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So Bad It's Good/Webcomics
Some webcomics are good. A lot of them are bad. And some come to a strange line between quality and enjoyability. * It's never quite clear whether it's intentional or not, but between the occasional interruptions for captioned photographs of tech support calls, an utterly bizarre early gender reveal, an Unwanted Harem that puts Tenchi to shame, a political filler that's no more or less than a black(?!?) Nazi with W's where swastikas should be, and a Good Angel, Bad Angel lesbian sex scene, Too Much Information definitely fits. * The random interruptions were moved to another site. The Fan Service is still pretty cool, though. * Concession appears to a perfect example of this trope. Granted Immy's improved his art considerably (it's still nothing to write home about) but with gr
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Some webcomics are good. A lot of them are bad. And some come to a strange line between quality and enjoyability. * It's never quite clear whether it's intentional or not, but between the occasional interruptions for captioned photographs of tech support calls, an utterly bizarre early gender reveal, an Unwanted Harem that puts Tenchi to shame, a political filler that's no more or less than a black(?!?) Nazi with W's where swastikas should be, and a Good Angel, Bad Angel lesbian sex scene, Too Much Information definitely fits. * The random interruptions were moved to another site. The Fan Service is still pretty cool, though. * Concession appears to a perfect example of this trope. Granted Immy's improved his art considerably (it's still nothing to write home about) but with gratuitous furry sex, over-the-top battles of the mind and a wangsting Marty Stu wolf with evil psychic powers as the protagonist it's just hard to deny. All while still under the face of being a gag a day comic no less. Despite the sympathetic Backstory, Joel is clearly the bad guy. The whole point of the character is that you are supposed to feel conflicted about rooting for him, because he is an evil controlling bastard. * Then there are instances where the plot (still maintaining the gag a day format) delves into pedastery and brain cancer. See the scene where the rat blames his child molestation on his brain cancer -- something that was lampshaded and made fun of later on with the real reason being revealed. And dear God the strawmen, every Christian character is a veritable bag full o' them. * Concession defines the term Narm Charm. * The overall quality of Cheshire Crossing is actually not so bad - however, its artwork definitely falls into this category. To say that copy-pasting is rampant in the comic is a gross understatment - every female character looks like the same woman with a wig and a different dress, and every male character looks like a ten-year-old boy. There's just something irrepressibly hilarious about the shoddiness of it all. * Powerup Comics is a deliberate attempt to straddle this and So Bad It's Horrible. The main characters are blatant Marty Stus who only have two poses (endlessly copied and pasted). The punchlines often rely on blatant discrimination and intentional backdrafting. But once you accept that the comic is irredeemably awful, the numerous art errors and non-punchlines like "Okay Shadow I know how you love to game!" suddenly become hilarious. Whether you love it or hate it largely depends on whether you're in on the joke. * The Jack BS arc Frigid McThunderbones would certainly fall into this category. David Hopkins has quite clearly set out to use this trope in the entire arc. Not only does he parody a wide variety of awful material, but he does it in such a way it's actually funny at times (which is somewhat surprising, considering that Jack is normally a serious story comic). * Any webcomic made by Brian Clevinger's friend Ryan Sosa. But especially the now-defunct "Real Life Adventures of Brian and Sosa." * The first strip, transcribed from memory: Brian: Oh noes! it's the red phone! Sosa: That means there must be trouble downtown! Brian: To the space helicopter! SFX: Thumpa Thumpa Thumpa! Sosa: It's Rob Liefeld! He's destroying perspective! Rob Liefeld: Roar! Sosa: Oh god! I can see you're front and back at the same time! Brian: are you moving towards me or away from me? Sosa: I have no idea!Brian: I'll stop him with insults! Hey Rob! nobody likes you! Rob Liefeld: People don't like yogurt either. I'm like yogurt. Brian: Oh god! His logic hurts me! Sosa: I'll stop him with violence! SFX: pow! Rob Liefeld: Arrgh! Naration: Chris Claremont swears revenge! Chris Claremont: I hates them! * And that is arguably the strip that makes the MOST sense. * Starfighter has interesting, beautiful art. However, it also has such unspeakably stereotypical Yaoi in it that a parody of it would be the exact same thing. Bonus points for naming the protagonists Cain and Abel, and for portraying the relationship between them as that of a sexual predator and his prey, and yet the 'prey' ends up succumbing to him in the end. * Hamstard, a deliberately awful strip "drawn" by the main character of Erfworld. * Tomoyo42's Room is a Cardcaptor Sakura fancomic that thrives on Dead Baby Comedy (sometimes literally), faecal humour and the running "joke" of various characters raping Sakura, with the nondescript visuals being the only thing keeping it out of the X rating. Still, if you get over the initial nausea, you can get a few laughs out of the over-the-top sex and violence, the artist having fun depicting himself as an utter lowlife pervert, the random cameos of characters from the creator's other comics, and not a few jokes that are actually amusing. * The strips on How Not to Run a Comic are all made intentionally badly. Some of them are just exercises in laziness and Lampshade Hanging, but this is so retarded that it's hilarious. * Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff is a joke comic created by Andrew Hussie of MS Paint Adventures, where every strip is intentionally aliased, badly spelled, horribly drawn, filled with .jpeg artifacts, and covered in Comic Sans. The hilarity of the comic comes its parody of amateur webcomic writers. * But then that only begins to scratch the surface. Sweet Bro and Hella Jeff is ostensibly created by Dave Strider, a character in Hussie's actual webcomic, Homestuck. Dave is a 13-year old boy who delights in being cool through use of Irony, that is, enjoying things because they are uncool and thus because it is cool to like them. Dave makes the webcomic, deriving enjoyment from the fact that his fans think that he is sincere in creating these terrible webcomics. In effect, the entire thing becomes a satire of Power Up Comics. * Some people who read Harkovast bemoan it for stiff action, walls of text and poor art but it still seems to make them cackle with delight. * The Extremely Post Modern Adventures of Flint and Hinawa * The whole point of Comic the Comic. * Mantrul Comics * Laws 4 Kidz comics are so blatantly Anvilicious and poorly drawn that they are really asking to be mocked, thanks to Memetic Mutation. * In Brawl in the Family, there is the whole "Waluigi In The Family" FIRST special and SECOND special: as many as 35 32 So Unfunny It's Funny comics about Waluigi! * Assassin's Night: A Deeper Darkness is what happens when you take Mundane Made Awesome and make it Darker and Edgier, with a side of Fetish Retardant. The guitar chord that plays to accentuate actions such as, say, opening a door only adds to the hilarity. * Freefall: In-Universe, believed by Sam Starfall to be intentionally invoked by makers of the Kaiju movies he loves, to the point that the painfully obvious People in Rubber Suits are digitally rendered so well that it looks like a rubber suited person instead of CGI. * Brutus relies heavily on this trope. * Sonichu falls somewhere between this and it's sister trope: So Bad It's Horrible. On one hand, the media body of the comic and author's antics (which are explicitly connected), are heinously bad in all regards. On the other hand, Bile Fascination and strange "I can't believe he went there" events make the books actually rather entertaining. * The meticulously-maintained troll-wiki "CW Cki" is perhaps the ultimate testament to this. Despite being horrible, the comic/media entity has inspired one of the most aggressively detailed wikis outside of Homestar Runner. * Shadow's Quest Adventure is a webcomic by user Shadowfan 0 X 90 (Or one of his many, many alternate accounts, due to being repeatedly banned) It has quite a mlarge amount of people who hate it, and yet can't quite stop reading it due to it being so unquestionably awful. Bad grammar, poor presentation and loads of plot holes (A good few of them being characters dying and coming back to life for no reason) just make it all the more entertaining. * Lazerbot's "sonic comic", a hilariously bad tale of Sonic and pals, how they deal with trolls, and how Everyone Is Gay. Except Sonic, clearly. MSTed version here. * SHERLOK HOMS, a troll comic in which "Sherlok Homs", Ben, and Wallace Wells must catch "Soicide Mouse", "Soicide Sonic", and other villains.