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When one of your teammates fall in battle, a letter will be above them (Y for Xbox and triangle for PS3) you will have to go near them and press the button. When the line crosses over the heart you needed to hit the button again. The line will come back and you will have to repeat again and again 5 times. The amount of health your partner gets back is dependent on how well your timing was on hitting the line on the heart. A human brain cannot live without oxygen. Should trauma induce heart failure, it is imperative that blood continue to flow to keep the brain alive. Obviously, this does not apply to injuries induced by zombies, or the Solanum transformation. If flu-like symptoms preceded unconsciousness, it is likely that the person is actually transforming into a zombie and bodily contact should be avoided at all costs. Otherwise, your goal is to ensure the blood keeps circulating, and the heart keeps receiving stimulation for 10–20 minutes after it stops. With luck, the heart may "push back" from a compression, find its rhythm, and resume beating normally. The acronym CPR may refer to: * Computer-based patient record * Computerized patient record * Cybersecurity Program Review * Cyberspace Policy Review * International Institute for Conflict Prevention and Resolution Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) was an emergency medical procedure that could be used on victims of cardiac arrest. When Aeryn Sun was going to use the kill shot on John Crichton, he did not trust it and taught her CPR. While doing so, he told her that he had four minutes (180 microts) before he would die. After administering the kill shot, Aeryn began her work, but was not able to finish in the allotted, and headed back to Crichton with the nerve shot to wake him up. On the way, she was knocked out and woke to discover the vial smashed. She used the CPR she had learned to resuscitate Crichton. ("The Flax") Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) is an emergency medical procedure for a victim of cardiac arrest or, in some circumstances, respiratory arrest. CPR consists of the combination of artificial blood circulation with artificial respiration, i.e., chest compressions and lung ventilation. CPR is unlikely to restart the heart, but rather its purpose is to maintain a flow of oxygenated blood to the brain and the heart, thereby delaying tissue death and extending the brief window of opportunity for a successful resuscitation without permanent brain damage. Defibrillation and advanced life support are usually needed to restart the heart. "CPR" is a song on CupcakKe's album, "Queen Elizabitch".
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This article is not a valid substitute for professional training or emergency assistance.
If you are in trouble, please call 911, or the emergency help hotline in your area. Always defer to those with experience or proper training over something you read on a wiki
The acronym CPR may refer to: * Computer-based patient record * Computerized patient record * Cybersecurity Program Review * Cyberspace Policy Review * International Institute for Conflict Prevention and Resolution "CPR" is a song on CupcakKe's album, "Queen Elizabitch". When one of your teammates fall in battle, a letter will be above them (Y for Xbox and triangle for PS3) you will have to go near them and press the button. When the line crosses over the heart you needed to hit the button again. The line will come back and you will have to repeat again and again 5 times. The amount of health your partner gets back is dependent on how well your timing was on hitting the line on the heart. A human brain cannot live without oxygen. Should trauma induce heart failure, it is imperative that blood continue to flow to keep the brain alive. Obviously, this does not apply to injuries induced by zombies, or the Solanum transformation. If flu-like symptoms preceded unconsciousness, it is likely that the person is actually transforming into a zombie and bodily contact should be avoided at all costs. Otherwise, your goal is to ensure the blood keeps circulating, and the heart keeps receiving stimulation for 10–20 minutes after it stops. With luck, the heart may "push back" from a compression, find its rhythm, and resume beating normally. However, zombies are not the only hazard in the post apocalypse. The world will have gotten more dangerous, and hospitals will not be an option. Aside from trauma through psychological shock and blood loss, people also bring their pre-existing medical conditions into the safe house with them. Knowing how to jump start a heart can save a life. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) was an emergency medical procedure that could be used on victims of cardiac arrest. When Aeryn Sun was going to use the kill shot on John Crichton, he did not trust it and taught her CPR. While doing so, he told her that he had four minutes (180 microts) before he would die. After administering the kill shot, Aeryn began her work, but was not able to finish in the allotted, and headed back to Crichton with the nerve shot to wake him up. On the way, she was knocked out and woke to discover the vial smashed. She used the CPR she had learned to resuscitate Crichton. ("The Flax") Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) is an emergency medical procedure for a victim of cardiac arrest or, in some circumstances, respiratory arrest. CPR consists of the combination of artificial blood circulation with artificial respiration, i.e., chest compressions and lung ventilation. CPR is unlikely to restart the heart, but rather its purpose is to maintain a flow of oxygenated blood to the brain and the heart, thereby delaying tissue death and extending the brief window of opportunity for a successful resuscitation without permanent brain damage. Defibrillation and advanced life support are usually needed to restart the heart. CPR is often severely misrepresented in movies and television as being highly effective in resuscitating a person who is not breathing and has no circulation. A 1996 study published in the New England Journal of Medicine showed that CPR success rates in television shows was 75%. The study concluded that survival rates on TV shows were significantly higher than the most optimistic survival rates in medical literature, and expressed a worry that the portrayal of CPR on television may lead the viewing public to have an unrealistic impression of CPR and its chances for success. This is certainly true when it comes to further representation of CPR in fanfic. Though no scientific study has been made to the extent of the NEJM, fanfic, badfic in particular, will show a 100% survival rate, and often CPR will restart the heart. CPR is used as a plot device in hurt/comfort fics, bringing the victim and the rescuer closer together. The procedure is often followed up with healing sex. Because it involves mouth-to-mouth, CPR is also thought a suitable means for the rescuer/reluctant party in a not-yet-established relationship to realise how wonderful it would be to kiss the victim. Badly represented CPR is a charge, as it is a form of bad medicine. Agents can be overenthusiastic about using this technique on their lust objects, but since new guidelines for performing CPR endorse the effectiveness of chest compressions alone—without artificial respiration—for adult victims who collapse suddenly in cardiac arrest, this practice is likely to stop soon. Evil tongues have whispered that the Flowers are behind these new guidelines.