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Scientology Scientology Scientology
In his book Fundamentals of Thought, the founder of Scientology, L. Ron Hubbard, gave this definition: The term SCIENTOLOGY is taken from the Latin word SCIO (knowing in the fullest meaning of the word) and the Greek word LOGOS (to study). Scientology is that applied and workable philosophy developed by L. Ron Hubbard during most of his life. Scientology includes the understanding of life, its composition and potentialities. The application part of the philosophy includes activities which one can embark upon to improve one's life both in the spiritual sense as well as the physical. thumb|eigentliches Zeichen der Scientology Scientology ist ein Ideensystem, eine Glaubensgemeinschaft -Sekte oder einfach nur die größte Verarschung der Menschheitsgeschichte. Alleine die Tatsache, das diese "Religion" aus der Feder eines Science-Fiction Autors enstammt lässt vermuten, das hier irgendwas nicht stimmt. Trotzdem gibt es weltweit millionen zahlungskräftiger Anhänger die sich von dieser Theorie hinter´s Licht führen lassen. Die Glaubenslehren der Scientology bestehen eigentlich nur aus Vermutungen und fiktiven Behauptungen die der Begründer L. Ron Hubbard in den 50ziger Jahren für ein Selbsthilfeprojekt entwickelt hat. Scientology was a very weird religion. Scientologists were the sworn enemies of the Sith until Darth Fanon killed them all. Scientologists were a feared force in the galaxy, as they could harm you with the power of science. Y'Know, like with ... beakers and ...chemicals n'stuff. Perhaps the most powerful scientologist of all was Tom Cruise, their King. Anywho, the glorious enmity between Scientologists and the Sith began when the Scientologists tried to scam Fanon. File:Scientologi.jpg Scientology deals with the human spirit and its relationship to the universe and its Creator. It teaches that its fundamental laws of life, when applied, help people achieve a happier and more fulfilling existence as surely as an apple falls to the ground when dropped. Scientology teaches numerous workable methods: 1. To deal with life situations 2. To help people create strong interpersonal relationships, raise bright and able children and have happy and lasting marriages. Scientology is a system of beliefs (Religious cult) that was invented by a Science Fiction writer and the Scientology doctrines are science fiction. This coincidence appears to be lost on its practitioners who assume that it is scientifically proven. See Starting a New Religion. thumb|right|240px|Der Anführer der Scientologen, L.Ron Adolf Hitler-Hupenbart Scientology ist eine gemeingefährliche Sekte, deren Anführer L.Ron Adolf Hitler-Hupenbart ist. Mitglieder dieser Sekte glauben in erster Linie daran, dass irgendwann elektrische Technik die Welt regieren wird. Außerdem treiben die Mitglieder sogenanntes Auditing, welches sich mit Selbstbefriedigung vergleichen lässt. Hierbei werden die Mitglieder mittels zweier Elektroden unter Strom gestellt, welcher dann einen Orgasmus herfvorrufen kann. Dies ist besonders bei über 50 Jährigen ein sicherer Weg, endlich mal wieder so richtig... Scientology once sang Bohemian Rhapsody to a jetpack and died. Scientology is what happened when a sci-fi author not even worth mentioning decided to turn a B-movie script into a religion. It is not widely spread on Earth or anywhere in the Galaxy as because of say, Zaphod Beeblebrox, Eccentrica Gallumbits and the Infinite Improbability Drive. This is because there are already enough weird things happening in the Galaxy without someone needing to make them up and believe them. This is downright crazy because we all know that the Infinite Improbability Drive is weird enough and we definitely don't need something weirder. Scientology was a religious movement on the planet Earth. When she was being accused of being a member of the Human Extinction League because she had interviewed HEL members, Zoe Querez pointed out the claim was ridiculous because she had interviewed celebrities too, but that didn't make her a Scientologist. (TOS novel: The Rings of Time) Scientology, scritto anche $¢i€nto£og¥, è una cricca di arzilli burloni impenitenti, sempre pronti a combinare scherzi, goliardate e burle, che raccontano vaccate in tutto il mondo al solo scopo di far divertire la gente. Il problema è che vengono presi sul serio. Scientology is a super massive cult created by the science fiction writer and white supremacist L. Ron Hubbard. Hubbard initially created it as a very complex pyramid scheme, he used many pseudo-scientific methods to brainwash followers into eventual insanity forcing them belief they require more of it to stay sane and have a joyous life. He then charged the patients thousands of dollars to pay for the audits. Scientology still uses this system of brainwashing and money collection today and racks in billions of dollars doing it. Scientology Scientology is a body of beliefs and related practices created by science fiction author L. Ron Hubbard in 1952 as a successor to his earlier self-help system: Dianetics. Scientology is a system of beliefs (Religious cult) that was invented by a Science Fiction writer, the doctrines of which are science fiction. This coincidence appears to be lost on its practitioners who assume that it is scientifically proven. See Starting a New Religion Scientology views of homosexuality are based on the writings of L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of the Church of Scientology. His statements about homosexuality have given rise to assertions from critics that Scientology promotes homophobia. These allegations are disputed by some gay Scientologists. Scientology is, as indicated by the name, the study of science. Historically this referred to the scientific study of any topic and the scientific method itself, the "science of science". This can be compared with the newer fields, "Scientology-logy" - colloquially "scientolology" - i.e. the study of scientologists, and "Scientololology", the study of people studying scientologists. Scientologists practice their beliefs in a religious building known as a laboratory, in these places they perform many copyrighted rituals and trademarked arts to perfect their knowledge of the faith.
