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n56: n62:
The Pilgrim The Pilgrim
Composição: Janick Gers/Steve Harris The keys to death and hell The ailing kingdom doomed to fail The bonds of sin and heart will break The pilgrims course will take Quelling the devils might And ready for eternal fight Aching limbs and fainting soul Holy battles take their toll Liberty and hope divine Changing the water into wine So to you we bid farewell Kingdom of heaven to hell Spirit holy life eternal Raise me up take me home Pilgrim sunrise pagan sunset Onward journey begun To courage find and gracious will Deliver good from ill Clean the water clean our guilt With us do what you will To my eternal hell ‘Ah, I knew my lovely singing voice would bring the crowd,’ the Pilgrim said, catching sight of me, before taking a swing of her drink and jumping down to meet us. ‘So, you’re my escort then? My father said you’d be coming by.’ She then turned her attention to Storm when he came up to greet her. ‘Hey there, boy! Oh, you’re a strong handsome fellow, aren’t you? I’ll feel better having you in that cave, yes I will!’ She then turned her attention back to me. ‘I’m Sparrow, by the way,’ I said. ‘And you just met my dog, Storm.’ ‘No, but I kind of figured it out for myself.’ I said. The Pilgrim is a title reward given by the achievement Pilgrim. The title appears after your character's name: the Pilgrim Use the card to listen to what Theresa has to say about it. The Pilgrim is the soul in search of spiritual truth and freedom. The white of the robes represents purity, while the red lining is sometimes seen as an expression of controlled anger. The open arms are a sign of both an open mind and a giving nature, though it is also interpreted at times as a desire for some unreachable goal. The branches that sprout in the background represent growth. Though a positive card overall, the Pilgrim stands on water, which indicates uncertainty and a need for salvation. The Pilgrim is a City of Heroes and City of Villains contact located in Ouroboros at coordinates (313, 666.6, -769). __TOC__
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n15: n61:
Longbow Rikti
There you are. Mender Lazarus has told me so much about you, I feel I should tell you a little about myself. I am the last Kheldian. For you, I'm sure this is hard to believe, but there is a storm coming. More destructive than any before it. This galaxy holds a threat that is far superior to the Rikti race. This threat is the one that rounded up my kind to fuel their battle fleets as living energy cells. I was the only one to escape, and Mender Silos gave me a chance to change things here and now. This is the time to make a difference, and a difference I will make. One of the key elements to this great cataclysm is the Rikti War that is currently occurring. I need you to infiltrate one of their bases and defeat one of their war generals named Loc'Danan. I will then slip forward in time and see if his defeat has had a desired effect. You may even meet an old friend in the caves to assist you. Great, another cave dweller sent to me by Lazarus the Luddite. I bet he wants me to explain Temporal Scaling to you? Wonderful. Another waste of time. Here's an idea, experience it for yourself. Well, what are you waiting for? Get going!
The Happenings
You defeated the Rikti General! You found the information you needed! You have defeated Longbow and secured your exit. You have destroyed the source of the Shivan invasion! You have defeated all the thugs and found the formula. Click the Exit button next to your compass to leave the map immediately.
