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Education in Austria-Hungary (Twilight of a New Era)
The school attendance at the primary education is compulsory and lasts 6 years. The two main schools are: * The Grundschule is the compulsory, universal and comprehensive elementary school for all children starting at the age of 6 years. At the end of 6th grade students can enroll on any the schools of the secondary education. Although Gymnasium tend to consider academic achievement has the norm to accept students. * The Volksschule was created has an alternative to the Grundschule in rural areas in the late 1920s and early 1930s. It has an emphasis on its last two years on technical and vocational education. The students at the end of 6th grade are eligible to enter the Hauptschule specialized in the fields of their technical or vocational training.
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The school attendance at the primary education is compulsory and lasts 6 years. The two main schools are: * The Grundschule is the compulsory, universal and comprehensive elementary school for all children starting at the age of 6 years. At the end of 6th grade students can enroll on any the schools of the secondary education. Although Gymnasium tend to consider academic achievement has the norm to accept students. * The Volksschule was created has an alternative to the Grundschule in rural areas in the late 1920s and early 1930s. It has an emphasis on its last two years on technical and vocational education. The students at the end of 6th grade are eligible to enter the Hauptschule specialized in the fields of their technical or vocational training. The secondary education is structured in different types of schools and ranges from the 2 years in the Hauptschule to the 6 years in Gymnasium, Realschule and extended studies in the Hauptschule. * The Gymnasium is the academic secondary school with a strong emphasis on liberal arts, classics and humanities and sciences. It generally prepares to enter a university or engineering and technical schools or medical schools for advanced academic study. Generally considered the more prestigious of the three secondary schools. It is widely held that the Gymnasium is the school of the political and academic elites. * The Realschule is technical and applied studies secondary school that has more mathematics, scientific and modern languages emphasis than the Gymnasium. The pupils generally enter the university, engineering and technical schools, medical schools, normal schools or arts schools. * The Hauptschule (General School) is a technical and vocational training secondary school created in the 1920s, with emphasis on science, technical education and apprenticeship. The Hauptschule enrollment is automatic in most cases for graduates from a Volksschule. However some establishments have setup competitive entrance exams. It normally has 2 years of normal studies. If the student wishes to enter an engineering and technical school it must take 4 more years of extended studies. By the 1930s it was also setup in urban areas with a full course of of industrial and technical training of 6 years for the graduates of the Grundschule and the urban Volksschule. * Allgemeine Mittelschule (General Secondary or Middle School) is a comprehensive secondary school created in the 1950s in States governed by the social democrats, They form part of the Eiheitsschule (Comprehensive School) movement. Its purpose its not to select its intake on the basis of academic achievement or aptitude. It gives a full range of subjects across the academic and vocational spectrum. Preparing for further academic and professional or training for the work. The grades are from 2 years for vocational training to the complete 6 years of secondary education. At the end of the secondary education the students take the Matura. It consists of 3 to 5 written exams and 2 to 3 oral exams. Although the Matura grading is standard throughout Austria-Hungary, the subject list varies according to the curricula of each state, specially in language subjects. The score and chosen subjects on the Matura are taken has selection criteria by the Tertiary Education.