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Thesis Thesis Thesis
instrumentális dal thumb|282px|ThésisNa mitologia grega, Thesis (em grego antigo Θεσις, “criação”) era a deusa primordial da criação, identificando-se com Fusis (a Natureza). Era a forma primogênita da nereida Tétis, a embaralhada mistura de elementos da qual nasceu toda a criação, o de Métis, a deusa que foi devorada por Zeus, si bem que as características de ambas divindades vão afastando do conceito de primeira criação. Não teve progenitores: surgiu no começo do universo. Segundo a tradição órfica, foi mãe de Chronos e Ananke com Hydros, e sozinha de Poros, Penia e Tecmor. A thesis was a long essay written by a student-candidate for a degree. The essay was based on the personal research of the student. In the mid-2260s, the subject of Elizabeth Dehner's thesis was the testing and studying of esper-oriented beings. She published her thesis in association with the College of Medical Sciences, a medical school of the Tri-Planetary Academy. This thesis was cited in her personnel records as the reason for her posting to the Aldebaron colony. (TOS: "Where No Man Has Gone Before" ) Thesis is a 2016 American mystery thriller film and a remake to the 1996 Spanish thriller film of the same name.
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instrumentális dal Thesis is a 2016 American mystery thriller film and a remake to the 1996 Spanish thriller film of the same name. A thesis was a long essay written by a student-candidate for a degree. The essay was based on the personal research of the student. In the mid-2260s, the subject of Elizabeth Dehner's thesis was the testing and studying of esper-oriented beings. She published her thesis in association with the College of Medical Sciences, a medical school of the Tri-Planetary Academy. This thesis was cited in her personnel records as the reason for her posting to the Aldebaron colony. (TOS: "Where No Man Has Gone Before" ) In the mid-24th century, Leah Brahms wrote two theses, "Subspace Processing Modes in Warp Propulsion Applications", for her Master of Cybernetics, and "Higher Order Warp Field Propulsion Applications", for her Doctor of Theoretical Physics. These theses were mentioned on her biographical data file. (TNG: "Booby Trap" , okudagram) In 2365, Sonya Gomez wrote a graduating thesis for Starfleet Academy. After reading her thesis, Chief Engineer Geordi La Forge requested that she be assigned to his ship, the USS Enterprise-D. (TNG: "Q Who" ) In 2369, Doctor Mizan, posing as a student at a psychological conference on long-term deep space assignments, approached Deanna Troi. He said that he was writing a thesis on inter-species mating rituals and asked her if she would like to join with him on empirical research. Knowing who he was, she said no. (TNG: "Timescape" ) In that same year, Taitt wrote a senior honors thesis on solar dynamics for Starfleet Academy. (TNG: "Descent, Part II" ) thumb|282px|ThésisNa mitologia grega, Thesis (em grego antigo Θεσις, “criação”) era a deusa primordial da criação, identificando-se com Fusis (a Natureza). Era a forma primogênita da nereida Tétis, a embaralhada mistura de elementos da qual nasceu toda a criação, o de Métis, a deusa que foi devorada por Zeus, si bem que as características de ambas divindades vão afastando do conceito de primeira criação. Não teve progenitores: surgiu no começo do universo. Segundo a tradição órfica, foi mãe de Chronos e Ananke com Hydros, e sozinha de Poros, Penia e Tecmor. Thesis só aparece nas teogonias mais antigas, pois os órficos a descartaram, junto a Chronos e Ananke, para introduzir a Fanes, o protogênico. Thésis só aparece nos mitos mais antigos, pois os órficos a descataram junto de Aíôn e Anánkê, para introduzir Phánes (consciência). "[Hómêros representa Ôkeanós e Têthýs como os deuses primordiais da criação, Têthýs neste sentido é Thésis, enquanto que Ôkeanós é Hýdros:] Vou aos confins da generosa terra em uma visita a Ôkeanós, de onde os deuses se levantaram, e Têthýs nossa mãe." – Hómêros, Ilíada. Categoria:Mitologia grega