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Multiversal Fakegee War
After Bryeenee was sent to the Trolliverse by the Weeneeshins, he spent every second of his life plotting how to return to the Weeneeverse, so he could resume his godhood and exact his revenge. None of Bryeegee's schemes could ever manage to help him in the slightest bit, and all were failures. Eventually, Bryeegee turned to the Weenees in the United 'Gees Galaxy, as he felt no one else had any chance of helping him get back to the Weeneeverse. This was one of the hardest things for Bryeegee to do in his entire life, as he hated mortals and was now forcing himself to work with them. Bryeegee concluded that the end result would be worth it however, and started searching for Weenees that could help him with his quest.
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After Bryeenee was sent to the Trolliverse by the Weeneeshins, he spent every second of his life plotting how to return to the Weeneeverse, so he could resume his godhood and exact his revenge. None of Bryeegee's schemes could ever manage to help him in the slightest bit, and all were failures. Eventually, Bryeegee turned to the Weenees in the United 'Gees Galaxy, as he felt no one else had any chance of helping him get back to the Weeneeverse. This was one of the hardest things for Bryeegee to do in his entire life, as he hated mortals and was now forcing himself to work with them. Bryeegee concluded that the end result would be worth it however, and started searching for Weenees that could help him with his quest. Bryeegee went to the most obvious places to find some Weenees, which of course included hot dog shacks and very messy bathrooms. Bryeegee recruited some random Weenees, which composed a small army led by him. However, none of these Weenees knew how to return to the Weeneeverse, despite coming from there themselves, as they were too stupid. Since none of Bryeegee's Weenee soldiers seemed to know any useful information, he thought it would be a good idea to kill them all, since he hated mortal Weenees anyways. Before he had the chance however, Bryeegee was stopped by Weenee himself, whom he had killed in the Weeneeverse. Weenee says that he was brought back to life by the Weeneeshins after being killed, and later managed to escape the Trolliverse. Weenee said he knew how to return to the Weeneverse, and promised Bryeegee he would help him get there under one condition. That condition was for Bryeegee to grant him and the Weenees in his army godhood once he returned to the Weeneeverse. Bryeegee agreed to this and told Weenee that once he returned to the Weeneeverse, he would be returned to his Weeneeshin state, and be able to turn Weenee and his fellow soldiers into fellow Weeneeshins. Weenee was pleased with this and agreed to help. Because Weenee himself was one of the only Weenees who had actually remembered how they left the Weeneeverse, he was aware of how to leave and enter the Weeneeverse. Weenee pointed out how he himself had requested to be sent to the Trolliverse by the Weeneeshin who revived him, and that Weeneeshin complied as compensation for his death at the hands of Bryeenee. Weenee had also mentioned that the Weeneeshin told him that one who is not a Weeneeshin can not get to the Weeneeverse without the help of a Weeneeshin unless he manages to break the Barrier of Geetama. This barrier could only be broken if the souls of devastating amounts of fakegees within four regions of the Trolliverse were absorbed into it. For this to be done, all of the fakegees in those regions had to be killed using a special weapon known as the Dagger of WeeNee. Once this was done, the dagger would have to be inserted into a keyhole in the barrier, and then a hole would open in the barrier that would allow entrance into the Weeneeverse. Now that Bryeegee had the knowledge he needed, him and his army set off to find the Dagger of WeeNee. It turns out, the dagger was up Weenee's butt this whole time for some reason. He didn't know how it got there. Now that the Dagger of WeeNee was in Bryeegee's possession, he and his army set off on their quest to enslave the souls of innocent fakegees across the Trolliverse.