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Days of our Lives Days Of Our Lives Days of Our Lives
Days of Our Lives is an American daytime soap that is broadcast on the NBC television network. As one of the longest-running scripted television programs in the world, it has aired nearly every weekday since its debut on November 8th, 1965, and has subsequently been syndicated the many countries around the world. The series was created by the husband and wife team of Ted and Betty Corday, and Irna Phillips, considered to be the mother of the American soap opera, was an early story editor for the serial. Many of the show's earliest storylines were written by William J. Bell. In February 2016, the soap received a one-year renewal through 2017, with the option of an additional year by NBC. Days of Our Lives (also often abbreviated to DOOL or Days), is an American daytime soap opera broadcast on the NBC television network. It is one of the longest-running scripted television programs in the world, airing nearly every weekday since November 8, 1965. It has since been syndicated to many countries around the world. It rebroadcast same-day episodes on SOAPnet weeknights at 8 and 10 p.m. (ET/PT) until the network's closure in 2013. The series was created by husband-and-wife team Ted Corday and Betty Corday. Irna Phillips was a story editor for Days of Our Lives and many of the show's earliest storylines were written by William J. Bell. In January 2014, the show was renewed through September 2016. As the show progressed and increased in popularity, new locations were introduced, such as the restaurants where the women worked serving food to customers and enjoyed whispered moments of kitchen gossip in-between, while the men remained at their garages where they fixed cars and made sexual derogatory statements about females and spoke about hunting. Days of our Lives was the only Daytime Soap opera on NBC. No other soap can beat Days of our Lives. Which makes it the longest running soap opera on NBC. Days of Our Lives (also stylized as Days of our Lives; often abbreviated to DOOL or Days) is an American daytime soap opera broadcast on the NBC television network. It is one of the longest-running scripted television programs in the world, airing nearly every weekday since November 8, 1965. It has since been syndicated to many countries around the world. A very very long-running US Daytime Soap Opera; running since 1965, it rivals Coronation Street for popularity and longevity. Originally, it focused on the Hortons, a family who tended to become doctors. As time went on, more focus was given to the rivalry between the Italian DiMeras and the Irish Bradys, while still keeping the Hortons at the forefront. Despite being generally grounded in reality, the show has featured stories involving aliens, ghosts, and mad scientists. These are generally considered to be the worst seasons. A popular show among daytime drama queens. Joey Tribbiani played Dr. Drake Ramoray on and off on the show for several years. Grinning, she tiptoed to the other side of the bed before picking up a pillow. She then whacked him with it before darting out of reach. "Wake up sleepyhead. There's a whole world out there waiting to be seen. It's more interesting than watching the inside of your eyelids." Kuru stated playfully before deciding what to do next. Technically she should be working today, but she had been diligent over the past few weeks. Surely she deserved a day off. Nevertheless, she figured that something could be concluded upon once the bedhead finally roused himself. Noting that he was slow to get up, she resolved to smack him with the pillow once more. The woman couldn't help that she was an early bird; she always rose with the sun. Even as a child now that she thought about it.
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Soap opera
Last aired
Ted Corday and Betty Corday
Number of Episodes
Created by
First aired
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Days of our Lives
n71: n139: Greg Meng Ken Corday
30.0 3600.0 60 1800.0
United States
n55: n82:
Days of Our Lives
Connie, Kelly, and Hsnnsht
Days of our Lives opening theme
n4: Corday Productions, Inc. n23: n25: n53:
12189 12835
Narrated by Macdonald Carey
Another World
n67: n76: n110: n127:
480 1080 NTSC HDTV
n42: n140: Gary Tomlin Christopher Whitesell
Grant Johnson Herb Stein Albert Alarr n101: n146: Phil Sogard Steven Williford
NBC n150:
Betty Corday Ted Corday n119: n145:
Burbank, California The Burbank Stduios NBC Studios, Burbank, California
Days of Our Lives (also stylized as Days of our Lives; often abbreviated to DOOL or Days) is an American daytime soap opera broadcast on the NBC television network. It is one of the longest-running scripted television programs in the world, airing nearly every weekday since November 8, 1965. It has since been syndicated to many countries around the world. It rebroadcast same-day episodes on SOAPnet weeknights at 8 and 10 p.m. (ET/PT) until the network's closure in 2013. The series was created by husband-and-wife team Ted Corday and Betty Corday.[1] Irna Phillips was a story editor for Days of Our Lives and many of the show's earliest storylines were written by William J. Bell. In January 2014, the show was renewed through September 2016 Days of our Lives was the only Daytime Soap opera on NBC. No other soap can beat Days of our Lives. Which makes it the longest running soap opera on NBC. A very very long-running US Daytime Soap Opera; running since 1965, it rivals Coronation Street for popularity and longevity. Originally, it focused on the Hortons, a family who tended to become doctors. As time went on, more focus was given to the rivalry between the Italian DiMeras and the Irish Bradys, while still keeping the Hortons at the forefront. Despite being generally grounded in reality, the show has featured stories involving aliens, ghosts, and mad scientists. These are generally considered to be the worst seasons. A popular show among daytime drama queens. Joey Tribbiani played Dr. Drake Ramoray on and off on the show for several years. As the show progressed and increased in popularity, new locations were introduced, such as the restaurants where the women worked serving food to customers and enjoyed whispered moments of kitchen gossip in-between, while the men remained at their garages where they fixed cars and made sexual derogatory statements about females and spoke about hunting. Critics originally praised the show for its complete lack of nostalgia mostly because the characters were portrayed as those who, as quoted by one of the leading roles, "really don't give a shit" and its portrayal of those American families who are usually heard of but never really seen or spoken of. By the 1970s, critics deemed Days to be the most daring daytime drama, leading the way in using themes other shows of the period would not dare touch, such as prostitution, abortion and bestiality. In the 1990s, the show branched out into supernatural storylines, involving witchcraft, alien abductions, brainwashing and even reincarnations which lead to the constant death and constant revival of lead characters who would die, come back as each other, die again, come back as themselves and then believe that they were someone else before falling in love with each other's wives and making them pregnant. As technology finally caught up with television, viewers were able to experience scenes located outside of the actual trailers for the first time since the show's premiere. Days of our lives continues to air every day across the world at different times and continues to introduce new story lines surrounding the families of the trailer town of Sell-em (A name derived from scrap yard sales as an alternative income for the families who run out of money as a result of spending most of it on alcohol and cigarettes.) Grinning, she tiptoed to the other side of the bed before picking up a pillow. She then whacked him with it before darting out of reach. "Wake up sleepyhead. There's a whole world out there waiting to be seen. It's more interesting than watching the inside of your eyelids." Kuru stated playfully before deciding what to do next. Technically she should be working today, but she had been diligent over the past few weeks. Surely she deserved a day off. Nevertheless, she figured that something could be concluded upon once the bedhead finally roused himself. Noting that he was slow to get up, she resolved to smack him with the pillow once more. The woman couldn't help that she was an early bird; she always rose with the sun. Even as a child now that she thought about it. The world stirred as Kamiyo walked along an empty path, the skies around him were dark white, the soil beneath him was gray. The dream was all too common to him, it was his walk through the most hellish time of his life. He'd wandered through that barren landscape for two years, desperately trying to crawl out. He dashed forwards through the infinite grayness, this world or nothing was all he knew. This "nightmare" of his occurred so often that it didn't even feel like a nightmare to him anymore, just a monotonous walk. Though Kamiyo had at first wished to leave the dream he always wondered what would happen after he left in the dream, or if he even could leave. This terror of his had turned into a mystery, what would he find at the end of this trail. Everyday he awoke both relived and a bit saddened that he could never find the truth. He looked up and saw a glimmer causing his heartbeat to increased. Had he found it? Was this golden glimmer the way out? He charged toward it with all his might, drawing closer and closer until he was almost there. It was then that a wave of darkness blindsided him. His eyes shot open to a familiar voice and he realized where he was, in the bed of his love. She was telling him to get out of bed and see the world, how pleasant it was to hear another voice again, her voice again. He cracked a smile and responded. "I don't know, the insides of my eyelids can project some pretty nice things." He was then met with