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Jolt (Armada Fanon)
Bio: Jolt's workload has been high ever since he took it upon himself to help Hot Shot mature and learn about teamwork. Trying to hammer home this message to the sometimes receptive, sometimes uninterested Autobot has been hard on the Mini-Con, but Jolt feels it's worth the effort. Like many, Jolt has experienced Hot Shot's selfless bravery on the battlefield, seeing the young mechanoid rescue endangered comrades and innocent humans with no regard for his own safety. Having witnessed these acts of bravery, Jolt is able to calmly put up with Hot Shot's difficult moments... most of the time.
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Bio: Jolt's workload has been high ever since he took it upon himself to help Hot Shot mature and learn about teamwork. Trying to hammer home this message to the sometimes receptive, sometimes uninterested Autobot has been hard on the Mini-Con, but Jolt feels it's worth the effort. Like many, Jolt has experienced Hot Shot's selfless bravery on the battlefield, seeing the young mechanoid rescue endangered comrades and innocent humans with no regard for his own safety. Having witnessed these acts of bravery, Jolt is able to calmly put up with Hot Shot's difficult moments... most of the time. Weapons and Abilities: In vehicle mode, Subject becomes a turbo-powered helicopter. By attaching to Hot Shot at various points, Subject can grant the Autobot limited flight capabilities, super-speed, and the addition of frontmounted grabbing claws. Weaknesses: Subject's biggest weakness is his own partner; Hot Shot frequently takes chances in combat that endanger both of them, especially the more fragile Mini-Con.