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{angry, counting down before you open fire} Nine... {You and Nick go way back. He was snooping around your headquarters when you captured him, and now he's broken out. / Angry} Nicky? What're you doin'? You come into my house. Shoot up my guys. You have any idea how much this is gonna set me back? {Stern} I still see your ugly faces after that, I'm gonna start shooting until there ain't no more bullets left in this whole Vault! {Stern} Now quit stallin'. You gonna talk? Talk. {you've decided to let Nick Valentine and the player go / Angry} Better leave before I forget my generous nature. 10.0 {to yourself / Depressed} They always gotta hit you where it hurts... {Surprised} My crew threw me outta the Vault. Me! Skinny Malone. {you've decided to let Nick Valentine and the player go / Angry} You got till I count 10. Now beat it. {angry, counting down before you open fire} Five... {player convinced you that Darla is a bad influence / Angry} I'm sayin' you're draggin' me and this whole operation down a bad road, toots. We're through. {player just walked off / Angry} Don't you walk away from me! Ice 'em! {waiting for the player to say something, confrontational / Stern} You better talk fast... {in combat, referring to the detective you've taken as prisoner} You and Valentine are both dead! {angry, counting down before you open fire} Ten! {Defiant} You're lucky I'm so compassionate. Else I'd punch ya in the face for all the trouble you caused. {angry, counting down before you open fire} Three... {Angry} You double-crossing, moll! Teach me to fall for a great set of legs. {player knows a part of your past you've never told anyone / Surprised} How the hell did you know about that? {angry, counting down before you open fire} Six... {player convinced you to let him and Nick go / Stern} No, Darla. They get one chance to leave. Skinny Malone's puttin' his foot down. {Puzzled} Oh, come on, Nicky! You cost me my men, now you and your friend cost me my girl? {Angry} I'm gonna give you two until the count of ten before I forget my good manners, and just start shooting up the place! {Stern} Like hell, you won't! Don't you get it? All the other crews in the area will see this as weakness. Then, they'll come for me. {in combat, referring to the detective you captured} She's here for the detective. Ice her! {Angry} You and Nick shot all of my crew and you expect to just...Agh! All right, you're lucky I still owe him for that time back in the Quarry. {angry, counting down before you open fire} Four... {Angry} Should've left it alone, Nicky. This ain't the old neighborhood. In this Vault, I'm king of the castle, you hear me? {this happens after the player breaks Nick out of Vault 114. Skinny Malone eventually gets kicked out of the Vault by his crew / Disgust} You. My life really hit the bottom when you showed up. {Defiant} I'll be back. One day, Skinny Malone's gonna be king of the castle again. {angry, counting down before you open fire} Two... {in combat, referring to the detective you captured} He's here for the detective. Ice him! {waiting for the player to say something, confrontational / Stern} You gonna say somethin', or what? {Stern} Sorry. Time to give you both the hard goodbye. {Angry} All right, you get to the count of ten! I still see your face after that, I'm gunning both of you down! {Amused} Must have done this dance a hundred times. Enemies are kind of the closest thing you get to friends in these parts. {Sad} What? You and Valentine gonna ruin the rest of my life? {fondly remembering the past / Amused} *chuckle* This troublemaker here used to be a real headache back in the day. Before we got kicked out of the old neighborhood. {you've decided to let Nick Valentine and the player go / Angry} You get out of here. Now. {yelling at the end in frustration between wanting to let Nick go and wanting to kill him / Angry} You smug, overconfident ass... Agh! {angry, counting down before you open fire} Eight... {Stern} Now what am I gonna do about you two? I know. I'm gonna give you until the count of ten. {player, Nick, and Darla are all talking, you step in to take back control of the conversation / Angry} Hey, I'm the one in charge here. You got something to say? Say it to me. {player, Nick, and Darla are all talking, you step in to take back control of the conversation / Angry} Hey, who's running this show, here? You got something to say, say it to me. {waiting for the player to say something, confrontational / Stern} You stallin' on me? I said talk. {angry, counting down before you open fire} One... {Angry} No one tells Skinny Malone how to run his affairs! I've had enough of this. Time for the hard goodbye! {Sad} You''re right. Things have gone nothin' but south since she walked into my life. {angry, counting down before you open fire} Seven... {you've decided to let Nick Valentine and the player go / Angry} Don't push your luck! Go! {you snap in anger. Darla's always pushing your buttons / Angry} Darla, I'm handling this! Skinny Malone's always got things under control! {in combat, referring to how your boss is going to kill the player} Malone's gonna have your guts for garters! {Darla has been convinced by the player to break up with you and leave / Surprised} Darla? Wh-where are you goin'? {Stern} Okay. You two can go. You got until the count of ten. Then I don't care what happened back in the old days. You're dead. {you've decided to let Nick Valentine and the player go / Angry} Get lost! {Angry} And I ain't lettin' some private dick shut us down now that I finally got a good thing goin'!
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MobsterGirl: What are you doin', Skinny? Kill 'em! Player Default: That wasn't the plan originally, but hey, tempting. Player Default: You and Nick know each other? MobsterGirl: Awww... poor little, Valentine. Ashamed you got beat up by a girl? I'll just run back home to daddy, shall I? MobsterGirl: What are you talkin' about Skinny? Nick: Never thought he'd manage to scrape together a big enough crew to take over a Vault. Guess life's full of surprises. Player Default: This is all just a misunderstanding, Skinny. You know that. You let us walk and we won't come back. MobsterGirl: Sorry, babe, but this is the end for us. And for you... MobsterGirl: Well, fine then! I'm going back home. I don't need you, you fat ass! SkinnyMalone: They always gotta hit you where it hurts... MobsterGirl: I told you we should've just killed him, but then you had to get all sentimental! All that stupid crap about the "old times." Nick: Now that she's not around to feed that temper of yours, maybe you'll see sense and let us walk? You still owe me for two weeks in the hole. Player Default: Look at yourself. Darla is playing you for a sap. You're better than this. You're better than her. MobsterGirl: Home, Skinny! Where I should have been all this time. This is goodbye for us.
SkinnyMalone: Now what am I gonna do about you two? I know. I'm gonna give you until the count of ten. Nick: My friend here just did you a favor, Skinny. You always did have bad taste in women. MobsterGirl: Well, fine then! I'm going back home. I don't need you, you fat ass! MobsterGirl: What are you doin', Skinny? Kill 'em! Player Default: This is all just a misunderstanding, Skinny. You know that. You let us walk and we won't come back. MobsterGirl: Home, Skinny! Where I should have been all this time. This is goodbye for us. MobsterGirl: My mother was right. You mobsters are all just talk. MobsterGirl: I told you we should've just killed him, but then you had to get all sentimental! All that stupid crap about the "old times." MobsterGirl: What are you talkin' about Skinny? Nick: I wouldn't be here if it weren't for your two-timing dame, Skinny. You ought to tell her to write home more often.
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