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Amish Amish Amish Amish
The Amish are a unique people, almost as well-described as a monastic order as a denomination. They are often featured in fiction because their seemingly idyllic lifestyle attracts Wish Fulfillment. The Amish are a Christian denomination, originally a subsect of the Mennonites who were in turn a subsect of the Anabaptists (or "re-baptizers," because they re-baptized adult converts who had been baptized as infants in the Catholic church or in very early Protestant churches that still practiced infant baptism; children born into the Amish tradition then and now are not baptized as infants, but only after age 16 or more when they make their own profession of faith). The name "Amish" refers to Jakab Ammann their founder. The original Amish were ethnic Germans and to this day they speak a varie An Amish is a Christian most likely of German descent who chooses to follow the simple ways of life fears he/she will go to Hell unless he/she follows the simple way of life. Unfortunately, most Amish people are truly brainwashed. The Amish are descendants of Alien's. They have come from the nuclear planet VolkFunk, . Specifically, renegade aliens completely against the technology that their peers created (ie spaceships, laserbeams, cell phones). Of course, modern day Amish are less extreme are more private. The amish jave constrictive viewpoints. Their ideas and natural feelings are censored in every way. In fact, Amish don't even have feelings. They don't have sense. They just are...and that's it. Like amoebic blobs drifting through life refusing to change, adapt or evolve. Through their silent quest throug life, they love to acknowledge, and watch their surroundings. Gradually, packing up information. Perhaps, some say, to once aghain take over the world. But this behavior seems to extreme for the Amish. The Amis The Amish were a group of people living on Earth who practiced a peaceful way of life. Most of the farming on George and Winona Kirk's farm in Iowa was done by Amish people. Certain last names are popular in the Amish/Mennonite communities, such as Stoltzfus. The Amish are known for simple living, plain dress, and reluctance to adopt modern convenience. The facade the Genii put on reminded Dr. Rodney McKay of Amish people. (SGA: "Underground") The various Amish (pronounced /ˈɑːmɪʃ/, AH-mish) or Amish Mennonite church fellowships are Christian religious denominations that form a very traditional subgrouping of Mennonite churches. The Amish are known for simple living, plain dress, and reluctance to adopt modern convenience. Amish är kända för enkelt boende, vanlig klänning, och ovilja att införa modern bekvämlighet. Fasaden på Genii sätta på påminde Dr Rodney McKay av Amish folket. (ATL: "Underground") Denna ras artikel är en stub. Du kan hjälpa Sv.Stargate Wiki av utvidga det. Amish Amish are people who live in Pennsylvania, who, unlike members of the one true churchs, do not use technology developed by people they hate (which is everyone). Which makes them un-american and almost too commie. But on the other hand they are very pious and christian and hate the same thing that Real Christians hate. This makes them into a very strange hybrid of un-american, commie, and evangelical republican combination... ... ... We may need God's judgment on this one... Most UFO activity can be directly traced to Amish communities, where they hide their high performance saucer-shaped space craft in those big barns with all the funny hex symbols painted on them. This is the real reason they refuse to use outside contractors. They mainly subsist on butter, milk, cabbages, turnips, Macintosh apple strudel, and the electricity generated by windmills. The Amish, pronounced ä' mǐsh, or äm' ǐsh, are an Anabaptist Christian denomination found primarily in the United States and Ontario, Canada, that are known for restrictions on the use of modern devices such as automobiles and telephones. The Amish separate themselves from outside society for religious reasons; they do not join the military, draw Social Security, or accept any form of assistance from the government, and many avoid insurance. Most speak a German dialect known as Pennsylvania Dutch (or Pennsylvania German), which the Amish call Deitsch ("German"). The Amish are divided into dozens of separate fellowships. This article primarily discusses conservative Old Order Amish fellowships with restrictions on dress, behavior, and technology. There are many New Order Amish and Beachy Am
