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Ciryc Tracyn
Since then, she's served Isard in a number of capacities, answering directly to and only to the Director. Though less than a fourth of her assignments are officially documented, even these have included actions that would be considered atrocities, including abduction, assassination, mass killings, and other things that are only known to Ciryc herself. Since then, she's served Isard in a number of capacities, answering directly to and only to the Director. Though less than a fourth of her assignments are officially documented, even these have included actions that would be considered atrocities, including abduction, assassination, mass killings, and other things that are only known to Ciryc herself. Back to Characters Back to Star Wars: Tapestry
n5: n6: n8:
Since then, she's served Isard in a number of capacities, answering directly to and only to the Director. Though less than a fourth of her assignments are officially documented, even these have included actions that would be considered atrocities, including abduction, assassination, mass killings, and other things that are only known to Ciryc herself. Still, all of this does not come without its price, and, like 84% of her peers, Ciryc suffers from severe Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. To this end, rather than seek true medical and psychological help via Imperial doctors, she seeks to alleviate the problem without missing time from her work. She's since become dependent on a number of prescription medications to keep her going day to day. Also, a partiality toward finer spirits has led to an increased level of alcohol consumption. While none of these trends has yet led to a decrease in the agent's effectiveness, it is only through sheer willpower and devotion to her work. Since then, she's served Isard in a number of capacities, answering directly to and only to the Director. Though less than a fourth of her assignments are officially documented, even these have included actions that would be considered atrocities, including abduction, assassination, mass killings, and other things that are only known to Ciryc herself. Still, all of this does not come without its price, and, like 84% of her peers, Ciryc suffers from severe Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. To this end, rather than seek true medical and psychological help via Imperial doctors, she seeks to alleviate the problem without missing time from her work. She's since become dependent on a number of prescription medications to keep her going day to day. Also, a partiality toward finer spirits has led to an increased level of alcohol consumption. While none of these trends has yet led to a decrease in the agent's effectiveness, it is only through sheer willpower and devotion to her work. Back to Characters Back to Star Wars: Tapestry