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RPlog:Sith Ball 2
The party wound down, and a lot of folks may have been upset, gleeful, or otherwise emotionally engaged when it turned out the party was going on through hyperspace, over a period of days. Iaco was brought with Tyy’sun contingent, and he's dressed... (Still working on a desc. Assume it's some formal attire). But as is normal for him, he avoids the limelight like it burns. So he's over near the snack table, just observing the gathered people and trying to soak up information. "Corellian whiskey." "Until later." "You threaten my people, you threaten me, utreekov!" "Remember that."
Feb. 21, 2009
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Sith Ball Day 2
The second day of the Friends of the Sith Ball starts off good, until a near political blunder occurs...
Baleful Edict: Great Hall & Bloody Harlot Crew's Suite
The party wound down, and a lot of folks may have been upset, gleeful, or otherwise emotionally engaged when it turned out the party was going on through hyperspace, over a period of days. Iaco was brought with Tyy’sun contingent, and he's dressed... (Still working on a desc. Assume it's some formal attire). But as is normal for him, he avoids the limelight like it burns. So he's over near the snack table, just observing the gathered people and trying to soak up information. Another day, another cred and look, still over Manda'yaim. Ash is up relatively early, given how late she stayed up. Dressed in blue finery, she steps out of the turbolift and gazes through the grand hall. There's a smile upon her lips as the Captain moves towards snack table and picks out a few of the tasty finger foods. It is with a cool demeanour that she observes those in here, not as many as last night. "Perhaps they had drunk themselves stupid," she says quietly aloud. Eyes shifting towards Ash as she speaks, Iaco studies the Nagai woman. Smiling... hrm, three potential reasons to smile right now. Either she's in on everything and benefiting from having all these people sequestered here while her own agents are out accomplishing their own objectives... but no, her body language suggests more towards one of the other two reasons. Reason two: She is actually enjoying the party. Possible, but really? The odds are against that. Will have to come back and rethink that one of option three doesn't pan out. Option three is the most likely though... her smile is just a front, or perhaps only a momentary thing based on events that transpired -during- the party. Given another half second of thought, Iaco settles on the second option. "Such things have been known to happen at parties." he replies only a few seconds after Ash speaks, where he reaches to grab a glass of some juice that blends perfectly with the selection of snacks she already chose. She nods, "Arguments, drunkenness, all that's missing is the childlike behaviour of switching quarters and panty collecting." Ash nibbles delicately upon a morsel, moving to select a blue glowing wine, her personal favourite. "Then it would feel like an upper education celebration, rather than a political gathering of forces and beings." She gifts the man a smile and peers over to him. She recalls him, their paths having crossed, in recentish history. Putting the juice glass back down, Iaco is mildly intrigued. Most folks don't go for wine in the -early- stages of a day. "Did you get your ship fixed?" And his eyes glide about the room for a moment before she adds, "I don't see any of your especially capable women at your beck and call currently. Is everything alright?" The doors of the turbolift swish open and the Iktotchi steps through the door and surveys the room. He looks around to see if he sees anybody he recognizes. He locates the bar and steps in that direction to get a drink. He reaches into his jacket pocket and grabs a cigarette and lights it up. Perhaps some time at the bar will give him time to scope out the room. She regards Iaco with a cool glance, "The ship is being worked upon," she offers. Doesn't mention where, or the name. And while he cannot see the obvious members of her crew, some of the quiet ones have moseyed up here. She just shrugs, "Do I really need an entourage of protectors when there are to be no weapons permitted, period?" she inquires. As an unknown Iktotchi steps to the bar and snack buffet-style table, Ash inclines her head, "A good day," she greets pleasantly. This was one of her favourite environments. Social gatherings. "Perhaps not. But one might say that a reputation or image is very important to anyone in your line of work." offers Iaco back to Ash. But that's more of a parting comment as he inhales once more, wrinkles up his nose, shakes his head and turns his eyes towards Vael, "Figured that stench was you." he offers as he holds a hand out to the Iktotchi, "How'd you rest last night?" Seems he's shifted mental gears for the moment. Vael looks over at Iaco and smiles. He takes a deep rip of his cigarette and turns his head to blow the smoke in the other direction. He grabs his drink from the server and puts out his cigarette before leaving the bar. He walks over to Iaco with a smile "I didn't have any problems sleeping, I sleep better when i'm in space" He looks over at Ash and gives her a nod "I do not believe we have met, name is Vael Cairo" He extends out his hand. The turbolift doors open up, and a moment later a man wearing a vibrantly coloured tuxedo steps out. The High Marshal of the Sith StarOps program had never been one to follow uniform codes very well, and at first chance once landing on the Edict, he had changed into something he felt to be a bit more comfortable. The odd-looking near human steps into the room and lights up a fresh cigarette, one with a sweet and acrid odour hinting at a small amount of white andriss spice laced into the tobacco. (speaking in Basic) She accepts Vael's forearm in a claps, "Ash," she says simply with a smile. "I think most beings sleep better in the void of space. It's quiet," she says pleasantly. Her eyes are caught by the vibrant colours of a spice addict, as he departs the turbolift. She snickers, and keeps her voice to herself. So, what do the two of you do, for fun and business?" she asks in a polite voice. Ariana steps into the Grand Hall as she looks around, more to hopefully find Ash thing anything. She frowns at the people, hoping that will scare most of them away so that she won't be put in a situation that the person will most likely regret in some way shape or form. Iaco shrugs a bit, "Me? I'm just a programmer. Got kinda hijacked by an associate of an associate and ended up -here-." he offers with a gesture about the room. As Axel enters, he rubs his nose and sneezes. "I swear, there's more pollutants in the air here than at a smelter." is muttered before the bland man steps back away from the folks with the smokes. Axel makes his way around the room, looking at those gathered. A thin trail of smoke follows along behind the infamous pilot. Eventually, the man finds his way to a drink counter and acquires a glass of Corellian Whiskey which he sips on a bit as he again begins mingling throughout the gathered crowd. (speaking in Basic) Vael takes a breath through his nose as the smoke from Axel's cigarette starts to creep by him and the others. He turns his head to see the source of the smoke. He is tempted to grab another cigarette and go by the bar to join his fellow smoker. He looks back over at Iaco with a slight grin. Then looks back at Ash to reply to her question. "I belong out here. In the void of space as you put it. I’m a pilot". Ash nods, certain that she's seen the horned one with Tyy'sun last night. The woman smiles pleasantly. Her nose wrinkles slightly at the scent of burning spice, but no comment is made. Instead, "If you pardon me," she moves farther down and away from Axel. The air filtering will take care of the problem for her. She inhales deeply and appears satisfied. She catches sight of Ariana and chuckles, "You know you look much prettier with a smile than a frown." She calls out loud enough to draw her attention. The turbolift doors open up and shortly after, a man wearing a black uniform emerges from within. It would seem that the Grand Admiral of the Sith Navy has decided that his uniform is of appropriate attire for the events at the Citadel and once he's cleared the doorway, he's taking a moment to look around. Content, he's moving off to the side, fully intending to claim a glass of whiskey for himself. Ariana looks over at Ash as the woman draws her attention and she smiles before she says, "I know... I don't want people messing with me though. I might get them killed." She shrugs her shoulders, before she moves over to Ash and gives her a hug if her Captain will let her. It seems that Iaco has withdrawn from -socialization- at this point. He sought out air filtration to help him as well, eyeing Vael and Axel, but saying nothing. Why speak up and call attention to himself after all? He picks up a glass of juice along the way... ironically the same glass he set back down after offering it to Ash, and he takes a small sip as he turns his attention towards Ash and her crazy companion. -Especially- after a comment such as the one Ariana just made. Axel is an easy person to spot, given his current attire. The Space Marshal sips at a glass of whiskey and takes another drag from his spice-laden cigarette. For now, the man seems content for some minor socializing with a couple of female executives from the corporate sector. (speaking in Basic) Vael watches as Ash and Iaco go to speak with Ariana. He sees this as a good opportunity to have a cigarette in peace once again. He walks over to the viewer and pulls a cigarette out of his jacket. He sips his drink and lights up his cigarette. He picks up his pad and taps at it a few times while looking out the viewer. Keeping herself from sighing, Ash sips her glowing wine, "You should probably eat something or have some juice. It might make you feel better." She says to her, accepting the hug from the child-like, though rather blood addicted, Ariana, she murmurs, "What did I say about those comments of yours? You will make the Sith nervous." Not that that is a bad thing, but, with Axel here, it would not be a good thing either. Ash looks up and smiles at Iaco, there is no fear of Ariana in her being. Ariana looks up at Ash as she says, "Why would they make anyone nervous? I'm trying to protect them for their own good... so it is good that they know it is best to leave me alone, right?" She looks up at Ash as she stands there, waiting to see the woman's consent or irritation, or what. Ferrak strides in from the turbolift, after retiring from the night before, and handling some business elsewhere. The Doshan once again sees himself among a mass of people, although a bit smaller than the opening night. Quickly catching sight of familiar rays, he heads toward ash. Poking her on her shoulder as he moves to the opposite one. "I pray you haven’t been here drinking this whole time? Of course, merc life can get one use to that I suppose." At this point, the most distinctive thing about