another whack of the pillow and laughed as he slowly rose from the sheets. Kamiyo held himself upright and let out a large yawn. "You could really hurt someone with that you know, thousands of ninja's die by pillow a year. Trust me, I'd know." He fake sobbed before his usual smile flashed onto his face. He ran his hand through his hair, feeling the grimy white locks. The morning after was always a great time to shower. He hopped from the bed and embraced his lover, pulling her into a good morning kiss. "I'm gonna take a shower and then we can do whatever you want to today." He softly spoke as he let her go and dashed to the bathroom, closing the door and cranking the water to hot before stepping in and closing the sliding door. She smiled before brushing her lips across his as they kissed. The young woman laughed as he dashed off to the shower. "Whatever I want? That's a dangerous thing to promise. Your stamina might not be ready for such an endeavor," she quipped before following him to the bathroom. Upon entering the area she received a look from Kamiyo. "What? It's nothing I haven't seen before." she retorted flippantly. Either way, she hopped in the shower. "Besides, you need someone to scrub your back. Then you can scrub mine." Kurumi suggested helpfully before appraising Kami's patchwork of scars that lined his muscular frame. She sighed before playfully pouting. "But if it bothers you that much, I'll take little old me and wait outside for you to finish. I suppose everyone needs their privacy. Or what's left of it." With that, she stepped out, ready to exit the vicinity so her boyfriend could clean up. Even she found his disheveled appearance first thing in the morning to be adorable. Nevertheless, her mind was already working as she weighed the options for what could be done today. The good citizen in her clamored for the woman to go to her office, but Kuru quickly shut that voice out. Quickly settling upon the idea of visiting the moon. She had shown Kamiyo quite a bit of her domain; it seemed only fair that he return the favor. Either way, cleaning up and putting on clothes would be essentially for such an endeavor. So she waited for him to start showering so she could do the same once he finished. "Oh I think my stamina can hold out quite well." He replied with a wink as she followed him into the shower. Though they had seen each other naked before their close proximity still put a small blush on his face. Her body shimmered with life, a beautiful force of nature it was. At her suggestion of back washing he considered it briefly but was cut off by her quick departure from the shower. "But I want little old you here.." He sighed as she was already out the door, however his powers had their uses. He quickly created a portal of darkness right in her path, causing her to step back into the shower. "Who said I didn't want you here nature girl?" He laughed as he embraced her. "Though we should try to wash our backs orderly, we do want to leave the house before the sun sets after all." His sly smile was plastered on his face. The two then sat down and Kamiyo got to work on her back, caressing it as he worked his gentle hands across it, paying carful attention to the scars that lined it, especially the bolt shaped one. "So think up any plans our day out? We haven't had a whole day to ourselves in a while because of all our work." They were very busy people, the diplomat and the daimyo. Their time at night was usually wondrous though. They would curl up together and watch television, go out to dinner, eat at one of Kamiyo's home cooked meals, or get to bed early for some fun. Though sometimes even their nights were filled with work, their mornings were usually quite quick too. The worst days though were when Kamiyo was off of work. He would mull around the house and watch television or practice cooking but it wasn't the same without Kurumi. At least he could visit her some days but on others she was off limits from dawn to dusk. Today was truly needed. She giggled as she returned the embrace. "Well I don't know, you've been sending me mixed signals death boy." Kurumi teased before kissing his lips once more. "Sunset? That's about 14 hours away. Surely we wouldn't take that long." she paused, thinking about the past. "Then again...we could. We enjoy being thorough after all." They then separated, Kurumi enjoying the feeling of her back's complete scrubbing. If her bolt shaped scar had itched a bit after all, so this was a good way to take care of it. With the irritation fully remedied, the couple switched places, Kuru now washing Kamiyo's back. The woman remained fixated on Kami's scars, mapping them out as she cleaned each one with a careful eye. She wasn't the skimping type. Either way, the scars that covered him told a story of survival, one that caused her toss the soap aside and hug his back, her body pressing against his as she kissed his neck. Resting her head on his shoulder the woman voiced a thought. "We've overcome quite a bit haven't we?" she murmured before leaning closer. Her now violet gaze displayed her deep melancholy as she thought of the stories behind their spoils of war. Or the expelling of their frivolous demeanor as children. Perhaps it was a coming of age thing. Either way, it brought her thoughts to how little they'd seen of each other lately. Their professions were demanding ones, as such every second they had for each other was precious. Moments of simple intimacy like this became all the more valuable. "I want to visit the moon. You've never given me a proper tour of the place." she said finally. "Surely the time has come for you to do so." Her lips brushed the back of his neck in a innocent gesture. One that was still filled with a sentiment she had been nursing in those lonely days at office. Days that were occupied from dawn to dusk by work. Kamiyo relaxed as Kurumi scrubbed away at his back, carefully cleaning his scars with a soft touch. She suddenly tossed her soap aside and wrapped her arms around him, it was a hug of warmth and comfort. He put his hands on hers and gripped them tightly, they were so warm to his colder touch. "Quite a lot indeed." He sighed longing to hold her more. Then he slowly released her hands, probably to her displeasure, before truing around and pulling her into a true embrace. "But it's okay we have each other now. Though our jobs may take use away for some time at the end of everyday we'll always end up together in that bed." He smiled putting his hand on her face. "Only the future awaits." With that said the topic changed to a much lighter subject. Kamiyo perked up at the mention of his domain. "I'd love to show you around the moon." He shouted excitedly. "Now you can laze around in my office and annoy my assistants." He laughed with delight, mocking his own actions in the process. It would be nice to show her his world, it would be quite the contrast. A barren world mostly devoid of life compared to her luscious forest of beauty down on Earth. However the moon still had some charm to it. With that Kamiyo released their hug and got to work finishing his washing, he couldn't wait to go. The tender moment eased away. Satisfied, Kurumi returned to her own scrubbing, contemplating the best way to irritate his assistants. Once sure that she was clean, the woman stepped out of the shower, streaking to the bedroom with not an ounce of shame. She frowned as she sorted through all the clothes available. "What's the weather like up there?" Kurumi asked, sliding into one Kamiyo's graphic tees after putting on underwear and other supportive material. She opted for a pair of jeans given to her by forest's inhabitants, woven by some of their sowers. While she wondered where they found the material to do so, she didn't question it, instead expressing her appreciation for their thoughtful gift. Emblazoned on the back pocket were simple designs found in nature, such as flowers and other materials, along with a symbol that served as homage to the Senju Clan and it's most notable member. Her many greats grandfather. She smiled at the thought, wishing she could meet him. Nevertheless, she tucked the primrose behind her left ear, a wonderful shade of purple that caused her eyes to lighten. Silently thanking the creature who left behind the wonderful memento. Kurumi sat on the edge of the bed as she waited for Kamiyō to gather himself. She quietly enjoyed on an apple in the meantime, wondering what the moon held in its confines besides a tranquil landscape. With a sigh, she fell backwards on the bed, laying their comfortably as her blonde locks spread across the covers. For now she was content to let her imagination run wild, pondering the vast yet lonely landscape known as the moon. Kamiyo finished his scrubbing and shut down the shower, drying his now soft and silky white hair with a towel as he followed Kurumi to the bedroom. "Pretty mild, we keep the sections people go through at the right temperature and weather artificially. However if we decide to go outside that domain I'll make sure you're fine." He spoke as he reached for a t-shirt only to have Kurumi slip it on. "You know I'd ask for it back but you look so damn good in it." He commented, opting for a normal white shirt and some black pants as oppose to his usual royal suit. If his assistants had a fit over his attire it didn't really matter, after all Kurumi would be annoying them more. He quickly pulled some skull covered underwear on before pulling the rest of his attire onto his body and slinging a black and white jacket on, it was rare to see him without his black cloak. With that done he collapsed on the bed next to Kurumi, nimbly taking a bite out of her apple as his own body relaxed. After a few seconds Kamiyo quickly jumped up, pulling Kurumi with him. "Sorry about that I just remembered what happened last night." He apologized, at least their clothes weren't dirtied as far as he could tell. "I'll have some of my servants clean that." "Hey, I was enjoying that apple." she protested only to realize the deed was done. "Of course I look good in it, why else