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Individual models
See also Dispersion models Below follows an alphabetic list of atmospheric dispersion models. You can create a page for any of the models - and you are free to add more models. The pages on the present Wiki are not intended to duplicate the official web sites of the individual models, but should primarily add information that is not already on the official web site - such as user comments. Here is a direct link to a listing of all models in the MDS, leading to official information on the models.
n5: n7:
See also Dispersion models Below follows an alphabetic list of atmospheric dispersion models. You can create a page for any of the models - and you are free to add more models. The pages on the present Wiki are not intended to duplicate the official web sites of the individual models, but should primarily add information that is not already on the official web site - such as user comments. The initial list of models was created simply by including all 109 models present in the database of the Model Documentation System (MDS) in December 2005. (The MDS is a service run by the European Topic Centre on Air and Climate Change, under the EEA - the European Environment Agency.) Here is a direct link to a listing of all models in the MDS, leading to official information on the models. Below, in the list of model names, a name is in red if there is not yet a web page referring to it here on the wiki. Simply click on a model name and add contents if you have a contribution. However, please follow the Rules of conduct when you do so. * ADMS-3 * ADMS-Roads-Extra * ADMS-Urban * ADREA * ADREA-HF * AERMOD * AERMOD-HNS * AEROPOL * AIPOC * AODM * ATSTEP * AUSPLUME * AUSPUFF * AUTOMOD * AirQUIS-EPISODE * BUO-FMI * BoxSTREET * CALGRID * CALINE4 * CALPUFF * CAMx * CAR-FMI * CAR-International * CFX-TASCflow * CHIMERE * CPB3 * DIPCOT * DISPERSION21 * DISPMOD * DISPLAY-2 * EK100W * EMAP * EMEP Unified Model * EPIS * EURAD * EUROS * FARM * FLEXPART * FLEXTRA * GASTAR * GRAL * GRAM * HARM * HAVAR * HNS-COUNTRYWIDE * HNS-TRANSMISSION * IFDM * IMSM * INPUFF-U * IVL * KFZ.LAG * KIDLER * KKW.LAG * LADM * LASAT * LED * LOTOS-EUROS * MAGTOS * MAP * MARS * MCCM * MEMO * MEMOTTT * MERCURE * METPHOMOD * METRAS * MILORD * MIMO * MLTT * MODIM * MUSE * NAME * NORMAL * OFIS * OML * OND-86 * ONM9440 * OPANA * OPS * OSPM * PAES * PEARL * PLUME * PLUME-Plus * POLGRAPH * PPM * PROKAS_B * PROKAS_V * Panache * PolluMap * PUFF-PLUME * RADM * REMOTA * RIMPUFF * SAFE_AIR_II * SEP_SCAM * SEVEX * SLP-2D * SMOG * SMOGSTOP * SPRAY * STACKS * STEM * STOCHEM * STOER.LAG * SYMOS97 * ScalExNeuro * TAMOS * TAMOS-D * TAPM * TCAM * THOR * TNO-Isaksen * TNO-Traffic * TRANSCHIM * TROPOS * UDM * UDM-FMI * UK-Trajectory * VADIS * WinMISKAM * CHARM * VANADIS