the question is what is the DIFFERENCE between KY Jelly (and its knock-offs) and Surgilube in their effect -- both as primary and secondary ingredients? What disambiguates them. 13. * Surgilube/KY-Jelly. How do these amendments differ in their interaction with J-Lube? 14. * Surgilube/KY-Jelly/Glycerine. Are there synergies between lube and glycerine? Mixes of Dawn Ultra, tap water, KY-Jelly (or a generic knock-off), and glycerine seem to have radically better characteristics than mixes that leave out either lube or glycerine. More research needs to be done to see if this is actually true. 15. * Surgilube/KY-Jelly. Is the optimal amount of lube related to the amount of water in the final bubble juice or the amount of detergent or something else? 16. * Detergent/amendment interaction. Due differences in size potential of detergent and water combinations translate to similar potential differences when amendments such as J-Lube/Surgilube are added -- or do such amendments even the playing field (at least to a degree). 17. * J-Lube, etc. What is the optimal ratio of J-Lube/Surgilube? 18. * Water. How much variation in bubble potential is there in tap water based solutions? 19. * Tri-String Wands. To what extent does the string's absorbency benefit the size of the bubbles created and/or the number of bubbles per dip? 20. * Tri-String Wands.To what extent is the maximum bubble size a function of bubble juice, the wand opening size and the absorbency of the wand material? 21. * Detergent. Could some detergents be improved by "cooking" either before adding amendments or after? In partcular, would heating remove the noxious odor from Dawn Direct Foam. 22. * PVA/Starch. Some Japanese laundry starch which is based on polyvinyl alcohol (pva) and modified rice starch is reported to be a valuable additive to bubble juice that improves color and strength. PVA on its own does not seem to do this. Articles about the chemistry of the modified rice starch/pva combination indicates that the qualities may be due to either synergy between the pva and starch OR that the modified rice starch itself is responsible. Also, in reading, it is clear that for starch to be at its most useful it needs to be cooked. Question: will a pva/cooked starch mix benefit bubble juice? 23. * Guar Gum/Borax cross-linking. Guar Gum solutions mixed with a small amount of borax solution is known to crosslink (which can be used to create a really nice slime). Can this cross-linking benefit bubbles? 24. * Dilute solutions' mixing order'. Does it matter with the polymer is added to the water and then the detergent added or if the detergent and polymer are mixed before being added to the water? 25. * juice temperature if the juice is cooled below ambient temperature, is longevity improved? See "Questions" is a Sesame Street song performed by Tracy Chapman. Tracey sings about the importance of asking questions, encouraging Elmo, Rosita, Prairie Dawn, Telly and Herry to ask her some questions. She then asks them some questions, with Oscar appearing to answer what makes Grouches grouchy. Q: Why do green mountains look purple in the distance? A: The same reason the sky looks blue. Q: What does the Roman Catholic Church do with pregnant nuns? Q: Did State College native Jeff Haas (?), owner of Pennsylvania Pizza, invent the back-lit canvas (?) business sign, as seen on the State College Hooters restaurant? Did he patent it? Did he get rich? Q: What's the opposite of "victim"? Why are there 50 synonyms for "victim" and hardly any for, um, victimizer? Q: What's the real "ability" behind IQ? Memory and connection-making? Q: What was the Class Gift of Penn State's Class of 1986? Q: What makes red things look red? Is it the shape of the molecule that absorbs most frequencies (photons?) and for some reason the red-frequency waves are bounced by the shape? What are all the red molecules - are they all related to iron? Any question is welcome This page is for any questions or confusion regarding the story or setup of the website. Remember to create a new page on which to post your comment. Thanks! Back to Discussion:Main. Here are questions and answers about Virtual World of Kaneva! Information:Q-question, A-answer Q-Is Kaneva free?A-Yes it is free! Thank you kaneva for being so supportive! Нажмите здесь, чтобы редактировать эту страницу. Добавьте свои вопросы и сохраните страницу. Можете указать свой e-mail адрес, чтобы получить (не автоматическое) уведомление об ответе. Для этого в MapIt через меню File/Set Geo Info указываются координаты выделенного на карте прямоугольника. То есть нужно иметь карту (mpr-файл) в точном масштабе, сориентированную по сторонам света, и знать координаты нескольких точек на ней. В самом HandMap этого, имхо, сделать нельзя. В основном HandMap заточен под города, но и географические карты тоже есть. Другое дело, что цветов там минимум. Добавлять собственные стили нельзя. Пока никак. "В программе Handmap на платформе Pocket PC русский язык пока не поддерживается." [1] Использовать карту, где вместо кириллицы транслит. Можно попробовать указать в настройках использовать шрифт стандартного размера. В HandMap есть свои мелкие шрифты, которые не русифицированы. Если указать стандартный, то будет использовать системный шрифт (который у вас с кирилицей). В HandMap 4.