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Wikimedia Commons Wikimedia Commons Wikimedia Commons Wikimedia Commons
Wikimedia Commons (or simply Commons) is a repository of free content images, sound and other multimedia files. It is a project of the Wikimedia Foundation, from which uploaded files can be used across all Wikimedia projects in all languages, including Wikipedia, Wikibooks, Wikisource and Wikinews, or downloaded for offsite use, as all of the content is either in the public domain or released under free licenses such as the GNU Free Documentation License. As of January 2009, the repository contains over 3.8 million media files. thumb|Mosaico de imágenes de Commons formando el logotipo de Wikimedia. Wikimedia Commons (frecuentemente abreviado como Wikicommons o simplemente Commons) es un proyecto de Wikimedia creado el 7 de septiembre de 2004, cuyo objetivo es servir como almacén de archivos de imágenes y otros formatos multimedia para el resto de los proyectos de la fundación. Todos los archivos deben haber sido liberados bajo licencias libres (como la GFDL) o en el dominio público, actualmente tiene 3,741,359 archivos multimedia libres. Wikimedia Commons - serwis Media-Wiki magazynujący obrazki dla takich stron jak np. Wikipedia i Wikisłownik. Znajdują się tam ładne, encyklopedyczne obrazki i cała masa chłamu. Użytkownicy codziennie wysyłają tam swoje bezużyteczne bazgroły, słit focie, zdjęcia swoich psów itd. Ponadto możemy tam znaleźć dobrej jakości zdjęcia przedstawiające narządy płciowe lub sceny drastyczne (bez żadnych ostrzeżeń, w dodatku czasem wymieszane z innymi). Oczywiście wszystko w celach edukacyjnych. Se basa en un wiki configurado de tal forma que los archivos allí contenidos están disponibles en todos los demás wikis de los proyectos de Wikimedia de forma transparente. Esto permite una gestión centralizada de este tipo de archivos en todas las versiones de Wikipedia, Wikilibros, etc. Es posible editar las páginas de Commons sin registro previo, pero es necesario registrarse para subir imágenes. Wikimedia Commons is bedoeld als centraal archief van Wikimediaprojecten voor afbeeldingen, geluid, video en andere bestanden. Het project is sinds 7 september 2004 actief. Commons is een Engelse term voor zaken die aan het algemene publiek toebehoren. Tot voor de komst van Commons was het zo dat alle Wikipedia's hun eigen bestanden apart opsloegen, wat tot veel dubbele bestanden leidde. Commons moest die situatie verbeteren. Bovendien werd het hiermee eenvoudiger om het overzicht te houden over de auteursrechten van de bestanden. Ook wordt sneller voor alle gebruikers duidelijk welke afbeeldingen in de verschillende Wikimedia-archieven beschikbaar zijn en is uitwisseling dus beter mogelijk. Commons heeft nu zoals de meeste Wikimediaprojecten een hoofdpagina in meerdere talen, hoewel de me The Wikimedia Commons (also called "Commons" or "Wikicommons") is a repository of free content images, sound and other multimedia files. It is a project of the Wikimedia Foundation. Files uploaded to this repository can be used like locally uploaded files on all other projects on the Wikimedia servers, including Wikipedia, Wikibooks and Wikinews. While the project was originally proposed to also contain free text files, these continue to be hosted on a separate project, Wikisource. The Wikimedia Commons received an honorary mention at the 2005 Prix Ars Electronica awards in May 2005. Wikimedia Commons (or simply Commons) is a repository of free content images, sound and other multimedia files. It is a project of the Wikimedia Foundation, from which uploaded files can be used across all Wikimedia projects in all languages, including Wikipedia, Wikibooks, Wikisource and Wikinews, or downloaded for offsite use, as all of the content is either in the public domain or released under free licenses such as the GNU Free Documentation License. As of February 2009, the repository contains over 3.9 million media files. Wikimedia Commons is bedoeld als centraal archief van Wikimediaprojecten voor afbeeldingen, geluid, video en andere bestanden. Het project is sinds 7 september 2004 actief. Commons is een Engelse term voor zaken die aan het algemene publiek toebehoren. Commons heeft nu zoals de meeste Wikimediaprojecten een hoofdpagina in meerdere talen, hoewel de meeste andere pagina's nog in het Engels zijn. Ook is de categorisatie vrijwel geheel Engelstalig. The Wikimedia Commons (also called "Commons" or "Wikicommons") is a repository of free content images, sound and other multimedia files. It is a project of the Wikimedia Foundation. Files