Dear ... Rikti Intelligence The Happenings I Floppy Disk The Pilgrim Blank Floppy Disk Formula
I will travel forward later to see if that had any effect. I hate to say it was all for naught, but we have yet to be successful with this type of venture. Perhaps there is something we do not fully understand regarding the time line, some variable we haven't accurately calculated. I am hoping this one turns out better than the others. You should go speak with Mender Silos now, he can fill you in more on the coming storm. 1.262304E8 This is the formula Dr. Miller needs to reverse the Rikti mutation drug. I am glad to finally meet you, or re-meet you in this case. My name is Mender Silos, and I am over one million years old. I come from the future, near the end of time itself. I created Ouroboros so that we could have a centralized location to try and mend the past. I am sure Lazarus told you about the Carbon Law, and the tethers we from the future have. Of course, I am far beyond my tether, but this wouldn't be the first law I have broken. I have been planning this for a very, very long time. This threat... in the near future, I call it the 'coming storm.' Earth will be attacked by it, and will be unable to defend herself due to extenuating circumstances. I plan on changing that. The first step in eliminating this storm is to remove its scouts from a point in your near future. If you would be so kind as to go forward in time and help Mender Lazarus. Once they are defeated, Ouroboros will begin charting the causality wake to determine the outcome upon your time stream. While time traveling into the past, you visit a 5th Column base and in a crate you find a hand written letter addressed to you... Hello. Please forgive the impersonal form of communication. I do not yet trust you for an in-person meeting; this was the only way that I could be sure you would still receive this message. Time travel does unpredictable things to electronics, magic and bionetics; otherwise, I would have chosen a more contemporary method. Obviously, we both know that you have begun time traveling. This may be new to you, but for me and mine it is well documented. Ouroboros has made its presence known to your city, likely espousing some rhetoric regarding a 'rapture' or an 'apocalypse' or some other vague, well-crafted phrase from Mender Silos. I am writing to tell you not to trust him or his Menders. They claim to 'fix' the time stream to avoid a cataclysmic event in the future, but do not believe them. You may not believe me yet, that is fine, prudent in fact, but let me ask you this: if there is truly an event of this nature on the horizon, why did they not take you there? Are you not one of the chosen keepers of the secret? Have you stopped to ask what secret they are really guarding? I warn you: do not openly question Ouroboros. That would be foolish. I simply ask that you search for more of my letters and seek me in the pillar. When the time is right, I will make myself known. You will either be at my side, tearing down the enclave or you will be buried under its ruins as it falls into the sea. The choice is yours. Chief Mentalist This disk now contains the information Mender Lazarus was looking for. Loc'Danan had a small metallic storage device attached to the inner plating of his armor. You can't access the data directly, but you see Rikti Astronomical symbols circling the edge of the device. This leads you to believe the information is astronomical in nature. This disk is five and a quarter inches in size, and can hold up to 360k of data on each side. Well done, I knew you'd pull it off! Well, I knew it because you had already pulled it off by the time we first met, but I am starting to get a headache thinking about that. Speaking of headaches, you should probably talk to Mender Tesseract now. She can tell you about Temporal Scaling, which is why sometimes you won't be as powerful as you think you should be when you are traveling through time.
Guardian Debriefing Chief_Mentalist_2 Briefing
Villain entrance: The future... Atlas Park in ruins... That's a start, but you've got a job to do. You take a while to adjust to the chronal energies, but your body tells you that you are displaced in time and space. You have no idea how the Rikti are involved, but hopefully defeating this General can help Twilight's Son's race. Hero entrance: The future... not exactly what you hoped it would be, but you've got a job to do.
n9: n69: n30: n77:
Retrieve Computer Information Find cure for Outbreak plague Speak with Mender Lazarus Defeat General Loc'Danan Defeat source of Shivan attacks Speak to Mender Tesseract Speak with Mender Silos Speak to the Twilight's Son Mend the Zig Escape
Mender of Ouroboros
Ouroboros n78:
Rescue Mender Lazarus Retrieve formula **7 People to rescue **25 Contaminated to Defeat Defeat Lt. Frou **Defeat Lt. Springton **6 People to break out **25 Longbow to Defeat Rescue Mender Lazarus **Defeat General Loc'Danan
Azaelia Silmarwen
Mender Silos Mender Lazarus Mender Tesseract Twilight's Son
Well done. Destroying those Shivans should provide security for a while longer. I desire to reveal the entity disrupting our time stream. Someone or something is going back and changing seemingly insignificant parts of the recent past. Inductive reasoning dictates that while these events appear insignificant, that in fact there is a grand tapestry yet to be revealed. Do not concern yourself with this. You have just grasped the basic concepts of what you call time travel. You can now use our Pillar of Ice and Flame to go back and mend some of your previous exploits, or even experience past events that you didn't take part in. Depending on how far back you go, you'll experience some form of Temporal Scaling, so you might want to bring a group to help you. Thank you for all you have done for Ouroboros, I think you should go back to The Pilgrim now and see if he has anything further. Oh, you succeeded. Well, even the most primitive cave dweller finds fire eventually. As you could see from that little exercise you lost access to a whole slew of your abilities. It was basically your body adjusting to a different time stream. We call this Temporal Scaling. It doesn't happen all the time, but when it does it can come as a shock. It adjusts what you call 'Combat Level' in this time period to fit that of the time stream you are now in. Different streams have different scaling. I chose that mission for you because it is the harshest form of scaling out there, and what better way to drive the point home? Now, go talk to Twilight's Son... he has more patience to set you up with Ouroboros than I do.
