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Emerald Vol 1 5
Johnson wakes up on the ground, surrounded by shattered glass. His coat his burned as well as his body. His face also has burns around the face. He notices that he cannot feel his right leg. Using his elbows as support, he weakly gets up to see that his right leg has been weakened. Colt: Ugh… No. No no… I need to get some help. Very fast. Colt notices his phone a few feet away. He reaches for it, finally getting a hold of it with his middle finger and sliding it over to himself. He dials the phone. Colt is taken inside an ambulance. He is driven off to a hospital. ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~
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The Matter with Ms. Matter!
n16: n17: n22: n23:
Johnson wakes up on the ground, surrounded by shattered glass. His coat his burned as well as his body. His face also has burns around the face. He notices that he cannot feel his right leg. Using his elbows as support, he weakly gets up to see that his right leg has been weakened. Colt: Ugh… No. No no… I need to get some help. Very fast. Colt notices his phone a few feet away. He reaches for it, finally getting a hold of it with his middle finger and sliding it over to himself. He dials the phone. Within minutes paramedics already outside the premises on one half of the building have come to the other half to deal with Johnson and other knocked-out scientists. Johnson is taken on a stretcher. Colt looks at one of the paramedics, getting his attention by putting his hand on the paramedic’s shoulder. Colt: We’re gonna need some policemen in the premises. What was left inside that building was dangerous. They must be cautious with this investigation. VERY cautious. Colt is taken inside an ambulance. He is driven off to a hospital. ~~ Colt wakes up when he hears the voice of a man he is very familiar with. His eyes widen as he sees Seth Dwarn in his hospital room. Seth has a look of concern. Dwarn: I heard what happened, Colt. Colt: Don’t remind me of it, will you? I just need to lie in bed and relax. Dwarn: I came here because I was concerned about what had happened to you. From what the physicians told me here your right leg doesn’t work anymore. Colt: Bah. I’ll be fine. At the early age of 37 I am going to be walking with a cane. Isn’t that something? Dwarn: Mataline is safe, isn’t she? Colt: She’s the one who did this to me. It’s not a matter if SHE’S safe, it’s a matter of whether others are safe. The anti-matter must have flexed her brain patterns to extraordinarily high levels. Regardless I fear she may start going haywire if she continues to act like this. Dwarn: Hmph. You think simple policemen will do the job for you, then? Colt: What else do we have? Some other super-human like her? And don’t mention O’Reale. He’s sick. VERY sick. Won’t be able to get out of bed to calm her down. Why don’t you do it? Dwarn: I don’t want to be killed. But I do remember just yesterday seeing footage of a mysterious woman stopping that terrorist. With crystal protruding from her hands. What do you think of that? Colt: How is that supposed to help control Mataline? Dwarn: I don’t know. We could give it a shot, though. If Mataline is willing to hurt you, she may come after me next if she knows I visited you here. I need to keep my wife and son safe. Colt: You’re not suggesting she’ll murder you, are you? Dwarn: You just mentioned her brain undergoing changes, though- Colt: She’s unstable at the moment! Don’t assume she’s going to kill you or your kin! Now leave me. Just find some way to find your lady you want to get. All this talk is hurting my face. These awful burns on my face. Dwarn: If it really bothers you that much, then fine. Dwarn gets up to leave the room. ~~ Ms. Matter floats gently down the hallway of JTC in a gaseous form, looking for one of the exits. She clasps her head and puts pressure on it due to pain. It’s been a few hours and she’s still trying to control what’s going on to her body. Ms. Matter: Augh… My head. It hurts too much. I’m forgetting where the exit is to this damn place. Johnson… Augh he must have been right. This is bad for my head. But what else am I supposed to do? I’m not thinking straight. Something in her kicks in again though. One of the nearby labs has a window which she can use to escape. Ms. Matter: (Where I would ESCAPE to is a whole different story.) Again, another idea pops up to her head. Ms. Matter: (Johnson. I should find him. He is the only one who can help me) AUGH. Ms. Matter falls upon the floor, more pain going into her head. She shivers as her body solidifies into it’s natural state. Ms. Matter: This all began from bewilderment to shielding my new powers to now wanting to get rid of it. My powers… Oh the power. Yes! MY POWER. It feels good yet it’s terrifying. I’m acting so distraught when I can deal with this on my own. Suddenly Ms. Matters hears a door down the hallway slam open. A few police officers come into the hallway and see Ms. Matter. She turns around to see them running toward her. Officer 1: Hold up there miss. Ms. Matter grins. She sees one of the officers keeping his hand near his gun in the holster. Ms. Matter: Why so eager to have your hand near your gun? I’m not going to harm you. She stretches her arm to snatch the gun out of his holster and throws it down the other side of the hallway. The other officers hold their guns out as a response to her. Ms. Matter: What? I’m not going to hurt you, as long as you don’t hurt me. She hovers over to one of the officers, him seeing her sharp facial features much more closely. Ms. Matter: Unless you’re scared of me. That’s what it must be, then. Fear. Don’t worry. I was afraid too. But now I’m learning to cope. Grow with it. Understand my powers. Her hair begins to become a swirling cloud of gas that surrounds the officers and Ms. Matter. They begin to shiver as her eyes turn completely white and melt. Her arm begins to melt