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In Sryth, as in the real world, a dwelling is a place to SAFEly rest your head, and store your stash. As of now, a player can own a maximum of 3 dwellings (4 for winners of the Festival of Blades). All dwellings allow you to store items. Before the gold cap you could also store gold in them. There are two types of dwellings in Heroes of Might and Magic: Kingdom Dwellings and External Dwellings. They can be found inside a town or on the adventure map, respectively. On the adventure map, some are guarded and others the troops will join your army for free.
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Any 1 magical discipline, Lore: 30, Arcana: 30 Moat Hall of Living Statues Sculpture Gallery Dungeon Grand Flower Garden Torture Chamber
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Interior Exterior
Living Statue - Cave Goblin Ryorsilian Death Rose Grand Feather Bed Larder Standing Suits of Armour Gallery of Skulls Moat Guardian - Trossk Walk of Kings Moonwhisper Flower Halgirom Mounted Troll's Head Mirror of Gating Living Statue - Knight Huntswoman Decorative Takabak Shield Warded Strongbox Engraved Stone Arch Living Tapestry Hall of Trophies Grand Flower Garden Network of Secret Passages Orbs of Moonlight Palo Grove Stables Master Bedchamber Guardian Ivy Iron Strongbox Oaken Strongbox Watchful Art Towering Iron Arch Grand Stair Griffon Statue Enchanted Drawbridge Well Chamber Enchanted Tapestry - Your Adventures Servants Minstrels Sculpture Gallery The Horn of Autumn Eternal Torches Torture Chamber Living Statue - Forest Troll Stone Dining Table Moat Grand Fireplace Hall of Living Statues Chamber of Sun The Jewel of Spring Prayer Shrine - Srythak Living Statue - Tzaril The Rack Living Statue - Ogre Mirror of Vanity Grand Tapestry Dragon Tooth Collection Dragonbell Flower Twin Dragon Fountain Palo Cellar Library of Arcanum Oaken Dining Table Tysian Flag Apple Orchard Oak Grove Jewel-Encrusted Arch Iron Maiden The Sphere of Winter The Rose of Summer Enchanted Mouth Huntsman Map of Tysa Living Statue - Brigand Dungeon Statue of You Oaken Wardrobe Torgorin Moss Bed Mist Garden
Decorative Special Functional
This woven tapestry, depicting a band of explorers making their way through the Pass of Maeltar. Being able to fetch water from a well is nothing to sneer at—particularly in the dead of winter. What grand residence would be complete without a sprawling, complex network of secret passages? These hidden halls, accessed via a variety of clever and well-concealed means, are perfect for moving unseen from place to place within your abode. Just try to remember which candlestick opens which door...and which book spins which fireplace. Your grand residence already had stables—but not like this. These tended stables are akin to those you might find at a Thane's estate. There's no better way to ensure that every steaming mug of palo you enjoy is fresh than by harvesting your own palo bark. And, there's no better place from which to harvest your own palo bark than from your own palo grove. This small grove of young, healthy palo trees is enough to keep you supplied with bark for decades. This is the life-sized, living statue of a scimitar-wielding tzaril. This is the life-sized, living statue of a spear-wielding cave goblin. Few things are scarier than a trossk raising its head out of a moat—particularly if you're in the process of crossing said moat. This trossk has had a spell of obedience placed upon it which only guarantees that it won't try to eat YOU, the owner of the moat in which it dwells. All other bets are off. This small but well-stocked chamber contains a large and diverse collection of small and medium size sculptures done by some of the most prominent sculptors of the current age. This towering arch, crafted entirely out of iron, can be used as the entrance to any chamber in your residence. Engraved griffons stare down at you from atop the arch—as if they plan on making you their next meal. This enchanted tapestry depicts Port Hallik's famous cove harbour. The scene woven into this elaborate wall hanging, changes every few minutes to reveal the current state of the harbour, including detailed depictions of the ships moored in the cove. There's something not quite right about this large mirror. It could be the swirling Nevernal gate that sometimes appears in place of its reflective surface... While guardian ivy looks like your everyday, average, run-of-the-mill climbing ivy, this sinister specimen of ivydom is anything but! Fiercely loyal to the owner of the residence over which is ruthlessly spreads, guardian ivy will fearlessly defend its abode, and anyone who resides within. Nearly all thieves fear to encounter guardian ivy. This massive, life-sized statue depicts a griffon swooping down to snatch up a snarling bear. In dim light this incredibly realistic sculpture is enough to give you a start. Having your own dungeon is nothing to sneeze at. Imagine being able to lock up unwelcome intruders...or unwanted guests. The dungeon is located below your residence and is accessed by a secret stair. This massive stone arch can be used as the entrance to any chamber in your grand residence. Engravings depicting several important events in the history of the Kingdom of Tysa adorn the arch. This grand tapestry covers almost an entire wall. The enchantment this tapestry bears allows the large hanging to reweave itself so that its intricate, woven imagery always reflects your latest adventure. Each square slab of stone that makes up this long, winding walk , features the carved portrait and name of one of Tysa's Kings. There's nothing quite like a fresh-picked apple! The orchard includes an orchardist. This long, sturdy table, complete with enough chairs to host a great feast, is something one might expect to find in a king's dining hall. Gruesome and fascinating are perhaps the two best words to describe this...gruesome and fascinating...collection. This gallery features the skulls of many different denizens of the wilds of Sryth. From goblins and ogres to dragons and giants, this impressive display is a marvel to behold. This animated mouth, sculpted out of a