Iaco's expression is the -utter- lack of any such thing. Hell, to some, that might be worth a double take, or even a shiver down the spine. When Ash looks back his way, his eyes make the minute adjustment to focus on her and not Ariana, and he just stares blankly. It's like looking into space without stars and trying to see light.... and that might be easier than finding an emotion on this man right now. Having claimed a glass of whiskey, Salin turns from the table, only to begin to look around the crowd. It doesn't take him long to spot Axel and when he does, a smirk begins to play across his lips. The glass is lifted and he's taking a quick sip of the amber liquid before he begins to make his way across the floor, over towards the StarOps Marshall. One of the women standing near Axel gets a gasping look on his face then follows that with a quick slap to the man's face. The other female executive blushes a bit, then both walk away leaving the Space Marshal alone again. He lets out a bit of a sigh, then turns away, noticing for the first time the Sith Grand Admiral's approach. "Evening, Salin," he says with a bit of a nod, his cheek still red from the slap. Ariana stares at Iaco as she stays close to Ash. A fire smouldering in her own eyes, a fire that tells you she could probably disembowel you and feed you your own guts while laughing. Suddenly she does laugh, before she places another kiss on Ash's cheek and then walks towards Iaco. Watching the antics around Axel, Salin allows the smirk to remain upon his lips. Slowing to a halt as he nears the man, he's giving a slight incline of his head, "Axel." A look is offered in the direction of the fleeing women, though it quickly returns back to the Marshall, "Making new friends, I see?" (Some major damage in there... wonder if there's anything left to have a psych-nanny put back together?) O O o o . . thinks Iaco while he holds that expressionless vacant gaze and meets Ariana's eyes. Then he shrugs his shoulders as his face becomes as animated as it was earlier. Just a snap change, but a change nonetheless. He heads for the snack table and selects a meat pastry, a couple of shrimp-analogues, and a few other items. Still not going out of his way to talk to people though. "Apparently they didn't like the idea of an evening of glitterstim and showing them my big ships," Axel says with a bit of a smirk to Salin. "I must be losing my touch. There was a time when I didn't even need to offer the tour of my ships, glitterstim was enough." Salin's offering a soft laugh to that, followed by a slow nod of his head, "Well, neither of us is as young as we used to be, Axel." Pausing, he begins to look around the room and those that have gathered this evening, "Not to mention, our reputations aren’t what they used to be, either." "Yeah, there is that," Axel says to the man. "I can't believe of the two of us, I'm the one without a bounty." The man seems genuinely irritated by that. "Something I'll have to remedy, I guess. I swear, it is like I am losing my touch or something." A tour of the ship takes some time. Especially with a ship this large. "So, if I were to speak to the Warlord, and Manda'lore himself.. and they approved.. would your conscience allow it -then- my burc'ya? (friend)" offers Carnylla in the male voice from the helmet to Kida. Of course the two of them are stepping off the turbolift together. Salin's offering a laugh, followed by a quick lift of his shoulders, "What can I say, Axel. You command the Empire's Navy, lead their intelligence agency and serve as a Moff and they throw a fit when you decide to leave them for another Military." Lips curl into a smirk, "I'm just disappointed that they put a -larger- one on Osbourne, of all people. "I don't know," comes Kida's reply. 'You can lead an eopi to water but you can't make it drink' is true where the red-headed Mandalorian is concerned and it's very obvious that she's digging in her heels about something. "I think you might have a difficult time convincing them but if you think they'll agree then by all means, feel free to try." Letting that be the end of that for now, Kida pauses to look around, getting a feel for all of who is here. "Why the frell are we here?" "Well, I can understand that one actually," Axel says to Salin. After all, Axel was heavily into the Imperial coffers during Osbourne's administration. "There was a lot that went on behind the scenes, kept secret from even ISB, when Osbourne was acting Emperor and high commander of the Empire. Those were actually very profitable days indeed." (speaking in Basic) "Ariana," Ash calls, "What are you plotting?" she tosses Iaco an apologetic look. The woman had done so well last night. Perhaps with figuring out what sort of blood a Rodian had led to that. She sighs. Moving, Ash catches a leg of some sort of beast done up nice and rare, "Ariana, look, I think a slice or two of that leg will do you some good." She smiles and directs the woman's attention to the meat cooked up rare. "You forget, Axel, that I served as Osbourne's right hand man during those times. I profited, much like everyone else. Though, not as well as you." Salin's allowing that smirk to remain upon his lips, "There was much that Osbourne did, that would have had the Director of ISB flailing. It was much different, then the reign of Valak." Ariana looks at Ash, giving her a completely innocent look. "I wasn't plotting any thing, Ash," she frowns at the piece of meat before she says, "I don't have a knife, and it’s cooked too much, won't bleed enough." She offers something of a smile to Ash, before she attempts to nuzzle the woman. Apparently the emotionless man blended into the crowd and vanished, but look, more Mandos! Kida and Carnylla are chatting as they approach the general crowd. "Duty." offers Carn's male voice. "We are both here because we believe in doing our duty, regardless of whether we -wish- to or not. That is what a soldier does." That said, she looks over towards Ash and Ariana and starts directing herself and Kida that way. Ferrak smirks as ash ignores his jest and slaps her on the back firmly before turning to head back into the crowd of people. Heading to the bar to order himself a drink. He takes a spot next to axel a couple of low grade pilots decided to vacate upon the arrival of higher brass. Turning around as his drink is made. The lizard pulls out a cigarette and leans over. "Got a light? left mine in my cabin" he asks to Axel quietly, not wanting to interrupt the conversation too much. Axel nods to Salin. "Yes, though Valak was at least somewhat predictable, unlike the current Emperor." As he speaks, Axel's eyes shift towards the two armor-clad newcomers. "I can't overly agree with all of the newly acquired Mandalorians who have been popping up in our service. I think I liked it better when the clans were divided and seeing one about was a rarity." He sighs and takes a long drag from the cigarette before turning his attention back to Salin. "Have you heard the news on Nak Shimor that's been broadcasted over the holofeeds? I think I know what that fleet presence at Kessel and the Maw was for, after all. I'm tempted to go on a scouting run of the system now." There's a smirk and Salin is shaking his head slightly, "Predictable to those outside the Empire, perhaps. Inside? It seemed as if Valak had lost his mind. Especially near the end. But, regardless, those were interesting times. Things just aren’t like they used to be, I must say." His attention drifts to the newcomers and he's offering a soft laugh, "I hear ya, Axel. They are becoming quite a public sight, these days." Then, he's looking back to his cohort in crime, though his gaze does pause on Ferrak, to whom is offered a nod. "No, I haven’t heard the news. Been too busy dealing with the logistical aspect of our Fleets. What's the reasoning?" Having ignored or choosing to not answer a question about her drinking all night, Ash snerks at the hand upon her back and turns her head. "Ferrak, there are better questions to ask," she calls out to his departing form. She puts a hand out to stop Ariana, and gives her a firm look. "We are among warriors. Your cuddling and need for touching is to start being curbed." Her voice isn't harsh or mean, but firm. "Now, go eat." She turns to stroll away, catching the glimpse of Carnylla's armour. Perhaps leaving Ariana unattended wasn't a good idea. But the woman managed to live this long without dying. Certainly she can survive the next few hours. "To hit the Republic's stronghold planet, it would require a fleet of epic proportions. I believe that is the purpose of what the Empire was doing in Kessel space." Axel continues with Salin. "I imagine a scouting mission now would show the system poorly defended, but as a staging point, it would still be a heavy risk to invade." He lets out a sigh, always business and little fun seemed to be his motto as of late. Kida nods a little before sighing, not really wishing to discuss this subject. Not tonight and definitely -not- here. "I'll give you that, even if our duties aren't exactly the...same." Maybe in the broad scheme of things they are but their methods and ideologies are driving the two Mandos in two different directions for now. "Think we should drop it now.." she utters quickly before smiling, again looking around. "I think I could use a drink. Shall we?" Axel's noticed and she finds herself smiling at him although he might miss her doing so if he looked away too soon. Ariana looks at Ash as she walks away. For a moment there seems to even be tears welling in the crazy pilot's eyes, but they are quickly blinked away. She doesn't cry. She glares at Ash as she stands there, oh yes, the Captain made her mad. Her frown reasserts itself, before she begins to walk out of the room. Eyes picking out Ariana and by association, Ash in the crowd, Carn chuckles softly, more of a reverberation in the helmet. "You asked why we were here. I merely answered." she tells Kida. "But yes, the drink table. I think that would be a good direction." She's basically working on an intercept course so that she can keep an eye on the psycho-doom-lady from wherever she happens to be at the time, and kinda making sure Ash notices her approaching so she knows that Ari's being watched over. Of course, as Ariana turns to leave, the eyes in the helmet roll and Carn mutters. "Enjoy your drink." darkly to Kida as she turns and stalks after Ariana. "The Republic's stronghold? If this is the case, then it really opens up several options for our fleets to take advantage of. Something that we're going to have to monitor, carefully." There's a quick grin and he's nodding again, "Should take a scouting run out there. I know I'd love to get back in the cockpit of a fighter for longer then just shuttling myself from my private vessel to a planet." When Ferrak approaches, Axel gives the man a nod and holds a lighter out for him, then his gaze shifts about the rest of the room, catching Kida's smile for a moment and returning it with one of his own. He then looks back to Salin. "If you wish, we could take a couple of my x-wings and go scout some systems, see what trouble we could get