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Fish Pond (BTN)
You will have a Fish Pond at the very start of the game. The use of it is only to keep fishes and breed them to each other. Fish will never die. It is not necessary to add Fish food to the pond. Fish food is only used to breed and multiply the fish in the pond. It takes days to make fish breed. The player must first catch and place two fish in the pond before breeding can take place. During Winter, the water in the Pond will solidify, making it impossible to add fish to the pond. Fish can be placed in the refrigerator to be added to the pond later (during Spring, Summer, or Fall).
You will have a Fish Pond at the very start of the game. The use of it is only to keep fishes and breed them to each other. Fish will never die. It is not necessary to add Fish food to the pond. Fish food is only used to breed and multiply the fish in the pond. It takes days to make fish breed. The player must first catch and place two fish in the pond before breeding can take place. During Winter, the water in the Pond will solidify, making it impossible to add fish to the pond. Fish can be placed in the refrigerator to be added to the pond later (during Spring, Summer, or Fall).