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Sister Margaret Arc
First Lieutenant Margaret Lindman awakens to a disturbing weather forecast, on August 23, 2045. The weatherman declared the temperatures would top the hundreds, and advised all people to stay indoors. Despite that, Margaret led her troops on a synchronized run in the blistering heat. She's next seen sparring with one of her trainees, getting behind her and nailing her hard in the back with her tonfa, which sent her sprawling onto the floor. She advised her trainee not to focus on offense so much, for if she didn't get good at dodging, she'd die quickly on the battlefield. The younger Pandora thanked her for her advice, and accepted her hand up.
n6: n9:
Sister Margaret Arc
n8: n11:
Amelia Evans Arc
Freezing: ZERO Manga story arc
Cassie Lockheart Arc
First Lieutenant Margaret Lindman awakens to a disturbing weather forecast, on August 23, 2045. The weatherman declared the temperatures would top the hundreds, and advised all people to stay indoors. Despite that, Margaret led her troops on a synchronized run in the blistering heat. She's next seen sparring with one of her trainees, getting behind her and nailing her hard in the back with her tonfa, which sent her sprawling onto the floor. She advised her trainee not to focus on offense so much, for if she didn't get good at dodging, she'd die quickly on the battlefield. The younger Pandora thanked her for her advice, and accepted her hand up. Later, in the shower, the Pandora praised Margaret, being a first generation Pandora with a "super high" compatibility, which was around fifty percent at the time. However, the person in question didn't feel as amazing as her comrades believed. Margaret then reports to her superior, Lieutenant Colonel Ackerman. The older man relayed that the top brass was very pleased with her work, since cadet performance had improved tremendously under her supervision. She was then asked if she was interested in becoming a Chevalier instructor after her tour of duty ended, which started the lieutenant noticeably. Ackerman also praised her for her hard work, and suggested that her remaining in service would benefit both herself as well as mankind. Margaret thanked him for the offer, saying it was more than she deserved. She only asked if she could wait until the end of the year to make her decision, and the lieutenant colonel agreed. He watched her leave his office from the window, fearing that the trauma from the last battle was still haunting her, which was no surprise since she knew better than anyone how terrifying the Nova were. Later that night, Margaret had a frightening dream of said battle, watching as many of her comrades were killed by a Type-F Nova. As she screams in horror, she's awakened by Second Lieutenant Lendy Ryan, who'd come when she heard her crying in her sleep. After getting her superior a glass of water, Lendy asked if she was injured. When Margaret said it wasn't the case, the younger Pandora was relieved, unsure what she'd do if Margaret was lost. When the First Lieutenant said she wasn't as great as Lendy and the others believed, her subordinate countered that even if that was the case, it wouldn't change their opinions of her. Margaret than asked Lendy why she became a Pandora, and wasn't impressed by the answer. When she learned Lendy's compatibility rate was thirty-seven percent, which earned her two Stigmata, the veteran claimed Lendy could gain a third if she trained hard enough. She could also resign at that rate, if she chose, for Maragret warned her she'd be forced to resign if she didn't grow as a Pandora. Margaret went on to say everyone had a reason to become a Pandora, but they could still be sent to battle and die at any day, and asked if that wasn't a good reason to resign. Lendy thought about it for a moment, and declared Margaret was trying to teach her she had to be strong-willed, so she vowed to work even harder for her sake, so she'd be acknowledged as a true Pandora. Margaret looked sideways, believing her subordinate had missed her point entirely. Later, all the Pandora on base are gathered together in the auditorium, for the demonstration of the recently-developed Pandora Mode. The woman on stage declared it was created to counter the Omni-Directional Freezing used by the Nova in the Fifth Nova Clash, and that it would boost a Pandoras' abilities by around forty-five percent. She asked First Lieutenant Sara Bryant to demonstrate Pandora Mode, and everyone watched as her uniform was replaced by a new Volt Texture, which the scientist declared enabled Pandoras to move in Freezing fields, as well as breathe underwater or in areas without oxygen. Margaret watched in awe, finally learning how Chevalier planned to counter the Type-F Nova's Freezing. Later, the woman from the stage, Jenny Moral of the Pandora Mode Project, briefly met with the three Pandoras: Margaret, Lendy, and First Lieutenant Huley Snycher. Moral thanked them for volunteering for the project, as they were the ones selected from the Chevalier base. Outside, Lendy was ecstatic about being chosen, declaring she'd train her butt off to make it work for her. Margaret advised against training too hard, since they were warned it puts a strain on their stigmata, and there was no telling what effects it would have on their vitals. As two jets took off, Margaret felt it was the perfect way to end her career as a Pandora.