would I wear it?" Kuru grinned before being pulled up by Kamiyo suddenly. It dawned on her why he was so concerned. "Oh that. It's fine, the bedsheets were already changed." she commented, pointing the dirty ones situated in the laundry basket. She absorbed the information about the conditions, adopting to remain in the clothes she had on. Only by looking at her feet did the woman realize she had forgotten shoes. So she ambled over to the closet, still yawning slightly after polishing off the remains of the apple. Opting for sneakers, she slid them on before waiting. "So what part of the moon are we visiting first?" Kurumi questioned while stretching. Part of her wondered if any of Kamiyo's family would be home. She knew the some of his older siblings had moved on to other places as they came of age. Nevertheless, they were an eclectic group that she found fascinating. Thus she hoped that at least a few of them were around. Returning to his side, she picked up another apple before munching on this one. "Shall we be off?" she commented, noting that their proximity and a clean waiting bed was starting to give her other ideas. "Oh perfect, now I don't have to change my clothes." Kamiyo laughed, as he placed an arm around Kurumi. "I'm thinking my office would be a nice place to start since I spend so much time in yours." With that the shadows whirled around the two lovers in a beautiful dance as the world went dark, only to return to light seconds later within Kamiyo' office. The room itself was quite a spacious place, with three walls of wood and one large glass wall behind his desk. The view from the window showed a vast amount of the cosmos, including Earth itself. Two statues of large cloaked beings with scythes stood by the door like guards, two more sat by his desk. Black carpeting covered the floor and a streak of white led from the door to his desk. "Welcome to my office." Kamiyo spoke, motioning to the room as he sat upon his desk. Just then the door shot open and two people rushed in. A man wearing a very official suit and a woman in a black cloak. "Mr Kamiyo sir where have you been?" The man shouted aloud, panting a little from his sprint. "High Commander Kamiyo are where have you been?" The woman shouted, worry filled her voice. Kamiyo cocked his head at the two wondering what they were screaming about before realizing it himself. He hadn't checked in with the moon in months, he'd forgot he was cloaking himself from their attempts to sense him. "Oh uh sorry about that." He spoke sheepishly. "I was gonna contact you guys but some pretty awesome stuff happened and I kinda forgot." He then motioned to Kurumi. "This is Kurumi Yuri, Daimyō of the Land of Yang. She's also my girlfriend. Kurumi these are my advisors. That guy is my advisor on the moon, Obake, and that girl is my shinigami advisor, Kihaku." "Sounds good love." she responded, nudging closer to the latter as they were engulfed by the shadows before reappearing in his office. "Quite the interesting decor you have here." Kurumi noted, gesturing to the guardians at his doorway and around his desk. However, she quickly gravitated to the massive glass wall, similar to the one in her own office. "Magnificent." the woman breathed as her gaze raked over the cosmos and the blue and green planet below. Even at such a distance she could feel the land calling to her, resonating with Kurumi's spirit. She smiled into the window before turning at the sound of footsteps and agitated voices. Sure enough, the assistants were looking for a shinigami that had been missing in action. "Don't tell me you've been hiding from them." Kurumi accused, already guessing what his true intentions were. "As he stated, my name if Kurumi Yuri. It's a pleasure to meet you Obake and Kihaku. Alas, I had no idea he was going incognito; do not worry, I'll make sure he doesn't shirk from his duties. Right Kamiyo?" Kuru finished, looking at her boyfriend with a dead-eye. Nevertheless, she could see that their concern for him was beyond his abstaining from work. Legitimately worried about his well-being. "Now, you had no right to scare them like. I believe an apology is in order." the woman continued, clearly not taking no for an answer. While waiting for him to do so, she leaned against the desk, turning her attention to the wide expanse situated outside his abode. "The view is incredible." she stated, content to remain there for a while. "I think you're misunderstanding me. I originally went incognito cause these two were contacting me every five minutes about something trivial." Kihaku and Obake both attempted to protest but were cut off. "Coffee Machine. Teleportation Pad." Kamiyo stated to the two, shutting them up. "You see I've been working but I just forgot to send my reports back here." He laughed but Kurumi was having none of it. "Okay okay, I'm sorry I made you two worry but could you stop with the constant questions." Kamiyo sighed. Kihaku and Obake both smiled and nodded. "Looks like you might not need us now huh." Obake laughed. "Yeah keep him in check for us Kurumi dear." Kihaku shouted as they left the room. Kamiyo waved goodbye before joining Kurumi at the window. "It is isn't it, you can see everything from here." The man spoke, putting his arm around her. "Also my decor is amazing and my taste exquisite." Kamiyo pouted. "They can do all sorts of cool stuff." He paused to stare with her, taking in the colors of the cosmos. It was quite a beautiful place and he was glad he could share it with her. Just then another dark portal opened in the room and out stepped a tall girl with flowing white locks reaching just below her waist. Her eyes naturally shimmered red in the light. The whole room seemed occupied by her presence. "Kamiyo!" She shouted excitedly, running up and pulling him into a big hug. "I haven't seen you in like a year. Huh Who's this?" She stopped and stepped back, before smiling from ear to ear. "OH my god wait until dad hears about this." She laughed before extending a hand. "Kazumi, Kamiyo's younger sister." She leaned closer as he put his arm around her, resting her head on his chest as they watched the universe in motion. "I suppose you wouldn't have those statues just for show now. Your tastes are alright I suppose. Perhaps even good if you account for myself." Kuru snickered. The woman waved as the two assistants took their leave before gazing around the room once more. Despite her light-hearted teasing, the area was actually quite organized and tastefully done. Nothing too extreme yet far-removed from bland. "Thanks for taking me." she said before kissing his cheek lightly. While the woman was considering more, her devilish thoughts were interrupted by the sudden appearance of a portal. However, what stepped out of the portal was what grabbed her attention. The lady's presence was not easily ignored, filling the room with ease. Kurumi watched somewhat awkwardly as the lass engulfed Kamiyo in a hug. Soon enough the girl turned her rose eyes towards Kuru, studying her before breaking out into a grin. Kuru simply stared back defiantly before Kazumi started talking. It was then that she connected the dots grasping Kaz's hand before shaking it. "Kurumi Yuri. Kamiyo's girlfriend. Pleasure to me you. I suppose he didn't tell you about us?" she said, noting how scatter-brained he was. Though she hypothesized that they had been just a bit busy tending to each other. Nevertheless, given his father's occupation, he likely knew about their relationship already. She had a feeling that the young lass was likely a Shinigami as well, given her otherworldly appearance. Alas, Kurumi kept such observations to herself for the time being. Realizing the handshake was a bit too formal, the woman pulled Kazumi into a hug before letting go. "How many siblings do you have again Kami?" she asked, noting this was the first time Kazumi had come up. "They totally turn into shinigami guards." Kamiyo commented, smiling at his statues. "Oh it's a pleasure to meet you Kurumi, I must say you have such soft hands." Kazumi commented, stepping away from the hug. "You're also very well endowed, thats a plus." It was then that Kazumi was grabbed by a skeletal hand and dragged into darkness. "She'll be back in a moment. Sorry about that." Kamiyo apologized. "For all she knows, keeping her opinions to herself isn't one of them. No matter how inappropriate they may be." He then remembered her other question. "There's about seven of us in total, two boys, five girls. My parents really enjoyed children." He laughed, remembering his father fawn over his newborn siblings. Soon Kazumi emerged from darkness again with a sad look on her face. "Sorry about that Kurumi it wasn't very polite of me to say." She spoke sincerely, a soft smile on her face. Then the presence in the room seemed to fade as darkness began to curl and take form behind her. "That's right Kazumi very good, sorry about that Miss Yuri, High Commander Kamiyo." A soft old voice spoke from the darkness. Soon the voice was given a body, a large skeletal being draped in a black cloak appeared behind Kazumi. "Thanks for setting her straight." Kamiyo thanked the large being before turning to Kurumi. "Kurumi this is Anzen, he's a powerful Shinigami my father assigned to guard my younger sister. He's very knowledgeable about humans an their world so he teaches her on the side." Kurumi waved away the apologies of both Anzen and Kamiyo. "It's fine, I've been guilty of such an offense now and then. Censorship is a bad thing you know. Though I suppose I was never a fan of political correctness." she responded good-naturedly. "My hands may be soft Kazumi, but I've seen my fair share of combat. Even if all I do is sit behind an office desk these days. As dull as it sounds; though I suppose I your brother's brooding gives me something more meaningful to attend to." The woman then extended her hand towards the skeletal being, "A pleasure to meet you. So you're both a bodyguard and a tutor. Plus a legal guardian assigned to keep Kazumi in check. Thus you wear quite a few hats." she noted. A comfortable