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NTI Being
The NTI Beings (Non Terrestrial Intelligence Beings) are an extraterrestrial humanoid form of the species Hypotremata, or Ray. Manta Ray like undulating wing fins allow the species to glide through the water, and a humanoid torso, arms (with three fingers on each hand), and head (with eyes and eyelids, but no other discernible features) complete the body structure. The species does not appear to have any bones, but like the ray, this organism may have a see through cartilaginous skeleton.
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The NTI Beings (Non Terrestrial Intelligence Beings) are an extraterrestrial humanoid form of the species Hypotremata, or Ray. Manta Ray like undulating wing fins allow the species to glide through the water, and a humanoid torso, arms (with three fingers on each hand), and head (with eyes and eyelids, but no other discernible features) complete the body structure. The species does not appear to have any bones, but like the ray, this organism may have a see through cartilaginous skeleton. Like many deep sea fish, such as the Anglerfish, the NTI Beings are translucent, and are capable of producing bioluminescent light within their bodies. This bioluminescent light is produced by chemical reactions within the organism, being neurally controlled, as the NTI Beings sympathetic nervous system controls luminescence by way of a neurotransmitter. For the reaction to occur, luciferin (a chemical which produces the light) and lucferase (a chemical which catalyses the reaction are required. These two chemicals, along with oxygen, form a photoprotein molecule which is capable of producing light when calcium ions are added. The calcium ions, and small quantities of luciferin, are introduced to the NTI Beings body through its diet of lichen and chemosynthetic plant life that grow on the calcium rich rock formations found deep underwater. It is currently thought that these internal bioluminescent lights - which cover a large proportion of the species body and can change colour and intensity - are used for communication, attracting a mate and expression of emotions, rather than luring prey as in other deep sea species. Thought to be from an advanced civilisation, where weaponry and violence are obsolete, this species of water dwelling creature has taken to living in the very depths of the oceans abysses. Capable of interplanetary space travel, this species seeks out safe waters in which to live, travel ling in small colonies. Like its own bodily construction, the technology of this species is light and translucent, giving a very ethereal feeling. In fact, the underwater craft of the NTI Beings has been mistaken for a form of Xenomorphic life by past researchers. The underwater craft of this species appear to be organic in construction, however this is not the case. These craft are operated by some unknown power source which will drain the power from any technological construction that comes within close proximity of it. They have no cavitation or reactor noise and are capable of traveling at 130 knots using some form of turbine engine. The NTI Beings utilise small, autonomous craft for exploration; larger manned craft for long distance travel; and gigantic craft for interplanetary travel. Although this species is peace loving and abides weapons, it is not completely without defence. Through what has probably been millions of years of evolution, this species has adapted to be able to control water, and possibly many other liquids, at the molecular level. They can plasticise it, polymerise it, and put it under intelligent control. This means that the NTI Beings can use water as a powerful weapon if need arises - creating massive tidal waves to destroy land based predators, or parting water to leave aquatic predators stranded in dry air. Perhaps the most astonishing feat of water engineering produced by this species is the so-called "pseudopod". Created by the NTI Beings from simple water, this organic looking serpent-like creature, or water tentacle, is in actual fact a form of reconnaissance probe used to scout out potentially hazardous non-aquatic environments. Somehow capable of relaying visual information back to the NTI Beings, the pseudopod is also capable of mimicking the shapes of objects around it, including faces.