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The Hungry Sea
Fleeing plummeting temperatures plunging, the Robinsons have abandoned the crashed Jupiter 2 spacecraft and head south in the chariot in a desperate bid for survival. Dr. Smith refuses to accompany the family and Major West, and remains behind with the Robot on the ship. Arriving back at the Jupiter 2, the Robinsons and Smith find they had both reached the same explanation for the planet's extreme temperature swings, but with the worst over, they are able to resume their work in establishing themselves on their new home.
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"There Were Giants in the Earth"
"Welcome Stranger"
Fleeing plummeting temperatures plunging, the Robinsons have abandoned the crashed Jupiter 2 spacecraft and head south in the chariot in a desperate bid for survival. Dr. Smith refuses to accompany the family and Major West, and remains behind with the Robot on the ship. On their journey southward, the Robinsons encounter a ferocious electrical storm and take shelter in a nearby cave. When they explore the cave, they discover that it contains the ruins of a long-abandoned alien city. Will, Penny, Don, and Judy become trapped in a stone chamber just as a planet-quake threatens to bring heavy stones crashing down upon them. John Robinson rescues them by cutting through the wall with his laser gun. The Robinsons resume their journey south while back at the Jupiter 2 Dr. Smith attempts to keep warm with only the Robot for company. Smith assumes that the Robinsons had by that point met some terrible fate, and speaks of preparing a eulogy for the family. The robot consults a tracking system and discovers that the chariot is still in motion traveling southward. Smith is disappointed that he has lost the opportunity to deliver a beautiful eulogy. Meanwhile, the Robinsons cross a frozen sea. Temperatures at the Jupiter 2 continue to plummet, and Dr. Smith begins to fear freezing to death. The next morning though, all notice that the sun has risen hours earlier than usual and that the temperature has ceased to fall. Smith is initially relieved by this turn of events, and has the Robot analyze data on the orbit of their planet in order to find an explanation. At first he disbelieves the results, but when he realizes there is no other explanation, he commands the Robot to delete his earlier orders to eliminate the Robinsons since he is now sure they face certain death. But when he discovers that the Robot cannot pilot the Jupiter 2, he radios the Robinsons to warn them of the impending peril. Don, mistrustful of Smith, cut off the communication before Smith can give them any warning. Smith then despatches the Robot after the chariot to deliver his message. John begins to postulate that the increasingly rapidly rising temperature they are experiencing are the results of the planet's eccentric orbit. They are taking measures to shield themselves and the chariot from the heat when the Robot arrives, but Don disables the Robot before it can speak. The family survive the worst of the heat under reflective blankets and awnings, but still emerge weakened from the ordeal. They begin their return journey to the Jupiter 2 where they hope to find a more equitable climate, but must now recross the sea, now melting and storm tossed. Don is almost lost overboard when he attempts to effect repairs on the outside of the chariot when it is transiting the sea, but is saved at the last minute. Arriving back at the Jupiter 2, the Robinsons and Smith find they had both reached the same explanation for the planet's extreme temperature swings, but with the worst over, they are able to resume their work in establishing themselves on their new home.