large number of stone blocks, will adorn the back wall of your sculpture gallery. The hideously ugly mouth, brought to life by powerful magic, is not only able to speak but can also answer questions requiring a 'yes' or 'no' response. These standing suits of armour depict the different styles worn by the various orders of Phiadonese and Ryorsilian knights. This incredible garden is formed entirely out of enchanted mist. The magical fog is continually drifting and settling into new shapes and arrangements, making the garden a spectacular, ever-changing sight. This large, magical mirror always reflects its images in the best possible light. You'll look even better than usual when you gaze into this enchanted mirror. A residence as grand as yours? Well, that's certainly something. But a residence as grand as yours with a huntswoman? That's something else again! The huntswoman, much like the huntsman, patrols the wilds around your estate, leads hunts, and can deliver game to stock your larder and grace your table. This is the life-sized, living statue of an armoured knight. Dragons and flowers have very little in common. In fact, the name of this flower, which resembles neither a dragon nor a bell, makes very little sense. However, the dragonbell is an extremely large and colourful flower with a pleasing fragrance. The fearsome snarl affixed to the face of this mounted forest troll head is enough to send shivers down your spine. The troll's head is mounted on a solid, engraved slab of oak. A stone arch encrusted with a vast array of precious gems pretty much speaks for itself. Though some might consider such a threshold gaudy, there is no denying the craftsmanship that has gone into creating this arch. It is nothing less than a towering work of art. This large, framed map of the Kingdom of Tysa is nothing less than a cartographic masterpiece. Perhaps most important, the map clearly shows the location of your grand abode. This grand, double stair dominates an entire end of your main hall, gracefully winding its way up to a broad landing of polished stone. This is the life-sized, living statue of a cruel-looking, sword-wielding brigand. This luxurious chamber is where you can get a good night's rest—and adventurers need their rest! This enchanted, bored-out dragon horn provides its owner with the ability to summon and control the weather of Autumn. By sounding the horn, you can create a small realm of Autumn to surround your residence and its immediate grounds. A common fixture in many grand residences, a prayer shrine is a large alcove, usually sealed off from the room or passage it occupies by a thick, decorative curtain. At the back of the alcove, an ornate stone pedestal displays an object related to the entity in whose honour the shrine exists. As the old saying goes, nothing guards your grounds quite like a Halgirom! These massive guardians, originally created to protect the city of Tarn, have been found guarding the estates of some of the realm's most illustrious and powerful figures. This massive, decorative metal shield is emblazoned with the silhouette of a takabak. Six real takabak feathers are attached to the centre of this magnificent piece. This handful of servants dutifully tends to the endless list of chores that beset owners of grand estates like yours. These servants tend to matters on the sprawling grounds that surround your abode. This is the life-sized, living statue of a savage forest troll. This ornate fountain, featuring the snaking necks and life-sized heads of two identical dusk dragons, is certainly a sight to behold. This enchanted crystal orb provides its owner with the ability to summon and control Winter weather. Calling upon the power stored within the sphere, you can create a small, wintry realm to surround your residence and its immediate grounds. Having a troupe of minstrels at your beck and call is nothing to sneer at. These musicians will not only serve to entertain guests, but they can be called upon to fill the halls of your residence with the soothing sounds of their happy melodies. Complete with an ornate mantle, carved to depict a scene from some of your more memorable adventures, and a broad, flagstone hearth, this grand fireplace adds warmth and ambience to any chamber it occupies. This is the life-sized, living statue of a club-wielding ogre. This isn't your everyday, average weed patch. The flowers that bloom in this well-tended, fertile swath are the envy of every garden putterer from across the realms. Know any adventurers with their own collection of dragon teeth? Didn't think so. This collection features teeth from many different dragon species, some of which are now extinct. A residence as grand as yours? Well, that's certainly something. But a residence as grand as yours with a huntsman? That's something else again! The huntsman not only patrols the wilds around your estate, but leads hunts, and can deliver game to stock your larder and grace your table. This multicoloured, perhaps the size of a small pumpkin, allows its owner to summon and control Spring-like weather. Calling upon the power stored within the jewel, you can create a small realm of Spring to surround your residence and its immediate grounds. This is what it is—a room where the accoutrements of torture can be assembled and put to use. It should be noted that no respectable adventurer would ever want to own one of these. So forget you ever saw this...and by no means purchase one! Well, that's that. Move along. Nothing to see here. A palo cellar is the only way to properly store palo bark before it is used to craft the famous beverage that's enjoyed far and wide across the North Broadlands. The interior of this tall iron box, shaped to vaguely resemble a human figure, is lined with dozens of sharp spikes. The spikes will impale anyone unfortunate enough to be closed within this horrific device. Since you probably don't own a torture chamber, you won't have any interest in acquiring this nightmarish contraption. These torches, each set into an ornate iron sconce, ignite on command and burn forever. There are enough torches in this set to light your entire abode. This enchanted tapestry depicts Blade Square in