silence enveloped the little group as they absorbed all that had been shared so far. Surprisingly, Kamiyō made no mention of her profession to the second group, though Kuru supposed they would find out soon enough. "What's next on the list dearest?" Kurumi asked finally, pulling out the remains of her second apple before finishing it. Displaying a casualness that was normally associated with the Daimyō when off duty. Part of her snickered at Kazumi's earlier words. Such a trait was likely thanks to her mother and to a lesser extent grandmother; both women carrying a leviathan mass on their chest. Fortunately for Kuru's sake, her burden was a bit more bearable in comparison. Nevertheless she banished such thoughts for the time being, returning to the present situation. She pondered the information Kamiyo had said earlier. "That's quite a large family. I only have two siblings..." The woman trailed off as she realized that could be quite wrong. Her mother was only 28 when she had her after all. For all Kurumi knew she might have several younger brothers and sisters. Even at the time she abandoned the village her mother was still more than capable of having more. Leaving her to brood a bit. "If I'm brooding then you hate nature." Kamiyo playfully retorted. "Oh you both have desk jobs, that's nice." Kazumi commented, resting herself on Anzen's open palm. The old shinigami laughed and shook her hand with his much larger one. "I guess I am quite a jack of all trades but I don't really wear hats, they don't really help my receding hairline as much as hoods." He joked, pulling his hood back for a moment to show his bare skull. "Oh I forgot to mention her job. Kazumi, Anzen, meet the Daimyō of the Land of Yang." Kamiyo announced, kneeling with jazz hands for dramatic effect. "Oh my god that's so cool you'll have to let me visit sometime." Kazumi showed excitedly. Kamiyo smiled as he turned to his lover, smiling brightly in the starlight. "Well My home is always available as well as a few cities. Though I'd really like to show you Hallow Point. It's an old rock in a sea of natural stardust that I found years ago. Quite the beautiful place to be on a day like this." Noticing the mood Anzen bowed with a silent goodbye before the shadows consumed him and Kazumi, leaving the two alone. Kamiyo was busy listening to Kurumi's comments on her own family, giving only a small wave as the two stared out the window at the cosmos. "Two is still a good number, much more manageable." The thought of kids had once caused Kamiyo to scoff. He remembered when his sister in law had told him of their five kids he had laughed. But he was much different now, he'd gone through many trials to get to where he stood now. He'd changed a lot along the way and with each passing moment he grew closer to Kurumi his once stone ideas began to loosen and change. "So where to?" His voice was soft as he slipped his hand into hers. Kurumi giggled. "Fair enough." she responded as Anzen revealed his bare skull. "I guess that's my official title. Though it's a bit stuffy at time. Feel free to drop by sometime Kazumi. Give me a little bit of a warning so my assistants don't have heart failure." she continued before giving a nod and wave as Anzen and Kazumi went on their way. "Hallow Point? Sounds rather enigmatic. Let's head there first. As childish as it sounds, a sea of stardust is magical." Kuru said before gently squeezing his hand. "Still, a house full of people sounds nice now and then, if not to pass the time then to just feel the presence of others. Children. It was an idea that she had laughed off so many times, considering it ridiculous that a person of academia and scholarship such as herself would ever consider the notion. Yet here she was contemplating the very idea, finding fascinating if not a bit tempting. As annoying as the rascals would be, having a boisterous bunch to give life to a quiet home. It was an existence that sounded both amusing yet heart-warming. A sensation that sent a shock through her. While never cold, she was uncompromising when it came to her personal pursuits with only nature taking precedence. Inspiring the same feeling of love and enchantment. Perhaps this was the due course as nature's mouthpiece and manifestation on earth. Nevertheless, her gaze softened as she gazed upon her love. Turning on her heel while standing on her toes, Kurumi leaned in before placing a kiss on his lips. "Let's head there now." she murmured. Not yet relinquishing her grip on his hand as she imagined that peculiar yet wondrous place; having merely studied stardust in books as opposed to seeing it firsthand. "Oh perfect. You'll love it there." Kamiyo laughed, his bright smile lighting the room. Deep in his mind he was panicking though. However much he convinced himself that he was over the event his true feelings differed. Hallow Point wasn't discovered by him randomly, it was where he landed upon his return. Though most would think of the place as somewhere sacred to him it was a reminder of the two years he spent in an infinite hell. The wretched world of gray his father had sent him to, purgatory. Though he now stood with another who he shared his heart with, someone who he thought he could finally face it with. With his thoughts called and a deep breath the shadows swirled around the two. As they emerged from their shadowy cocoon, shimmering wisps of red and pink light filled the air. The two stood within a crater on a small flat rock in a sea of shimmering red and pink stardust. The air sparkled with light as the suns rays hit the sea, it was a breathtaking sight. "Here we are Kurumi, at the sea of stars." With that Kamiyo raised his arm, manipulating spaces expertly to cause a large amount of dust to appear in the air. As it fluttered down to earth the sky lit up with a symphony of color. Kamiyo's face had a soft smile on it but his mind was not at ease. He gently placed his hand in Kurumi's, squeezing it just to make sure it was still real. He was desperately hoping he could calm down but his heart rate was beginning to raise little by little. He squeezed her hand harder as he fought away the memories, still grounded but fading. With a movement of his hand pushed his palm down past his body, exhaling as he did. Spots of gray appeared in his eyes, he could see the hellish realm again. Rapid blinks of his eyes fought away the portals as he held onto Kurumi, she was his only anchor to reality. Kurumi breathed in a sigh of happiness. The sight was as magnificent as she imagined; the woman recognized the wonderful array of reds and pinks hidden within this serene landscape. "Incredible." she said at last, noting no manner of science could explain such a phenomenon, try as they may. She felt the gentle squeeze of Kamiyo's hand, responding with a squeeze of her own. However, Kuru began to feel a disturbance within the man, agitation present. Signified by him squeezing her hand tighter and his breaths becoming ragged, inconsistent. "Kamiyo? What's happening?" she questioned, concern coloring her voice as she turned. Finding him sweating profusely and his eyes blinking rapidly. She waved a hand in front of his face. Noting that he didn't register the movement brought even further worry. "KAMI." she said, staring him in the eyes as she shook him vigorously. "Tell me what's happening now." Kurumi ordered, unrelenting in her attempt to reach the rapidly fading man. "Snap out of it!" It crossed her mind that something felt wrong about this place. While the area was picturesque, there was a feeling of death that clung to the area. One that deeply bothered her as a harbinger of life. The literal representation of existence and one who was as deeply intertwined with nature as an entity of her station could be. It recognized the darkness that lie behind the present beauty; the damnation that stood behind closed doors. Part of her recoiled from the madness the hid under the surface. "This is where you reentered the world..." she said aloud, her voice holding the faintest curiosity and a deep seated concern. Kamiyo struggled to gain control over himself as the gray kept coming. He felt his body being shaken, yell at, moved. He wanted to respond but he could not find words, his mind was not okay. He could hear her words begging him to come back but his hand slipped from her grasp and he fell to the ground. He attempted to scream but he could not make any noise, the grayness was surrounding him. His own body lose control of itself and the worst happened. Invisible waves of gray shot from his body surrounding a large area around him and pulling everything around him into the colorless world. His eyes shot open moments later, it was happening. He looked up to see the gray ground coated in sparkles of red and pink, their color slowly fading in the gray world. He gathered his bearing and stood, his body still shaking. Here he was again in this nightmarish realm, he'd forgotten how lonely it was. Infinite plains of dead grass expanded in all directions, everything was the same. Though there were more pressing matters, in the midst of his racing thoughts Kurumi had appeared. Kamiyo whirled around, desperately searching for her and finally seeing her sitting on the ground a ways away from him. He dashed over to her and wrapped his arms around her. "I..I..I'm so sorry. It was just all the... and..the...and this place, my mind it." His scrambled words were shut down by a slap from Kurumi, finally bringing back his senses. "Thanks." He smiled. "I really needed that." The world around him was falling apart but she still brought him back. "This is purgatory, I was trapped here for two years. It really does a number on you." Suddenly the majestic landscape was gone, and she was seemingly crushed under waves of anguish and despair. The calls of the forgotten who been left to rot as they awaited on the decision of where they were to spend eternity; this is purgatory. She noticed that every thing was grey here. Not a single color persisted beyond that drab shade; not even black or white could sustain themselves here. When Kamiyō found