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To Phin is Human
Isabella E. Coyote captures her pet, Phineas, by forcing him into a sack. However, Phineas is easily able to escape his predicament (by producing two holes by his tools; "What ya got in the bag, doc?" Phineas asks, prompting Isabella E. Coyote's long-winded explanation about how she's a genius). Phineas replaces himself with dynamite, and it isn't long before Isabella E. Coyote is the victim of a pair of explosions, the second coming when she runs to the elevator. She says to the audience "Poor chap, he'd his chance. Now she must take the consequences."
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Isabella E. Coyote captures her pet, Phineas, by forcing him into a sack. However, Phineas is easily able to escape his predicament (by producing two holes by his tools; "What ya got in the bag, doc?" Phineas asks, prompting Isabella E. Coyote's long-winded explanation about how she's a genius). Phineas replaces himself with dynamite, and it isn't long before Isabella E. Coyote is the victim of a pair of explosions, the second coming when she runs to the elevator. She says to the audience "Poor chap, he'd his chance. Now she must take the consequences." The determined girl then builds his latest contraption: A do-it-yourself UNIVAC Electronic Brain, which she consults for suggestions in capturing Phineas. The machine provides the recommendations after Isabella E. supplies key words. Isabella E. Coyote's efforts include the following: * "Kid," "in house," and "special homade lock." The UNIVAC suggests burglary methods, providing a tip to pick a lock on the door of Phineas's house. Isabella E. Coyote breaks in that night, but slips on a banana peel Phineas nonchalantly places at the base of his house. Isabella falls into the Isabella E. Coyote Disposal and over a cliff screaming "CURSE YOU PHINEAS FLYNNNNNNNNNNNN!". * "Breakfast," "toaster," and "bread," resulting in Isabella E. Coyote placing hand grenades in Phineas's toaster. The grenades spring right back at Isabella and explode in her face. Phineas then quotes "One of these days, I'm going to have that spring fixed." * Upon asking "What now?", Isabella tries a plunger, but Phineas uses a ventilation pipe to cause his would-be captor to get sucked in. * A recommendation to "slip TNT stick into vacuum cleaner" appears to be the break Isabella E. Coyote is looking for, as the live stick is vacuumed up. However, Isabella E. Coyote doesn't count on Phineas emptying the vacuum bag into a garbage can that she's hiding in. * "Well, how about trying a booby trap in the tool patch?" Isabella E. Coyote places a boulder above Phineas' tool patch, but Phineas safely gets the tools meant to set Isabella loose the trap (wearing a bonnet and bow and tie and nonchalantly singing (to the tune of "Time Waits For No One") "Tools wait for no one, so I'll pick them now / Before they're eaten by some sloppy cow / Carrots wait for no one, so I'll pick them now."). However, when Isabella E. Coyote pulls at the trap, it's triggered. A panicked Isabella E. Coyote desperately asks the UNIVAC, "Rock," "falling." "What," "will","I," "do?" The answer provides no solace: "Go back and take your medicine." Isabella E. goes back and is flattened by the boulder, once and for all. The UNIVAC's intelligence is then revealed to be Phineas Flynn when the computer screen slides open. Phineas then quotes "Of course the real beauty of this machine is that it has only one moving part."