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Victor Creed (Earth-295)
n9: n10: n11: n12: n13: n14: n16: n17: n18: n19: n21:
n4: n6: n20:
*Superhuman Strength: Because of his healing factor, Sabretooth is able to push his muscles to a much greater extent than ordinary human without sustaining injury, granting him some degree of superhuman strength. He is capable of lifting about 3 tons. Regenerative Healing Factor: Like his mainstream counterpart, Sabretooth's primary mutant power is an accelerated healing ability that allows him to regenerate damaged or destroyed bodily tissue with far greater speed and efficiency than an ordinary human. Sabretooth is capable of fully healing from injuries that result in massive tissue damage and blood loss such as multiple gunshot wounds, slashes, punctures, and severe burns within a matter of minutes. Injuries as severe as multiple broken bones can heal completely within a day. He is not, however, capable of regenerating severed limbs or missing organs. 172800.0 Claws and Teeth: Sabretooth possesses retractable claws at the tip of each of his fingers and toes. The claws are razor sharp and are capable of cutting most conventional materials including flesh, bone, wood, stone, and some types of metals. He also possesses elongated canines that he occasionally uses in close quarters combat. *Retarded Aging: In addition, Sabretooth's healing factor provides him with an extended lifespan by slowing the effects of the aging process. Despite being of an, unknown, advanced age, Sabretooth retains the appearance and vitality of a man in his physical prime. *Superhumanly Acute Senses: Sabretooth possesses heightened physical senses that are comparable to those of certain animals. He is able to see much farther than an ordinary human, and with much greater clarity. He retains this same level of clarity, even in near-total darkness. His hearing is similarly enhanced, allowing him to hear sounds that an ordinary human can't and at great distances. He is also capable of healing sounds ordinary humans can hear, but at much greater distances. Sabretooth's sense of smell is advanced to the point where he can track a target by scent, much in the same way as a wolf. He is able to recognize an individual, or even an inanimate or mechanical object, by its unique scent. He is able to track a target's scent with an impressive degree of success, even if the scent has been eroded over time by natural factors. Sabretooth possesses a variety of superhuman attributes similar to those possessed by his Earth-616 counterpart. However, he hasn't undergone the various augmentation procedures that his counterpart has. As a result, some of his powers aren't as developed. *Disease Resistance: Sabretooth's highly efficient immune system has rendered him immune against all known Earthly diseases and infections. *Superhuman Reflexes: Sabretooth's reaction time is similarly enhanced, granting him reflexes superior to even the finest human athlete. *Toxin Resistance: Sabretooth is also immune to the effects of most drugs and is is impossible for him to become intoxicated by consuming alcohol. He can be affected by certain drugs, such as powerful tranquilizers, but only in massive doses. *Weather Insulated Adaptation: Sabretooth is able to withstand incredibly cold temperatures without sustaining bodily damage to the extent that he can sleep nude in sub-arctic conditions with no apparent injury.
Former Powers