into." "Sounds like a plan to me. Been awhile since I've flown along side you. Even longer, since we've both been in trouble together. Could make for some good times. Similar to days of old." It's then that Salin offers Axel a quick grin, "So, what are the chances of you acquiring me an X-Wing or selling one of yours?" Watching Ariana storm for the turbolift, Ash just sighs silently. She was more child than adult. But she remembers words of wisdom and temperance comes about with time. She was certain there was a chance for Ariana to become tempered. If she can stop being so... clinging. Weakness in her feral mind. Studying Carnylla before the woman goes off to intercept, Ash is left standing near the red head. "I believe it was Kida," she says, a slight question to her tone. "In these times," Axel says to Salin, his eyes looking back towards where Kida was standing, curious as to the Mando's smile towards him, "a bit difficult. Mine were not exactly purchased and I would be very hard pressed to get rid of them. They're the newer AC4 models, not the old-style X-wings. They sit very well in the hangar of my little gunship and serve as my forward scouts when hitting Imp space to keep them from assuming that it is us flying into their systems." Salin offers a soft 'Bah' followed by a waving motion of his head, "Dammit. Most of my fighters were seized by the Empire, at my Estate, before I was able to have them moved away. I was left with a Skib and my Carrack. Gotten myself a Barb since then, but I can't exactly cruise around in that." A smirk then, "I need to rebuild my stock." There is a different feel in the Grand Hall since the newness of the cruise has worn off. Everyone seems a little more comfortable, but not necessarily more relaxed. Kaley has changed into a uniform more fitting to her role on board the Baleful Edict. The black dress has given way to her formal armour. Helmetless, she wears her hair down the dark locks framing her face. The red cape denoting her as one of the Dark Lord's Knights draws a lot of attention. But she doesn't seem to notice. Instead, she takes advantage of the wide berth given to her and quickly finds her way to bar where she almost confuses the bartender when she orders, "Ice water." Ariana isn't storming out, she is just walking out, and she doesn't even notice the Mando that is following her as she enters into the turbolift to head down to the quarters assigned to the crew of the Bloody Harlot. Taking the lighter from Axels grasp, Ferrak lights his smoke and offers it back. Nodding to Salin in return as his head turns in that direction. 'all this space talk' he thinks to himself. Once a decent gunner, the Sith officers academy has since all but erased his previous skills he use to possess. For the foreseeable future, it wouldn’t be his thing. "We could always steal a few" he offers without a glance as he turns to accept his newly prepared drink. The comment comes right after the Admirals comment so it must be directed to them. "They seem a bit distracted anyhow, what’s stopping us?" taking a sip from his beverage, Ferrak finally turns to the two men while taking a sip of his bubbly beverage. (speaking in Basic) After making sure Ari at least gets that far safely, Carn -will- return to the group. She takes her duty to keep her aliit safe quite seriously, even when she wants to tear out her own hair and feed it to a Dug at times while doing her duty. So, she'll be gone a few minutes at most... Axel nods, glancing over to the Doshan for a moment. "Aye, it is how I acquired mine, though it is no easy task to steal high-end starfighters by any means." he says. "They have a knack for firing torpedoes into the hangar bays while being tractored in." He takes a sip of his own drink, finishing it off and then places it upon the bar motioning the tender for a refill. His eyes then shift back towards the female Mandalorian, giving the woman another smile. "There's something about women with prowess," the man says softly to the two Sith high brass standing next to him. "Stealing one would be nice, but it's not going to be feasible I don't imagine." Sal's offering towards Ferrak before he's looking back to Axel. "Suppose I'm just going to have to abuse your fighters from time to time. Either that, or I'm going to have to see if our agents can’t set something up. Get me something with some speed and power to fly around it." There's a smirk and he's letting his gaze drift over towards the female Mandalorian, watching for a moment, "I'll agree with you there, Axel." Kida watches as Carn and Ariana go elsewhere, leaving Kida with Ash, for now. "Yes. It is good to see you again," she offers in a controlled, tight tone. "I am sorry for my abrupt departure when we had met but I felt it was best that I go before a scene was started." Feeling eyes upon her, Kida turns slightly, trying to pinpoint the source of the sensation only to find herself looking. directly at Axel, her eyes finding his immediately. Blushing in a most unwarrior-like way, Kida finds herself having to look away minding if anyone else smiles or gestures at her or even approaches. Returning to the crowd, Carnylla hears mention of Skiprays, and speed and power. She's not a real -expert- but she does state, in that whole male vocoded voice, "A skipray blastboat is about the -best- blend of speed and power in the known Galaxy. Shields that can hold off a turbolaser, and an ion cannon that can disable a frigate, with the ability to manoeuvre like a fighter? Do you need a better combination?" "I'll arrange to have them fuelled and ready when this is all over," Axel says to Fawzy, still looking on towards the woman. "I wonder what that armour hides, not very flattering is it?" He chuckles a bit and lights up a fresh cigarette to go with his newly acquired drink. His attention is then drawn towards Carnylla. "I have a pair of blastboats, they have their uses, but suffer against multiple fighters. While decently fast, they lack the manoeuvrability of most interceptors. Still, they are wonderful ships and if used in a small pack of three to four, can pick apart most corvettes with ease." "Perfect. Looking forward to it. I'm sure the Fleet can do without me for a bit." Salin watches Kida for a moment before looking back to Axel, "Flattering? Hardly. Designed to leave people like us to our imaginations." Then, he's looking over towards Carnylla, "Oh, I'm not disputing that. I love my Skip and as it has been said, they have their uses. But then again, so do fighters and I'm somewhat partial to them." (speaking in Basic) Nodding, Ash smirks, "Nothing to apologise for," she says simply, "Sometimes it is best to step left when stepping right puts you on a landmine." She chuckles and sips her wine, finally finishing the thing. She sets it on the passing server's tray and regards Kida as she turns away. Following the mando woman's gaze, Ash's gaze remains neutral as she taking in the smoking form of Axel in his wild suit. Ash chuckles at Kida's discomfort and whispers to the woman as she nods to an area screen by other ball attendees. You whisper, "Your discomfort will only draw him. He's a pig, and not worth revealing weakness to. If you want, we can move to the pillar over there, he won't be able to see you." to Kida. "If you have a handful, you wouldn't have two that you would be willing to barter for, would you?" asks Carnylla of basically Axel -and- Salin there. That electronically enhanced voice adding, "I think that my organization would find great ways to put them to use." "Ice Water." The bartender says to Kaley as he sets the drink in front of her. She takes it without a word and moves out among the crowd. Slowly she makes her way around the room, occasionally greeted by someone. Offering a nod in return, she doesn't stop to chat. Perhaps she'll be more sociable on her second pass around the hall. "No," Axel says bluntly to the Mandalorian. "No offence, but I doubt you and your captain could afford them even if I were willing to part ways." He chuckles a bit and looks to Salin. "Oh how I remember the days when I made an easy half mil off of a single skipray sale on the Black Market. I honestly miss having Osbourne in power, now acquiring new ones is so difficult." He just shakes his head and turns to glance back towards Kida for a moment before shifting his gaze back to Carny. "So Mandalorian, why is it that your female friend over there goes without her helmet while you seem us unworthy of your true gaze. I truly hate speaking to someone without being able to look them in the eyes. I find it utterly disrespectful, to be honest." Looking back over towards the Mandalorian, Salin is offering a quick smirk, followed by a shake of his head, "Answer from me is no as well. I'm looking to acquire more, not sell off what I already have." Lifting his glass to his lips, he's claiming another sip of his whiskey before it's lowered back down. There's a quick glance to Kida and then back to Carnylla, his brow lifting in response to Axel's question. When Ash speaks quietly Kida leans forward and she can't help but to smile, the blush subsiding enough to make her look a lot less shy. "No, it's fine. But thank you for the consideration as well as your understanding of the situation. I am sure your pilot was just...trying to be humorous and there was no reason for me to blow up at her because of such." Axel's voice carries and it draws her attention, causing her to wince as she does so when she catches part of what he says to Carnylla. "That's going to leave a mark if he's not careful," she mutters, that an offhanded comment as to how it just might cause a fight. The man he has been speaking to is regarded now and then, grunting, she returns to chatting with the woman she was introduced to earlier. "So why do you say what you did," she mutters. "Surely it isn't that bad, is it?" The turbolift doors open, and Tyy'sun Eson steps through, his garb unchanged from the day previous, the corporate robes flowing around his lithe frame as he makes his way into the grand hall for the second time. Much of his time has been spent in the Zhao suite where members of the Family are being accommodated. Taking an inventory of the hall, the crime lord notes that the numbers of powerful sentients present has dwindled slightly, and that Darth Malign is nowhere to be seen. He assumes many of the guests are still retired to their quarters. He does spot Axel Vichten though, and the Twi'lek frowns. It would only be one of many unpleasant encounters aboard the cruise, though, and Eson has stomached enough already to be somewhat used to the notion. Heading for the bar, a drink is ordered. Eson's entourage remains below in the suit for now. After taking a drink from her water, Kaley sets the glass on the empty tray of a passing server. She's stopped again in greeting and this time hears the other party out. A small smile touches her lips. "The Dark Lord keeps his own time." It's a simple response said loudly enough for those around to hear. The greeter nods at Kaley and turns back to the group they are with giving her the opportunity to finish her circuit around the room. Shrugging, Ash nods, "Ariana