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The Tournament of Champions! A Fight for Fame and Fortune Part 2
Swift: Sup... Senshi: What are you doing in my-* Swift: Just wanna tell you, The tournament is getting started. Swift: Isn't this great? Senshi: I didn't approve of this. Senshi: If I catch you in my room again, I'll slit your throat. Swift: By the way, you don't have to approve it. They just do this for the final contestants. Sabastian: Welcome back, today is the last day before the Final round and then the CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH! Senshi: I wonder who'll we fight. Sabastian: Parazzi Savo VERSUS! RORONOA SENSHI! Senshi: God be with me. Senshi: Ohgodohgodohgodohgo- wait. Baka. Parazzi: STORM-! KICK!
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Swift: Sup... Senshi: What are you doing in my-* Swift: Just wanna tell you, The tournament is getting started. Swift: Isn't this great? Senshi: I didn't approve of this. Senshi: If I catch you in my room again, I'll slit your throat. Swift: By the way, you don't have to approve it. They just do this for the final contestants. Sabastian: Welcome back, today is the last day before the Final round and then the CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH! Senshi: I wonder who'll we fight. Sabastian: Parazzi Savo VERSUS! RORONOA SENSHI! Senshi: God be with me. Senshi: Ohgodohgodohgodohgo- wait. Baka. Senshi: I ate the Henko Henko no Mi. Remember that. Senshi: AAAAAAAAUUUUUUUGGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!! Senshi's Thoughts: Hopefully he doesn't know about asbestos. Senshi: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! Senshi: Crap. I need a plan. And fast. Senshis: Which one is the real me? Can you tell? Parazzi: Well, this is all very confusing for me...OH WAIT! I still have- Parazzi: STORM-! KICK! Senshi: Hehehe. Nice try. Senshi: Drop out or die my ass. Senshi: I wonder who you will fight. Senshi: You know. I think that you and I are going to fight pretty soon. Announcer: Jonathan D. Swift VERSUS SENTOKI!! Senshi: Kick his butt Swift. Sentoki: Nice form. You've obviously been trained by a master. Swift: I can say the same about you. Sentoki: Your move. Swift looked at him, studying his movements. He then gave him a smirk. He suddenly vanished with a weird hissing sound around him. Sentoki: Hmm? Sentoki: Very Interesting. Sentoki: My turn. Swift: nnngh. Swift: Enough of this. Sabastian: CONGRADULATIONS! THE WINNER IS JONATHAN D. SWIFT! Sabastian: Fighters, get some rest for tomorrow, the fight for a chance at the champ shall begin!