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Order of Cosmic Engineers
The Order of Cosmic Engineers (OCE) is an organized activist group created to use science and technology to engineer the future of human civilization, and ultimately the entire universe, in such a way that it provides the best possible life for every human being. It is ruled by standard parliamentary procedure within its founding group which has been named the College of Architects.
The Order of Cosmic Engineers (OCE) is an organized activist group created to use science and technology to engineer the future of human civilization, and ultimately the entire universe, in such a way that it provides the best possible life for every human being. It was founded by over a dozen activists, authors, speakers, lecturers, scientists, teachers and other academics from within the communities of futurism, transhumanism, extropianism, singularitarianism, and life extension. Because the members and founders live on different continents around the world, meetings are held in virtual worlds so that everyone may attend. To date meetings have been held in Second Life and World of Warcraft. In addition, research expeditions have been conducted into other virtual worlds that might be prototypes of real human futures, notably The Matrix Online and Tabula Rasa. The Order of Cosmic Engineers is, at the same time, a transhumanist association, a spiritual movement, a space advocacy group, a literary salon, a technology observatory, a think tank, a virtual worlds development group, and a global community of persons willing to take an active role in building a better future. It originated from and still embodies a joyful, action-oriented, dynamically optimistic strand of transhumanism. As such the Order can be distinguished from other strands of transhumanism by its enthusiastic espousal of universe-scale cosmic visions and worldviews, including spiritual sensibilities attendant to such. It is ruled by standard parliamentary procedure within its founding group which has been named the College of Architects. Ultimately, by adopting this engineering approach and attitude, the OCE aims to transform the universe into a “magical” realm in the sense of Clarke’s Third Law: a realm where sufficiently advanced technology turns daily reality into what would be considered by most today as a seemingly supernatural ‘magical’ realm.