The Pilgrim is a City of Heroes and City of Villains contact located in Ouroboros at coordinates (313, 666.6, -769). __TOC__ Composição: Janick Gers/Steve Harris The keys to death and hell The ailing kingdom doomed to fail The bonds of sin and heart will break The pilgrims course will take Quelling the devils might And ready for eternal fight Aching limbs and fainting soul Holy battles take their toll Liberty and hope divine Changing the water into wine So to you we bid farewell Kingdom of heaven to hell Spirit holy life eternal Raise me up take me home Pilgrim sunrise pagan sunset Onward journey begun To courage find and gracious will Deliver good from ill Clean the water clean our guilt With us do what you will Then will my judge appear Bear no false angel that I hear For only then I will confess To my eternal hell Now give us our holy sign Changing the water into wine So to you we bid farewell Kingdom of heaven to hell Spirit holy life eternal Raise me up take me home Pilgrim sunrise pagan sunset Onward journey begun As chaves para a morte e para o inferno O reino da aflição condenado a falhar Os elos do pecado e do coração irão se romper O curso dos peregrinos iremos seguir Mitigando o poder do demônio E se preparado para a luta eterna Membros doloridos e almas indistintas Batalhas sagradas que levam o imposto deles Liberdade e esperança divinas Tornando água em vinho Então de você nós nos despedimos Reino do paraíso para o inferno Espirito santo, vida eterna Me eleve aos céus, me leve pra casa O nascer-do-sol do peregrino, o por-do-sol do pagão Avante, a jornada começou O achado da coragem e o desejo da graça Trazendo o bom do mau Limpando a água limpando a culpa Conosco faça o que você deve Então meu julgamento haverá de aparecer Não suporto o falso anjo que escuto Pois somente então eu irei me confessar Para o meu inferno eterno Agora nos dê o sinal divino Transformando a água em vinho Então de você nós nos despedimos Reino do paraíso para o inferno Espirito santo, vida eterna Me eleve aos céus, me leve pra casa O nascer-do-sol do peregrino, o por-do-sol do pagão Avante, a jornada começou The Pilgrim is a title reward given by the achievement Pilgrim. The title appears after your character's name: the Pilgrim ‘Ah, I knew my lovely singing voice would bring the crowd,’ the Pilgrim said, catching sight of me, before taking a swing of her drink and jumping down to meet us. ‘So, you’re my escort then? My father said you’d be coming by.’ She then turned her attention to Storm when he came up to greet her. ‘Hey there, boy! Oh, you’re a strong handsome fellow, aren’t you? I’ll feel better having you in that cave, yes I will!’ She then turned her attention back to me. ‘I’m Sparrow, by the way,’ I said. ‘And you just met my dog, Storm.’ ‘It’s a pleasure to meet you,’ she replied. ‘I’m Sister Hannah. Some people call me Hammer when they think they’re being clever…they’re not. But I can’t do anything since monks make a solemn vow never to bash anyone’s face in. Did my father mention that?’ ‘No, but I kind of figured it out for myself.’ I said. ‘Yeah. Whatever fighting’s to be done in there, it’s all yours.’ Sister Hannah said somewhat sadly, before picking up a huge jug. ‘We require a Hero, not a pacifist monk. We’ll need her to find a reason to fight.’ said Theresa, before Sister Hannah turned to me and said: ‘I don’t mind telling you, I’m a little envious.’ she said as we walked towards the cave entrance. ‘You get all the excitement while I have to carry this bloody thing like some common mule! I mean, look at it! It’s enormous! Golden or not, how much water does a bloody acorn need?’ Shaking her head, she added. ‘After you,’ before we entered the Wellspring Caves. One thing I could say about the Wellspring Caves was that it seemed to be more welcoming than the Hobbe Cave, but that didn’t mean that I would let my guard down. After all…looks can be deceiving. Just look at me, for example. Most people think that I’m a helpless little girl (when I’m not carrying my weapons) just because I’m slim and fragile looking. Anyway, Sister Hannah didn’t seem to share my thoughts, she seemed quite fascinated by the cave. ‘It’s amazing when you think about it,’ Sister Hannah began. ‘No one else has been in here for maybe a hundred years. Well, no monks anyway. I guess an adventurer or two could have come in – but if they made it out alive, I didn’t hear about it. Hmm, anyway…hey, don’t you wonder off now, boy!’ she added as Storm went ahead of us. ‘Stay with us, where it’s safe!’ ‘Don’t worry, Sister Hannah.’ I said soothingly. ‘Storm’s senses are quite keen, he’ll be all right.’ She didn’t look convinced. We continued to walk through the cavern in silence, when we came to a large opening with a thin, ragged, zigzagged path that led to the opposite side of the room, above a dark fog pit. Most people would be looking down at the path, to make sure they didn’t fall into the pit, but not Sister Hannah…she was looking up at the ceiling. ‘Look up there,’ she said to me. I did as she said and saw a number of bright blue balls of light. ‘They’re lovely,’ Sister Hannah continued. ‘I think they’re called wisps, souls of the dead that never left this world. It’s actually rather sad, isn’t it?’ I didn’t answer. For some reason, I had a funny feeling about them, as though they were there for a reason. ‘You are a quiet one.’ commented Sister Hannah. ‘Watch your step, doggie. Looks a bit step in here.’ She said as we headed down the path. Once we were inside the other cavern, Sister Hannah spoke again as we walked down its dark hall. ‘Do you reckon we’ll run into anything nasty in here? I mean a dark cave is one hell of a place for a holy spring, especially for an order of pacifists.’ Sister Hannah said, then continued without waiting for an answer. ‘You know…I’ve heard of monks in the north that believe to transcend violence you have to understand it first. So instead of praying, they train to fight everyday. They think that’s the path to inner peace. Sometimes I wonder if the bloke who foundered the Temple of Light believed that. Or what if I had been adopted by the warrior monks, instead of my dad? My life would be completely different right now. Exactly the same person, just change where I was brought up and I’d get totally different beliefs, and it that’s true, our beliefs aren’t really worth a toss, are they?’ Yet again, I didn’t have a chance to answer. ‘Yet even though I know that…I still can’t imagine ever breaking my vows.’ It took all my strength not to snort at Theresa’s next comment; ‘She’s quite insightful…for a monk. But this pledge of peace will not do. It is not the time for peace!’ Due to my silence, due to listening to Theresa, Sister Hannah interpreted my silence the wrong way. ‘It must seem a bit stupid to you,’ she muttered. ‘I mean, it seems a bit stupid to me.’ I did not answer her as we walked into a central chamber. True, I found worshipping things stupid, but that was me, and I was not about to admit to it. ‘Alright, this should be the central chamber,’ Sister Hannah said, looking around. ‘Wow…I’ve never seen anything like this…ever! Now,’ she said, snapping back to the reason why we were there, ‘according to my father, we need to go through these three doors in order to collect the water. Putting weight on the pressure plates will open the doors. This ones first,’ Sister Hannah added, walking over and standing on a pressure plate. The moment she stood on the pressure plate, the gate began to open. ‘There you go,’ said Sister Hannah. ‘The plates require more and more weight as we go on. Luckily, I’ve got something unbelievably heavy right here. All we have to do is add a bit of water from the fountain in the room up ahead; at least it should be in the room up ahead.’ she added, following me through the now opened doorway. We, no sorry, Sister Hannah didn’t speak again until we reached another large opening with a thin, ragged, zigzagged path that lead to the opposite side of the room, above a dark fog pit. ‘Steep in here as well! This cave really is quite dangerous!’ Sister Hannah said. Luckily, she didn’t see me roll my eyes. I bet she hadn’t even been in that many caves. ‘Not that I’ve been in many caves,’ she said, proving my theory. ‘I bet you have, haven’t you? Probably found all sorts of interesting things, treasure and that.’ She continued, but I wasn’t listening anymore. Instead, I was looking up. Just like in the other cavern opening, this one too had wisps. Something about them made me nervous. Why? I do not know. ‘What do you reckons down there, in the dark, down the bottom?’ said Sister Hannah, referring to the dark fog pit. She hadn’t noticed that I hadn’t heard a word that she had been saying. ‘Bodies, maybe? Bones? All the poor buggers who have taken a bad step?’ ‘Or have been knocked off the edge by something.’ I muttered, my mind still on the wisps. ‘What was that?’ asked Sister Hannah. ‘Nothing,’ I lied, not wanting to worry her. We eventually came to the first room the spring was in. ‘Now, there are two plates in this room,’ explained Sister Hannah, wading through the water, that filled the room, and over to the fountain with me following her and Storm swimming behind me. ‘It will take both of us to get the water flowing,’ continued Sister Hannah, who was now standing next to the fountain. ‘I stand here so I can catch it, and you need to stand on that one,’ she added, pointing to a plate next to her. I waited until she was bending down on her plate with the jug at the ready, before I stood on the one next to her, praying that I would be heavy enough to work it. The moment I stood on the pressure plate, water came out of the fountain and fell neatly into the jug. ‘Oh yeah, I can feel this thing getting even heavier,’ groaned Sister Hannah as the water began to fill up the jug. ‘I really hope they find someone else to do this next time. Mind you, I’ll be an old lady by then, so I’m probably off the hook. You know, this is probably going to be the highlight of my life.’ She continued to whine. ‘“The day I carried a jug through a cave”. Hardly epic poem stuff, is it?’ ‘No, it isn’t.’ I agreed absentmindedly, thinking that she was likely to make it in to poems as the Hero of Strength, even though she didn’t know that she was special...yet. ‘Did you hear something?’ Sister Hannah asked all of a sudden. ‘No,’ I said slowly, looking around before looking down at Storm, who was currently laying down at my feet, unconcerned with everything going on around him. ‘Probably just my imagination,’ said Sister Hannah, before looking me up and down. ‘Don’t talk much, do you?’ I tried hard not to laugh. How was it even possible to get a word in when she never shuts up? And I say that in a nice way, mind you. ‘Right,’ began Sister Hannah, breaking me from my thoughts on what she had said previously. ‘I reckon that’s all the water we will get from that one.’ I hadn’t even noticed that the water had stopped running. Together the three of us made out way back to the central chamber, but when we arrived at the opening with the wisps…our troubles began. I was right to think that the wisps would be trouble, for as we walked out onto the path, many wisps fell down into the path and hollow men took there place. ‘I didn’t know they did that!’ said Sister Hannah, taking a step back. ‘They must be trying to protect the water…’ I ran at the advancing enemies. All my blows were quick and precise; shattering hollow men bones and dust everywhere. Thinking that I had destroyed them all, I headed back to Sister Hannah, but that wasn’t a good idea. Before I had even taken a step, a hollow man appeared behind me and knocked me off the edge of the path, before running at Sister Hannah and Storm. Sister Hannah cried out as I went over the edge. Fortunately, I was able to grab onto the edge of the path to stop me falling into the dark pit. I quickly pulled myself back onto the path and turned to see Storm trying to fight off the hollow man and protect Sister Hannah. I unsung my rifle and took aim, then pulled the trigger and destroyed the final hollow man. I walked more carefully back to Sister Hannah and Storm, but no hollow men attacked. ‘Thank goodness you are all right!’ exclaimed Sister Hannah, when I stopped in front of her as I fought off an overjoyed Storm. ‘It will take more than hollow men to get rid of me,’ I said, smiling at her, before motioning to her to flow me. ‘Anyway, you were fantastic!’ said Sister Hannah. ‘Those things didn’t stand a chance! Have you ever fought them before?’ ‘No, that was my first time,’ I said over my shoulder. ‘Really? It sure looked like you had fought them before!’ Sister Hannah said sounding very impressed. ‘You must be a very fast learner!’ I only shrugged as we walked into the central chamber; before I turned and looked back down the path we just came from, plus looking around for wisps and hollow men. ‘I don’t see any wisps now, and no hollow men followed us,’ said Sister Hannah, doing the same thing as me. ‘Guess we’re safe in here. All right…second door, second plate.’ She continued walking over to the second plate and opening the gate. ‘I’m glad I have you with me,’ Sister Hannah said, as we walked to the second chamber. ‘What if you weren’t here? How in the world would two defenceless monks get through this place alive? It doesn’t make any sense!’ She said, before adding bitterly, ‘I’d give anything to be rid of this stupid vow!’ ‘Promising,’ said Theresa, but I didn’t agree! Okay, I agreed that we had a chance to get Sister Hannah to fight, but I didn’t like the way Sister Hannah said that she would “give anything.” For when that is said, Fate will take something you would miss dearly away from you. Not convinced? Look at what happened to Rose and I. We use to say that too! ‘Well, it's a good thing you’re here anyway.’ Sister Hannah said, bringing me back to reality. ‘Let’s just get on with it. The room ought to be up ahead, ought to be the same as before.’ She was correct. We arrived at the next chamber in no time and, to my dismay, saw that more wisps covered the ceiling. ‘Right here’s the next one,’ said Sister Hannah, being oblivious to the wisps. ‘I’ll stand by the fountain same as before, and the other pressure plate is up those stairs.’ Not liking the idea of Sister Hannah being that far away from me with wisps around, I told Storm to stay with her. I moved quickly up the stairs, just to get it over and done with, and went and stood on the pressure plate, keeping my eye on both Sister Hannah and the wisps. ‘Ah, brilliant. Just have to wait till this thing stops running.’ said Sister Hannah. ‘You’d think that they would make this thing with a flat bottom in case you wanted to have a rest! But as it is, it would just tip over and then where would we be?’ ‘Then please, don’t let it fall over.’ I begged. ‘I won’t…Oh bugger! Here they come!’ exclaimed Sister Hannah as the wisps came back down to earth. Groaning, I jumped off the podium I was standing on and bashed all three of the hollow men heads together, before I went back up the stairs to take my place once more, while Sister Hannah was asking, ‘Can you kill something that’s already dead?’ ‘In the case of hollow men, I’d say yes.’ I answered, before groaning once more, jumping down and destroying three more hollow men that had appeared, before walking back up the podium. I don’t know how many times I did that process over and over again, until I remembered Will. I was practically kicking myself as I sent blades flying at the new hollow men that had appeared. ‘Wow, I’ve never seen someone do that before!’ exclaimed Sister Hannah. ‘Keep using Will like that and we’ll be through here in no time!’ Of course, she was correct. Me using Will instead of melee was much quicker and in no time Sister Hannah was saying, ‘Full, back to the central chamber then! There should be only one room left to go, so we’re nearly finished!’ ‘That’s often the point where the ground falls out from underneath your feet. Be cautious!’ warned Theresa, but I had never needed her advice less. It was clear that the hollow men didn’t want us to leave alive which meant there had to be other creatures lurking somewhere if they failed. Sister Hannah and I didn’t speak to each other on the way back to the central chamber for we were both lost in our own thoughts. Even Storm seemed to be lost in thought for he to was abnormally quiet. However, when we re-entered the central chamber once more our thoughts were interrupted by a loud, but muffled noise. Naturally, I automatically drew my sword and looked around. ‘What in the world was that?’ asked Sister Hannah, pausing on her way to the third pressure plate. ‘Are you ready for…whatever that was?’ ‘A better question would be, “is it ready for me?”.’ I said, sword still drawn. Sister Hannah glanced over at me before standing on the pressure plate, and for some reason, the gate only opened a little bit. It was big enough for me to roll underneath, if I wanted to, but Sister Hannah wouldn’t fit with the jug. Before Sister Hannah or I could do anything, Storm ran under the gate and disappeared down the cavern. ‘Where on earth…Hey! Come back! Who knows what’s on the other side!’ Sister Hannah yelled after him. ‘You think his all right?’ she added to me when Storm didn’t come back. ‘Of course, Storm can take anything on!’ I said in a confident, but convincing voice. However, it wasn’t Sister Hannah that I was trying to convince, it was myself. I could not lose Storm; I would sacrifice anything to save him, if I had to. A few more minutes passed before either of us spoke again. ‘Okay, I’m getting worried now,’ said Sister Hannah. ‘I’m getting worried…’ I stopped. I had seen something in the distance on the other side of the door. Wondering why I had stopped talking, Sister Hannah looked in the same direction to see what I was looking at and she soon saw that I had seen Storm running towards us. ‘What you got there?’ Sister Hannah asked Storm as he ran back under the gate and dropped something in front of him. ‘Oh, that is disgusting!’ she said when she saw that the object was a hollow man’s head. Storm’s head dropped a bit and when Sister Hannah saw this she quickly said, ‘Oh no. But you a good dog for attacking him. Who’s a good boy? Who tears the heads off hollow men? Is it you? Is it you, boy?’ Storm barked and waged his tail at her. Smiling, Sister Hannah turned to me and said, ‘Quite a companion you’ve got. Remind me never to let him lick me again.’ She added, turning back to the pressure plate to try it again, and…succuss, it finally opened. While she was doing that, I quietly praised Storm myself and gave him a dog treat and elixir (for any unseen injuries…and to help with his breath!), before I went through the open doorway. ‘Right, we’ve got one more room to go through, then we should be finished,’ Sister Hannah said, following me. ‘Just don’t get to far ahead though. I don’t know what made that noise and I’m not keen to find out.’ I only nodded and re-drew my sword so I would be ready for anything. We entered yet another room but as we did, the gates at both the entrance and exit shut and locked themselves before all these hollow men appeared. Sighing I started to fight all of the hollow men off once more. ‘That will teach them to come back to life!’ Sister Hannah said happily, as I defeated the last of them, but her happiness soon disappeared as a big, headless hollow man appeared in the middle of the room. ‘Oh my…you can get us out of here, can’t you?’ I only nodded and drew my rifle. I would not fight this hollow man with a melee weapon for I had just seen it use electric shock and it would be unlikely for it to shoot lighting bolts at me if I wasn’t at close range. Anyway, I quickly, but silently went behind it and started shooting. It paused briefly before heading in the direction of where the bullets came from. Over and over again, I snuck behind it and shot it before I had finally destroyed the bloody thing. Moments after I had destroyed the headless hollow man, Sister Hannah spoke to me. ‘Wow, that was amazing! You killed the lot of them! Whew! I was really worried for a moment there! Well, for several moments. I…thankyou. You were brilliant!’ ‘Thank you,’ I said. ‘On we go, then!’ I added, leading the way through the doorway that had opened once more. Upon arriving in the final room, and after a quick check for wisps, Sister Hannah and I quickly went to the relevant pressure plates. ‘Lords of light, bless this water,’ said Sister Hannah. ‘So we may give rise to new life once more. As new life rises, so shall we…’ At first I wondered why she stopped and looked at the gate at the end of the chamber, but then I saw it open and a monk came running out. ‘Sister Hannah…’ he panted. ‘Brother Robin! What is it?’ asked a bewildered Sister Hannah, and she wasn’t the only one that was confused. ‘It’s your father…one of Lucien’s men. He is holding him hostage at the Temple. He’s got a gun!’ said Brother Robin. Sister Hannah dropped the jug, spilling water everywhere, and ran up the path to the exit, only stopping to break a huge hammer off the statue next to the exit while yelling out to me. ‘I have to save my father! Come on, we have to go to the Temple!’ During the yelling, Theresa spoke to me; ‘One of Lucien’s agents has gone to the Temple. Go after her!’ At first I wondered why she told me to go after her, but when I looked around I realised that Storm and I were alone in the final chamber. Cursing quietly, I ran out of the room after Sister Hannah, and arrived at the edge of the cliff that over looked the Temples paddock. In the distance, I could see Sister Hannah running up the path towards the Temple. I quickly jumped down the cliff and ran out of the paddock, up to the Temple. As I got closer to the Temple, I heard voices. Two of them I recognised. ‘Father, are you okay?’ questioned Sister Hannah’s voice. ‘His one of Lucien’s men…’ Came the Abbott’s voice. ‘You’re coming with me, or he dies!’ Came a rough male's voice I didn’t recognise. ‘Like hell I am! You let him go, before I break you in half!’ Came Sister Hannah’s angry reply. The moment I heard her say that, I quickened my pace, but I knew that it would be too late, and the gun shot that followed confirmed what I thought. ‘NO!’ Came the agonising scream of Sister Hannah. ‘Don’t make me kill you too!’ said Lucien’s Agent. Just as I arrived at the entrance of the Temple, I watched as Sister Hannah swung her hammer and killed her enemy before she fell to her knees beside her father’s body. ‘Father!’ sobbed Sister Hannah angrily. ‘I could have stopped him! You idiot! You stupid fool! I could have stopped him before he…’ She was unable to finish her sentence for she burst out crying. I just stood at the entrance helplessly, wishing that I was able to help her, but I knew that I couldn’t help her. Another thing that I knew was that she would now be free of her vow. Turning around, thinking of going back to the Wellspring Caves to get the jug of Holy Water (or what was left of it), I came face to face with the now miserable monks of the Temple of Light. None of them stopped me as I walked away to get the jug of holy water… The next morning, I attended the Abbott’s funeral and the Golden Acorn ritual. The Abbott was to be buried under the Golden Acorn. ‘I’m sorry Father,’ Sister Hannah said sadly, as she knelt next to her father’s grave. ‘Not that I broke my vow. I’m sorry I didn’t break it sooner. I never did fit in at this place…we both knew that. And now, I’m making a vow. Lucien will die for what he did to you! I won’t break this one!’ ‘Sister Hannah, the blessing…’ Brother Robin said gently. ‘You do it,’ she replied bitterly. Brother Robin obliged. ‘As new life rises, so shall we. As the seed returns to the earth, so do we all.’ The monks then all turned and left the clearing. ‘Is that it then?’ Sister Hannah yelled after them furiously. ‘My father is gone and the Golden Oak is flourishing again. So life now goes on like before, does it?’ At that moment Theresa appeared in blue light and walked over to Sister Hannah. ‘The other monks may believe that, but your eyes have been opened.’ Theresa said, coming to a halt in front of Sister Hannah. ‘Where did you come from? Who are you?’ asked a startled Sister Hannah, looking quickly over at me, but when she saw that I was undisturbed by Theresa’s sudden appearance, she relax a little bit. ‘Someone who can tell you much about Lucien. Where he is, what his plans are and how you can gain revenge…if you will listen.’ answered Theresa. ‘I want to know everything!’ Sister Hannah said hastily. ‘Then come with me, Sister Hannah.’ Theresa said, holding out her hand. ‘Call me Hammer!’ replied Sister Hannah, taking Theresa’s hand. Use the card to listen to what Theresa has to say about it. The Pilgrim is the soul in search of spiritual truth and freedom. The white of the robes represents purity, while the red lining is sometimes seen as an expression of controlled anger. The open arms are a sign of both an open mind and a giving nature, though it is also interpreted at times as a desire for some unreachable goal. The branches that sprout in the background represent growth. Though a positive card overall, the Pilgrim stands on water, which indicates uncertainty and a need for salvation.
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