uploaded to this repository can be used like locally uploaded files on all other projects on the Wikimedia servers, including Wikipedia, Wikibooks and Wikinews. While the project was originally proposed to also contain free text files, these continue to be hosted on a separate project, Wikisource. The Wikimedia Commons has received an honorary mention at the 2005 Prix Ars Electronica awards in May 2005. The Wikimedia Commons (also called "Commons" or "Wikicommons") is a repository of free content images, sound, and other multimedia files. It is a project of the Wikimedia Foundation. Files uploaded to this repository can be used like locally uploaded files on all other projects on the Wikimedia servers, including Wikipedia, Wikibooks, and Wikinews. While the project was originally proposed to also contain free text files, these continue to be hosted on a separate project, Wikisource. The Wikimedia Commons received an honorary mention at the 2005 Prix Ars Electronica awards in May 2005. Wikimedia Commons (frecuentemente abreviado como Wikicommons o simplemente Commons) es un proyecto de Wikimedia creado el 7 de septiembre de 2004, cuyo objetivo es servir como almacén de archivos de imágenes y otros formatos multimedia para el resto de los proyectos de la fundación. Todos los archivos deben haber sido liberados bajo licencias libres (como la GFDL) o en el dominio público. Es posible editar las páginas de Commons sin registro previo, pero es necesario registrarse para subir imágenes. The Wikimedia Commons (also called "Commons" or "Wikicommons") is a repository of free content images, sound and other multimedia files. Like Wikipedia, it is a project of the Wikimedia Foundation. It provides a common resource repository to all the various Wikimedia sister projects in any language. Wikimedia Commons is a Wikipedia site which contains many usable images licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License, see WaterWiki:Copyrights for details. Wikimedia Commons is a repository of freely available images and other media. The Wikimedia Commons is a wiki that stores free content images, sound, and other multimedia files.
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Comunidad de Wikimedia
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Wikimedia Commons
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Wikimedia Commons
Media repository
Portada de Commons Imagen del día en Commons.
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Wikimedia Community Wikimedia community
Depósito de archivos multimedia Depósito de imágenes
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The Wikimedia Commons (also called "Commons" or "Wikicommons") is a repository of free content images, sound and other multimedia files. It is a project of the Wikimedia Foundation. Files uploaded to this repository can be used like locally uploaded files on all other projects on the Wikimedia servers, including Wikipedia, Wikibooks and Wikinews. The project was proposed in March 2004 and launched in September 2004. A key motivation behind the setup of a central repository was a desire to reduce duplication of effort across the Wikimedia projects and languages, as the same file had to be uploaded to many different wikis separately before the Commons was created. The possibility of local uploads still exists, but is meant to be used primarily for material which local project policies allow, but which would not be permitted according to the licensing policy of the Commons, such as fair use content. As of 2005, the Wikimedia Commons itself does not allow fair use or uploads under non-free licenses, including licenses which restrict commercial use of materials. Licenses that are acceptable include the GNU Free Documentation License, Creative Commons licenses with no restrictions on use, and the public domain. Given its primary function as a supporting project for the other Wikimedia web sites, the main content policy for files uploaded to the Commons is that they must be potentially useful on any of the Wikimedia projects. This excludes material such as purely personal pictures and artwork, in contrast to image sharing repositories like Flickr and DeviantART. Nevertheless, large numbers of files hosted on the Commons are not used directly on any Wikimedia project and likely never will be; as such, the project has grown into a repository of multimedia in its own right, which is frequently linked to from articles on Wikipedia and other Wikimedia websites to provide supplemental materials. The project has grown very rapidly since its inception. On 24 