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Goals are important for sports and athletes. Without a goal, one has nothing to shoot for. It is hard to play basketball without a hoop. The rim is the goal. Here are some more ideas on how you can develop your character in EQ2. Most of these are only relevant after you've reached level 10. Basic character development is covered in the Character Development Guide. This is where all new idea's for this wikia will be held. Admin's Section: Please place your ideas here: Idea: Steal info about this Game from the other Wiki to use as a starting point, then get it Updated with actual Up-To-Date Info as we go! :D The Goals describe what Meet the Geeks is trying to achieve. The project is centered on a few main goals. The overall idea is to create an useful database tool to assist in making changes to an existing database, using the database, and keeping the database up to date. The Ancient Languages Wikia aims to catalog all of the languages in Woodard's Cambridge Encyclopedia of the World's Ancient Languages. Each language should have a page on history, a page on phonology, and a page on morphology and syntax. The section two pages should be tied to the history page. Optionally, a series of lesson pages can also be constructed for each of the languages; the lessons should aim to give the prospective student the ability to read the original texts. See the Format page for information about how to create language pages. The Mobile Journalism Collective project at is built around three distinct goals: * Connecting public media structures to Citizen
 2.0: It is a bridge between legacy public media broadcasters/initiatives
 the media‐producing citizen (citizen 2.0) engaged
 in telling local stories of their lives through discreet episodes of video and audio addressing issues that affect them where they live.
 partnerships established with
 public media initiatives will create
 an infrastructure of
 PTV broadcast air. This will
 not growing a looking that Goals are in-game tasks that usually grant rewards upon completion. Below is a list of goals and the list of conditions required to complete them. |-| Time-sensitive goals= These goals, unlike most goals, can only be achieved during specific times. (ex: The Aether Sprint goal can only be achieved during Olympics.) |-| Arctic goals= |-| Advertisement-related goals= * These amounts were changed at an unknown time to 14 Image:Gold20px.png for install, 7 Image:Gold20px.png a piece for the three additional quests, for a total of 35 Image:Gold20px.png per advertised game. Goals to keep in mind (and naturally to be discussed further as the community grows) * Organise the basics coherently, in a global legal perspective * Help organize legal education incrementally * Improve efficiency of access to required & desired information * Guiding principle: many short, on-point, cross-referenced quotations often express an idea better than a much longer text without sources and contextual markers * Ensure a high quality of sources and references : information should be complete and enable scholarly access (but not be expressed in a particular format, as long it is as complete as possible and clear -- technical citation is a skill that can be learned in discrete places in the wiki, otherwise it can act as a deterrent to some) * A springboard for
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Goals are important for sports and athletes. Without a goal, one has nothing to shoot for. It is hard to play basketball without a hoop. The rim is the goal. The Mobile Journalism Collective project at is built around three distinct goals: * Connecting public media structures to Citizen
 2.0: It is a bridge between legacy public media broadcasters/initiatives
 the media‐producing citizen (citizen 2.0) engaged
 in telling local stories of their lives through discreet episodes of video and audio addressing issues that affect them where they live.
 partnerships established with
 public media initiatives will create
 an infrastructure of
 PTV broadcast air. This will
 not only provide more content for the growing PTV digital spectrum, but invigorate a direct relevance for public media in the lives of an audience looking to see itself represented through situations and life stories that reflect their local , not to mention contemporary, reality. MojoCo will
 also form partnerships that could connect its users with opportunities and
 resources from a myriad of public media brands and projects. * Making learning tools simple and accessible to all who aspire to produce content: it is a portal of
 learning that brings together important resources for public media production from professionals in the field. will be the citizen media producer’s resource for current web log entries, downloadable tools, and video tutorials from knowledgeable independent producers, public media supporters and researchers like the Center for Social Media, the New Media Institute, the Public Radio Exchange, and others who will form
 growing base of experts with musings and
 resources available to all registered MojoCo users. This strong base of media advisers to the public is an important asset to many communities of citizen producers looking for professional guidance in making effective public media. * Connecting producers to each other by creating a social/transparent layer to online short form production: providing commons‐based
 tools for sharing of resources, and open
 collaboration for a constructive interaction around online
 commons‐based sharing environment MojoCo will enable users to upload their own “stock footage” (a la Flickr), and download Creative Commons- managed material from other users. They can
 the rights and restrictions around all the content they publish, setting usage
 for anyone who chooses to download
 or re-publish said content. The site will also contain a public domain archive of footage acquired, and constantly