her, he began babbling only to be silenced by a slap. She stood immediately, waving away the dead grass. Something told her interacted with this substance would be a terrible idea. Even if manipulating it felt as easy as breathing. Hearing the dead landscape calling for her to impart just a little bit of her life force, a jump start. However, Kurumi was no fool; this place held shades of hell within its grasp; pouring her abilities in here would make a minute change at best. One that would expire quickly; it mattered not that she had attained levels that were equivalent to godhood, for at the end of the day this was not her realm. "That much is apparent." she responded finally. "Why didn't you tell me that was the place you reentered the world? I would have never said yes if you had simply informed of that fact. You're clearly not over those two years. In some ways, this eternal emptiness is worse than hell. Just as that location can drive you mad with the perpetual screaming and malicious activities, this lack of anything substantial will deprive you have your very sanity." Kurumi commented. "Remind me how you survived here again? And don't give me that Shinigami crap. This location is designed to bring all entities to their knees regardless of lineage." The continued calling of the lifeless location, begging for her the potent vitality she displayed continued to annoy her. Ignoring it only made the wails grow louder in volume. Perhaps she lied about this place being devoid of anything. The woman gritted her teeth as she was tempted to shut them up. Instead, she focused on the conversation at hand. While remaining acutely aware of the landscape's feeble attempts to gain her attention and force her to give up what they desired. "How do we leave this place?" Kuru questioned. "I didn't think you'd go there and I just thought that maybe I could face it if I was with you." He sighed. "I'm really sorry, I didn't think it would end up like this." His face sunk, riddled with the guilt of brining the two there. Then hearing her other questions, he pulled himself out of his own mind and answered. "Well it certainly wasn't easy, being a shinigami helps but you're right, shinigami can only stay in here for about a week. However with my background it was a bit different. I could keep myself sane by taking with the ghosts and souls around me, as my body won't die here but my mind can. With my dad's genes I'm immune to the soul draining aura of this wretched place. I occupied my time with talking and training as well as exploring, I figured I'd find a way out eventually, my will kept me going too. I began to keep a sleep schedule too, using shadows to form a false darkness for myself." He stopped as he watched her look around, noting that she probably heard the wails of the dead, they needed to leave soon. "Leaving isn't possible for most but I managed to get out once. My time here forced me to learn to control purgatory to a degree. I'm still learning to master it but I can rip us a portal out of here. Only problem is I need more energy." As if on cue to unholy growling wails echoed through the plains. From the air itself two very grotesque beings emerged, covered in mouths and appendages. They looked like someone stitched a bunch of body parts together very wrong. "Well shit that isn't what I wanted to see." Kamiyo muttered as he stood himself up, leaning on Kurumi for some support. "In purgatory things such as plants and animals are killed immediately, their roots die before they can even sprout and animals die as soon as they appear, ripped to dust. Humans however can survive a bit longer, those cast off here forever lose their sanity eventually. However there are beings that can exist in this realm completely unharmed, Void Eaters. They feast on the doomed souls of this realm, I've fought quite a large amount of them in my time here." Kamiyo spoke still leaning on his lover. "Can you lend me some energy?" "Hmph. Not exactly a nice place to spend some alone time." she acknowledged, before staring at the abominations headed their way. "Who creates this behemoth things?" Kurumi murmured aloud. While she figured that engagement was a possibility, this entire location had her on edge. She would win, however her calculations gave a cost that appeared rather high for defeating two of these beasts. Never mind the environment they were in. She could feel it strengthening with the continued presence of these monstrosities, reaching for the life-bearer. Greedy devour a bounty that could sustain this place for quite a while. Regardless of how she looked at it, this was not a location they should be residing in any longer. "They sound like lovely individuals." she sighed aloud as the beings continued their approach. It was on days like these that the woman wished she had dabbled in space-time ninjutsu. "Fair enough. How much do you need?" Kuru asked, warily following the trajectory of the restless landscape and quickly encroaching beasts. She continued weighing the options in front of her. Knowing regardless of its existence, the land would heed her call; what concerned her was what it would ask for in return. Hence the prevalent tension in her system as she put her genius to work. "How long will it take you to create the portal? I don't like how eager these beings appear." Enticed by not only two living beings, but one that radiated vitality throughout this entire dimension. Kuru could only hope she didn't attract further unwanted attention. She could tell from their wet mouths that they were ravenous. "I'm not a piece of meat you heathen." Kuru snapped at the two revolting things. "Just enough, not that it'll affect you nature girl." She was a beacon of life, the closest a human could be to it. Kamiyo smiled as in moments energy filled his body. He lifted himself from Kurumi and stood before the beasts. With his finger he pointed behind him and drew a line downwards, a few feet behind them a hole to the real world ripped open. The stardust glittered in the air reflecting light into the dreary place, only to have it Immediately dulled. "You might want to watch from the other side, this place isn't gonna be safe. In all their time together the two had been dubbed masters of opposing fields, though only one of them had ever shown their prowess. Life was a beautiful thing that was loved and cherished, it could appear from day to day in the light and be loved. Death however was viewed as a curse, a punishment. Rarely did it show its face in the light or even at all, preferring silence. Though it was now being harnessed and shaped by the closest thing to its master. Shadows ripped themselves from places unknown to curl around Kamiyo, forming a cloak around the man. His eyes gleamed a deep purple, their light showing in the dull hell. Black mist seeped from his sleeves, even form far away one could feel its cold touch. The air around it was eaten away as it touched it, the very space occupied destroyed and filled with it. "You didn't think I'd let you off like before did you?" The man chuckled. His right hand raised towards them, his face plastered with a grin. "Rot" The mist blasted from his hand erasing everything in its path including the two freaks, their entire existence destroyed. He turned away as the cloak and mist faded, but the area stayed the same, tainted with a cold black cover for all eternity. Kamiyo moved through the portal swiftly shutting it behind him before collapsing on the ground with a sigh in front of Kurumi, his purple orbs meeting her own. "Thank you. I really don't think I would've made it through that without you." "Of course not death boy, I'm the epitome of life." she retorted with a grin. Stepping through the portal, she was encompassed by the starry skies once more. The stardust filled sea beckoning below. There was a restfulness that was sorely lacking in the barren wasteland known as purgatory. She was watched through the portal as Kamiyō took on his guise. Becoming the thing that people feared most; death. It's personal servant was the Shinigami, and nevertheless he was able to collect. Even a dimension over she could feel the cold that Kami invoked. This was the mortal enemy of life, its arch-nemesis, its lover and other half. Contradictions played upon throughout the entire mythology. A favorite pairing for many storytellers. She sighed as she watched as the two entities were obliterated. The landscape forever altered by Kami's method of attack. Kurumi didn't expect mercy, but as a boon of existence, she still winced upon their erasure. Nothing was to return from that offensive. The permanence of it was something that bothered her slightly, though she believed that it was a fitting end for such loathsome creatures. Soon she was accompanied by the culprit. Rewarding him with a smile. "You're welcome. You do realize you're lucky to have such an awesome girlfriend." Kurumi teased, making space for him to rest on. Her lavender gaze coming into contact with his. "I suppose I should archive that story. Though I doubt our grandchildren would believe me; it's too fantastical in quality." she added thoughtfully. With that potential disaster averted, she turned her attention to the skies. "So what's next? You've introduced me to your profession, and the place where you rejoined society. Plus I toured your offices. I guess the family visit is next?" Kuru noted. "I know right, what would I do without you." He chuckled as he rested his head on her. As they sat Kurumi made a very starling statement. "Grandchildren? Wait. Wait. What?" He thought. Was it a slip up by her or did she truly mean to say it? Either way it definitely revealed something, she had definite plans for a future with him. Kamiyo wanted one with her too but now was not the time for that, their relationship was steadily climbing that path and her felt the time would come soon enough. He reached his hand up her her face, caressing her cheek as he pulled her into another kiss. Theirs eyes met once again as the kiss was broken. "I guess so, It's a pretty nice place but I think most of my family is