too. Ms. Matter: I can’t help this. I’m in distress, yet I love the power. How is that so? You see these powers. Finally, one of the officers begins to breathe in the pink gas and coughs, falling onto the floor unconscious. Ms. Matter’s eyes widen, first out of fear, but then a smirk comes onto her mouth and she giggles. Another officer breathes it in and faints. The others motion each other to stay away from the gas. Another one drops down. Eventually one of the officers pulls out his gun quickly and shoots Ms. Matter in the arm. The bullet phases through. Ms. Matter: That wasn’t MEANT to be an attack. But whatever. I’ve been needing to test my capabilities anyways. Ms. Matter sends a wave of her liquid self around the officers. One of them manages to flee the scene before he gets hit by the wave. Officer 2: We need help. This woman is out of control! ~~ Stephanie is walking back to Barmms Industrial Jewelry when she sees cop cars zooming past her. Several cop cars. They all seem to be going on direction: toward the half-destroyed JTC building, which has already been held off from civilian entrance. Stephanie: (Something is going on over there. I need to check this out.) Stephanie rushes to her apartment up above BIJ and climbs the fire escape. In her room she grabs her black shirt, pants and green belt from the day prior. She also takes her scarf. However she sees herself in the mirror. Stephanie: (I need to cover up my eyes so people can’t recognize those either.) She grabs a pair of goggles and heads out. She looks at the brick wall that surrounds her window. Stephanie: (I wonder… Could these crystal claws help me climb this?) She produces crystal with her fingers and sticks them into the wall. Then she does it with the other hand. It takes a bit of her strength to remove the crystal fingers from the wall but she manages to do it after years of weight training in high school and college. On top of the building she takes a bit to breathe. Stephanie (panting): Gosh that wasn’t as easy as I wanted it to be. She looks out at the other buildings besides the one she’s on. She did this the day prior. Stephanie: There has got to be better ways. Then she remembers: her energy from yesterday when she took down Black Blast. She gets pumped up again and suddenly she starts to glow. Stephanie: Yes. Here comes Stephanie. ~~ Ms. Matter had taken care of the policemen. She was starting to get a grip of these powers very nicely. She smiles when she sees the policemen on the floor, unconscious. Ms. Matter: I am beginning to understand now. My power and dominance. Just something so satisfying by seeing the looks of your opponents as they fall because of you. Suddenly she hears sirens outside. She gives a look out of a window in a room. It’s more police. She smirks and her brows lower. Minutes later, Stephanie arrives at the scene, climbing over a fence quickly and watching the police and what they were doing. She turns her ear into smooth crystal to get a better grip on what was happening. Stephanie: (Third floor. Woman who can turn herself into… Liquid? Unsafe conditions around parts of the building. Several men unconscious. Hmph. Good thing I came prepared.) Speeding into the building, Stephanie makes her way to the third floor. Stephanie: (I don’t know why I had this impulse to come. The first time I just stopped Black Blast because he endangered hundreds of people, and plus I hated his guts! It’s not the same for this one. This must just be pure whim.) Stephanie finally gets up to the hallway where Ms. Matter was. She opens the doors to find the hallway filled with a pink gas. Stephanie: Oh my… What is this gas? The gas begins to move around Stephanie’s legs as she walks down the hallway. Stephanie: Oh goodness… This doesn’t look very safe. Suddenly the gas begins to surround her torso as well. Stephanie begins to understand what is going on. Stephanie: Oh my… Should have brought a gas mask. Oh no… This isn’t going to suffocate me, is it? Ms. Matter: No… Not at all… Stephanie: What? Who was that? Ms. Matter: Hmm. You’re not supposed to be here, are you? Gooooooooood. Now I can deal with a trespasser. Let’s see how well you can handle me. Ms. Matter shoots a stream of gas toward Stephanie’s face but she dodges. Then Ms. Matter brings a solidified beam to hit Stephanie with, but she uses her claws to slice it up. Ms. Matter yells in pain. Stephanie sees her flinch, the body around her becoming solid. She starts to scratch more while Ms. Matter yells in pain. However, Ms. Matter noticed the crystal claws on Stephanie, and sharpens a bit of her own finger to try and cut Stephanie as a test. Stephanie sees the sharpened finger, which tries to slice at her arm but Stephanie turns her arm into crystal to make sure she was safe. Ms. Matter draws back into a solid form. Ms. Matter: So, another person with powers. Did Johnson send you? Stephanie: Who exactly? No, I came here on an impulse. I saw cop cars and I wanted to help them out. But this wasn’t what I expected. Ms. Matter: Good. You’re terribly outmatched anyways. Ms. Matter grabs Stephanie’s arms once she becomes gas again and puts a solidified beam against Stephanie neck. She squeezes it harder and harder. Stephanie begins to suffocate. Ms. Matter solidified her face to get a good glimpse. Ms. Matter: Don’t worry. You won’t die. At least not yet. Stephanie manages to pull her arms free and punches Ms. Matter in the face. Ms. Matter sharpens her arm again and scratches Stephanie when she doesn’t expect it. Stephanie cries in pain and drops to the floor. Ms. Matter: So my dominance holds true. Even when fighting against someone with powers I prove dominant. This is all I needed. Good bye. Matter leaves the scene, while Stephanie is in pain since she has a large scratch on her back. Her body glows and gives off heat from her adrenaline. Her wound begins to scab up at a faster rate. Regardless she still hurts.
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