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Are you a good person?
In discussing the necessity of accepting God and/or Jesus, apologists will often pose the question, "Are you a good person?" The idea is to sow the seeds of doubt in the listener's mind by using the Ten Commandments and play on the fear of eternal damnation to make belief in God more attractive. This is one of many cases where Religion causes fear more clearly than hope. See also Pascal's Wager.
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Of course, by Ray's logic, if you have ever told the truth, that means you are a truthful person, and if you ever do one good thing, you are a good person. By this standard, Hitler could be considered a good person, because it is nearly impossible to live your life without doing at least one thing that could be considered "good" by at least one person, not to mention different people consider different things "good". White supremacists clearly thought what he was doing was good. According to Ray Comfort saying "oh my goodness" also counts, because no one is good and only God is good. "Oh my gosh" also counts.
n9: n12:
In discussing the necessity of accepting God and/or Jesus, apologists will often pose the question, "Are you a good person?" The idea is to sow the seeds of doubt in the listener's mind by using the Ten Commandments and play on the fear of eternal damnation to make belief in God more attractive. This is one of many cases where Religion causes fear more clearly than hope. See also Pascal's Wager. Ray Comfort will seize any admission of imperfection to condemn his interlocutor: stealing a piece of candy from a store when one was a child counts as a "yes" answer to "Have you ever stolen anything?" Comfort's god considers this equivalent to robbing a bank. Determining if a person is "good" or not cannot be done by religious criteria. Comfort's method of using the Ten Commandments is no more effective than using the 5 Pillars of Islam, especially because the books they come from list situations when it is okay to break them, such as "thou shalt not kill" from the ten commandments of the bible being null and void when it comes to atheists, stoning rebellious children, witches, wizards, and pretty much every second non-Jew in the Old Testament. To be good is to be moral, and if morality means anything, it is minimizing suffering and doing no harm. Hitler may have been a nice guy to those closest to him, but his overall impact on society heavily makes him pure evil.