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Punctuation is the name given to characters in text that aren't numbers or letters. Punctuation tells us where a sentence begins and ends and where the pauses in it are; it delineates clauses and shows where to put emphasis. From this it can be seen that punctuation is extremely useful, and is something all writers ought to know how to use. Incorrect or nonexistent punctuation is unacceptable. Punctuation's best friends are spelling and grammar. Use all three for best results. Punctuation is the name given to characters in text that aren't numbers or letters. Punctuation tells us where a sentence begins and ends and where the pauses in it are; it delineates clauses and shows where to put emphasis. From this it can be seen that punctuation is extremely useful, and is something all writers ought to know how to use. Most badficcers have a problem with it, it appears. Punctuation's best friends are spelling, capitalization, and grammar. Use all of them for best results, and to get the six extra marks on your English GCSE. People live everyday. People die everyday. People kill, everyday, People. People buy, everyday, People; sell, everyday, People; rent, everyday, People. People cry everyday. People laugh everyday. People scream, everyday, "People!" People swear everyday. People lie everyday: "People love, everyday, People." People fight, everyday, People; hurt, everyday, People; trash, everyday, People. People steal everyday. People rob everyday. People murder, everyday, People. People fear every day. People hate every day. People don't act like People. The. primary. purpose. of. punctuation,. i's. to. beget. snotty. article's. by. people. who. think. they. know. how. to. use. it. better. than. you... The. Official. Template. for. Snotty. Grammar. Article's. established. in. 1907. by. the. I.O.O.P.W.N.B.T.D. lay's. out. this. program. as. follow's... Punctuation i's also favored as a mean's for discrediting the idea's of people you disagree with. In general, LFN leaves the choice of punctuation up to the writer, the only standards being those of clarity and consistency. There are certain basic conventions, though, which are the same as in most European languages. The first word in a sentence should start with a capital letter. Punctuation is a tool that makes written language easier to read. It indicates pacing and emotions. Examples include: full stop, comma, semicolon, colon, exclamation mark, question mark, etc. Punctuation refers to Punctuation was a series of markings used in various languages to improve understanding and interpretation of written sentences. One type of punctuation were apostrophes. Starfleet protocol had rules for punctuation. In 2372, Tom Paris was taken to task by his senior officer, Lieutenant Rollins for not properly punctuating a conn report according to protocol. (VOY: "Investigations") In 2373, Nog edited Jake Sisko's story Past Prologue for grammar and punctuation. (DS9: "The Ascent")
n5: n11: n12: n13: n16: n18: n22: n23: n26: n29: n30: n31: n32: n35: n36: n37:
n10: n17: n21:
Punctuation is a tool that makes written language easier to read. It indicates pacing and emotions. Examples include: full stop, comma, semicolon, colon, exclamation mark, question mark, etc. People live everyday. People die everyday. People kill, everyday, People. People buy, everyday, People; sell, everyday, People; rent, everyday, People. People cry everyday. People laugh everyday. People scream, everyday, "People!" People swear everyday. People lie everyday: "People love, everyday, People." People fight, everyday, People; hurt, everyday, People; trash, everyday, People. People steal everyday. People rob everyday. People murder, everyday, People. People fear every day. People hate every day. People don't act like People. Punctuation is the name given to characters in text that aren't numbers or letters. Punctuation tells us where a sentence begins and ends and where the pauses in it are; it delineates clauses and shows where to put emphasis. From this it can be seen that punctuation is extremely useful, and is something all writers ought to know how to use. Incorrect or nonexistent punctuation is unacceptable. Punctuation's best friends are spelling and grammar. Use all three for best results. In general, LFN leaves the choice of punctuation up to the writer, the only standards being those of clarity and consistency. There are certain basic conventions, though, which are the same as in most European languages. The first word in a sentence should start with a capital letter. Punctuation was a series of markings used in various languages to improve understanding and interpretation of written sentences. One type of punctuation were apostrophes. Starfleet protocol had rules for punctuation. In 2372, Tom Paris was taken to task by his senior officer, Lieutenant Rollins for not properly punctuating a conn report according to protocol. (VOY: "Investigations") In 2373, Nog edited Jake Sisko's story Past Prologue for grammar and punctuation. (DS9: "The Ascent") Punctuation refers to The. primary. purpose. of. punctuation,. i's. to. beget. snotty. article's. by. people. who. think. they. know. how. to. use. it. better. than. you... The. Official. Template. for. Snotty. Grammar. Article's. established. in. 1907. by. the. I.O.O.P.W.N.B.T.D. lay's. out. this. program. as. follow's... * Must include either the phrase Although most people believe or Contrary to popular opinion * Making fun of hand-lettered sign's in rural area's is mandatory * At least one point must be of dubiou's validity * At least one point must addres's a situation which never occur's outside of the writing's of William Faulkner or Jame's Joyce * Author must assume one of three officially prescribed persona's: * Genteel WASP Lady (Gentle reader...) * Patronizing Guidance Counselor (If you want to succeed Johnny your going to stop have to stop splitting infinitive's) * Asshole with a baseball bat (If I hear 'aint' one more time Im going to beat you're teeth out with this tire iron so you cannot make a 'T' sound any more) * An Question & Answer section can be added for extra credit (double point's for using made up letter's from reader's) “Grammar correction is the hobgoblin of little mind's” ~ Oscar Wilde Punctuation i's also favored as a mean's for discrediting the idea's of people you disagree with. Punctuation is the name given to characters in text that aren't numbers or letters. Punctuation tells us where a sentence begins and ends and where the pauses in it are; it delineates clauses and shows where to put emphasis. From this it can be seen that punctuation is extremely useful, and is something all writers ought to know how to use. Most badficcers have a problem with it, it appears. Incorrect or nonexistent punctuation is a charge. However, it is not enough to warrant assassination or exorcism in and of itself (unless you're in the Department of Technical Errors). Charging for using or not using the Oxford Comma is considered slightly spurious. Punctuation's best friends are spelling, capitalization, and grammar. Use all of them for best results, and to get the six extra marks on your English GCSE.