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The Stare of a Woman
I think I am going mad... I am ABSOLUTELY mad! Why the hell would I transfer over to this high school? I miss my old friends already, and holy crap I should watch the road. Okay so here I am transferring over to this new school which is granted better funding with a better academic system, and harder teams to face for sports. Like I give a damn, I just want to live my life already! He looks back at her, and they both stay staring at each other to get through the day. When class is dismissed they go outside of the class, and she meets up with her friends as he stares at her. Mr. H: "Wunderbar!"
n4: n8:
I think I am going mad... I am ABSOLUTELY mad! Why the hell would I transfer over to this high school? I miss my old friends already, and holy crap I should watch the road. Okay so here I am transferring over to this new school which is granted better funding with a better academic system, and harder teams to face for sports. Like I give a damn, I just want to live my life already! So he walks into the classroom taking in all of the new posters across the room while his teacher explains the "Syllabus" to everybody. The cruel tendency is that the students probably heard this 5 other times already throughout these periods so half of these poor saps are probably asleep. He looks back at her, and they both stay staring at each other to get through the day. When class is dismissed they go outside of the class, and she meets up with her friends as he stares at her. It has been a while since any special actions happen. The same jazz happens between these two gazers, and the learning process is a joke for these kids. Something special does happen on the friday of that week though... They get their own name for their foreign language class. Mr. H: "Alright class listen up! I know its been a couple weeks, and the most you guys know is probably 1-10. To make this class more fun I am going to have you all turn to page R42 to see a list of common German names. Choose one wisely for you will be bound with it for the rest of your career in my classroom." WG: "Yo Mr. H! I'll take the name Wolfgang." Mr. H: "Wunderbar!" The girl: "Ich heiBe Constanze." Mr. H: "Sehr schon!" * * Note**: For any German speakers/writers out there. I am sorry for not umlauting the o in schon. For any non-germanic speakers basically she just says in a basic fashion "My name is Constanze" And he says "Very beautiful!" * * Note#2**: I am not a fluent German speaker After this awkward turn of events he just shrugs it off, but gets an awkward text on his phone during class. It reads It was from an anonymous sender, and he didn't know what to do because it was a restricted number, and he didn't ever give his number to any of his friends yet. He does notice one thing though. The girl named "Constanze" She has that same stare. It was such a beautiful stare, but it was directly at him. He knew it was to him. Week 3 Constanze: "Hey Wolfgang! I think we need to talk." WG: "Oh, hi there "Constanze" what's up?" Constanze: "Nothing much, but I was just wondering if you could hang out with me after my basketball game? Say around 8 P.M.?" WG: "Umm sure, but why?" Constanze: "I just want to know you better, and I dunno.... "Why Not?"" WG: "Alright sure. Wait aren't your parents going to be mad if you're staying out late?" Constanze: "*Giggles* Haha don't worry about them. I'll make sure they keep their silence." WG: "Haha, fine. Where would you like to meet?" Constanze: "Oooh just nearby the abandoned room "F23."" WG: F23? "Where is that exactly?" Constanze: "Go to the 2nd floor, and it will be at the very end of the hall. Be sure to knock four times **Giggles Again**" She then runs off to get ready for her basketball game. He goes to the 2nd floor after the game. He goes in front of a room that had no label on the very end of the hall. He knocks four times, and the door busts open. Throughout this room comes a red light glowing from the end of the hallway. The cold feeling rushes to his spine, but he continues forward to look for that beautiful girl. WG: "Constanze! Are you here? We need to really talk now." Constanze: "Oh now that you're here... You're all mine!" Red eyes come the distance. The darkness filled with many doors. Wolfgang doesn't remember which door he used to exit. That red light was the eyes. He runs for his life while her figure scales his speed across the endless hall of doors. Constanze: "I was in love with you after I saw those deprived eyes. I know your story! You were deprived of everything! I bet the first thing on your mind after you saw me was how bad you wanted to Fuck Me! Is that it? Huh!?" WG: "Oh god, no! I swear you don't understand. I'm just a new boy from another school. I never wanted to rape you or anything! Its just that you have the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen! You're stare just made me stare back because you were the first true sign of a good friendship in this school!" Constanze: "Filthy filthy liar! I can see the true darkness eminating from your heart! I'm going to fix your mistakes only through one possible trial: THE TRIAL OF HELL!" WG: "What is wrong with you?" He keeps on running, but he was being slowed down... Her eyes WG: "Ouch!" Wolfgang trips on the ground, and Constanze crowds on top of him. The lights come on and they are in a smaller room suddenly. This room is a technical 30 seater classroom, and there was a lab table in the center. He was laying down bound by ropes. She was standing in front of him stripping him of his jeans. His pants were off Constanze: "This is the dastardly tool that men use to fuck, control, and exploit women... I wonder what you were going to do with yours." WG: "Oh please don't kill me!" She takes her pants off as well, and goes through a gory process of raping him. She enjoys it way too much, but makes him climax in the end. Constanze: "Alright I gave you what you wanted. You've had my body, but now you can have no other!" WG: "Okay okay fine I promise! Just let me get out of this room alive! Let me live!" Constanze: "**Giggles** Oh silly... I can't let you live! You're just another one of those bastards who will live their life exploiting their wives." She pulls out a scalpel from her sock Constanze: "I'm sorry "Wolfgang", but this is.... THE END!" STOP!!! Wolfgang wakes up from this evil nightmare, and looks at his phone. It is the first day of school for him. He remembers everything from that dream, and keeps it in mind as he drives to school. 6th period comes by... German class. Right across of him is a girl with the red eye stare. He then stares at his phone one more time during the syllabus.