is.. special," she says mildly. Ash too hears Axel's voice and quirks a brow at it. "I hope he's not egging Sarge in for a fight," she says. Surveying who's there and likelihood of a fight, Ash just shakes her head. Let Carnylla figure things out, maybe then the woman will understand why Ash does not like him. Her attention is drawn back to Kida. "If you ever have time for a tale, meet me in the Harlot's Suite," she smiles, "We brought some of our own bottles and snacks." She brings her hands to behind her back, "So, how do you and Cantrell get on?" The Nagai inquires. T-Visor turning towards Axel, Carn grins behind the helmet. She wonders idly if Ash really wants her to open her mouth here, but she shrugs and remarks, "There is a reason for that." through the helmet vocoder. "I am not a part of the Mando'ade-Sith farce. I operate outside of that political fabrication. And I believe that the Mando'ade should never have allied themselves with such a dishonourable organization as anything that calls itself Sith. So if you feel a lack of respect from me, it is because you are Sith." That said, Carn nods to Salin... for his reply was at least brief and to the point. "Enjoy the party gentlemen." and that said, the blue-green Mando turns to depart (if allowed) the general area. Axel chuckles a bit. "Very foolish remarks considering your current location," Axel says. "Though, in some ways I can relate to your feelings." He chuckles a bit and waits for the Mandalorian to get a few steps away before muttering a few things under his breath. Invisible radio-waves disperse from the comlink implanted into his skull and soon six men dressed in Sith Military uniforms approach the Mandalorian. Axel turns to Ferrak, "Why don't you escort our enemy to the airlock, General?" It's going to be another long night of standing around and mingling with these guests, Cantrell ponders to himself. While he respects most of the people gathered here, this isn't his cup of tea. However, he tries to make the best of it, and prefers to watch the people interact with one another than actually contributing to the conversations. Always the ever watchful when it comes to his friends and enemies. Still wearing his armour, his helmet tucked underneath his left arm, he makes his way through the bar, avoiding the larger gathering of people for the moment, deciding it's better to get a drink on to make the boredom more...tolerable. "Corellian whiskey." The bartender nods to the Warlord's request, moving aside to create the requested drink. Looking back towards the gathering, Cantrell hears the comment made by his fellow Mando, a faint scowl begins to form, but he does nothing. This isn't exactly a mess he wishes to get himself into. Carn's words draw a smirk from Salin's lips and the Admiral begins to shake his head, ever so slowly. Looking over towards Axel, there's a slight nod of his head, "More brawn then brains in that one, Axel." Arms lift and he's crossing them over his chest, looking over towards the guards and then back towards Carn. Happening by the blue-green Mando has it has a say about its respect for the Sith, Kaley's eyebrows knit together but she doesn't stop it as it walks away. She does take note, but she doesn't say anything. Apparently she didn't have to. She waits nearby watching. Tyy'sun raises the glass of Corellian whiskey to his crimson lips, imparting only a sip of the substance into his body, though normally the crime lord partakes heavily, he is not at ease on this ship, or at ease with the situation. As he lowers the glass, however, he is presented with an image from the past - Axel Vichten, clad in colourful dyes - much like his fleet once was.. much like he used to appear. Much like he has not appeared in recent memory. The crimson Twi'lek ponders this seemingly minor detail in the man silently from the bar, before realizing that Cantrell is standing nearby. The crime lord’s frown deepens. He sets his drink down on the countertop and produces a cigar from the folds of his robes. Plucking the thing between his teeth he then turns toward the Mandalorian and lays an intense, yet neutral gaze on the warrior. The subject of Cantrell has Kida smirking and she can't help but to shrug, that being about the best answer she can give Ash. "I don't know, to be honest. We rarely see each other so your guess is as good as mine." The tension elsewhere in the room has Kida blinking and she turns around, what flesh that was flushed now going pale. A quick motion has her hand flying to her hip and the blaster that sits holstered but she realises her folly and her hand falls limp to the side. Grunting, she simply stands there, arms folded at the bulky, barrel-like armour that protects her torso and a booted foot begins to tap upon the floor. Jek steps into the room of the ball room. He tries to think about duty, honour, and discipline. So that force users in the room if they're are any can't hopefully feel his fear of them. The man notices Sarge making his way for the exit that he'd just entered. A simple nod of a greeting is given to the Mando member of his crew. The white hair man walking in measured steps as he looks around the room. His eyes going to his Captain as if asking a silent question. Ash chuckles and nods. "I have not seen him for a long while, at least not until the party...." her voice trails off at the sound of confrontation. "If it's not Ariana, it'll be...." Turning as Carnylla goes off, Ash groans, "Not here," she hadn't yet spoken to Mandalore the Wise, and well, now she's forced into action to help her foolish friend who speaks blunt truth. "Sarge," she calls out as she heads over, at Axel's declaration she snorts. "You going to do that to Tyy'sun and his goons as well? They are just as much as enemies as Sarge is to the Empire. Sarge never declared himself to being an enemy. He is neutral, as is Tyy'sun and his. /You/ declared him such." She looks at Axel in the eyes, "You cannot go spacing every guest of the Dark Lord's that peeves you off. Especially when you hold similar sentiments." She crosses her hands at her waist even though the weapons that normally are hidden there are not present. Hypocrites were on her list of things she loved to shoot at, and as much as she was itching for Axel to give her another reason for her to hate him, she would rather it not be her mando-sister. "It is also a /very/ bad political move to kill the heir to one of Darth Malign's allies. The very act could send the Mando'ade into a frenzy and attack the Sith Empire. Sarge here would become a Martyr to his people." Her words are short, crisp and precise, her tone strong and confident. Now, if only someone of common sense was with her on this, it would be better. "Quarter bound or with escorts would be a wiser idea." First thing to note is that Carn hears the order given, and eyes Kida. When the hand drops, the helmet shakes just a touch, left, then right. Turning slowly back to face Axel, Carn turns the Visor on the man. Ash's words register, and a mental note to kiss the Captain should they all survive this is made. "Do you -wish- me to be your enemy... Marshal?" asks the Mando's voice. "I would prefer that not be the case." A simple statement. Arms fold over the armoured chest, and Carn offers, "Perhaps you would do well to check with your superiors first before you do that." Axel looks to Ash, simply stating, "Shut up." He then motions for more guards to secure the Nagai as well. "Take them both to the airlock. Put them in and shut the doors. One more word and open the outer seals." Axel then turns to Cantrell, "The armor-clad one is your kith, would you please deal with him and his loud mouth before I see how well that suit is protected against the vacuum of space." His attention is then shifted towards both Carn and Ash. "You are guests here, and as such, maybe you should show a bit of respect and hold your tongue when it comes to speaking ill of your hosts. You are not indispensable or even overly valuable, both of you are easily replaced." He raises the cybernetic left hand and waves it towards the two and their security escorts as if motioning them away. (speaking in Basic) Ariana walks into the room and senses the tense moment. Her eyes light up as she sees the almost fighting, and then a thought hits her. This isn't the Bloody Harlot, she can't fight and not get away with it. So the crazy pilot does something that no one on her crew probably expected as she walks right up to Sarge, looks him dead in the visor-eye and hisses, "Now is not the time nor the place. What... are you trying to be like me, and just get in a fight willy-nilly? You're not as tough as me," Ariana pokes her finger into the Sarge's armoured chest, "You can't just talk like you can do whatever you want. Especially not on a Sith ship.." That is when she hears that Ash is to be thrown into the airlock, and she turns around with a snarl, "They hell if they will," she says while looking at the man with the shocky-hand. The black-and-blue armoured Kida simply stands there, staring at individuals while they speak or move, her eyes darting from person to person before closing. It's a great show of self-control on her part as she's simply letting voices go unheard and events fall off of her back, nothing phasing the Mandalorian, nothing spurring her into action or speech. Cantrell does not notice that Tyy'sun is standing next to him as well, until the overwhelming feeling of being watched. Turning back to spot the man staring him down, a faint grin forms on the Mandalorian face. Not saying a word, he downs the shot in an instant gulp. Just as he's about to say something, the altercation at the other table gets into audible levels. His displeasure at the scene unfolding manifests with him crushing the glass with his armoured gauntlet. Nodding to Tyy'sun, his voice slithers out from the corners of his mouth. "Until later." Pushing himself from the bar, the heavy boots from the Warlord's armour thumps on the floor as he slowly approaches the table. Not pleased, his voice sharply cracks the air. "Mind your tongue, Vichten, or you'll have a bionic version to go along with your hand." This, however, does not mean that Carnylla's words go unnoticed. "Vod, I’d advise to keep your opinions for your own health. Remember where you are..." The amount of discomfort from this scene evident, the Warlord lowers his free hand down, the retractable blades lowers as he eyes everyone shouting. "No one dies unless the Dark Lord commands it." It's now that Salin takes a step forward and he's shifting his gaze over towards Ash, eyes narrowing ever so slightly as his arms begin to uncross from his chest, "You would be wise to watch your tongue, Mercenary. Otherwise, there will come a time when we no longer have a use for you or your ... kind." Then, he's looking back over towards Carn, lips curling back up into a smirk, "I do believe, that in this instance, the Dark Lord would understand." Turning away then, he's moving back over towards Axel, offering a low chuckle towards the man before lowering his voice just a touch, "And here I thought we would have some enjoyment." Taking a step forward, Kaley's topaz eyes