 growing, through established partnerships with organizations like the WGBH
 Sandbox for example ( Additionally, users of MojoCo will be able to manage new productions and project ideas online
 in an open
 way, with tools enabling them to break down their ideas into elements – image, audio, video shots, etc – made public for engagement and critique. The Ancient Languages Wikia aims to catalog all of the languages in Woodard's Cambridge Encyclopedia of the World's Ancient Languages. Each language should have a page on history, a page on phonology, and a page on morphology and syntax. The section two pages should be tied to the history page. Optionally, a series of lesson pages can also be constructed for each of the languages; the lessons should aim to give the prospective student the ability to read the original texts. See the Format page for information about how to create language pages. Here are some more ideas on how you can develop your character in EQ2. Most of these are only relevant after you've reached level 10. Basic character development is covered in the Character Development Guide. Goals are in-game tasks that usually grant rewards upon completion. Below is a list of goals and the list of conditions required to complete them. |-| Time-sensitive goals= These goals, unlike most goals, can only be achieved during specific times. (ex: The Aether Sprint goal can only be achieved during Olympics.) |-| Arctic goals= |-| Advertisement-related goals= There are many goals that are not related to Dragon Story. These goals tend to be advertisements for other Team Lava games. They require the player to install and play the advertised game. Following the instructions for these advertised games usually results in a new goal appearing in Dragon Story that will reward the player with some amount of gold, or other reward, upon completion. This goal tends to be easy to complete, involving actions such as harvesting crops or buying a decoration. After receiving the rewards for these goals, follow-up goals will attempt to get the player to invest more time in these advertised games by assigning more time-consuming tasks. Gold Rewards: Generally, installing the advertised game will get you 30 Image:Gold20px.png. You will be given three additional quests (get to level X in that specific game-quests) which give you 15 Image:Gold20px.png each, for a total of 75 Image:Gold20px.png per advertised game. * These amounts were changed at an unknown time to 14 Image:Gold20px.png for install, 7 Image:Gold20px.png a piece for the three additional quests, for a total of 35 Image:Gold20px.png per advertised game. Other Rewards: Installing the advertised game will occasionally result in a decoration, needed event materials, or dragon as the prize. The completion of the additional quests will result in the gold amounts listed above. The advertisement related quests are generally released on Thursdays. Since this is a Dragon Story wiki and most players are irritated enough by the ads as is, the advertisement-related goals will not be listed in detail. |-| Expiring goals= This is a list of goals that have been in the game for a while and are expiring/expired to make room for new goals. However, unlike time-sensitive goals, the dragons associated with these goals are not expiring. The project is centered on a few main goals. The overall idea is to create an useful database tool to assist in making changes to an existing database, using the database, and keeping the database up to date. Goals to keep in mind (and naturally to be discussed further as the community grows) * Organise the basics coherently, in a global legal perspective * Help organize legal education incrementally * Improve efficiency of access to required & desired information * Guiding principle: many short, on-point, cross-referenced quotations often express an idea better than a much longer text without sources and contextual markers * Ensure a high quality of sources and references : information should be complete and enable scholarly access (but not be expressed in a particular format, as long it is as complete as possible and clear -- technical citation is a skill that can be learned in discrete places in the wiki, otherwise it can act as a deterrent to some) * A springboard for indepth yet light knowledge: clarity of concepts over quantity of information * Create a welcoming online mentorship community for people: in law school (student, teaching, librarian, janitor, support staff) considering law school anyone wishing to come up to speed on how to 'articulate legal concepts in the language of law' * A convenient place where law teachers can consult what is covered in other courses can access tools and information to design courses based on what students know and don't know (contrast this to the methods, 'sink or swim' and 'students must have learnt this elsewhere so I won't bother explaining it', which are currently often in place due to constraints on how the curriculum historically has been structured) can share their ideas and reference them to other thinkers' * A place for disaffected lawyers who want to give back to the community and/or mentor people * A place for NGO & activist legal folk to reference & feed back information & experiences * A place where everyone can contribute, based on how law really is, rather than how it is supposed to work --> a blend of published and personal perspectives on law and legal education (which distinguishes it from, e.g., wikipedia) * A place to forge the blueprint of an integrated, holistic legal curriculum rooted in the belief that the currently-premiumed content can be transmitted more effectively, more healthily, to more students. This is where all new idea's for this wikia will be held. Admin's Section: Please place your ideas here: Idea: Steal info about this Game from the other Wiki to use as a starting point, then get it Updated with actual Up-To-Date Info as we go! :D The Goals describe what Meet the Geeks is trying to achieve.