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Congo (Cruenta Humanitas)
Increasing persecution from the African Union, the UN and other peacekeeping/policing forces in Africa eventually resulted in retaliation from the warlords and rogue states of Sub-Saharan Africa, in the same way the waning power of extremist Islam had resulted in the War on Terror and a spate of wars in the Middle East. Their main problems are their borders, millions of refugees from the Pacified Zones that can't get a ticket for the colonies try to get into the country seeking a better life, forming shanty towns along the borders.
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Increasing persecution from the African Union, the UN and other peacekeeping/policing forces in Africa eventually resulted in retaliation from the warlords and rogue states of Sub-Saharan Africa, in the same way the waning power of extremist Islam had resulted in the War on Terror and a spate of wars in the Middle East. An unlikely coalition of warlords formed throughout the course of the late 2030s ultimately resulted in a Unified Congo, supported by like-minded regimes in neighbouring states. The Unified Congo was backed by China, as a counterbalance to Indian influence on the continent in the East-African nations and so despite worsening tensions, nothing was done. The Unified Congo acted as a destabilising influence on a continent already wracked by inter-communal violence, supporting rebel groups, criminal organisations and warlords, stirring up civil wars in Angola, Mozambique and Zimbabwe. The uneasy status quo was finally broken in 2063 when it was discovered that the terrorists responsible for poisoning water supplies in Uganda (a country in which India had heavily invested and which was firmly within the fold of the African Union) with radioactive waste products had been funded and supported by the government of the Unified Congo – indeed, the waste itself was found to have been generated by the rogue states fledgling nuclear program. China withdrew any support for the regime immediately and African Union forces moved in, backed by both the EU and India. After its defeat the Unified Congo rapidly balkanised, and entered the UNs register of failed states in 2069. Congo resurged as a sovereign country in 2082 and have since improved its economy, politics and society; being now considered as a developed country. This was achieved thanks to close economic and political relations with Nigeria and Tanzania and – of course, by the fact that Congo lays between the three African Orbital Elevators. On the other hand, thanks to technologies improvements, Congo can be called the one and only successful socialist state. Their main problems are their borders, millions of refugees from the Pacified Zones that can't get a ticket for the colonies try to get into the country seeking a better life, forming shanty towns along the borders.