fall on Axel then Cantrell. "Perhaps these guests might find their suite a more suitable place to rethink their stance on the Sith. After all, they are the Dark Lord's guests for a reason. Perhaps we should see to their comfort, until he decides what should be done to improve their opinion." Her tone is soft compared to the angry voices around her, however, there is a light in her eyes that can almost be called a twinkle. Axel's intense blue eyes stare straight into Cantrell's. "It would do well for you not to make threats, comrade," he says to the Mandalorian. A thin smile upon his lips as he turns back towards Ash and her crew, along with the interjecting female pilot. "I think it would behoove us all if you and your crew left, do you not think so? A shuttle will be arranged to take you back to Ziost and your ship." Then Kaley steps in. "Then how about escorting them there, then? I'm not the diplomat I used to be. Personally, I'd enjoy nothing more than watching their bodies implode in the vacuum of space." With that said, the man turns and moves back to the bar to pick up his drink. Downing it all in one swift gulp, he lights up a fresh cigarette and lets his eyes scan the room. Ferrak turns back around from the bar and sips his drink again, looking momentarily to everybody in the group. Of course he can detect the heightened rays coming from the most 'fluttered' individuals. heartbeats show him many things about moods. The Doshan sips again. Looking to axel, then to ash and her crew quietly. Noting the oddity of the quietness that has just elapsed. A third sip he takes, finishing his drink and setting it on the counter. Watching Cantrell go, the crimson crime lord settles into the seat at the bar, lighting the cigar. He overhears the commotion as well, and watching the proceedings with mild interest amidst a cloud of smoke while partaking in the Corellian whiskey. It would seem the ball is not in full swing at the moment, and that the host is not engaging in ceremonies. Perhaps it would be best to retire to the suite. Yet the interactions between the various individuals, some of which Eson knows, and some of which Eson does not, is intriguing and in some respects, enlightening. Jek never says a word and doesn't acknowledge his crew any further. He simply walks towards the bar. His thoughts of still on honour and now a certain Twi’lek. He lets the Mandalorians distract Axel. He moves behind the man his thoughts now on really wanting a drink. He turns to the bar and raises his hand, "Corellian Whiskey." Then at the deceleration that his crew must be escorted off the ship. He accepts the shot of whiskey downing it. Then turns without a word to walk off towards the exit and hopefully a shuttle. Ash keeps her eyes on Axel, ignoring Salin, he didn't give her orders. Neither does Axel. Cantrell does. If by will alone she can drill some damned sense into his head, then good. She falls silent till Ariana speaks. A hand moves to the woman's shoulders and she shakes her head. There are times and places for battles, and unfortunately this one was thrusted upon her. The unknown woman with topaz eyes gets a glance from Ash. A voice of reason. She shakes her head, she and Sarge will have a long discussion. She stands in silence for the declaration of their fate, if it's death, she will fight, and arm herself with the guard's weapons. But the declaration of the shuttle, she smiles. No blood will be spilt. Ironically, Carn's voice didn't sound angry at all. Though Ariana in her face isn't helping her own calm. A hand reaching for Ari's shoulder and Carn just looks into her eyes with that visor. "Vod, thank you for trying to help, but what is done, is done." is said to Ari softly, calmly, almost lovingly. Then as Cantrell makes himself known, she calls out as she steps past Ari. "Speaking of Superior men..." is muttered and then "Vod Ordo. Good to see you again. Please accept my apologies Honoured Warlord. I did not wish to disrupt the harmony of your festivities. However, I seem to have made a.. faux paux. I spoke the truth when asked to do so." Shaking that helmeted head, Axel's words register and a fierce grin spreads over her face inside the helm. Escorted off? Back to the ship? My god, it's like Christmas! That's what she wanted the moment they set foot on this ship. However, not another word is said to Axel. The man has made his intentions known, and that may make for interesting occurrences in the future. "Please tell Mandalore that I was looking forward to benefiting more from his wisdom on this tour.... I will need it if he falls and I am forced to follow his order to me to pick up and wear his helm." She figures Ash already spilled it, why not confirm it? "If I want to make threats, Vichten, I will. You cannot stop me." The Warlord advances towards Axel, his voice growing more feral and deeper, his hand balling into a fist, and the blade on his gauntlet extending further out. While staring down the Marshal, Cantrell addresses Carnylla. "It'd be wise for you to go, vod." He orders, tossing his helmet to the side. "Marshal, my belief in the Sith and the Dark Lord and absolute. But are nothing more than a spice addict. Your judgement is clouded by that poison." Turning his head to the side, he wishes everyone to remember this scene. His face twisting, he considers his words carefully before gripping Axel's throat. "You threaten my people, you threaten me, utreekov!" Venomous spit seethes out from the Warlord as his anger grows more and more. "Everyone hear this. You threaten the Mando'ade, you threaten me, and you threaten the Dark Lord. And I will not hesitate to kill you with my hands." Letting go, he pushes Axel aside, staring down the spice-head. "Remember that." Ariana looks at Sarge and actually smiles a little before Ash takes her shoulders. She looks at the Sarge before her eyes go back to the rest of the people, and she looks over at Ash, "Maybe we should go back to our quarters..." It didn't seem as if Kaley ever made any call for the droid security, but they have arrived nonetheless. "I think it would be best if you retired to your quarters for a few hours to allow cooler heads to prevail." She looks over her shoulder at Axel then lets her gaze fall on Ash. "I will see to it that any provisions you made need between now and breakfast are taken care of and sent to you there." Kaley makes no attempt to include Cantrell in her plans. He hardly seems the voice of reason in his current state of anger. So she continues speaking with Ash. "If you wouldn't mind taking those in your charge" She lets the last of the dismal fall off as she motions for them to go with the security droids. How's that for the diplomatic way of being sent to your room without dinner? Giving a slight nod of his head to what Axel says, Salin is casting a glance back towards Ash and her crew. There's another smirk, though his eyes are drawn back to Cantrell when the Warlord begins to speak. There's a lift of a brow and when Cantrell reaches out to grab Axel by the throat, the Admiral begins to take a step forward, "Then perhaps, Warlord, you should focus your attention on those that report to you? The dogs seem to think that they can disrespect the Sith Council and the Nobles that make it up. It would be wise to tighten their leash, so that things like this do not happen in the future." A pause, "And if your assessment of the Marshall was true, he would not be commanding our fighters." He's looking over towards Kaley then, listening as she speaks to Ash, he's giving only a simple nod of his head before looking back to Cantrell. Not being a part of Ash's crew or those who had also gotten involved in this unravelling ball of events, Kida finally moves, heading to the bar instead of exiting as she has yet to be told she has to do otherwise and she decides the drink she claimed needing when she arrived is very much needed now. "Whatever you have that is strong and comes in large quantities," she mutters to whomever is dispensing the drinks and then she's looking around, trying to gain some form of understanding as to what just happened. A slight smile comes to the scaled lips of the Trandoshan as he slides over next to axel during Mandalore’s speech. Setting his glass on the table and taking a draw from his cigarette, Ferrak nods to Salin’s comment. There is much validity in it. Just because they have sided with the Sith does not give free reign to every freelance Mandalorian to speak or do as they wish. Especially to high ranking Sith officials. The smoke rises slowly from his fingertips unaltered as he reaches back to grab the refill. (speaking in Basic) "Get your hands off of me, dog," Axel hisses at the Mandalorian, the repulse-field generator in the cybernetic left hand humming rapidly. There was soon to be a discharge from the weaponized bionic as Cantrell loosened his grip. The man then spits on the floor. Now was not the time for such an altercation, Axel had not lived as long as he had by letting such things transpire in areas where he wasn't the top hunter. No, he'd have further opportunities next time the Mandalorian was heading up a ground strike. After all, everyone missed targets on occasion, and sometimes planetary bombardments happened. "Get out of my way." The words Salin says do indeed sink into the Warlord's mind, however his anger clouds any reasoning. A rough swipe swats Salin aside as he storms out, the look of anger growing more as the Mandalorian's green eyes fall on Carnylla and Ash, his head turning back once more towards Axel. A wicked sneer twists the facial features as he let's out the words: "Mando’ade draar digu." (A Mando never forgets). Before slamming the doors the ball room with both of his hands . Tyy'sun looks over to the armoured sentient that has approached the bar, and says from behind his drink, "My my.. " his tattooed lekku slide subtly around his shoulders as he gestures toward the confrontation after the slamming of the hall doors reverberates around the cavernous room. The crime lord takes a sip of his whiskey and then partakes in a draw on the cigar before placing it in an ashtray nearby. "It seems not all gears are well oiled in the machine.." Hand on Ariana's shoulder, Carn simply walks towards the Turbolift along with the droids. No fighting here. No point to it, and no reason for it. Just go with the flow for now. Maybe she'll still get that chance to talk to those she considers superior while here. Maybe she'll have her armour torn off and her flesh flayed by Darth Malign. Who can say these days? But, for the moment, she's heading out as directed. No fuss, no muss. As Cantrell takes a swat at him in passing, Salin takes the rough hit with a simple step to the side, "We will speak again, Warlord. Of that, I'm sure." There's a look over his shoulder, watching as Mando storms out and then he's beginning to shake his head, ever so slightly. Eyes shift and he's focusing his attention on Axel before beginning to make his way over towards the Marshall, "It would seem, Axel, that not all things are in order here." Morrison Van Sen, VicePrex of Territory and all-around business fiend walks into the huge chamber dressed