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The standard configuration Baneblade is a powerful main battle tank with no particular strength or weakness. It is best deployed in the role of heavy infantry support, where it can engage both infantry waves with its Heavy Bolters and Demolisher Cannon, while at the same time punish enemy armour with its Mega Battle Cannon and Lascannons. The sight of a mighty Baneblade rumbling forward is a major boost for any supporting Imperial infantry's morale, and when correctly supported, the Baneblade excels at decimating anything smaller than itself with its large array of guns while crushing the remains of its enemies under its massive tracks. This combination of inspiring presence on the battlefield and tremendous capacity for destruction explains why the Baneblade is favoured as a command vehic The Baneblade and its variants are amongst the oldest Imperial tank designs still in use. Created using Dark Age Standard Template Construct technology, it uses many systems that are now unique to its construction. This ancient STC data is limited to only a handful of Forge Worlds, and most of the original Baneblades come from Mars itself.
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The Baneblade and its variants are amongst the oldest Imperial tank designs still in use. Created using Dark Age Standard Template Construct technology, it uses many systems that are now unique to its construction. This ancient STC data is limited to only a handful of Forge Worlds, and most of the original Baneblades come from Mars itself. It is claimed that in the past there were whole divisions of Baneblades in the Emperor's service, but today an Imperial army is fortunate to have a company of three, and more usually only a single Baneblade will be available. This is because there is immense demand for the Baneblade, both for its highly destructive abilities and survivability, and also for the morale boost seeing such a behemoth gives the troops. For these reasons, the millennia have seen a slow but sure increase in the number of 'counterfeit' Baneblades seeing service in the Imperial army. These Baneblades, produced by Forge Worlds eager to secure large military contracts and trade concessions, do not incorporate all of the available STC data that is on those from Mars and the few other favoured Forge Worlds. While a true Baneblade uses much more powerful rocket-propelled shells in its main battle cannon, a second generation Baneblade (as the Adepts of Mars refer to these tanks) uses only standard battle cannon ammunition. Similarly, the reinforced mount of the Demolisher cannon in a true Baneblade allows it to lay down a devastating bombardment as it advances, while second-generation Baneblades normally mount a second battle cannon in the hull. These are not the only differences, for the original Baneblade design has improved internal armour bracing, greater engine performance and transmission, superior comms and tactical logic systems, and all manner of other secondary systems which are far superior to those of the second-generation war machines. There is one sure way for a commander to know if he has a true Baneblade placed under him. Each Baneblade constructed and consecrated on those Forge Worlds that have the original STC is logged and registered with Mars, and is given its own identity number and name. Its whereabouts, the warzones it has fought in, the crew rosters and all its other history are reported regularly to the originating Forge World so that the fate of each and every Baneblade might be known - if one knows where to look... The standard configuration Baneblade is a powerful main battle tank with no particular strength or weakness. It is best deployed in the role of heavy infantry support, where it can engage both infantry waves with its Heavy Bolters and Demolisher Cannon, while at the same time punish enemy armour with its Mega Battle Cannon and Lascannons. The sight of a mighty Baneblade rumbling forward is a major boost for any supporting Imperial infantry's morale, and when correctly supported, the Baneblade excels at decimating anything smaller than itself with its large array of guns while crushing the remains of its enemies under its massive tracks. This combination of inspiring presence on the battlefield and tremendous capacity for destruction explains why the Baneblade is favoured as a command vehicle by regimental commanders and even members of the Imperial General Staff who decide to take to the field. Such Command Baneblades are specially equipped with powerful Vox arrays and tactical planning equipment, allowing the officer in charge to keep control of his troops while he participates in the fighting. For all its might, however, the Baneblade is not perfect: it is slow, lacks maneuverability and is a very large target. Baneblades are also not as effective when facing dedicated anti-armour vehicles due to the relative short range of their weapons. A single tank hunter like a Leman Russ Vanquisher can easily damage or even destroy a Baneblade long before it comes into range of the smaller tank. This is why the very adaptable chassis of the Baneblade has been used over the millennia to create more dedicated variants, from the Shadowsword Titan-killer which forgoes almost all other weapons to sport a Volcano Cannon; to the Stormlord line-breaker tank which gives up all anti-armour weaponry in favour of a Vulcan Mega Bolter, a greater number of Heavy Bolters, and the capacity to transport an entire platoon of Imperial Guardsmen.