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In his book Fundamentals of Thought, the founder of Scientology, L. Ron Hubbard, gave this definition: The term SCIENTOLOGY is taken from the Latin word SCIO (knowing in the fullest meaning of the word) and the Greek word LOGOS (to study). Scientology is that applied and workable philosophy developed by L. Ron Hubbard during most of his life. Scientology includes the understanding of life, its composition and potentialities. The application part of the philosophy includes activities which one can embark upon to improve one's life both in the spiritual sense as well as the physical. The philosophy and how to apply it is found in the many books of his writings and the many thousands of lectures he gave which are available on audio tapes and CDs. The official body of Scientology is the Church of Scientology. The trademarks and servicemarks are mostly owned by Religious Technology Center, and the copyrights are mostly assigned to Church of Spiritual Technology. The Church has visibly departed from Hubbard's original philosophy in many areas. Since Scientology technology is readily available to anyone in the published Technical Volumes and recorded lectures, and the guiding policies are freely available in the Organization Executive Course volumes, it is simple to note these departures. Some now practise Scientology in the Freezone, free from organizational interference. Scientology once sang Bohemian Rhapsody to a jetpack and died. Scientology was a very weird religion. Scientologists were the sworn enemies of the Sith until Darth Fanon killed them all. Scientologists were a feared force in the galaxy, as they could harm you with the power of science. Y'Know, like with ... beakers and ...chemicals n'stuff. Perhaps the most powerful scientologist of all was Tom Cruise, their King. Anywho, the glorious enmity between Scientologists and the Sith began when the Scientologists tried to scam Fanon. File:Scientologi.jpg Scientology is a system of beliefs (Religious cult) that was invented by a Science Fiction writer, the doctrines of which are science fiction. This coincidence appears to be lost on its practitioners who assume that it is scientifically proven. See Starting a New Religion L. Ron Hubbard wrote the book Dianetics, the Scientologist equivalent of the Bible while living on a boat with scantily clad teens who waited on him hand and foot[1]. He later went on to call Scientology an "applied religious philosophy", which basically meant that he didn't think it was popular enough yet to call it a Religion. Scientology ethics can be summed up as anything at all that benefits Scientology is ethical. Scientology is a system of beliefs (Religious cult) that was invented by a Science Fiction writer and the Scientology doctrines are science fiction. This coincidence appears to be lost on its practitioners who assume that it is scientifically proven. See Starting a New Religion. L. Ron Hubbard wrote the book Dianetics, the Scientologist equivalent of the Bible while living on a boat with scantily clad teens who waited on him hand and foot [1]. He later went on to call Scientology an "applied religious philosophy", which basically meant that he didn't think it was popular enough yet to call it a Religion. Scientology ethics can be summed up as anything at all that benefits Scientology is ethical regardless of how much harm it causes. The present leader of Scientology is David Miscavige whose ethics appear comparable to those of the founder. Scientology membership looks like it is falling in the United States , In this video David Miscavige Discusses Anonymous! Scientology leader, David Miscavige is in front of television cameras but still loses his cool, and admits that Anonymous members outnumber Scientologists. Russia unfortunately has problems with rising numbers of Scientologists. thumb|right|240px|Der Anführer der Scientologen, L.Ron Adolf Hitler-Hupenbart Scientology ist eine gemeingefährliche Sekte, deren Anführer L.Ron Adolf Hitler-Hupenbart ist. Mitglieder dieser Sekte glauben in erster Linie daran, dass irgendwann elektrische Technik die Welt regieren wird. Außerdem treiben die Mitglieder sogenanntes Auditing, welches sich mit Selbstbefriedigung vergleichen lässt. Hierbei werden die Mitglieder mittels zweier Elektroden unter Strom gestellt, welcher dann einen Orgasmus herfvorrufen kann. Dies ist besonders bei über 50 Jährigen ein sicherer Weg, endlich mal wieder so richtig... Scientology is, as indicated by the name, the study of science. Historically this referred to the scientific study of any topic and the scientific method itself, the "science of science". This can be compared with the newer fields, "Scientology-logy" - colloquially "scientolology" - i.e. the study of scientologists, and "Scientololology", the study of people studying scientologists. Scientologists practice their beliefs in a religious building known as a laboratory, in these places they perform many copyrighted rituals and trademarked arts to perfect their knowledge of the faith. With the branching out of more specific sciences, "scientology" today has come to mean primarily the original object, i.e. the scientific