in his uniform. He is spiffy, quite spiffy indeed with his hair slicked back this time and his uniform pressed with blade-edge creases. He notes the lack of a Sector presence tonight, so he arcs toward the observation window to see where the ship has stopped for the evening. The Kallan seems to be in a quite optimistic mood. It is only after he measures the faces of those already in the room that he realizes the spirit in the room is tense. His face darkens slightly. Ash stands there, silent. Observing. Calm like winter. Her blue eyes set in white flesh watches all and then she looks to Kaley. She smiles ever so slightly, it's a shadow. Someone who has reason was present. Her right hand moves to her left shoulder in respect and she inclines her head. "A cooling of tempers may be advisable." She peers around her. "Crew, to me," she commands, "At ease," Tahn's voice that they are a family, so treat them as such is in her mind. She may have done a bad political move on her part, but killing the Mandalore’s chosen heir would have been a grave error. She will rest well with the satisfaction that she did well today, and take what Fate and Fortune send her way with stoic determination. At least Cantrell spoke. Mando'ade draar digu. She may not be one, but she lived by many of their principles. She returns her attention to the unnamed woman (Kaley), "That will be welcomed. Perhaps we can converse," She looks at the red cape. A Knight of Korriban, and she nods again. There is wisdom there, in the topaz eyes. She smiles, "Bloody Crew, depart, to our suite." She regards the woman, it's a question for later, if she is escorting them, it can wait till they are out of hostile ears. Her mask of neutrality falls at Salin's words. He doesn't get a glance from her. Instead she turns about smartly and follows her crew out. First to enter, last to leave. On her way out, she nods to Morrison. Axel watches with a bit of distaste as Cantrell storms off. Oh, he would have his revenge, but not right now. The odd-looking man motions for another drink and rubs his neck a bit while waiting for it to be poured. His cold eyes shoot towards Tyy’sun, for a moment, narrowing on the Twi'lek for a moment. When his drink arrives, he picks it up and looks back to Salin. "I fraggin hate these kinds of social events. When will Malign learn that putting the most egomaniacal people in the galaxy all in the same room never turns out well? I'm going to catch a shuttle back to my fleet or take a damned fighter if I have to. Once this fiasco is over, give me a ring and I'll let you fly wing with me to go pick on the Empire or Republic." The man then downs the entire contents of the glass of Corellian Whiskey and turns towards the turbolift. His eyes going towards Kida for a moment, wondering if all Mandalorians were as pigheaded as the two he had encountered tonight. Of course, Axel was probably as much or even more pigheaded than anyone present. A soft uttered phrase of an old Mandalorian lullaby is hummed by Kida as the server pours her a hefty amount of something dark in color and potent in its scent, something that undoubtedly causes eyes to water if the fumes were to be inhaled. Nodding her thanks, Kida takes her glass and sips from it, the room left to go unseen, her back now turned towards it and those still lingering about, a passive-aggressive sign of just how she's feeling, a physical gesture that all but screams how she is washing her hands of the entire thing even if only for the rest of this affair. Ariana obediently turns to leave as she was asked, looking up at the Mando who has a hand on her shoulder. A brief smile is given to the Sarge, before she begins to walk on out. Jek goes to stroll out with the rest of the crew. His head held high and wonders if he even drew any notice of the night. But eyes flash to Ash as she gives her order and he chews his lip wondering if he makes this out alive, if he'll go to another ball. Though as he moves with the rest of the crew to the turbo lift Axel and Salin's are both noted. Then his thoughts go back to thinking about a Twi’lek. Tyy'sun smirks to himself at the bar as the armoured sentient does not respond to him, or perhaps does not hear him. Her eagerness to be rid of the scenario altogether is evident, and the crime lord turns away on his stool to absorb the sight of those lingering about. Yes, he catches Axe's gaze from across the great hall. Eson's expression is a sabbacc face. It is as much a social play as Axel could witness from the crime lord, because Tyy'sun's expressions are always of a heightened emotional state.. a sabbacc face can mean only one thing - that he is anything but stoic in his mind. Salin is offering a slight bow of his head towards Axel, followed by a soft chuckle, "I don't think that he'll ever learn, Axel. I think that he enjoys what transpires, when we're all in the same room." He pauses then, taking a moment to look around before he's giving a slight shake of his head, "I think I will take my leave as well. Expect that call, though. It will be nice to cause some mayhem and trouble for a change. I grow tired of ..." A hand lifts and he's motioning around, ".. this." (speaking in Basic) And out they go. A silent com message of thanks to Kida's system, waiting for her to check it and likely giving her a soft chime of an incoming transmission. But other than that, Carnylla just walks along with her shipmates to the Turbolift. Not another word spoken for the moment, just going. It's the droids that escort the group away and not Kaley. But before they leave, she nods to Ash in response to the idea of a later conversation. Now is not the time for her to leave the Grand Hall. Tension is still high. She smile faintly as the group moves away and she turns back to the bar overhearing Axel and Salin. "I would guess that Darth Malign holds these functions as a test." She says leaning against the bar. "The question I wonder about is if we all will pass or fail. However, now that I think about it, this is probably another experiment to him with no right or wrong ending." Axel gives a final nod to Salin and then makes his way towards the lift, pausing only for a moment beside Kida as her back was turned. "I assure you, this room is only filled with too much testosterone, Ash's crew of the Bleeding Prostitute only adding to the increased hormone levels," He sighs then continues along his way, taking his leave of the room, using a separate turbolift than those used by Ash and crew. Lazure 08:14, 24 February 2009 (UTC) Crew Exits As the crew is brought to their suite, Ash gives the nod to technically inclined individuals to scan and disable the remaining spy equipment. She wasn't going to give the Sith bastards anymore ammo. "Damn that Axel to fiery pits of hell!" she growls once the door is closed and the all clear is sounded. "Damn him and his smug Ex-Imp friend." She starts to pace. She growls and heads for her room, seeking to change out of the corset and dress selecting pants. She then moves to the liquor cabinet and grabs a bottle of Squib Firewater and downs two shots in rapid succession. "Sarge! Front and centre." They were family. Her crew was looking at her. Thank Fortune and Fate that she managed to talk to Tahn before this supernova of a clusterfuck. Sarge is there already. Discipline is understood. Discipline is expected. "Captain." says the armour then and there, arms clasped behind the back. Prepared for punishment however it be decreed. From Ash, it would be accepted. Ariana sits in a chair and swings her feet from it as she sits there, her eyes looking at everyone. She doesn't seem to be too concerned with the current situation. OF course, giving her mental state, is it really unexpected? Jek hasn't spoken the entire time. Though he stands from the rest wearing a pair of work out pants. He's going through a basic routine and pillar of the Echani martial arts. His movement graceful and well practice. His breathing controlled and measured. His muscular chest moving in and out letting deep breath exhaled before drawing another breath in a rhythmic fashion as his arms and hands sweep through the air. "Sarge, explain to me why you went to SpaceOps Marshall Axel Vichten?" Her voice is calm. She is the heart of winter, frozen in time and that is how she will stay. The baroness will probably face exile. Most likely face a bounty. And definitely will be stripped of all rank and titles granted. Even with that many witnesses, she doubt in the patriarchal setting of the Sith that anything good will come to a woman. "Kida Ordo was in that direction, and I overheard a comment about a ship I had entertained an idea of acquiring for our missions, so I made a simple inquiry. I was hoping to speak to the Naval officer, but I suppose that my comment included the SpaceOps Marshall by default as well." Is the answer, crisp clear, to the point. Ariana continues to watch as she sits there. Her eyes taking in the form of the Sarge as she hmms faintly. Her eyes looking around the room at the other crew, before she just gives up and focuses on Ash. Ash nods, "SpaceOps Marshall is the same Axel Vichten that I detest. Did that not register with you? His Naval officer, by default also detests me." She shakes her head, "I probably should have told you the why Axel and I hate one another." She clasps her hands behind her back. "One of my ears isn't the one I was born with. In a fit of rage, Axel assaulted my person and used his repulsor hand. He grabbed my ear and then fired the hand. I, surprise, surprise, survived." She grins, "Much to his dissatisfaction. He is a spice addict, he is scum, and the Sith gave him power. Why? Because he is ruthless. He is ex-Imperial. Surprise there." She starts to pace and shakes her head. "Darth Malign puts many people into a room with conflicting personalities for his pleasure. He likes it when they fight. It keeps them too busy to usurps him. By forcing Cantrell's hand in defending you, you have guaranteed for now that the man that you hate the most will continue to rule." She shakes her head and sighs. "But it is my fault for not informing you." Carnylla Shakes her head, "I did not intend to force anyone's hand, least of all yours. I simply spoke when I was asked a question. But you are right, the man is detestable." There's a pause, but whatever she's thinking is not spoken of. "How shall I be disciplined for my lack of judgement Captain?" Ariana continues to watch, though her eyebrows did shoot up at the talk of discipline. Oh.. if only Ash could see all the thoughts running through her twisted little mind. Jek also speaks up, "It is also a test. The survival of the fittest warrior. Cutting the chaff from the grain. " His foot now flying out in a high side kick to take off some large opponents head. "Thank back to your raising and training." The Echani and Mandalorian way are different but there are a few ways they are alike. She smiles at Sarge, "Take this as a lesson of when to apply discretion. To bite your tongue. For the betterment of the crew. We are family, aliit. We are your clan and you are its member. Now, Axel will seek our heads. Cantrell is the only thing in the Sith