out, you'll most likely meet one or two of them." He smiled as wisps of darkness surrounded the two, casting them through the shadows once again. The two appeared on a purple couch within a comfy living room. The walls were covered in pictures of the family and their relatives. Across from the two sat another couch and a coffee table,beyond it a sliding glass door into an outdoor area. To their right sat a large television, to the left a counter with stools. Beyond the counter sat the kitchen of the house, massive and stocked with every tool a chef could ask for. Behind them was a hallway leading into the house itself. "Anyone home?" Kamiyo shouted, awaiting a response. In a matter of seconds he was ripped off the couch and into the arms of a large man that he appeared before them. He was extremely tall, standing a whole head above Kamiyo. Speaking of heads they shared similar facial features, deep purple eyes, shimmering silvery hair, and a very similar facial build. It seemed that most of his looks had indeed been inherited from her father. "Oh it's so great to see you again Kamiyo." He shouted as he released him from his crushing hug. He then turned to Kurumi and extended a hand. "You must by Kurumi, my little boy's girlfriend, I'm Kaminoshi. It's so nice to finally meet you after all this time." She giggled as he rested his head on her shoulder. Kuru then felt his hesitation, perhaps surprised. It was then she thought about the statement earlier. "Grandchildren? Why did I say that?" Kurumi thought, realizing just how unexpected that sounded. Yet it felt appropriate to say at the time. Obviously to have grandchildren one would first need to have sons and daughters. The woman shook her head to clear it, still trying to figure out where that statement came from. Either, there was much intention in such a proclamation, one that she fully realized know while pondering such a thought. Then again, she was struck by a sense of rightness that made the words ring true. Feeling his hand come to rest on her face, the woman found herself pulled into another kiss that she rather enjoyed. Before she could think of anything further, their lips parted once more. She sighed happily. "I'm not surprised, though I doubt your parents like being empty-nesters." she contemplated aloud. Given they had so many children, one could infer a certain love for kids. Then again, they could have simply been engrossed with each other and those children were a happy coincidence. Nevertheless, they were whisked into the living room area of Kaminoshi and Chiyoko's home, situated comfortably on a large couch. Kurumi turned her attention the wall of images, picking out a few to glance over as she noted the size of their family. She spotted a blonde woman with a radiant violet gaze, standing next to a silver haired man with blue eyes. Surrounding the couple were five children, all except the oldest filled with rambunctious energy. "I wonder who that lady is...." she thought before watching Kamiyō scooped up into a hug by his father. The resemblance rather uncanny, even eerie. "So you're Mr. Death." Kurumi teased, shaking the man's hand before pulling him into a hug. Lifting the massive guy off the floor with ease before setting him down. "Besides your size you look almost...normal." A comfortable silence enveloped the three as Kuru took stock of Kamiyo's father. There was no mistaking it; he was death incarnate, her immense vitality recognizing death's presence like day watching nightfall. "I prefer Kaminoshi but that's never stopped anyone before." The man sighed before looking over his body. "Well yeah I mean I can make myself look however I want, might as well fit in with people right. You should've seen me three eras ago, I looked like a real monster then." The man commented. She was an interesting girl for his son, a very vibrant girl literally brimming with life with a man descended from death. It was an odd paring but people always said opposites attract, so who was Kaminoshi to judge it anyways. "So you're the Daimyō of The Land of Yang right? Must be quite the workload huh, those positions always seemed so boring to me. Plus the whole thing with your father and then going right into that, must've been hard on you. I'm glad you got out of there though, Kiyoshi can be such a rude man sometimes, he must get it from his father." The man sighed. "Dad!" Kamiyo's voice cut him off just as he was about to start speaking again. "Enough of that." He huffed. "You need to start asking questions and stop learning info through your own means. It's rude and insensitive, especially when you bring up very personal topics." His own father had always been like that. He was an extremely nice man if you were on his good side, one would be surprised he could actually even harm things. However he was also always overstepping his boundaries. He was a much higher being and he could never quite get away from his omnipotence, in the blink of an eye he could know all. Who wouldn't want that powerful ability, it would be astounding for combat. For simple social interactions though it was a extremely undesirable. "I can imagine." Kurumi commented, thinking about the various depictions of death that she had uncovered in her research. The most common where that of the grim reaper or shinigami, beings that could perhaps intimidate even the most stalwart shinobi. "It's not terrible, though there are times where I'd prefer not to be reading so many documents. Alas, it can't be helped. Given that's the nature of the job; I am running a nation after all, so that means there's work to be completed." She took most of his information tirade in stride, expecting a omniscient being to possess boatloads of information on her existence. While being unable to learn such knowledge through mortal means; when a being of creation, it's only natural that he approach most conversations in such a manner. Nevertheless, her blood ran cold when he mentioned her father's name. The life bringing individual that was the picture of natural splendor turned into a figure of cruel untempered animosity. "Don't ever mention his name again. Understood? I don't know what my mother saw in that man. Hell, I don't think I'll ever comprehend such madness." Kuru stated, her voice like brittle ice. Her typically exuberant vitality dimmed, replaced instead by unyielding hatred. This was the nature that so few desired to characterize; the predator and prey, the cycle of survival and death. It was represented by the jagged lightning scar running down her back; a signal that even nature's highest predators respected, knowing her to be the most deadly of them all. Instead, many authors perpetuated the idea of the innocent forest nymph playing with song birds and creating trees. Alas, they only knew half of the story. She could see Kamiyō clamoring to her defense, berating his dad about such sensitive information. However, the young woman was far away in her mind, mapping the murders she had committed, the various anbu who challenged her before losing their lives. Facing her father once more, his disappointment engraved in his expression while stared back defiantly, her smile heartless and cruel as she stood on the bodies of his deceased comrades. A cobra. Wasn't that something they called her grandmother? Alas they were more alike then anyone cared to admit. Kaminoshi stared back at the two, his face unmoving. "Sorry about that." He stated. "He really was nice once. Sadly that's over." Kaminoshi sighed stepping back, phasing through the divider and into the kitchen. His hands naturally began to snake through the cupboards and drawers, ripping various utensils from there snug places and assembling them upon the counter. Cooking was a nice outlet for his anger at himself, it was always something he was getting wrong. "Sorry about that again." Kamiyo apologized, his voice cutting the tension in the room. "Dad knew your father and grandfather, I don't know what he was going for but he'll stop now." Kamiyo continued, unsure where to move from this subject. "I guess I can show you the garden, that should be nice." He spoke as he stood from the couch, leading her by her hand through the glass doors and out into a large, sprawling yard. It was surrounded by a wall of various plants with multiple arches leading out into other sections of the yard. Without hesitation Kamiyo pulled her along through one of the arches into a heavily populated tunnel, brimming with vegetation. The plants glowed blue, purple, silver, and gold. Their light illuminated the tunnel with vibrant colors and small foreign animals and bugs provided a symphony. As they emerged on the other side of the tunnel they found themselves in a enclosed area, lit only by the plants. A small waterfall hummed in the back of the room, the stream flowing off to either side. Kamiyo stopped an motioned to the softly lit space. "I think this might be a nice place to cool off. It's the closest thing to your forest we have up here. My older sister and brother took me here to meditate sometimes." He smiled as he sat down motioning for Kurumi to do the same. Kurumi nodded slightly, accepting Kaminoshi's apology. Taking Kamiyō's hand, she was led into the tunnel. Her attention was soon fixated on the various vegetation, enthralled by their unique features. She began memorizing their structures, appearances, and overall ambiance, intent on recreating them in her homeland. Likewise, her anger cooled, replaced instead by fascination. The woman walked towards the waterfall, letting the liquid wash over her hands, soothing her agitation. "I'm sorry about earlier. My father is a bit of a sore spot for me." she responded somewhat sheepishly. Returning to her normal visage as she sat down. "It's uniquely beautiful. How did this ecosystem come to be?" she asked, feeling the animals and bugs move closer to the woman. A marked curiosity made apparent by their perceived closeness. One of them proved brave enough to rest on her shoulder, causing the woman to smile faintly. Her thoughts drifted to a few moments earlier, thinking about her