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Garrison - Till the Last Breath
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Garrison - Till the Last Breath
Fen: But at what cost...? Thus ended our Garrison experience. Only a single trader had survived, and of the Dreamers only Sel and myself remained standing. It was a high price to pay for victory. Sel swore we would take revenge in the near future, but I doubt we will fare much better than we did today. I just hope that this account proves of some use to those who have yet to take part in Garrison... Sel: Too quick. Bern: No time for that! Banishga! Banishga! Banishga! frame|right|The outpost has been overrun by giants.Could this be the end?]] The Dreamers still had plenty of fight left, but the traders were falling one by one to the overwhelming strength of our gigantic foes. Eventually an area attack claimed the life of the remaining civilian, and we slumped in total defeat. Birp: There goes the last of them, lol. Bern: I'm here! I'm here! I forgot to switch off Invisible T_T After making sure everyone was present and accounted for, we made our way to the entrance of Delkfutt's Tower. Fen: This is where the outpost should be. Sel: Did we clear Garrison? This time the Dreamers have decided to try their hand at Garrison, an exercise that requires them to defend a number of allies from a sudden beastmen assault on an outpost. To succeed, they must hold off wave after wave of bloodthirsty attackers. So, are the Dreamers up to the challenge? Participating Party: The Dreamers left Selfeilliget left Bernwart Troublemaker extraordinaire. Aba: Man, that was over quick. frame|right|This is no place for amateurs!Back off before you get hurt!]] The answer to my question materialized almost immediately. A cadre of giants had rushed the outpost and was attacking the hapless traders. Aba: Whoa! We got company! Fen: Fen breaks out her Super Combo! Aba: C'mon, Bern! Lay some of that healing on us! Yai: You are feeling ve-ry sle-epy. Pitoire, R.K. : It will not be long before a caravan of traders in search of new trade routes arrives here at the outpost in Qufim. If they were to be injured by the enemy, the economy of San d'Oria could fall into chaos.We request your assistance in protecting the prosperity of our kingdom! Birp: Protect the traders, got it. Now what? Birp: Gotcha. Fulfills his role admirably, but can occasionally be over-the-top. As if sensing our momentary distraction, a second wave of enemies appeared and charged into our midst. Things were not going well, and the untrained actions of the traders were doing nothing to help the situation. Fen: Great, these idiots are using area attacks. Now we can't put the giants to sleep. Bern: Who's doing SC with me? the outpost, slowly but surely depleting our reserves of HP and MP. We were pushed to the limits of exhaustion, but finally the stream of enemies seemed to come to an end. Birp: Is it over? Bern: 1st Heavy Swing TP:0% Fen: The Gobs are getting too close to the traders! We dispatched the first group of attackers without a hitch, but things were far from over. Wave after wave of Goblins charged NIN Lv30/WAR Lv15 Aba: Bern! Do some healing, already! Yai: What? It's over? T_T center Sel: OK. We all ready to rock? I'm trading the ram leather missive. Bern: 1st Heavy Swing TP:46% SAM Lv30/WAR Lv15 left Birp Sel: Never mind. On to the next outpost! Several hours later, we were gathered before the outpost north of the town of Selbina. We had left the swirling snow of Qufim behind to brave the scorching sands of the Valkurm Dunes. Sel: Okay, people! This time we're gonna do it right! Our basic strategy is the same: lure the beastmen away from the outpost and keep 'em away from the traders. Oh, and make sure you stop any area attacks from going off. Yai: Nah, we're still waiting for pumpkinhead. The leader of the Dreamers. Has some management issues. left Abalard Aba: Wait! Fen, behind you! Our joy was short-lived. A Goblin Swindler, the leader of the assault force, had appeared with his henchmen. Aba: There's no end to these guys! Fen: If you see a monster start an area attack, try using Lullaby or Shield Bash. Just remember: don't panic! Yai: Cure II -> Abalard The only reliable mage. Lifeline of the party. work on our strategy. MNK Lv30/WAR Lv15 Yai: Cure II -> Birp We managed to take down the first wave of attackers but one of the traders was already heavily wounded. Fen: This one's on his last legs already. left Yai Yai: NP. With our change in scenery came a new type of enemy. The outpost in the dunes had an unfriendly visit from some Goblins. frame|right|Provoking the Goblins provesto be an effective tactic.]] Fen: You're playing with me now, Goblin Swordmaker! Rookie reporter. Author of this article. ----- An icy wind swept over Qufim Island. I warmed my chapped hands with steaming white breath as I hurried to the lake where my companions awaited. Birp: Is this everyone? PLD Lv30/WAR Lv15 Fen: We stink. Fen: We did it! Aba: I've got things covered over here. Sel: You gotta be kidding me. Sel: Nice one, Yai! Fen: We need a Curaga! WHM Lv30/BLM Lv15 Fen: I'm toast. It's up to you, Sel! It was only a matter of time before the carnage would be complete. But as all seemed lost, Sel felled the Goblin Swindler with a final mighty blow. Bern: Yes! We win! lol Aba: One trader left. Fen: Looks like we blew it. We need to left Feneinei Aba: Draw them away from the greengrocers! BRD Lv29/WHM Lv14 Novice adventurer. Still unaccustomed to party battles.