study of the nature and origins of - and means to positively control - the human mind and soul, and its somatic feedback effects on the body. In this sense of meaning, scientology is not to be confused with psychology, the non-rigorous, most often prejudicial, and inherently unscientific study of many of the same topics or with psychiatry, a major world religion, which, however, has a - in a comparative socio-religious context - rather unusual corporate front end, consisting of so-called pharmaceutical companies producing pills, believed by its followers to produce beneficial effects to the psyche. thumb|eigentliches Zeichen der Scientology Scientology ist ein Ideensystem, eine Glaubensgemeinschaft -Sekte oder einfach nur die größte Verarschung der Menschheitsgeschichte. Alleine die Tatsache, das diese "Religion" aus der Feder eines Science-Fiction Autors enstammt lässt vermuten, das hier irgendwas nicht stimmt. Trotzdem gibt es weltweit millionen zahlungskräftiger Anhänger die sich von dieser Theorie hinter´s Licht führen lassen. Die Glaubenslehren der Scientology bestehen eigentlich nur aus Vermutungen und fiktiven Behauptungen die der Begründer L. Ron Hubbard in den 50ziger Jahren für ein Selbsthilfeprojekt entwickelt hat. Scientology, scritto anche $¢i€nto£og¥, è una cricca di arzilli burloni impenitenti, sempre pronti a combinare scherzi, goliardate e burle, che raccontano vaccate in tutto il mondo al solo scopo di far divertire la gente. Il problema è che vengono presi sul serio. Scientology is what happened when a sci-fi author not even worth mentioning decided to turn a B-movie script into a religion. It is not widely spread on Earth or anywhere in the Galaxy as because of say, Zaphod Beeblebrox, Eccentrica Gallumbits and the Infinite Improbability Drive. This is because there are already enough weird things happening in the Galaxy without someone needing to make them up and believe them. This is downright crazy because we all know that the Infinite Improbability Drive is weird enough and we definitely don't need something weirder. Scientology is a super massive cult created by the science fiction writer and white supremacist L. Ron Hubbard. Hubbard initially created it as a very complex pyramid scheme, he used many pseudo-scientific methods to brainwash followers into eventual insanity forcing them belief they require more of it to stay sane and have a joyous life. He then charged the patients thousands of dollars to pay for the audits. Scientology still uses this system of brainwashing and money collection today and racks in billions of dollars doing it. Scientology was a religious movement on the planet Earth. When she was being accused of being a member of the Human Extinction League because she had interviewed HEL members, Zoe Querez pointed out the claim was ridiculous because she had interviewed celebrities too, but that didn't make her a Scientologist. (TOS novel: The Rings of Time) Scientology views of homosexuality are based on the writings of L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of the Church of Scientology. His statements about homosexuality have given rise to assertions from critics that Scientology promotes homophobia. These allegations are disputed by some gay Scientologists. Scientology Scientology is a body of beliefs and related practices created by science fiction author L. Ron Hubbard in 1952 as a successor to his earlier self-help system: Dianetics. Scientology deals with the human spirit and its relationship to the universe and its Creator. It teaches that its fundamental laws of life, when applied, help people achieve a happier and more fulfilling existence as surely as an apple falls to the ground when dropped. Scientology teaches numerous workable methods: 1. To deal with life situations 2. To help people create strong interpersonal relationships, raise bright and able children and have happy and lasting marriages. It also contains techniques to tackle the most serious societal problems of our age – illiteracy, drugs, crime and immorality. Scientology is something one does, it is not just a system of beliefs that one is asked to hold. The keynote of the Scientology religion is that it deals with the human spirit and its salvation and rehabilitation. It teaches that an individual is a spirit: not a body, not a brain, not a fortuitous random conglomeration of genes and chemicals. It is this single recognition of the nature of an individual that forms the foundation of the Scientology religion. Throughout the ages, man has traditionally viewed himself as a spiritual being. It has only been within the last century that the materialistic idea that man is merely another animal similar to a monkey or rat has taken hold. Scientology teaches that this idea is patently false, unworkable, and acts as a barrier to a personal understanding of life. An individual little suspects how much untapped potential he or she has to create his or her own life. Scientology directly addresses an individual's spiritual nature with answers to the age old questions of Who am I? What do I consist of? Where do I come from? Where am I going? This spiritual enlightenment leads to personal understanding of oneself and others.