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Name: Zulore Arcanis Race: Forsaken Age: 37 ((30 during life, 7 undeath)) Birthplace: Hillsbrad Class: Mage Faiths: The Holy Light, and the Echo of Life Professions: Spellfire Tailor and Skinning Guild: Harbingers of War Alignment: Neutral Good Favored Mounts: Violet Netherdrake (Voranaku); Argent Warhorse (Ardent) Appearence: This figure shrouds itself in robes and cloth, making it difficult to identify his Undead nature from a distance. Even when closely expected his skin has fairly little decay, though the coldness and lack of color makes it obvious. He openly bears a Argent Crusade medal of service, and a high ranking insignia of the Horde's military. A thick arcane aura surrounds his person.
n6: n7:
Name: Zulore Arcanis Race: Forsaken Age: 37 ((30 during life, 7 undeath)) Birthplace: Hillsbrad Class: Mage Faiths: The Holy Light, and the Echo of Life Professions: Spellfire Tailor and Skinning Guild: Harbingers of War Alignment: Neutral Good Favored Mounts: Violet Netherdrake (Voranaku); Argent Warhorse (Ardent) Appearence: This figure shrouds itself in robes and cloth, making it difficult to identify his Undead nature from a distance. Even when closely expected his skin has fairly little decay, though the coldness and lack of color makes it obvious. He openly bears a Argent Crusade medal of service, and a high ranking insignia of the Horde's military. A thick arcane aura surrounds his person. A wand is holstered to his left hip, and a skinning knife is sheathed in a leather scabbard on his right. Runes and threadwork mark his robes as custom made, and a Hearthstone is strapped to his belt.. At the end of his sword hilt hangs a sigil in the shape of Lordaeron's coat of arms.