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The Amish are a unique people, almost as well-described as a monastic order as a denomination. They are often featured in fiction because their seemingly idyllic lifestyle attracts Wish Fulfillment. The Amish are a Christian denomination, originally a subsect of the Mennonites who were in turn a subsect of the Anabaptists (or "re-baptizers," because they re-baptized adult converts who had been baptized as infants in the Catholic church or in very early Protestant churches that still practiced infant baptism; children born into the Amish tradition then and now are not baptized as infants, but only after age 16 or more when they make their own profession of faith). The name "Amish" refers to Jakab Ammann their founder. The original Amish were ethnic Germans and to this day they speak a variety of West Central German as their first language, though most know English as well as that is needed for talking to "Fancy Englishchers" (other Americans, also occasionally referred to as "Yankees" - a slightly more disparaging term). They call themselves "Plain Folk" because of the studied plainness of their lifestyle. The Amish fled from Germany during the Wars of Religion when Europe was not really a good place for a small and pacifistic sect to live. They settled in the USA at the invite of William Penn, and Pennsylvania is sort of their headquarters, although there are also large populations in Ohio and Indiana, and in fact Ohio has the highest population of Old Order Amish. By now there are almost no Amish in Europe. Amish beliefs emphasize nonviolence, humility, and community. Their famous deliberate archaism reflects that. New innovations are suspiciously examined as to whether they would harm this and though their criteria for deciding can seem opaque to outsiders, they tend to have explanations that make sense to them. Church organization is minimal and in fact instead of holding services in a Church building they rotate the houses of congregants. Amish are usually thought of as farmers. But they are also known for their fine crafts which sell at gift shops. In recent times their image has been made famous and slightly commercialized, and cookbooks, antiques and other Macguffins connected to their culture sell well. See Space Amish for where writers take an Amish-like community and transplant it to a more fantastic environment. The Amish were a group of people living on Earth who practiced a peaceful way of life. Most of the farming on George and Winona Kirk's farm in Iowa was done by Amish people. Certain last names are popular in the Amish/Mennonite communities, such as Stoltzfus. The Amish are known for simple living, plain dress, and reluctance to adopt modern convenience. The facade the Genii put on reminded Dr. Rodney McKay of Amish people. (SGA: "Underground") Most UFO activity can be directly traced to Amish communities, where they hide their high performance saucer-shaped space craft in those big barns with all the funny hex symbols painted on them. This is the real reason they refuse to use outside contractors. They mainly subsist on butter, milk, cabbages, turnips, Macintosh apple strudel, and the electricity generated by windmills. An Amish is a Christian most likely of German descent who chooses to follow the simple ways of life fears he/she will go to Hell unless he/she follows the simple way of life. Unfortunately, most Amish people are truly brainwashed. The Amish are descendants of Alien's. They have come from the nuclear planet VolkFunk, . Specifically, renegade aliens completely against the technology that their peers created (ie spaceships, laserbeams, cell phones). Of course, modern day Amish are less extreme are more private. The amish jave constrictive viewpoints. Their ideas and natural feelings are censored in every way. In fact, Amish don't even have feelings. They don't have sense. They just are...and that's it. Like amoebic blobs drifting through life refusing to change, adapt or evolve. Through their silent quest throug life, they love to acknowledge, and watch their surroundings. Gradually, packing up information. Perhaps, some say, to once aghain take over the world. But this behavior seems to extreme for the Amish. The Amish work their entire leaves like mindless drones, like modern day zombies. With better skin of course. Just like Christians, they also believe they have a higher place in life. They believe that someday soon, their hard work will be paid off and the space ship will come and take them back to planet Volkfunk. Now of course, all their rewards will be reaped in their, and they will be fulfilled with bread and butter and horse and buggies for everyone. But of course, you can't live in paradise on this alone. So they will then begin to have to work for newer rewards. The Amish are never happy. They are complete work machines. Even in their spare time, they work. And in their version of heaven on VolkFunk, they work even more. Amish are people who live in Pennsylvania, who, unlike members of the one true churchs, do not use technology developed by people they hate (which is everyone). Which makes them un-american and almost too commie. But on the other hand they are very pious and christian and hate the same thing that Real Christians hate. This makes them into a very strange hybrid of un-american, commie, and evangelical republican combination... ... ... We may need God's judgment on this one... It is