Empire between him and us." The young Baroness informs her cohorts. "We will need to make preparations for war and battle. Axel never forgives or forget. We will have to keep ourselves allied with the House of Ordo, and Warlord Wescal Cantrell of Ordo." She nods to the Echani's words, "This is a test, and in my opinion we passed. We are loyal to our aliit. Our bonds were not broken by passion, not like the Sith." Pulling up words from the Dark Lord's own speech. Carnylla nods to Ash, and then turns the helmet towards Jek. "The Captain can talk to me like that.. and only the Captain. In the future, please keep that in mind before you open your mouth and say things you may think are wise, but are already common knowledge to us all." Then beyond Jek, Sarge sees Ariana and amends, "Okay, so to most of us." That said, he looks back to Ash and remarks, "I should confine myself to solitary for the remainder of the night just as well Captain. You have the rest of your crew to handle as well.. and my presence is not helping anyone retain their sense of self or place." That said, he just marches to the separate chamber that's been swept -clean- over and over.. and sweeps it once more before working on the shower idea. Morrison Van Sen notes the proximity of the Bloody Harlot's quarters so near to the CSA Cluster. He had note paid it any mind in the past, but it was handy now. The VicePrex raps on the door plating and then taps the announcement button issuing a tone into the suite. He waits, holding a bottle of Kallan Brandy in his right hand. Jek turns at the other warrior chiding him. The warrior that had caused all this. There was a slight to the Echani’s honour. He bristles at the Mandalorian. His eyes flash over to Ash. He'd given his captain his word he wouldn't use his hands but he was close. The Mandalorian was close. He says simply, "You have no right to speak to me like that. I do not know you and I did not see your act with warrior cunning." "Sarge!" Ash barks the command, "You will /not/ go to solitary for the remainder of the night. We are all in this together, or we do it alone." She tightens her jaw, "Jek speaks honest truth. Just like you did. Do not condemn someone for doing as you do. Here, we lead by example. I am Captain, you are third in command." She says it to remind Carnylla of her place. Indeed a few crewmen move to confront or console the Mando. She nods to Jek's words. "We talk, we communicated. That is why we are stronger than the Sith. They splinter." Never mind that most of her crew is female, and while they may bicker, they do talk. She smiles then is interrupted by the bleep at the door. It was awfully early for the Knight to be here. "Jek, please attend to the door. Ariana, ready glasses and a bottle of wine. Sarge, please." Pausing with his back turned, Sarge grows rigid. That dangerous pre-combat stillness that Mando and Echani alike would recognize. "I have no.. right?" he asks, "And yet you -do- have the right to talk down to -me-?" The Visor turns back towards Ash and Sarge adds, "Captain... vod I report to you. You've my allegiance.." And then looking to Jek as the whole armour turns to face the man again. "Warrior's cunning is only necessary when one is dealing with an enemy. That man was not -officially- an enemy until he declared myself one. I will ask you to not talk down to one ranked above you in the command structure of this team. Insubordination to me is Insubordination to your Captain. Now.. yes right, Captain, I consider myself.. restrained." And as the Sarge walks over to a wall to prop it up with his back, the blades in -his- gauntlets are sliding back into their sheathes. Hrm... Looks like they decided to let Carn keep that system. When the door is answered, Van Sen can hear the raised voices filtering in. His face passes to professional and he extends the bottle of Kallan Whiskey to the pale figure. "Greetings, my name is Morrison Van Sen of the Corporate Sector Authority. I wish to speak to your captain, but I," he looks over the man's shoulder to the room beyond, "Understand that this might not be the right time. Extend this gift to her, it is a rare vintage of Kallan Whiskey. It fetches 60,000 credits on Etti IV, it is a token of my desire to develop ties between our groups." Having said his peace, Van Sen retires to his suite leaving the ship's crew to iron out their differences. Ariana looks at Carn and Jek as she swings her legs for a few more moments before she stands up. "Yes, Captain," she says softly, before she looks back over at Carn and Jek, "Can you two just get along? Jeez... maybe I should start acting like you all... decide to just kill someone while they slept," she mutter as she grabs the wine and glasses. Jek eyes narrow and he snorts. He's too far past angry to let words work out this situation. The room was becoming too Mando for his tastes. That and he probably wouldn't see Kortana again. This situation would be dealt with another time. He needed this crew if he was going to make it off this ship alive. He moves to answer the door as instructed. Then he simply frowns when he finds no one there. (Since Morrison had to leave.) Ash blinks at Carnylla's words, and then to Jek. She sighs. The entire room is in an uproar. Some trying to keep the peace, some looking for a fight. Perhaps she should commit seppuku. "Who is a Blood Harlot?" she calls out. After waiting for a reply, if any, "Where is our enemy? What is the Bloody Harlot?" She sees the bottle of Kallan Whiskey and arches her brows, perhaps this can be salvaged. Perhaps the young woman should give politics a hand. She returns to settling her crew. "Rule one: If you have a problem you do not fight it out. Rule two: You bring said problem to the Captain, the First Mate or the Sergeant at Arms, failing that you seek out the Morale Officer and tell her. Rule three," What's this, there was never a rule three. But she needed to grab some sanity before she screams. As it is, she is not shouting, she is projecting her voice. She repeats, "Rule three: When in hostile territory, listen to the Captain." She sets her hands at her waist, her arms crossed her classic pose of defiance. "We will not allow the Dark Lord to win this round. Everyone take a breath and count to ten." She commands. Ariana takes her breath as she sits there, before she counts to ten. She frowns as she sits there, and she moves over to Ash, before she attempts to nuzzle into the woman once more, as she says softly, "Please." Jek shuts the door and he listens to the captain speak. Actually he watches how she moves and her gestures. He doesn't raise his voice as that would soil his actions. If Ash or Ariana watch him closely. They can tell he's still mad but he's trying to be as open and be part of the group. Ash's movements reveal that she's upon a brink and trying to keep herself together, for the best of the crew. At Ariana's nuzzling, Ash takes her into her arms and embraces the woman, needing the physical contact, but she doesn't break. She will not break in front of her crew. Not now. She draws strength from the unlikely source: Ariana. Her touch is enough to calm the woman and bring her back. The Ice Queen is back. "We need to survive this. Together we will live. Axel is our enemy, but we will continue to take contracts." She smiles, "We will learn what we can about them, and hunt Axel and his." Sith are about strength. While they continue to see her as week, she will grow strong. She will kill and she will keep what she kills. Ariana lets out a soft whimper at the embrace, a faint smile coming to her lips as she slowly looks back up at her captain, her savoir. For now, there is that unspoken bond between the two women as she sits there in Ash's lap. Her eyes slowly closing before she nuzzles again, drawing herself tight against the form of her Captain. The crew slowly disappears to their quarters. Taking what the captain had just said and going to think on it. It's not likely that there will be much in the way of sleep. Indeed two post themselves at the door as guards. Ash slowly disentangles herself from Ariana and kisses the childlike woman on the forehead. "Thank you," she murmurs, "For defending me and speaking to Sarge." She smiles, and then heads to take care of the bottle of Kallan Whiskey. She sets it in the kitchen area. "If we get out of this alive and intact, we will crack it open." She smiles and then mixes herself a triple strong Bloody Imperial. The hug felt like eternity. It was good. Ariana looks after her as she goes to the kitchen area and she slowly follows after her. "It wasn't a problem, Ash," she says softly as she watches the woman, something that looks like a smile on her lips as she leans against a wall. For the moment her green eyes just watch the other woman quietly, no thoughts of rivers of blood and logs of dismembered people. Her head is quiet for once as she lets out a soft sigh, her green eyes sad, as she reaches up to move some of her hair. Another figure enters the Bloody Harlot suite, the guards let him in, after all he is the First Mate, but he has been away for a while, and has no idea what is going. As he peers around he seems unfamiliar faces, which leaves him a little on edge, but he had not come here to get reacquainted, but rather to admit something finally, that his life was elsewhere. The well dressed executive searches out for the young woman who is his Captain. As he approaches her the look of sadness everywhere is apparent, he simply asks, "What is wrong?" "Why are you here?" she turns to the familiar voice, hers filled with concern. "You should stay far, far away and remain with Tahn." She knows, she had spoken to Tahn early and had suspected that he was going to jump ship. She takes a sip from her dink. Sip? Yeah a third of it is gone. "I am certain if you listen to the Sith, you will learn." She shakes her head, "You should depart from here and forget about us." Trying to protect the man. Ariana looks at the new person, and doesn't say anything, the woman just continuing to lean against the wall. Her emerald gaze moving towards the floor as she thinks things over, trying to come to a plan or something that they can do. Curse having no weapons. Sadim looks surprised by the level of tension, he does not say anything for a moment, he just moves closer to Ash, "While my life has taken me further and further from your ship, my heart still holds affection it, for you, for the crew, for you." He stands in place and continues, "I came to talk, to tell you of what is new for me, the excitement my life now holds, but that it appears is not important right now. What happened with the Sith? I have been doing research for several hours and I have not spoken to anyone during that time." He shouldn't be surprise that she's in trouble, since she's always beat to hell. But it wasn't his problem anymore and so she smiles at him. "You are working to Tahn, archaeological dig, if I know Tahn well." She smiles gently, "He and I spoke, and I will tell you the same as I told him, my friend. There will always be a room for you on the ship." She keeps the smile there, while her thoughts are more akin, if there's ship. "Also, if