response. "Sometimes I wonder if I'm like her. My mother never saw eye to eye with that woman, especially after the former moved in with my father. I've never formally met this lady though; my mom saw to that much. Afraid that she'd corrupt individuals like myself. Though perhaps it is something genetic as opposed to being taught." Kuru pondered aloud before sighing. Recognizing a vicious cunning that lie beneath her benevolent intelligence. Coupled with a resolute demeanor, a break between her and the overbearing man known as her dad was inevitable. "How ironic that we've never associated yet we share similarities." Kurumi inquired, becoming analytical about the temperament of her domineering grandmother and herself. Remembering how easy if not comfortable it felt to murder those anbu. She was preserving her autonomy after all; it was only natural to eliminate any contention. "It's ok I understand that it's a touchy subject. I just wish my dad would stop doing that." Kamiyo sighed, his father back on his mind. He loved him but sometimes he kept to himself too little or too much. The thoughts of purgatory still fresh in his head. His own father had created a giant lie to make him stronger, to protect him. He appreciated that but at the same time despised him for it. It was his own life not his fathers, why should he make executive decisions for him. If his life would be different had he chosen his own path he would have accepted it. Though the path his life followed was one he was quite content with. Finally brushing away the thoughts of their fathers and focusing on the room. "Well when my mother and father took samples of various different plants and animals from all over the place and introduced them to this area. The once barren area was shaped into a full fledged ecosystem. He extended a hand outwards towards a sound in the bushes and out crawled a blue and orange lizard-like creature, climbing up his arm and resting on his shoulder. "Life doesn't reject me here since it grew up with me, just like this guy here." He spoke, letting the lizard slide down his other arm and scamper back into the brush. "You're welcome to take some samples back with you if you want, I think they'd look nice down there." As the two sat in silence once again Kurumi began thinking aloud. Talking about someone she'd never met dude to her mother but she was clearly a member of their family. Apparently the woman had moved in with her father, It most likely happened after she left. She kept speaking about similarities between to two and something about possible corruption. "Hey who's this woman you're going on about?" Kamiyo inquired, shaking her softly to wake her from her thoughts. Kurumi's train of thought was broken once Kamiyo spoke. His inquiry finally reaching her ears. "Don't worry, I have it all up here." she said, tapping her forehead. Having completely memorized every aspect of this unique ecosystem. Kuru sighed, as she processed what he said. "My grandmother, Sayuri Hatake nee Uchiha." the woman responded. Noting the effect such a name had once stated aloud. "She's about as cunning and manipulative as they come. If anything, she has been running Konohagakure through my grandfather for years. I'd like to think people realize this, but alas I find it difficult to believe. Capable of wiping out those she deems a threat with ease; simply deciding if she'll do it herself or employ someone. Sayuri is a femme fatale pure and simple. Wrapped in a form that makes men lose their minds, and turn women green with envy. Perhaps making even them burn with desire to possess her. All failing completely. Then again, I'm been ascribed the same label. I come by it honestly if she's any representation. Remorseless and capable of executing with ease." Kuru finished thoughtfully, her smile small. Noting how she crushed those anbu, making a monument out of them for all to see, a cautionary tale. It appeared to have worked, as very few chose to retrieve her. Before stopping completely, arguing that they would not spare resources on a individual happy to murder own compatriots. "I feel like she was gloating when news of that thing I made arrived at her doorstep. Perhaps noting that the perpetrator was of her own kin. Pleased that she had two granddaughters that were becoming a vicious chip off the old block. Real successors to her legacy that inherited her diabolical nature and sharp intelligence along with effeminate charm." Kurumi noted peacefully, unconcerned with the implications. Accepting this inheritance as part of her, ready to deal with it over the course of her life. Airing out dirty laundry in a sense. "Sayuri huh, sounds familiar." Kamiyo commented, continuing to listen. It was odd hearing Kurumi, such a sweet and peaceful woman compare herself to what sounded like a manipulative bitch. Then going on to comment on how Sayuri had been extremely pleased about her killing some amount of people. The whole situation was odd to him. "Diabolical, manipulative, that sounds nothing like you Kurumi." Kamiyo interjected. "You're intelligent, resourceful, kind, beautiful, exciting, and a nature lover. But neither diabolical nor manipulative, at least not for nefarious purposes." He stated, in all his time with her he had never seen a shred that. The thing that interested him was this killing she spoke of. It seemed to be something very significant in her life, he was surprised he hadn't heard it by now. "This killing though, what was it about?" He injured, his curiosity was peaking. He wanted to know what this event was about and why ti made her compare herself to the she-devil she spoke of. "My father is the reasoning. At the end of the day I am a daughter of the Raikage. Or former Raikage. Coupled with all the sensitive information I possess as both a council member and information broker, leaving the village is an impossibility. I refused to be left to such a fate however. Thus I left, anbu finding my trail as I drew close to the Lightning and Fire border. They wouldn't allow me to exit the nation, regardless of what I stated. Seeing me as a child that was merely intelligent and arrogant. Corralling me like some lost toddler. Executing tactics similar to the chūnin exams. I snapped, exhausted by their tirade and continued impediment. Seeing as they wouldn't let me go in life, they would have to do so in death. So I killed them, leaving them several feet underground. However, even after that group was dealt with others followed. Receiving the same treatment as the approached me in the same conspicuous manner. Earning my ire repeatedly as this sequence continued for years. The last group however was a battalion, armed to the teeth and filled with some notable names. Finally bringing out individuals that were meant to capture me properly. Even if that meant leaving me in a state of near-death. So I slaughtered and made an example of them. Placing their remains in tree roots that reached for the moon. Letting their remains and blood nourish the earth they walked upon. I think the grizzly monument still stands today. Preserved on my grandmother's orders. I'm not sure if she knows that her granddaughter did the deed. Though I suspect she does given the nature of such a command. I'm not the sweet and innocent woman you think I am." she finished simply. Kamiyo listened to her words as she weaved her story for him. It seemed like such a horrible time, most would probably break after it. All she had wanted was to leave for a new life, a fresh start. It was a simple request but because of who she was they would not let her go. Forced to fight an kill those she probably knew and even thought of as friends, those same people forced to try and kill her. She'd left the battlefield a bloody mess with a bloody monument to boot, kept intact by her malevolent grandmother. Kamiyo swiftly wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into his loving embrace. They sat silent for some time before he finally spoke. "Kurumi, just because you've killed some people against your better wishes it doesn't make you a bad person. I don't care if you killed the village itself, we all have hard times." He stopped to place a kiss on her cheek. "You are sweet and kind and loving and so much more, you can't forget that. If I judged myself based off simply being a shinigami I'm a ruthless serial murderer. I'll love you no matter what you were or are, cause to me you're just Kurumi." He spoke with a loving smile as he planted a kiss on her lips. "I love you." He whispered as the world around them danced with light. She sighed. "It does if it became easier, a reflex of sorts when you knew that people were targeting you. Moreover, the idea of diplomacy eluded your mindset, intent on eliminating them instead." Kuru responded. However, Kurumi softened when his embrace reached her, leaning her head on his shoulder as they sat there quietly. Letting such thoughts marinate for the time being. His words finally reached the somberly contemplative woman, her violet eyes lightening as they kissed once more. "And you're simply Kamiyō. No death god crap, reaper masquerade. Just a nature girl and her death boy enjoying each other's presence." she responded, pulling him closer. "I love you too." she murmured, dozing lightly as her agitation disappeared, the dancing world restful while the ecosystem soothed her volatile mindset. Part of her resolved to meet Sayuri one day intent on uncovering what made this manipulative woman who she was. Eventually reaching a understanding that would allow the two individuals to head their separate ways while respecting each other. Regardless of Sayuri's sentiment regarding the rest of Kurumi's family. Part of her missed her older brother and sister, even though it was inevitable that she would have to leave them behind. For now, she was content to rest in her lover's embrace, leaving those issues for another day. "You know if you change death boy to death man I sound like a superhero." Kamiyo snickered, his childlike sense of humor was something reserved only for those closest to him. His smile grew wider as he