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Brains and Brawly!/Transcript
Mack: Hi Candy. Just finished challenging Brawly and managed to get the Knuckle Badge. (shows it to her) And my Ralts evolved into Kirlia as well. Candy: Nice one, good job! ???: Hey Candy! Candy: Hey guys! Sugar: Hi! Polly: What're you guys up to? Candy: We're doing some final training preparations for Brawly. Marshtomp learned Iron Tail, Minun gained Electro Ball, Ralts learned Teleport, and Shroomish now has Bullet Seed. If you wanna watch the battle, you're more than welcome to see it. Big Faye: Since I'm too big to fit in the gym, I'll wait out here. Sugar: Okay! Mack: You can do it, Candy!
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Mack: Hi Candy. Just finished challenging Brawly and managed to get the Knuckle Badge. (shows it to her) And my Ralts evolved into Kirlia as well. Candy: Nice one, good job! ???: Hey Candy! Candy: Hey guys! Sugar: Hi! Polly: What're you guys up to? Candy: We're doing some final training preparations for Brawly. Marshtomp learned Iron Tail, Minun gained Electro Ball, Ralts learned Teleport, and Shroomish now has Bullet Seed. If you wanna watch the battle, you're more than welcome to see it. Big Faye: Since I'm too big to fit in the gym, I'll wait out here. Sugar: Okay! Mack: You can do it, Candy! Sugar: Yeah! Candy: Shroomish, I choose you! Brawly: Machop, let's ride! Polly: 100?! He must be really strong. Sugar: Yeah... Referee: Begin! Candy: Shroomish, fire your Bullet Seed. Brawly: Dodge it and use Dual Chop. Candy: Dodge, then Leech Seed. Caber: Excellent. Polly: Why's it good? Caber: As long as that Leech Seed is in effect, it'll be good for Candy's Pokémon. Candy: Now follow it with Headbutt! Sugar: Yay!!! Referee: Machop is unable to battle. Shroomish wins! Candy: Excellent work, Shroomish. Candy's Shroomish: "Shroom mish!" ("Thanks Candy") Sugar: Hooray!!!! Brawly: Breloom, time to ride! Candy: A Breloom!? Polly: So that's what Shroomish evolves into? Wow... Sugar: Yeah. That Breloom's nothing like that one Slab used against Caber's Flygon. Candy: Now Shroomish, Headbutt! Candy: Nice hit, Shroomish. Candy: Shroomish got poisoned? What happened? Caber: It must be Effect Spore, Breloom's special ability. Candy: Shroomish is....healing? Caber: Shroomish's special ability, Poison Heal. Sugar: Cool! Mack: What's Poison Heal? Sugar: An ability, apparently. Brawly: Breloom, Mach Punch! Candy: Ah, Shroomish no! Referee: Shroomish is unable to battle. Breloom wins! Sugar: Oh no! Candy: You did very good, Shroomish. Get some rest! Alright, Whismur, you're up! (Candy summons Whismur) Sugar: Whismur? Polly: Why Whismur? Mack: Hope Whismur can pull off a win here. Brawly: Breloom, Mach Punch, one more time. Candy: Now Whismur, Flamethrower! Brawly: Did she say Flamethrower!? Referee: Breloom is unable to battle. Whismur wins! Caber: Gotta admit, I did not see that coming. Mack: I can't believe that little Whismur took out Breloom with just one attack!? Polly: Even the little ones can win! Mack: Now Brawly only has one Pokémon left. Brawly: (returns Breloom) Well, Candy, that was quite a surprise attack you threw in. Now it's time for my main partner. Hariyama, time to ride the waves! Candy: A Hari-whatnow? Sugar: A Harimana, I think? Mack: No, you mean Hariyama! Sugar: Oh yeah, I remember! Your sexist cousin used a Hariyama in the Silver Conference, and Caber's Latios beat it. Candy: You sure you're good to go? Candy's Whismur: Mur! Candy: Use Hyper Voice! Candy: Use Focus Punch! Candy's Whismur: (swirly eyes and moaning) Whis-s Whiss murrr? Referee: Whismur is unable to battle. Hariyama wins! Mack: (shocked) Well, that was fast! That battle sure ended quickly! Caber: Well, I think Whismur may need more training. Sugar: Yeah. Candy: Thanks Whismur, taking out Breloom was really good, Get some rest! Alright, Ralts, I choose you! (Candy summons Ralts) Candy's Ralts: Ralts ralts! Mack: (smiles) Smart move for Candy. Polly: Cause Ralts is a Psychic-type, right? Sugar: Right, Polly. (smiles) Brawly: Use Arm Thrust! Candy: Use Teleport to dodge! Polly: How long can Ralts keep going like that? Candy: Look out, Ralts. Polly: Oh no! (covers her eyes with her hands, sneaks a peak) Brawly: Use Knock Off!! Sugar/Polly: (in unison) Whoa. Caber: Looks like Candy's Ralts is evolving. Candy's Kirlia: Kirl lia! Mack: Wow! Candy's Ralts evolved into Kirlia, just like mine. Polly: Kirlia? Polly: Wow! Hey, Sugar, maybe Sprinkle'll evolve into a Kirlia herself someday. Sugar: Oh, yeah! That'd be perfect for my Contests. (smiles) Candy's Kirlia: (points at Hariyama) Kirli kirlia, kirli! ("In the name of the 'Mon, I'll punish you!") Mack: Uh, can someone translate what Kirlia just said? Candy: Kirlia says: In the name of the 'Mon, I'll punish you! Caber: (to the readers) Seriously? Candy: (sighs) Tell it to the kids reading this. (gets back to the battle) Alright Kirlia, let's do this! Candy: Go, Kirlia! Sugar: Whoa... Polly: Is that a move? Mack: That was Dazzling Gleam! Brawly: Use Focus Punch! Candy: Dodge it! Sugar: Ooooh... Candy: Use Psychic to immobilize Hariyama. Candy: Wrap it up with Dazzling Gleam while in the air. Referee: Hariyama is unable to battle. Kirlia is the winner! That also means Candy wins the match. Sugar: Alright! Candy: You were incredible, Kirlia. You even learned a new move too. Kirlia: (smiles) Kirlia! Mack: (cheers) She did it! Brawly: (returns Hariyama) You did well. Mack: Candy sure launched those super effective attacks back to back with her Kirlia, didn't she? Caber: Quite. Sugar: (shoots up like a rocket) I WAS SO INSPIRED!!! WAHOO!!! Brawly: (to Candy) Here's the Knuckle Badge, dudette. (hands her the badge) Candy: I Knuckle Badge! Caber: Well, Candy and Mack, we gotta get going. Sugar: Yeah, I'm supposed to participate in the Slateport City Pokémon Contest soon. Mack: Well, good luck you guys. Candy: See ya later.