* это работает так. Here is a place to post your questions about Amateur Astronomy. I can't promise you will get an answer or how long it will take, honestly that depends on how popular this wiki becomes. My experience is that as a group Amateur Astronomers are about as friendly a community as you can find. If they know an answer, they will be happy to share it with you. --Starseeker 20:41, 6 October 2007 (UTC) How do u do a backbend Slipstream comes into the science facility to see what is going on since she last poked her head in here. She hmms, "Wow, looks nice." referring to the time machine. Starscream is marveling at the completed device. He turns to see Slipstream poking her head into the room. "Indeed, it is a marvel of Decepticon Engineering, if I do say so myself," he says, "And now that it is complete, the doom of the Autobots is at hand." Slipstream enters further, "We shall see. Have you tested this thing yet? I haven't seen any reports about what's been going on with it.. like your hiding it all." "Not fully," Starscream says, "I have yet to make a foray back in time. But it will be soon. Tell me, Slipstream. How do you feel about Megatron's Leadership?" Slipstream shrugs to this, "Not really met the mech to make a good assessment. I heard stuff, read stuff, but that isn't quite a good way to make judgments on performance." "And how do you see my leadership skills?" Starscream asks, looking rather smarmy and sounding almost seductive. Slipstream smirks at that one, "Sorry Starscream, same answer. I've not been here long enough to know any of you. Of course if you dragged your seeker body out of this depressingly dull science lab and had some fun, maybe then I have an opinion other than your some sort of science nerd pretending to be a fly boy." Starscream grins. "Oh, I've been out and had fun," he says, "Out on raids and patrols. And I took Trypticon out for a walk. So if you stick with me, I will ensure that the Decepticons have plenty of fun." Slipstream hmms, "And what /did/ you do with that beast I read so much about? Seems to be missing hmm?" she asks, smirking in that lopsidedly annoying fashion. "Lose him maybe?" Starscream hangs his head slightly. "He malfunctioned and wandered off. We have to collect him and reprogram him so that doesn't happen again," he replies. Slipstream nods to this, "Mmm, and you haven't looked since he did so.. instead burying your head in this machine. I have to wonder," she says, pacing around you, idly trailing a finger across a wing, "why Megatron hasn't noticed and also why you think this project is more important than finding this powerful being you once had control over." "Trypticon is still uncontrollable, which means he's uncontrollable even to the Autobots," Starscream says, "This has far greater priority since if we can go back in time, we can eliminate the Autobots once and for all and then whatever happens to Trypticon becomes inconsequential." Slipstream apparently had no affect on you trying the wing finger drag, (A pity) she muses in thought. "I hope you are right Starscream. IF any of the posts Megatron are any indication, I fear what being wrong may entail for you." Starscream shrugs. "It is our best chance to stop the Autobots and make the Universe our playground," he says. Slipstream nods slowly, "I wish I had your scientific confidence, Starscream. But facts are that I do not. I am just a simple fly femme with no desire for the sciences other than the physics that play against my frame as I dive down and impale my lance through a mech." "Well, there's something to be said for that," Starscream says, "I used to be far more buried in scientific experiments and discovery than I am now. The thrill of battle lured me away from the test tubes and microscopes." Slipstream nods to this bit of information. "And yet you return to them like the beckoning of an old lover." she muses. "Its sort of quaint really." "Without scientific research, the Decepticon Cause cannot move forward," Starscream says. You say, "Without the Aerial Commander leading the aerial troops, the cause is without guidance Starscream. You cannot ignore your duty to the cause by remaining here with your new project forever."" "Oh don't worry, I do plenty of leading the troops," Starscream says. "It's not often that something of this importance scientifically comes along, and Megatron himself ordered me to work on the project." Slipstream hmms, then let's it drop. Questioning this further would just look bad upon her as his underling after all. "Very well, should I leave you to that then since all I am doing is distracting you?" Starscream strokes his chin. "Actually, I think I could have some use for you, at least when we go back in time. Please make yourself available for that trip." Slipstream cocks her head to how that was worded, "Very well, as you command Aerial commander." she salutes briskly. how do we: * fight slash and burn? * most effectively provide aid to refugees? * encourage international peace? * encourage people to spend less time watching TV and playing Video Games? * create mechanisms which protect the environment and sustainability? * increase literacy? * combat aids? * combat poverty? * combat malaria? * choose which of these problems to fight? * raise awareness to these topics? * motivate corporations to operate for the greater social good? else: create an economic system which limits corporate power * reform American campaign finance? * motivate our youth to succeed? -Hi Russ (or whoever reads this), I just returned from an ecovillage educators gathering in Hungary and I took on the task of creating a Wiki to consolidate and maintain the resources and information generated by this group. I was excited to find this Ecovillage Wiki that was created after the Hollyhock event. Do you have any concerns and/or suggestions about us building on the foundation you created? I'm fairly new to the whole concept of Wikis, but it looks pretty easy. Take care and I look forward to hearing from you. In community, - Daniel Greenberg ( Hi Daniel, I believe that would be a great use of the Wiki! I'm new to using it myself. Michael Hale, as a result of the N. American Conference, created it. If you have any concerns you can reach him at Yarrow Ecovillage. Best wishes & hope to see you at Findhorn in Oct.! Russ Kakwa Ecovillage Great that you find this useful, Daniel. Wikis have been called a "collaborative authoring tool." They seem to fit very well with the ecovillage approach to doing things, which is usually consensus based. I look forward to futher interactions between us. Michael, Yarrow EcoVillage 21:33, 4 Jul 2005 (UTC)
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