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Find out what's happening in your city
From: [[]] Are things really about to boil over? The Unexpurgated London Gazette will pay to know. Player summary:Wiki note: The Airs of Injustice are rolled when playing this option and the result text will vary accordingly. Rewards are the same for all possible outcomes and are listed at the very bottom of this page. [Find the rest of the story at ] __NOEDITSECTION__
Gloomy news
The Season of Stones: the People Awakening
The pantomimes of Mahogany Hall sparked protest amongst the well-to-do, after conducting another barbed attack on a popular society matron. The general public, however, has never been so keen to support the arts. The fashion of inviting beggars into luxurious salons, so that the wealthy might better display their compassion, continues to decline after another anarchist ruined a priceless carpet with an excess of bloodletting. Another walk-out on the factories. Workers are demanding guardrails over their catwalks after someone fell into a molten vat again. A newly popular street preacher demands: "Why do the devils insist their help comes at the price of your soul? If they truly cared for your well-being, why not build a soup kitchen with all their riches?" A Clay Men has acquired a printing press and ideas about liberty. There are rewards offered for further information. Desperate and destitute parents are taxing one of the city's more troubling institutions: the urchin gangs. The Regiment's ranks are swelling beyond control. At least one rooftop has given way to the weight of all the new Fisher-Kings. The rich are testing the loyalty of their servants by leaving slivers of Nevercold Brass […]. If the underpaid servant takes the metal, they are summarily fired. The practice has sparked pamphlets, protests, and possibly one unsolved case of arson. There are more rough sleepers in the street tonight. Their signs are scribbled in shoe-polish, asking for food, for work, to simply be seen. Special Constables are breaking apart groups of ten or more. Unless, of course, the members of the party wear Dauncey's or Fadgett and Daughters. The Constables have doubled their guard on the prisoner wagons. The cries from within the caravans, pleading not innocence but necessity, have begun to inspire attacks on the transports.
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Are things really about to boil over? The Unexpurgated London Gazette will pay to know.
Wiki note: The Airs of Injustice are rolled when playing this option and the result text will vary accordingly. Rewards are the same for all possible outcomes and are listed at the very bottom of this page.
From: [[]] Are things really about to boil over? The Unexpurgated London Gazette will pay to know. Player summary:Wiki note: The Airs of Injustice are rolled when playing this option and the result text will vary accordingly. Rewards are the same for all possible outcomes and are listed at the very bottom of this page. [Find the rest of the story at ] __NOEDITSECTION__