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Voyage Of Dreams
David: Man, I'm so excited, you guys don't even know! Jadus: Just cool your jets, David! We're only halfway through the Grand Line while a bunch of other crews are probably halfway through the New World! Dante: Yeah, we may be halfway there, but we just hardly got through Paradise, which is supposedly the "calmer" part of the Grand Line. So, basically, we're setting ourselves up for failure... Nando: Hey, don't be such a downer, Dante! We made quite an impression in Paradise! Now all we have to do is take on the big league crews, which should be loads of fun!
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David: Man, I'm so excited, you guys don't even know! Jadus: Just cool your jets, David! We're only halfway through the Grand Line while a bunch of other crews are probably halfway through the New World! Dante: Yeah, we may be halfway there, but we just hardly got through Paradise, which is supposedly the "calmer" part of the Grand Line. So, basically, we're setting ourselves up for failure... Nando: Hey, don't be such a downer, Dante! We made quite an impression in Paradise! Now all we have to do is take on the big league crews, which should be loads of fun! Tobi: Do you know how many dangerous pirates are above us, Nando? I'll tell you! A lot! We're so dead! Aria: But I've gotten much better at healing, Tobi... If you guys get hurt, I could easily fix you up, I think... Koda: And we thank you greatly for that, Aria. But Tobi & Dante do have some points. We might not survive this voyage... Page: Oh, shut up, Koda! You're so annoying when you talk all smart & junk! Robert: Don't blow your lid, Page. He's only trying to make a point. No need to criticise him for speaking his mind. Jackie: Can we just be done with all this downer talk & go get some drinks? Maybe recruit some newbies? David: Fine, fine... There's a bar over there! Let's go have some fun, huh?