May 2005, it reached a milestone of 100,000 uploaded media files (excluding thousands of weather and market data images for Wikinews). It was also the first Wikimedia project to use MediaWiki 1.4. The default language for the Commons is English, but the interface can be configured (in user preferences) to use any other language. Some pages have also been translated into various languages. Files on the Wikimedia Commons are categorized using MediaWiki's category system. In addition, they are often collected on individual topical gallery pages. As of May 2005, many different collections can be isolated: more than 10,000 public domain paintings from ancient to modern times, 7,733 pronunciation files in various languages, hundreds of public domain recordings of classical music, and a growing collection of short videos. While the project was originally proposed to also contain free text files, these continue to be hosted on a separate project, Wikisource. The Wikimedia Commons received an honorary mention at the 2005 Prix Ars Electronica awards in May 2005. The Wikimedia Commons (also called "Commons" or "Wikicommons") is a repository of free content images, sound and other multimedia files. It is a project of the Wikimedia Foundation. Files uploaded to this repository can be used like locally uploaded files on all other projects on the Wikimedia servers, including Wikipedia, Wikibooks and Wikinews. The project was proposed in March 2004 and launched on September 7, 2004. A key motivation behind the setup of a central repository was a desire to reduce duplication of effort across the Wikimedia projects and languages, as the same file had to be uploaded to many different wikis separately before the Commons was created. The possibility of local uploads still exists, but is meant to be used primarily for material which local project policies allow, but which would not be permitted according to the licensing policy of the Commons, such as fair use content. As of 2005, the Wikimedia Commons itself does not allow fair use or uploads under non-free licenses, including licenses which restrict commercial use of materials. Licenses that are acceptable include the GNU Free Documentation License, Creative Commons licenses with no restrictions on use, and the public domain. Given its primary function as a supporting project for the other Wikimedia web sites, the main content policy for files uploaded to the Commons is that they must be potentially useful on any of the Wikimedia projects. This excludes material such as purely personal pictures and artwork, in contrast to image sharing repositories like Flickr and DeviantART. Nevertheless, large numbers of files hosted on the Commons are not used directly on any Wikimedia project and likely never will be; as such, the project has grown into a repository of multimedia in its own right, which is frequently linked to from articles on Wikipedia and other Wikimedia websites to provide supplemental materials. The project has grown very rapidly since its inception. On May 24, 2005, it reached a milestone of 100,000 uploaded media files (excluding thousands of weather and market data images for Wikinews). It was also the first Wikimedia project to use MediaWiki 1.4. The default language for the Commons is English, but the interface can be configured (in user preferences) to use any other language. Some pages have also been translated into various languages. Files on the Wikimedia Commons are categorized using MediaWiki's category system. In addition, they are often collected on individual topical gallery pages. As of May 2005, many different collections can be isolated: more than 10,000 public domain paintings from ancient to modern times, 7,733 pronunciation files in various languages, hundreds of public domain recordings of classical music, and a growing collection of short videos. While the project was originally proposed to also contain free text files, these continue to be hosted on a separate project, Wikisource. The Wikimedia Commons has received an honorary mention at the 2005 Prix Ars Electronica awards in May 2005. thumb|Mosaico de imágenes de Commons formando el logotipo de Wikimedia. Wikimedia Commons (frecuentemente abreviado como Wikicommons o simplemente Commons) es un proyecto de Wikimedia creado el 7 de septiembre de 2004, cuyo objetivo es servir como almacén de archivos de imágenes y otros formatos multimedia para el resto de los proyectos de la fundación. Todos los archivos deben haber sido liberados bajo licencias libres (como la GFDL) o en el dominio público, actualmente tiene 3,741,359 archivos