Trithik. The scene woven into this elaborate wall hanging, changes every few minutes to reveal the current scene taking place in the infamous quadrangle. Thieves are everywhere...or so I've heard tell. Did you hear something? Just the wind, perhaps. This large strongbox, made of iron, will help to protect your most valued possessions. Remember to keep it locked! This grand library, filled with a vast collection of ancient, rare, arcane texts, as well as many unique and curious arcane relics, is a place for those versed in magic to spend their time—when not adventuring, of course. It's likely that there are many secrets to be gleaned from the library's marvelous inventory. This large bed, canopied bed, its plump mattress stuffed with feathers, is certainly far superior than any you would find in most abodes throughout the realm. No better non-magical bed exists. Kings, Thanes, master sorcerers, and adventurers of renown are known to use beds fitted with mattresses stuffed with Torgorin moss. The rare, valuable, and spongy Torgorin moss, which never loses its shape, is a luxury with few peers. This network of secret passages are hidden and guarded by a series of powerful enchantments and illusions. It would take an archmage to be able to find them and perhaps a second archmage to successfully navigate them. While every moat comes with a drawbridge , not every moat comes with an 'enchanted' drawbridge. The remarkable gate, bearing several powerful enchantments, is not only immunte to battering rams and completely fireproof, but it also announces the arrival of anyone seeking to cross your moat. The eyes on the faces of the figures depicted in these various pieces of wall decor maintain a quiet, eerie vigil on any activity in their immediate vicinity. Whenever someone glances in their direction, however, the watchful art will always pretend that it's not watching. This grand hall is place to proudly display some of the things you've collected on your adventures. The hall also serves as place to showcase journals, paintings, sculptures, and tapestries relating to the adventures you've had throughout the realms...and beyond. This large chamber serves as a food store. You could store enough provisions in this larder to outlast a siege. This broad swath of oaks cuts across an entire corner of your estate's sprawling grounds. The ancient, noble trees that make up this grove serve as a constant reminder of the wild beauty that exists far and wide across the North Broadlands. A massive sundial sits in the middle of this circular chamber, directly beneath a large, domed window. Intricate engravings around the perimeter of the dial accurately indicate the time of day. These beautiful small, white flowers actually glow in the dark. When energized by the light of the moon, moonwhisper flowers will emit a pale, whitish glow for the next several nights. Thieves are everywhere. At least that's the rumour. What was that? It was probably nothing. Anyway, this large strongbox, made of sturdy oak, will help to protect your most valued possessions. This grand hall, complete with numerous broad, pillar-flanked alcoves, is specifically designed to house living statues. You must purchase this upgrade before you can purchase the living statues used to fill the hall. You can fight any living statues you purchase for the hall. This long, heavy, stone table, with a full set of carved, stone chairs, is a piece of furniture found in only the most lavish of estates. This towering statue of you is certainly a sight to behold. This stunning masterpiece depicts you, equipped in your adventuring gear, in a battle-ready stance. This sizeable wardrobe features engraved doors that depict a group of adventurers slaying a fearsome dragon. This handful of servants dutifully tends to the endless list of chores that beset owners of grand estates like yours. These servants tend to matters within your abode. Nothing says 'hands off my stuff' like a magically-warded strongbox. This iron box, marked with several runes of warding, is purportedly immune to fire and magic. Its rugged exterior is impervious to physical damage and it does not have a lock. It will only open when you, its owner, place your hand upon its lid. The black, skull-shaped Ryorsilian Death Rose doesn't help to make a garden cheery, but it does make it unique. The thorny bush from which the death rose grows produces only a large, single flower. All that needs to be said about this gruesome instrument of torture is that its primary function is to dislocate limbs. And, unless you own a torture chamber , you'll have no need for this horrible device. This large flag bears the colours and symbol of the Kingdom. Flying this flag outside your abode is a good way to let everyone know you maintain your allegiance to the Crown—which never hurts! These head-sized orbs of light hover inches away from the ceiling and bathe a chamber or passageway with the soft glow of the moon. There are enough orbs in this set to light your entire abode. This enchanted rose, which now and again changes its colour from silver to gold, and then back again, provides its owner with the ability to summon and control the weather of Summer. Calling upon the magicstored within the rose, you can create a small realm of Summer to surround your residence and its immediate grounds. Let's face it, the world can be a dangerous place. This encircling moat—broad, deep, and usually frigid—is a basic, but effective way to keep out the unwanted. Drawbridge included. Moat guardians sold separately.
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In Sryth, as in the real world, a dwelling is a place to SAFEly rest your head, and store your stash. As of now, a player can own a maximum of 3 dwellings (4 for winners of the Festival of Blades). All dwellings allow you to store items. Before the gold cap you could also store gold in them. There are two types of dwellings in Heroes of Might and Magic: Kingdom Dwellings and External Dwellings. They can be found inside a town or on the adventure map, respectively. On the adventure map, some are guarded and others the troops will join your army for free.
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