whatever endeavours you are presently on have any danger, do not hesitate to call us." She grins again. If she can get one of hers out to safety she will do her damnedest to push him away from her. Ariana continues to listen to the talk quietly, as her mind works on finding some sort of plan to get the crew out of there, or more importantly everyone out with the minimum of bloodshed. "I do have some ventures with Tahn, yes." Sadim smiles slightly as if to confirm what Ash suspects without it being said, "My skills as a linguist are finally going to become important again. But this is only one thing that draws me astray....I am glad to know there is always a place for me, the place you had for me meant a great deal to me." Sadim sits down, "Especially after Deralia was destroyed, you kept me sane, you gave me a home, I will always be grateful. But I have finally found after 37 years a galaxy that finally seems like mine for the taking, too many opportunities to not be passed up. And for me to stay would be unfair to all of you, because there is work for me to do that is going to keep my quite busy and I would be letting your down to try to hold on when I have not been giving you my best for the past several weeks. But I do hope will be able to repay all that you have done for me. I suspect my new career is one that may allow me to throw some work your way." Sadim pauses and looks around for a moment before adding, "But you still haven't told me what went wrong with the Sith, with everyone being so sad, I suspect it is more important at the moment then our goodbyes." Sad? Angry? Plotting revenge? The emotions are mixed. "Sarge asked Axel about skiprays, and Axel insulted in turning him down." She sighs, "Axel then challenged Sarge's reason for keeping his helm on when other Mando'ade walk helmetless. He said he felt insulted. Sarge's reply was blunt, to the point and included his dislike of the Sith. Axel declared Sarge an enemy of the Empire, and order that he be thrown out of the Airlock. As much as you adore your war hero, know that he is a spice addict, member of one of the blood cults, and would do just that." More probably if he knew that Sarge was a woman. She sighs again, "I intervened. Tyy'sun last night had cause near fights with both Tahn and Cantrell, yet he wasn't thrown out of an airlock. He wasn't declared enemy. This I pointed out to Axel. I also told him executing Mandalore the Wise's chosen heir would be a bad political move, one that could potentially split the Mando'ade from the Sith and cause a war. I was to be executed too, until a Knight of Korriban, a woman with topaz eyes, intervened. So, all the crew of the Harlot, involved or not are waiting for judgement. Hence, why you shouldn't be here." She shrugs. If it was death, she would fight till her last breath. Ariana growls ferally as she stands there. "Son of a bitch is gonna get his... I promise you that," she murmurs as she stands there. She clenches her fist as she stands there, "Very slowly.... and veeeeeeery painful. I think I might just learn patience with him. Let him see everything that I do. Might cut off his real hand and boil it... then eat it in front of him... make him watch me as I suck the meat of the bones." Sadim is shocked, truly shocked, by something or some of the things said. His jaw practically drops as he tries to take it all in. After a few moments he composes himself, "Well I don't know where to begin....though how the hell did Sarge become heir to Mandalore the Wise, I am not sure I see the wisdom in naming a successor who has a skewed view of his own people's history." Sadim frowns as he starts considering the implications, "And I hardly think that I will get myself in trouble for visiting my old crew, even if they are condemned prisoners. I came here on the ship of someone in good standing, I am in good standing with your nemesis, and I have a feeling that the Sith would rather use my talents than kill me if it came down to it. So what is more important right now is how we get the Sith off all of your backs. Or is it only Axel Vichten that needs to be appeased?" Ash closes her eyes and sighs then looks at Sadim. "If they need your talents they will enslave you rather than kill you if they fully knew you were part of our crew. As to Axel," she snerks, "I am the Guardian of Mandalore's heir. If he wants to kill Sarge, he will kill me in his place. I will not allow for any of my crew to be executed. If that placates Axel, then so be it." She frowns, "Though I never got a chance to talk to Mandalore, I never thought I could do this guardian gig, and I have failed. Utterly." She shakes her head, this was getting to her. "Darth Malign said yesternight may all of your bonds be broken by passion. This I suspect is something he knew he would happen. Hence all of the conflicting personalities. It's just with someone like Axel," she shuts her mouth. How can she explain she learned that Axel had gotten punished for disobeying Malign's direct orders and was inscribed with Sith Tattoos, that marked him as Malign's property? She can't. Not without blowing her cover. Here, without weapons, without guaranteed back up... she smirks. L'ck could slice. "Inform Tahn that I failed at keeping the peace with Axel, please." she sets up the pieces on the board, "That a political blunder would have occurred if I hadn't interfered at the cost of my vod's life. Also find Mandalore and inform him that it is imperative that he come to me in the harlot chambers so I can talk to him." She continues to think, "And if you are as good as making friends with the high mucky ups as you like to keep pointing out, you may even want to skip Axel and talk to Malign." The last she truly doubts will happen. She had been stripped of rank, then exiled, this time, it will be her death. Perhaps her case was a lost cause. But this is a ship, and there is an armoury somewhere, and the plates in the ceiling must come up. Here Sadim came ostensibly to quit, but it seems he is getting new directives from his Captain. He considers all that is said before responding, he would take action, but on his one terms, "I will endeavour to pass along your messages dear. Tahn should be easy enough to talk. I am not sure if I can easily get and audience with Mandalore or not, I suspect I should be able to, I was hoping to talk to him about MandalMotors anyways, so if my personal connexions, and speaking Mando'a to get his attention the fact I am the Chairman of the Galactic Swoop League will hopefully make up for that. And will see what other Sith I have to talk to make this situation dissipate. Though if I am of any help you will have to stop getting annoyed at my connexions. I know I am not the only person in the universe who knows people, but let me enjoy whatever ability I have to get around at the top of the world now, I spent looking in from the outside." Sadim takes a breath as he considers exactly who he will have to talk to or what he will have to say to improve the situation. I he did want to see Ash executed, he did not even want to see Carnylla executed. They are his friends, but in the universe conflict is inevitable, but having lost his own family, Sadim is determined now to change the outcome of the universe, "I am sure I can get an audience with Malign if I need to, or with anyone else around here who will be helpful. I do after all share friends with some of these people." (speaking in Sithese) Shaking her head, "Axel assaulted me and left me near dead several months back. He is the one who hates me. His order to kill Sarge isn't of my hand." She sighs, hating this language. "You would be better off starting with Mandalore and using the fact that his heir is in danger as a means to gain audience. But who am I to know anything, I'm the reject who fled Merr-Sonn because she couldn't handle it." Ash laughs, the captivity slowly getting to her, it had only been hours. She cannot let him know how dangerous she will be in a few hours more, captivity was never a thing for her. Even Tahn knew that. (speaking in Sithese) Ariana can sense some of the tenseness in Ash's voice, and the psycho-pilot moves from her brooding over towards Ash. Green eyes looking at her, before she moves past, and then with easy fingers, Ariana begins to give the Captain a shoulder-rub. "Running into the Sith like this?" She laughs, "I am on good terms with Warlord Cantrell." Ash shakes her head. "Fine, don't listen to my advice," who was the member of the Sith Empire and who wasn't. Let him learn his own way. Someone will decide that they do not like him... She shakes her thoughts from her head. She snerks, "Because I'm a strong willed woman who rubbed him the wrong way once. And if you think I should have allowed him to throw one of my crew out, when he did not reprimand Tyy'sun for his running of the mouth, then you do not know me as well as you think you do." She downs the rest of the drink and accepts the shoulder rub, without so much as actually acknowledging that it is happening." "I wasn't there, I don't know what you should have done dear. But given that you mentioned a lot of planned executions in it you will forgive me if I don't think that it was necessarily the best thing going." Sadim stands, "Perhaps having agreed to protect a fool for Mandalore the Wise, you were in an impossible situation that lead to no other choices. But you did bring someone with a poor sense of diplomacy and a skewed vision of the Sith to a Sith Ball. Protecting a fool is a fool's errand. It may have been the right thing to do, but I do not wish to be on the same path you are on. I will help you how I can, because I care deeply for you, for you all. But if I am going to navigate these waters of contradiction and chaos that envelope this journey, I will have to find my own path." Sadim moves to depart, he bows to Ash, he wants to do more, but he is too discouraged to, too worn out to, and does not wish his arms ripped off if he attempts to hug her, "I wish you luck with this, and hope you wish the same for me....and that we come out of this all in a better place." She slowly nods, and sighs. She was a fool for having honour. How many times did it get her into trouble with the Sith? She starts for him, but seeing no sign of a welcomed embrace before departing, her mask of neutrality slips off just a little, revealing a flicker of rejections, perhaps not discernable. But she nods. "May Fate and Fortune smile upon you," she intones, truly meaning it, but it's hard when a friendship comes to the end. Feeling abandoned and now questioning his true position, she turns and heads for her room. "Rest well, when you get there." The door slides closed and she slides down it, in utter defeat of the situation that Fate and Fortune had gifted her. She, a fool? For thinking that Carnylla would hold her tongue? She had hoped. She truly had. And this is when the weakness that Ash had been fighting all along comes out. She promised herself she wouldn't cry in front of her crew, from the stress, emotional chaos and her inability to shoulder a duty that she had no say in. There were some moments when the Captain was just an adolescent girl.