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Roleplay:Solaire the Sly
Solaire the Sly, the name commonly given to the infamous thief, Solarius Flare, some people would speak his name in fear, he would commonly go off and steal from the Dungeon Shops using Trawl Orbs, and then running off, then selling them to make a big profit. It's presumed that Solar has became a thief after losing his faith in the community of Treasure Town, having been banished, gone through two years lost, alone, and afraid, but then killing a man in order to be welcomed back, only to stab them in the back partially. Though this does not mean that Solaire is a completely BAD person, he has been an informant to the Police, but merely does it for the thrill of it, Magnezone's Squad tried capturing him numerous times, but the attempts have been unsuccessful, eventually, they gave up.
n5: n7: n8:
Solaire the Sly, the name commonly given to the infamous thief, Solarius Flare, some people would speak his name in fear, he would commonly go off and steal from the Dungeon Shops using Trawl Orbs, and then running off, then selling them to make a big profit. It's presumed that Solar has became a thief after losing his faith in the community of Treasure Town, having been banished, gone through two years lost, alone, and afraid, but then killing a man in order to be welcomed back, only to stab them in the back partially. Though this does not mean that Solaire is a completely BAD person, he has been an informant to the Police, but merely does it for the thrill of it, Magnezone's Squad tried capturing him numerous times, but the attempts have been unsuccessful, eventually, they gave up. The question is this; Will there be people following under Solaire, or will there be someone to stop his thieving spree?