not clear whether they will be going to Heaven due to their devotion to poverty and the rejection of God's true religion, Moneytheism and Capitalism (America's true and only religion). Anyone who hates money is a mooslim, but remember, if you love money too much you are a dirty joo, but the Amish are not joos because they accepted Jesus Christ as their savior. Making it very difficult to classify the Amish. If the Amish are money-haters they are like the mooslims but at the same time they are like the True Christians by not being in love with money like the joos because they love Jesus more... (I think my head is hurting...) Why they hate the greatest of American traditions, money is not clear. But horse-drawn buggies go to hell along with their owners. The Amish, pronounced ä' mǐsh, or äm' ǐsh, are an Anabaptist Christian denomination found primarily in the United States and Ontario, Canada, that are known for restrictions on the use of modern devices such as automobiles and telephones. The Amish separate themselves from outside society for religious reasons; they do not join the military, draw Social Security, or accept any form of assistance from the government, and many avoid insurance. Most speak a German dialect known as Pennsylvania Dutch (or Pennsylvania German), which the Amish call Deitsch ("German"). The Amish are divided into dozens of separate fellowships. This article primarily discusses conservative Old Order Amish fellowships with restrictions on dress, behavior, and technology. There are many New Order Amish and Beachy Amish groups that use electricity and automobiles, but still consider themselves Amish. Amish är kända för enkelt boende, vanlig klänning, och ovilja att införa modern bekvämlighet. Fasaden på Genii sätta på påminde Dr Rodney McKay av Amish folket. (ATL: "Underground") Denna ras artikel är en stub. Du kan hjälpa Sv.Stargate Wiki av utvidga det. Amish The various Amish (pronounced /ˈɑːmɪʃ/, AH-mish) or Amish Mennonite church fellowships are Christian religious denominations that form a very traditional subgrouping of Mennonite churches. The Amish are known for simple living, plain dress, and reluctance to adopt modern convenience. The history of the Amish church began with a schism in Switzerland within a group of Swiss and AlsatianAnabaptists in 1693 led by Jakob Ammann. Those who followed Ammann became known as Amish. In the early 18th century, many Amish and Mennonites emigrated to Pennsylvania for a variety of reasons. Today, the most traditional descendants of the Amish continue to speak Pennsylvania German, also known as Pennsylvania Dutch. There are also Old Order Amish communities, especially in the American state of Indiana, where a dialect of Swiss German predominates. Over the years, there have been numerous divisions among the Amish churches. The 'Old Order' Amish, a conservative faction that withdrew from fellowship with the wider body of Amish in the 1860s, are those that have most emphasized traditional practices and beliefs. As of 2000, over 165,000 Old Order Amish live in Canada and the United States. A new study, produced in 2008, suggests their numbers have increased to 227,000. Amish church membership begins with baptism, usually between the ages of 16 and 25. It is a requirement for marriage, and once a person has affiliated with the church, she or he may only marry within the faith. Church districts average between 20 to 40 families and worship services are held every other Sunday in a member's home. The district is led by a bishop and several ministers and deacons. The rules of the church — the Ordnung — must be observed by every member. These rules cover most aspects of day-to-day living, and include prohibitions or limitations on the use of power-line electricity, telephones, and automobiles, as well as regulations on clothing. Many Amish church members may not buy insurance or accept government assistance, such as Social Security. As Anabaptists, Amish church members practice nonresistance and will not perform any type of military service. Members who do not conform to these expectations and who cannot be convinced to repent are excommunicated. In addition to excommunication, members may be shunned — a practice that limits social contacts to shame the wayward member into returning to the church. During adolescence (rumspringa or "running around" in some communities), nonconforming behavior that would result in the shunning of an adult who had made the permanent commitment of baptism may meet with a degree of forbearance. Amish church groups seek to maintain a degree of separation from the non-Amish world. There is generally a heavy emphasis on church and family relationships. They typically operate their own one-room schools, and discontinue formal education at grade eight. They value rural life, manual labor, and humility. Due to intermarriage among this relatively small original population, some groups have increased incidences of certain inheritable conditions such as polydactyly.