heard his loving words returned. They both clearly loved each other, maybe the next step was closer than they thought. However at the moment they were both tired and worn out from their day. As the two embraced shadows entangled them once again before they appeared on a platform of darkness quite far above the moon's surface. They stared at the all encompassing beauty of the cosmos one last time before the shadows whisked them away once again. It was evening when they arrived back in Kurumi's house, within the living room. Kamiyo stood up, helping his lover up as he did. He then walked into the kitchen to begin preparing some dinner for them. "I'm thinking something simple like pizza would be nice for tonight. Just chill out and watch some TV after this long ass day." He spoke as he prepared the ingredients. "What kind of Pizza do you want?" "If you change nature girl to nature woman, I sound mature and statuesque." she teased. Kurumi smiled as she enjoyed one last view of the universe above and below, before returning to the comfort of her home. Their home. Standing, she plopped down on the couch before turning on the television. "Sounds good. Can we have some pasta too? Pepperoni sounds good." she inquired. Pretty soon however, the woman would curl up, fading into the land of sleep for a bit. Given all that she had experienced in the course this period, her body demanded rest. The lady happily compiling as she experienced tranquility for the time being. The television was a quite buzz in the background, lulling all present into a state of quiet. If anything, the screen was watching her as opposed to Kurumi watching in. The lass's original nap turning into a deeper slumber as she recuperated from the trying affairs of the day. She mumbled slightly, whispering an "I love you" to no one in particular. Though one could assume Kamiyō was its recipient; or at least his dream equivalent. The lady lapsed into silence again, the sun setting as the moonlight bathed her homeland. Nocturnal creatures coming out to play as daytime individuals sought the comfort of their lodgings. "Right then I'll make us some rigatoni then." Kamiyo replied to his almost sleeping girlfriend. He cooked over the hot stove and oven with grace, his shadow appendages dancing along with him. He looked over to see his angel passed out on the couch, watching some show about some ninjas discussing how the credible bulk could totally survive a black hole encounter. he quickly pulled the pizza out of the oven and took the pasta out of the heating drawer before setting up two bowls and a pizza tray. He then carried them over to the coffee table by the couch and put them down. "She looks so beautiful laying there, thank god there's food to be eaten after I wake her up." Kamiyo thought, hating the prospect of having to wake her up after such a long day. He lifted her feet up slightly and sat down on the couch, letting her legs fall down to his lap. "Hey Kurumi wake up sleepy head, foods ready." Kamiyo spoke as he shook her side a little with his hand. Meanwhile his other hand was already grabbing a slice of pizza. She batted away his hand half-heartedly. "Five more minutes." Kurumi mumbled before the smell of freshly baked pizza and pasta greeted her nose. "Food?" she questioned, opening one eye lazily. Sure enough, the steaming dishes and tray sat in front of her on the coffee table. Such a sight was wonderful to wake up to; so without further delay she stretched her hand, nabbing two pieces of pizza before cradling them in her grasp. Kuru wolfed down both slices before reaching for the bowl of rigatoni. This too disappeared quickly; it appeared she was ravenous after such a long day. "Thank you love, its delicious," she responded, her hand already returning to the tray for another slice of pizza; one could argue that she could finish the entire meal by herself. For the sake of decency, the woman decided to sit up properly for the sake of avoiding a spill, but she soon leaned her head on Kamiyo's shoulder. Comfortable as her stomach finally filled from the large meal. Thus, with a satisfied burp she began dozing once more, watching the tv through heavy eyes while studying the moonlight filtering through the window. Kamiyo laughed as Kurumi gobbled up the food before her. It was astounding how fast the food disappeared off her plate, before finishing her meal with a hearty burp. "Those are the best manner's I've ever seen on a Daimyō." Kamiyo joked, finishing his own slice before eating a few more along with his pasta. It was getting quite late into the night, they had been sitting there in blissful silence for a while. Kamiyo moved slowly from Kurumi's grasp only to swiftly pick her up in his arms. With another motion of his hands a shadowy humanoid formed from the darkness and was sent to take care of the dishes. Meanwhile Kamiyo strolled in their room and lay Kurumi gently in the bed before tucking her in. He considered actually preparing for bed but he was far too tired to care. He stealthily slipped under the cover as not to wake Kurumi before wrapping his arms around her. Then as he lay with his beloved he slowly fell into a blissful sleep. Days of Our Lives (also often abbreviated to DOOL or Days), is an American daytime soap opera broadcast on the NBC television network. It is one of the longest-running scripted television programs in the world, airing nearly every weekday since November 8, 1965. It has since been syndicated to many countries around the world. It rebroadcast same-day episodes on SOAPnet weeknights at 8 and 10 p.m. (ET/PT) until the network's closure in 2013. The series was created by husband-and-wife team Ted Corday and Betty Corday. Irna Phillips was a story editor for Days of Our Lives and many of the show's earliest storylines were written by William J. Bell. In January 2014, the show was renewed through September 2016. Due to the series' success, it was expanded from 30 minutes to 60 minutes on April 21, 1975. Since that date, the mid-show bumper, featuring the phrase "We will return for the second half of Days of Our Lives in just a moment", was aired with every episode and voiced by the series' original star, Macdonald Carey. The series focuses on its core families, the Hortons and the Bradys. Several other families have been added to the cast, and many of them still appear on the show. Frances Reid, the matriarch of the series' Horton family remained with the show from its inception to her death on February 3, 2010. Suzanne Rogers celebrated 40 years on Days of Our Lives this year, appearing on the show more or less since her first appearance in 1973.[10] Susan Seaforth Hayes is the only cast member to appear on Days of Our Lives in all six decades it has been on air. Days of Our Lives aired its 10,000th episode on February 21, 2005 and its 12,000th episode aired on January 11, 2013. The show was given the title of most daring drama in the seventies due to covering topics other soaps would not dare to do. The show's executive producer is Ken Corday, and co-executive producers are Greg Meng and Lisa de Cazotte. Days of Our Lives is the most widely distributed soap opera in the United States. The original title sequence voiced by MacDonald Carey is still used to this day. The show has been parodied by SCTV (as "The Days of the Week") and the television sitcom Friends. Some cast members made crossover appearances on the show, including Kristian Alfonso, Roark Critchlow, Matthew Ashford, Kyle Lowder, and Alison Sweeney. The show has high-profile fans such as actress Julia Roberts, and the late Supreme Court justice Thurgood Marshall. Days of Our Lives is an American daytime soap that is broadcast on the NBC television network. As one of the longest-running scripted television programs in the world, it has aired nearly every weekday since its debut on November 8th, 1965, and has subsequently been syndicated the many countries around the world. The series was created by the husband and wife team of Ted and Betty Corday, and Irna Phillips, considered to be the mother of the American soap opera, was an early story editor for the serial. Many of the show's earliest storylines were written by William J. Bell. In February 2016, the soap received a one-year renewal through 2017, with the option of an additional year by NBC. Due to the series' success, it was expanded from 30 minutes to 60 minutes on April 21, 1975. Since that date, the mid-show bumper, featuring the phrase "We will return for the second half of Days of Our Lives in just a moment", was aired with every episode and voiced by the series' original star, MacDonald Carey. The series focuses on its core families, the Hortons and the Bradys. Several other families have been added to the cast, and many of them still appear on the show. Frances Reid, the matriarch of the series' Horton family remained with the show from its inception to her death on February 3, 2010. Suzanne Rogers celebrated 40 years on Days of Our Lives this year, appearing on the show more or less since her first appearance in 1973. Susan Seafroth Hayes is the only cast member to appear on Days of Our Lives in all six decades it has been on air. Days of Our Lives aired its 10,000th episode on February 21, 2005 and its 12,000th episode aired on January 11, 2013. The show was given the title of most daring drama in the seventies due to covering topics other soaps would not dare to do. The show's executive producer is Ken Corday, and co-executive producers are Greg Meng and Lisa De Cazotte. Days of Our Lives is the most widely distributed soap opera in the United States. The original title sequence voiced by MacDonald Carey is still used to this day. The show has been parodied by SCTV (as "The Days of the Week") and the television series, Friends. Some cast members made crossover appearances on the show, including Kristian Alfonso, Roarch Critchlow, Matthew Ashford, Kyle Lowder, and Alison Sweeney. The show has high-profile fans such as actress Julia Roberts, and the late Supreme Court justice Thurgood Marshall.
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