multimedia libres. Se basa en un wiki configurado de tal forma que los archivos allí contenidos están disponibles en todos los demás wikis de los proyectos de Wikimedia de forma transparente. Esto permite una gestión centralizada de este tipo de archivos en todas las versiones de Wikipedia, Wikilibros, etc. Es posible editar las páginas de Commons sin registro previo, pero es necesario registrarse para subir imágenes. Wikimedia Commons - serwis Media-Wiki magazynujący obrazki dla takich stron jak np. Wikipedia i Wikisłownik. Znajdują się tam ładne, encyklopedyczne obrazki i cała masa chłamu. Użytkownicy codziennie wysyłają tam swoje bezużyteczne bazgroły, słit focie, zdjęcia swoich psów itd. Ponadto możemy tam znaleźć dobrej jakości zdjęcia przedstawiające narządy płciowe lub sceny drastyczne (bez żadnych ostrzeżeń, w dodatku czasem wymieszane z innymi). Oczywiście wszystko w celach edukacyjnych. Ich zaletą jest natomiast to, że wszystkie zdjęcia są na wolnych licencjach. Dlatego niektóre wgrywamy na Bezsensopedię i jest git. Wikimedia Commons (frecuentemente abreviado como Wikicommons o simplemente Commons) es un proyecto de Wikimedia creado el 7 de septiembre de 2004, cuyo objetivo es servir como almacén de archivos de imágenes y otros formatos multimedia para el resto de los proyectos de la fundación. Todos los archivos deben haber sido liberados bajo licencias libres (como la GFDL) o en el dominio público. Se basa en un wiki configurado de tal forma que los archivos allí contenidos están disponibles en todos los demás wikis de los proyectos de Wikimedia de forma transparente. Esto permite una gestión centralizada de este tipo de archivos en todas las versiones de Wikipedia, Wikilibros, etc. Es posible editar las páginas de Commons sin registro previo, pero es necesario registrarse para subir imágenes. Wikimedia Commons is a Wikipedia site which contains many usable images licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License, see WaterWiki:Copyrights for details. The Wikimedia Commons (also called "Commons" or "Wikicommons") is a repository of free content images, sound and other multimedia files. Like Wikipedia, it is a project of the Wikimedia Foundation. It provides a common resource repository to all the various Wikimedia sister projects in any language. The files uploaded to the Commons repository can be used like locally uploaded files on all other projects on the Wikimedia servers in all languages, including Wikipedia, Wikibooks, Wikisource and Wikinews, or downloaded for offsite use, as all of the content is either in the public domain or released under free licenses such as the GNU Free Documentation License. Wikimedia Commons is bedoeld als centraal archief van Wikimediaprojecten voor afbeeldingen, geluid, video en andere bestanden. Het project is sinds 7 september 2004 actief. Commons is een Engelse term voor zaken die aan het algemene publiek toebehoren. Tot voor de komst van Commons was het zo dat alle Wikipedia's hun eigen bestanden apart opsloegen, wat tot veel dubbele bestanden leidde. Commons moest die situatie verbeteren. Bovendien werd het hiermee eenvoudiger om het overzicht te houden over de auteursrechten van de bestanden. Ook wordt sneller voor alle gebruikers duidelijk welke afbeeldingen in de verschillende Wikimedia-archieven beschikbaar zijn en is uitwisseling dus beter mogelijk. Commons heeft nu zoals de meeste Wikimediaprojecten een hoofdpagina in meerdere talen, hoewel de meeste andere pagina's nog in het Engels zijn. Ook is de categorisatie vrijwel geheel Engelstalig. Op commons zijn twee systemen ontwikkeld voor het uitlichten van afbeeldingen die door de commonsgebruikers worden gezien als afbeeldingen van hoge kwaliteit. De eerste is 'Featured pictures' (Uitgelichte afbeeldingen), die worden verkozen door nominatie en stemming door gebruikers op de Wikimedia Commons (opgestart in november 2004). Hierbij worden alleen afbeeldingen van gebruikers en externe bronnen (zoals Nasa-afbeeldingen) beoordeeld. De tweede is 'Quality images' (nog geen Nederlandse versie beschikbaar) is specifiek gericht op afbeeldingen van gebruikers (opgestart in juni 2006). Hierbij mag de gebruiker ook eigen afbeeldingen nomineren. In november 2004 werd de 'Afbeelding van de dag' opgestart, een afbeelding voor elke dag van het jaar. Sinds juli 2007 komen hiervoor alleen nog 'Featured pictures' in aanmerking. Sinds begin 2007 wordt elk jaar een verkiezing gehouden voor de mooiste afbeelding die in het jaar ervoor is geüpload, de 'Picture of the Year'. Wikimedia Commons (or simply Commons) is a repository of free content