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Alliance or not?! Sea's Devil and Sky's Angel!
Bartender: What'll it be....Pirate? Zero: Sake....and any intel you have on The Akuma Pirates and Marine Movements in the area.... Tyson:*dying from laughing* HAHAHA!!! That was funny what you did Alaude! Alaude:*pissed of* YOU BASTARD STOP LAUGHING OR I'M GONNA KILL YOU!!! Tyson:*laughing* Do it again!!! Alaude:*pissed of* NO!! Zero:*serious* [Hmm, that people look interesting] *serious smile* Zero walks to them Zero:*smiling* Umm, excuse me.I was wondering if you have some informations about.... Before Zero could ask them a question the started fighting and destroyed half of a bar Takeshi: You sure?
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Bartender: What'll it be....Pirate? Zero: Sake....and any intel you have on The Akuma Pirates and Marine Movements in the area.... Tyson:*dying from laughing* HAHAHA!!! That was funny what you did Alaude! Alaude:*pissed of* YOU BASTARD STOP LAUGHING OR I'M GONNA KILL YOU!!! Tyson:*laughing* Do it again!!! Alaude:*pissed of* NO!! Zero:*serious* [Hmm, that people look interesting] *serious smile* Zero walks to them Zero:*smiling* Umm, excuse me.I was wondering if you have some informations about.... Before Zero could ask them a question the started fighting and destroyed half of a bar Zero:*sweat drop* [What's with this people?] Jean:*smiling* Ah, they are just acting normaly. Now what did you wanted to ask. Zero:*smiling* I see, you look smarter than them. I was wondering if you have some informations about The Akuma Pirates. Jean:*thinking* Hmm, not sure. Masako!! Do we have some informations about Akuma Pirates? Masako:*thinking* Nope, we dont. Now come here and calm down Alaude and Tyson! Zero:*wondering* Hmm, aren't you people Sprenger's? They stopped fighting' Tyson:*serious* Yes, we are and I suppose you are Zero of Sea Devil's. Zero:*serious* Yes, I am. Tyson:*smiling* Well, its nice to meet ya. Wanna have a fight? Zero: Not really jsut after some infomation....But if you wanna start go right ahead i'll gladly oblige you... Anna: Ohhh damn it....Zero is causing trouble again.... Takeshi: You sure? Anna: After being amrried to him for so long you sense things.... * Back at Tyson's and Zero's side Tyson:*serious* Guys go back to buying thing we need. Jean:*serious* But Tyson h... * Alaude put his hand on Jean's shoulder Alaude:*serious* Look on his face tell's everything. Tyson:*smiling* Now go. Now that they went we can have a good fight. Zero:*smiling* Sure, but first let's go outside. * They went outside and rain started falling Tyson:*serious smile* You have first turn. Zero: Very well.... Idate: For once cna we go somewhere we won't start a fight?! Kojiro: Your in the wrong job then! Shigure: Yeah! This si fun!! Anna: Shut up and keep running!! Tyson:*smiling* Not bad. Zero: got talent kid....I'll give you that... Anna: I told you on the ship to not start a fight!! Zero: sorry...I did try....