images, sound and other multimedia files. It is a project of the Wikimedia Foundation, from which uploaded files can be used across all Wikimedia projects in all languages, including Wikipedia, Wikibooks, Wikisource and Wikinews, or downloaded for offsite use, as all of the content is either in the public domain or released under free licenses such as the GNU Free Documentation License. As of February 2009, the repository contains over 3.9 million media files. The Wikimedia Commons is a wiki that stores free content images, sound, and other multimedia files. The Wikimedia Commons (also called "Commons" or "Wikicommons") is a repository of free content images, sound, and other multimedia files. It is a project of the Wikimedia Foundation. Files uploaded to this repository can be used like locally uploaded files on all other projects on the Wikimedia servers, including Wikipedia, Wikibooks, and Wikinews. The project was proposed in March 2004 and launched on 7 September 2004. A key motivation behind the setup of a central repository was a desire to reduce duplication of effort across the Wikimedia projects and languages, as the same file had to be uploaded to many different wikis separately before the Commons was created. The possibility of local uploads still exists, but is meant to be used primarily for material which local project policies allow, but which would not be permitted according to the licensing policy of the Commons, such as fair use content. As of 2005, the Wikimedia Commons itself does not allow fair use or uploads under non-free licenses, including licenses which restrict commercial use of materials. Licenses that are acceptable include the GNU Free Documentation License, Creative Commons licenses with no restrictions on use, and the public domain. Given its primary function as a supporting project for the other Wikimedia web sites, the main content policy for files uploaded to the Commons is that they must be potentially useful on any of the Wikimedia projects. This excludes material such as purely personal pictures and artwork, in contrast to image sharing repositories like Flickr and DeviantART. Nevertheless, large numbers of files hosted on the Commons are not used directly on any Wikimedia project and likely never will be; as such, the project has grown into a repository of multimedia in its own right, which is frequently linked to from articles on Wikipedia and other Wikimedia websites to provide supplemental materials. The project has grown very rapidly since its inception. On 24 May 2005, it reached a milestone of 100,000 uploaded media files (excluding thousands of weather and market data images for Wikinews). It was also the first Wikimedia project to use MediaWiki 1.4. The default language for the Commons is English, but the interface can be configured (in user preferences) to use any other language. Some pages have also been translated into various languages. Files on the Wikimedia Commons are categorized using MediaWiki's category system. In addition, they are often collected on individual topical gallery pages. As of May 2005, many different collections can be isolated: more than 10,000 public domain paintings from ancient to modern times, 7,733 pronunciation files in various languages, hundreds of public domain recordings of classical music, and a growing collection of short videos. While the project was originally proposed to also contain free text files, these continue to be hosted on a separate project, Wikisource. The Wikimedia Commons received an honorary mention at the 2005 Prix Ars Electronica awards in May 2005. Se basa en un wiki configurado de tal forma que los archivos allí contenidos están disponibles en todos los demás wikis de los proyectos de Wikimedia de forma transparente. Esto permite una gestión centralizada de este tipo de archivos en todas las versiones de Wikipedia, Wikilibros, etc. Es posible editar las páginas de Commons sin registro previo, pero es necesario registrarse para subir imágenes. Wikimedia Commons (or simply Commons) is a repository of free content images, sound and other multimedia files. It is a project of the Wikimedia Foundation, from which uploaded files can be used across all Wikimedia projects in all languages, including Wikipedia, Wikibooks, Wikisource and Wikinews, or downloaded for offsite use, as all of the content is either in the public domain or released under free licenses such as the GNU Free Documentation License. As of January 2009, the repository contains over 3.8 million media files. Wikimedia Commons is a repository of freely available images and other media.